
Be My Sunday

                 Weeks have passed since the lantern event and with no luck, not a lantern appeared to anyone. Chunji remained distant from EunMi as she pretended like nothing had happened between them. Although everyone would notice Chunji staring at EunMi from the corner of his eyes, no one would speak a word about it.

                Winter vacation was just around the corner and there was not much time left in the fall semester. After classes were dismissed they headed straight to his house, prepared to do major cramming. As they all started to set up their study positions CAP noticed something oddly familiar on the desk. He walked over to see that it was the lantern.

“Yah Chunji, I thought that you said that you didn’t find any” CAP pointed out

Chunji looked over at him and chuckled “I really didn’t find it; I guess it never flew off”

Niel raised an eyebrow “Who’s name is in it?”

“That’s not really important” Chunji said

“Seems pretty important if you kept it” Niel smirked

                Chunji nervously chuckled as all of the guys stared at each other, as though they were forming a secret plan. When they all nodded in agreement of a plan Chunji knew that was a sign to dash his way to the lantern. Unfortunately for him, L.Joe and Ricky tackled Chunji down on the ground as the rest of them made their way to the lantern.

Changjo gasped “YOU GOT NOONA?! I wanted her!”

CAP placed his hand onto his chin, thinking “I thought that you didn’t believe in these types of things”

“I don’t!” Chunji barked

“Then why are you keeping this?” Niel questioned

Chunji was about to blurt out an answer but nothing came out “. . . I really don’t know”

                The air filled with an awkward silence, until Chunji reminded that everyone was over to cram, not to ask questions about the lantern. They all nodded in agreement and got back to the studying. Every once in a while they would glance at each other to see their reaction about Chunji as he stayed forced on studying. When Chunji finally left to room to check on something, they huddled together.

“We all know that he’s dying over EunMi” L.Joe bluntly stated

“But what can we do? He told us repeatedly that he’s given up on her” Ricky frowned

Niel nodded “Not to mention that she’s with her boyfriend now”

Changjo thought for a bit then added “But doesn’t it seem like EunMi has something for hyung?”

Ricky nodded “That’s true, maybe we just need to push the two a little more together”

“But how? Making him jealous?” L.Joe questioned

“No, he’s already jealous over her boyfriend” Changjo pointed out

“Well doesn’t she believe in the lantern tale? Maybe we can tell her that he has hers” Ricky suggested

Niel nodded “Seems like a good idea, maybe she’ll realize that he’s right for her”

                They all nodded in agreement but looked up to the hyung in order to get approval of the plan. CAP thought about the plan for a bit, causing everyone to intensely stare at him. He finally answered with a nod, making all of them smile as Chunji walked in the room. He curiously looked at them as they pretended nothing had happened.

                The next day as classes went on the guys thought of ways to approach EunMi about the matter and finally decided to play it simple. The classes flew by and they were finally dismissed. As EunMi walked in the hall she saw that Chunji and his Friday girl were also there. Her back was against the wall as Chunji was in front of her with his hand rested on the wall as well. He was smirking at her as they basically just stood there and flirted.

*He seems just fine to me* EunMi thought as she still remember what SuBin told her

“Isn’t it awkward for you to watch that?” a voice surprised EunMi

She jumped “Omo! When did you get there?!”

                She looked up at the person, knowing who it was due to his sweet voice. Niel looked down at her with a chuckle. He patted her head as an apology for scaring her.

“Sorry for sneaking up on you, but you were zoning out” Niel explained

EunMi weakly giggled “Sorry about that”

Niel shook his head then asked “Anyway, isn’t it awkward for you to stare at them to do that??”

“I guess not, it kind of makes me happy” EunMi slightly smiled

“Oh~ is our EunMi a ert?” Niel teased

EunMi blushed and freaked out “I-i-it’s not like that!!!!”

                Niel laughed as EunMi tried to explain herself to him. He would continue to tease everything that she said, causing her to pout as Niel laughed more. Chunji heard the loud laughter and looked over to see Niel patting EunMi, who has an extremely pink face. Chunji’s smirk floated away, causing Lina to frown. She pulled his chin to face her.

“There’s no reason to make yourself sad.” Lina said

Chunji nodded with a weak smirk “You’re right”

               Chunji and Lina turned their backs to them and walked away. Niel noticed that they were walking away from tried his best not to make it obvious. He offered to walk EunMi home and getting a positive answer from her. The two started their way to her house as the rest of the guys sneaked behind them. They had small conversations until Niel push towards a more serious matter.

“Do you like Chunji, at all?” Niel questioned

“Of course I like him, but just as a friend” EunMi said

Niel pursed his lips “But I really thought that you two had something when we went to the amusement park”

EunMi thought about it and mumbled “Maybe we did”

Niel raised his eyebrow in question to what she said but changed the subject “Anyway, did you find any lanterns yet? You believe in the legend, right?”

“Of course I do, it’s such a romantic idea, but I didn’t find a single thing” EunMi pouted

“Chunji was able to find one” Niel laid it right out

 EunMi looked up at him “Really?”

Niel nodded “I even got to see the name in it”

“Who did he get? Is it someone from our school?” EunMi questioned

Niel nodded again “It was you, but since he doesn’t believe in the whole thing it doesn’t matter, right?”

                EunMi pursed her lips and frowned her eyebrows. Niel continued to walk her home and left once she was passed the door. She quickly made her way up the stairs and looked out her window, seeing a lantern hanging from the tree near it. Biting her bottom lip, she took a big gulp and nervously opened the window. She reached for the lantern and pulled it into her room, placing it on her bed as she looked at it.

*All because he got my lantern doesn’t mean I have his, right?* EunMi thought

                Slowly searching for the name on the lantern, EunMi’s heart started to race. The nerves took over her entire body, but that didn’t stop her from continuing to look at the name. Her eyes widened and a frown slowly started to form on her face.


“This can’t be happening to me right now” EunMi whined

Her door opened, showing the face of her appa “What’s that matter dear?”

“Appa! Do you believe in the lantern legend?!” EunMi asked with hopefully eyes

“I sure do” he smiled, causing her frown even more “Why do ask?”

                EunMi pointed over to her bed where the lantern laid. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to it and saw a familiar name, causing him to smile. He looked over at her with a big grin, making her worry.

“Why are you giving me that look?!” EunMi barked

“He’s your soul mate~” Her appa sang

She furiously shook her head “That’s not true! JinYoung oppa is my soul mate!”

“Keep telling yourself that, but your heart knows the truth” He said as he left the room

                As the door closed behind him, EunMi dropped onto her bed then curled next to the lantern and looked at it. She became deep in thought about the whole matter.

*If he doesn’t believe in things like this then why didn’t he write one?* She frowned her eyebrows *All because we have each other’s lanterns doesn’t mean anything. . . . even though it’s a very low chance of this happening to ANYONE. Maybe Niel is just trying to mess with my mind and lie to me about the whole thing. . .but what would he benefit from that?*

                More thoughts ran through her mind as her eyes never left the lantern. Images of Chunji stormed through her mind as she dozed off to sleep with blush spread across her cheeks. She held the lantern closer with a hug and smiled.

“Maybe it’s not so bad to be with him” she mumbled before completely falling asleep

                Realizing what she said she quickly sat up and shook her head to the idea.

“No! I have my JinYoung oppa! I shouldn’t be thinking about Chunji at all! Aigoo! Why is my head doing this to me?!” EunMi exclaimed, causing her appa to chuckle from the kitchen


Hello hello everyone~

I've updated and hope that everyone enjoyed this! I might not update again for a while due to the Thanksgiving chaos and school haha but please remember to subscribe, vote up, and comment to remind me that you want to read more ^w^ 

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha