Awkward movies

Be My Sunday

On Sunday monrning EunMi's eyes fluttered opened to see that JinYoung still sleeping in the same spot. She slowly moved away from him and started to get ready for the day. By the time she was done JinYoung was awake and getting ready himself.

"Good morning" JinYoung brightly smiled at her

Her heart melted "M-Morning"

"What shall we do today?" JinYoung asked

EunMi gave him a curious look "You don't have to head back right now?"

JinYoung thought about it "Well I do have to leave today but not until a little after noon. I'll make it"

"That's great" EunMi smiled "Let's go to the movies then"

JinYoung nodded "Let's head out"

Since it was still early in the morning not many people were up and around, switch meant less people in line at the movies. They got tickets to a comedy and went in and took their seats. Suddenly something bumped into EunMi's chair.


"No, it's alrigh-" EunMi looked up to see a familiar face

L.Joe looked down at her "Oh, what are you doing here?"

EunMi was about to ask the same thing but she answered instead "Watching a movie with my friend. How about you?"

"Well we're here to watch a movie with Chunji for his birthday" L.Joe explained

By the smallest mention of Chunji's name EunMi's cheeks turned to a slight pink and turned away from L.Joe before he was about to notice.

"That's nice, enjoy the movie" EunMi said with no eye contact

"You too" L.Joe said

With that L.Joe caught up with the rest of them and they waited for the movie to start. When the movie finally did start EunMi reached for the arm rest but when she touched JinYoung's hand she pulled away and looked at him, seeing that he was looking at her as well.

JinYoung leaned to her ear and whispered "It's okay if you want to use the arm rest too, you know"

He smiled at her and she felt the heat go up to her cheeks again. She looked down to her lap, making sure that JinYoung saw nothing, and rested her arm. She stiffened when JinYoung's hand was on top of hers but as the movie went on she slowly relaxed.

While the movie was going on Chunji's eyes were wondering around and stopped when it landed on EunMi. He started at him for a while.

*It's amazing how my eyes are still drawn to her* Chunji smiled

He smiled until he noticed that EunMi wasn't alone. His blood began to boil thinking that she was sitting right next to JinYoung and was watching the movie happily.

"What does he have that I don't?" Chunji mumbled

CAP then whispered "It's not what he has. It's what you have."

Ricky nodded in agreement "You have four other girls while he is completly devoted to her"

Chunji was angry with their answers but when he realized that they were right he started to think about it, paying no attention to the movie.

When it was finally over they all got up from their seats and exited the place. EunMi was happily holding onto JinYoung's arm until she saw that Chunji and his friends were standing by the main exit. Chunji looked up and noticed the two and waved to them then made his way to them.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?" Chunji asked

"Leaving now" EunMi answered with no emotion

Chunji pouted to her "You're so cold sometimes you know"

JinYoung chuckled "Seems like you're close friends compared to last time"

"You think so?" Chunji laughed

"I don't" EunMi said, looking down at the ground

JinYoung noticed her action and pinched her cheeks "Cheer up"

Chunji's heart dropped when he saw that EunMi was blushing while JinYoung was touching her face. He knew that if he stayed there any longer he would explode so he decided to leave.

Chunji turned away from them "Well I'll let you two chill. See ya EunMi"

When he left EunMi found it odd but didn't think about it for that long since she wanted to focus on JinYoung for the rest of the day. Saddly it came to a stop when it hit 2pm, she knew it was her time to say goodbye.

"Will you be coming next weekend too?" EunMi asked

JinYoung shrugged "I'll try to but there's no absolute answer to it until later this week"

EunMi pouted "That's a bummer. I hope that you can make it"

"I hope so too" JinYoung patted her head

They said their goodbyes and hugged each other. When they pulled away JinYoung got into the car and drove away while EunMi stood there watching him leave. She let out a big sigh and walked into her house and looked at her phone for new messages. There was two, one from SooYoung and one from Chunji.

Dude! Where were after the party?! I went looking for you and Chunji said that you left! D: I'm totally going to have talk to you tomorrow! >.<

All because you like JinYoung and rejected me doesn't mean that I'm going to give up. Actually I'm going to try harder then ever now. So watch out, you just might fall for me ;)

When EunMi read both of the messages she began to twitch one of her eyes and then sobbed.

"I have no idea which one to fear more! Talking to SooYoung after ditching her or seeing Chunji even more!?!?!?!?!?!" EunMi yelled


Sorry for that longbreak you guys! It's been pretty busy at school haha but anyways thanks for the support and the comments! Love you guys~ And how do you guys like the new look? haha Isn't it amazing?

Anyways~ Remember to leave comments and subscribe, if you haven't done so already. The more the comments the sooner the next chapter will be out ;)

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha