Mission: Make her miserable

Be My Sunday

                EunMi dragged her feet while she was going call with dark circles under her eyes. She caught a few people’s attention from her looks but the main one was Changjo.

“Noona! What happened?!” Changjo exclaimed

She yawned “Nothing to worry about my little dongsaeng~”

                She patted his head and continued her way. When she reached her classroom she saw that her desk was completely trashed but she didn’t care much. She shrugged and moved a few junk off and lied her head on the desk, waiting to sleep. Suddenly SoYoung woke her up.

“What happened here?!” SoYoung yelled

EunMi shrugged

SoYoung stared at her in disbelief “You don’t care”

EunMi shook her head and went back to sleep. SoYoung sighed; not believing what’s going but picked up a few of the trash until the bell rang. When Miss. Choi walked in she was shocked at two things: one, EunMi was sleeping even before class started and for two, the area around her was a mess. She slammed her ruler against her desk, causing her to jump up.

“What’s the means for this?” Miss Choi questioned “Deciding to trash my classroom will you?”

EunMi shook her head “This was here before I was”

Miss. Choi raised an eyebrow “Then why didn’t you pick it up?”

                The teacher eyed her down until EunMi came up with an answer but she didn’t have a reasonable one. Miss. Choi shook her head and decided a punishment.

“You will stay after today to clean up the room. No objections” Miss. Choi commanded

“Yes Miss. Choi” EunMi agreed

                Without another word Miss. Choi started the class. Luckily EunMi was able to manage to stay up until lunchtime. When that bell rang everyone left the classroom and headed to eat. EunMi lightly set her head onto the table and closed her eyes.

                Chunji was occasionally looked over to her but stopped when he remembered what she said. He tried to be himself around his friends but it became odd to them that he’s not even trying to talk to EunMi. They all stayed quite until they heard a scream. Everyone looked back to EunMi with food all over her and saw JinAe with an empty tray.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I tripped” JinAe lightly said

EunMi shook her head “It’s okay. My bag was too far out. Should I pay for your food?”

“No thanks” JinAe said then whispered “I don’t take food from trash”

                JinAe walked away slightly smiling while EunMi stared at her in disbelief. SoYoung ran up to her, worried, but EunMi insisted that she was fine and walked to the restroom to clean herself off a bit. When she was there she went straight to the mirror and started to wash off her face.

“Let me help you” a voice offered

                Before EunMi was able to turn around to see who said that she felt cold water being dumped all over her body. Her eyes became wide and turn quickly to see that Yun was holding a bucket over EunMi’s head.

“There, all clean” Yun smirked

EunMi balled her hand into a fist “T-thanks. You shouldn’t have”

“No problem. Just making the school cleaner by washing the trash” Yun walked out of the rest room

                EunMi’s eye twitch and she punched the wall, letting the restroom to echo. With her hand bruised and her clothes soaked she walked out. Chunji and his friends were shocked to see her as SoYoung was.

“What in the world?!” SoYoung yelled “What happened?”

EunMi angrily smiled “I wanted to wake myself up”

“So, you threw water on yourself . . . and punched something” SoYoung said noticing her hand

“Yep” EunMi lied

Changjo ran up to her looking super worried “What happened?”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m going to go change” EunMi smiled at him

                As she walked away SoYoung explained what EunMi told her and what had happened in the morning. SoYoung was worried but couldn’t do anything if she didn’t know what was happening. Changjo explained the same to the group, causing Chunji to frown and narrowed his eyes.

               When EunMi reached her locker she became angrier when she saw the word written on it. She gritted her teeth together and ignored it and pulled out another pair of clothes. Miss. Choi walked by and saw that she was soaked and her locker was vandalized.

“Is there something going on?” Miss. Choi asked

EunMi shook her head “No, of course not”

“What is all of this?” she questioned her

“The sink . . . went crazy and soaked me and that’s . . . a nickname” EunMi lied

Miss. Choi raised an eyebrow “Is that so? Then carry on”

                She walked away as EunMi did. Miss. Choi knew it was a lie but she knew that EunMi didn’t want interference. EunMi reached the restroom and changed. Once she was done she returned to class since lunch was nearly over. When class had started she sat there in deep thought and no one wanted to get her out of it.

                When school was over EunMi stayed back to clean like Miss. Choi wanted. Once she was done she began to exit the building but there stood JinKyong, HyunAe, JinAe and Yun.

“Look like the rat didn’t snitch on us” JinKyong smirked

EunMi smirked back “Why in world would I do that?”

“So you’re going to take your punishment without a fight? What a good dog” Yun laughed to herself

EunMi began to stretch her arms “I didn’t say anything about no fighting back”

“Then why no help from your teacher?” JinAe talked to her like she was a baby

EunMi then stood in a fighting pose “So that I can have the privilege of smashing your bones”

HyunAe burst out laughing “Four versus one. No chance”

“Aw, you believe in me” EunMi smiled

                They all charged against each other (and I shall skip the fighting part since I’m no good at it. Leave a comment saying you want to see it and I’ll attempt it)

                The next morning the five of them landed in the principal’s office with their parents. The principal sat there, unhappy with what he saw. JinKyong had a bandage wrapped around her head, Yun had one on her nose, HyunAe’s was on her arm and JinAe had one on her leg while EunMi sat there was a small cut on her cheek.

“Does anyone have anything to say?” the principal asked, waiting for an answer

EunMi’s dad raised his hand

The principal raised an eyebrow “G-Go ahead I guess”

“I would like to say . . . my daughter is a BEAST!” he gave a high five to EunMi

                Everyone looked at him shocked with wide eyes and jaw dropped as he sat there and cheered on his daughter like she had the best grades in the school.

“Are you mad?! She beat up four students!” the principal pointed out

“Correction, it was self-defense” Her dad said with a figure up to pause everyone

JinKyong’s dad was out raged “My daughter’s hand is hurt”

EunMi shrugged “She punched a wall, not my fault”

“What about my daughter’s nose?!” Yun’s mom yelled

“HyunAe elbowed her” EunMi explained

“JinAe’s leg?” her parents questioned

EunMi thought about it then remembered “She hit her leg on the drinking fountain”

“And how about HyunAe?” the principal asked

“That one was pure defense. She attempted to choke me” EunMi said

“Like I said, BEAST!” her dad said

                All of them started to whispered as they try to see who was at fault. The girls looked over at EunMi but looked away when she glared at them.

“Sorry, but your daughter was still involved and they all have to serve hours for the school” the principal said

Her dad shrugged “Not that bad”

“But it they came at me again I won’t hold back” EunMi warned

“Can someone control this girl?” HyunAe’s dad yelled

Her dad nodded “I think it’s a deal”

“You can’t let this happen, sir!” JinKyong’s dad worried

“Your daughter should fight in the first place” the principal pointed out

                EunMi and her dad then high fived again at the win of the case while the other parents complained to the principal but he ignored them.


Feels like I have no readers with the lack of comments haha but I'll post this anyways~ Please remember to subscribe and comment! It gives inspiration :3

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha