Make Up Date

Be My Sunday

                When EunMi reached home she threw her bag onto the ground and sighed as she plopped onto the couch. She looked around to see if JinYoung was there then frowned in disappointment until someone caught her eyes. On the lamp was a small piece of paper.

“Directions? Where to?” EunMi raised an eyebrow

“Follow the instructions and you’ll get a little surprise” the top of the paper said

                EunMi looked at the note weird and shrugged, giving into the note’s instructions. She followed the direction, leading her into a clothing store. Confused, she looked around to see if JinYoung was there until a worker walked over to her.

“Here to pick something up?” she asked

EunMi shook her head “No, I was just. . . brought here”

The worker smiled “I know, I’ll get the box for you”

                Being even more confused EunMi waited there for the woman to come back. When she did she had a large box, wrapped in wrapping paper, with a large bow on top and a small note attached to it. EunMi tilted her head in confusion then read the note.

“Open me~” it read

                She set the box on the ground and began to open it. Sitting in the box was a beautiful dress with glittering heels with another note telling her to wear them. EunMi looked up at the worker and saw that she was smiling. The worker took her by the hand and the box to the dressing room.

“If you have questions about how to wear it just asked” She said as she closed the door

                EunMi frowned a bit, not waiting to put in on but she took in a deep breath and did it anyway. Once she was done and dressed she walked out of the room and heard someone clapping. When she looked over she saw the worker and walked over to her.

“What is this for-” EunMi started

“Here you go” The worker handed her a note

                Once EunMi had the note in her hand the worker smiled and wished her luck. Before EunMi was able to ask a question the worker walked away, causing EunMi to sigh deeply. She looked down at the note to see more directions. She left the store and followed it to the next place. Everyone was staring at her as she walked but she tried to ignore it a bit though she was turning red. Finally she reached the next stop but was surprised to see it was a nail and hair salon.

“Welcome!” The person at the door greeted “Come in! Sit and relax!”

                They pulled her in before EunMi even had the chance to decline their offer. She felt odd as they did her nails and curled her hair but she was unable to say anything. Hours had passed and EunMi was completely dolled up. She looked into the mirror to see what they did and saw from the reflection that they had a note for her, telling her to go outside. When she did she saw a taxi waiting there for her.

“A ride for a Miss EunMi?” the driver asked

EunMi nodded

                Taking a step into the cab she saw a bear sitting next to her. She stared at it trying to figure out what was going on as the cab drove off.

“Excuse me but where are we going?” EunMi asked

The driver smiled “Sorry little lady but I can’t say”

                EunMi pouted but stay quiet through the whole ride. When the cab came to a stop she quickly turned to look at the window to see a fancy restaurant. She was unsure about the whole thing but she grabbed the bear and nodded to herself. Thanking the driver she walked to the doors, being greet by a man and was led to a table. She was shocked to see it was filled with roses and had lite candles.

“How do you like it?” someone asked

EunMi jumped a little and turned around to see JinYoung in a tux “W-What is all of this?”

JinYoung smiled “A make up first date”

“But I’m the one that sick the first time. You didn’t have to do this” EunMi mess with her fingers

“I know but our date needs t be special” JinYoung pouted “Plus I didn’t plan the last one”

                Before EunMi could say anything JinYoung lead her to the table and sat her down. As JinYoung walked over to his seat and sat down he noticed that her cheeks were a slight pink.

“Are you blushing?” JinYoung asked curiously

EunMi became wide eyed and looked down at her lap “N-No”

JinYoung chuckled “You’re the cutest”

                With those words her face turned red, embarrassed. Finally the food came by and they began eat and talking. Like the gentlemen JinYoung is he tried his best to make her as comfortable as possible. As the night went on EunMi saw JinYoung more and more as a prince.

“This is the best thing someone had done for me” EunMi stated

JinYoung smiled “I’m happy that I’m that someone that makes you happy”

                For once in a long while Chunji was pushed out of her mind and she was thinking about no one but JinYoung. When music was playing JinYoung got up and walked over to her with a hand held out.

“Would you like to dance?” JinYoung gave her a charming smile

“B-b-but this is a restaurant. We can’t dance here” EunMi pointed out

JinYoung shrugged “It doesn’t matter”

“What about what others will think” EunMi asked

“I care about no one but you” JinYoung softly smiled

                Those words won her and got her to get up to dance with him. As they dance there were a few people that were talking about them but neither of them cared enough to stop. A littler later some people actually joined them. EunMi couldn’t stop looking at him like he couldn’t stop looking at her. They moved closer and closer than JinYoung landed a light kiss on her lips.

“I love you EunMi” JinYoung said

EunMi smiled “I love you too Oppa” 


Another chapter yay! I'm thinking about putting up the first chapter to Changjo's story, what do you guys think? And don't to forget to comment, subscribe and vote up for the stories~ Thanks! 

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha