Who's side are you on?!

Be My Sunday

The bus stops and EunMi walks off the bus and Chunji follows her very closely. She turns around, giving him a very mean look. Chunji just innocently batted his eyelashes at her.

"What?" Chunji asked

EunMi stuck out her hand "Phone"

"Reach for it" Chunji placed his hands up, not refusing her to get it

She stomped her foot "Give me my phone"

Chunji smiled "You have hands, you can get it yourself"

EunMi grew angry and stomped away but Chunji still followed her home. Before she walked into her house she looked back and saw Chunji standing there.

"Give my phone back and go away!" EunMi demanded

Chunji simply shook his head "I don't want to go away"

"Grr!" EunMi stormed into the house and shut the door.

Chunji just sat outside waiting for EunMi to come back out but she never did. He frowned to the fact but he didn't leave. He continued to wait until suddenly a car pulled up to the drive way which caused Chunji to raise an eyebrow. A tall figure walked out of the car and towards Chunji.

"Hello. Is there a reason you're in front of my house?" the man asked

"Oh! You must be EunMi's appa. Nice to meet you sir" Chunji stuck out his hand

The man shook his hand "Yes I am but who are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend" Chunji smiled

EunMi heard the word boyfriend so she opened her window to her room and looked out. Her eyes widened to see that Chunji was talking to her dad. The two of them looked up at her.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Her dad asked

Before she was able to deny it Chunji answered

"Yes sir. We started to date on Sunday" Chunji smiled

"I see" Her dad said

"Don't listen to him! It's a lie!" EunMi warned

Chunji shook his head "She must be embarrassed to tell you"

"I'm embarrassed that you're even thinking about that you pig!" EunMi yelled

"It's a pet name" Chunji explained "I'm her piggy and she's my. . . my. . ."

Her dad raised an eyebrow "Your what?"

"She's my. . . Sunday" Chunji told him

"Your Sunday?" Her dad asked confused

Chunji instantly nodded

Not being able to handle all of the lies EunMi shut her window and continues to study and do her homework. Her dad noticed how she was acting so he looked at Chunji with a serious face.

"I think that we need to talk son"

Chunji nodded "Of course sir"

The two of the walked over to the side, talking quietly, while EunMi thought about nothing but homework. She snapped out of her focus when she heard the front close open. She ran to the door and saw that it was her dad. EunMi smiled and ran to him to give him a hug.

"I'm sorry about that boy, appa" EunMi said still resting her head on his chest

He patted her head "It's okay honey. But why didn't you tell me?"

EunMi pulled away from him "Tell you what?"

"About your boyfriend" He said

"What?!" EunMi asked in shock

He smiled "Chunji told me everything. Your speical days are on Sundays, huh?"

"NO!" EunMi said

He laughed "Chunji told me you would deny it"

"Of course I would! Because it's not true!" she tried to get through his head

He gave her a look "Why would he lie about it?"

EunMi shrugged "Maybe because that boy is INSANE!"

He laughed "I see. He's completly crazy for my little princess. That's cute?"

He then walked over to the kitchen and started to pull out food, cooking dinner. EunMi stood there in comeplte shock in what her dad was thinking.

"Have you eaten yet honey?" Her dad asked

She walks to the kitchen "I can't believe that you actually said that!"

"Well I think that it's true. You should go out with him once in a while" he suggested

"NEVER! He's a pig that already has six girlfriends!" EunMi pointed out

He laughed "And he's still chasing after you? He really likes you"

"Who's side are you on appa?!" EunMi yelled

He patted her head "His"

EnuMi's face dropped to his reply but he didn't stop making dinner to comfort her. She then puffed out her cheeks and stomped upstairs.

"Dinner is almost ready" Her dad said, acting like nothing happened.

"Not hungry!" EunMi slammed the door and went back to her homework.

He chuckled to himself "She'll understand sooner or later"


Okay I lied. I'm changing my updating rule XD Now i don't care about subscribers (since you can't realy control that) But now I want at least 6-7 comments per chapter~ I know what you're thinking "THIS AUTHOR WANTS TOO MUCH!" But that's the only thing that helps me writes~ keke

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha