The Chase

Be My Sunday

Through out the day EunMi was acting normally as Chunji continued to advance in his goal of her heart. During lunch Chunji was sitting with SoYoung and EunMi while they tried pushing him away. He then followed her to the flower shop. Before entering through the doors EunMi turned around and faced Chunji. He stared at her, waiting for her to do something.

Would you stop following me?!” EunMi yelled

Chunji pouted “I was hoping an 'I finally realized how great you are. Go out with me'”

EunMi started at him “That is NEVER going to come out of my mouth”

Again with the nevers. I thought that you stopped that” Chunji pinched her checks

Getting annoyed EunMi punched Chunji's stomach so that he would let go then stomped into the shop. She delighfully greeted Mrs. Lee and then took her spot at the counter. Chunji slowly followed her in while holding the spot that cause pain to him.

Mrs. Lee was shocked “What happened, dear? Did you hit on a boy's girlfriend again?”

Chunji whizzed “No, but that would be better”

Serves you right” EunMi muttered

But I'm not giving up” Chunji said as he straightened up

EunMi rolled her eyes as Chunji tried to ignored the pain. The rest of the day was spent doing their jobs, which was a shock to EunMi but that came to an end when Chunji walked her home again. EunMi stayed quiet as Chunji continously try to convince her to date him.

Why are you so quiet? Normally you would tell me to shut up or something” Chunji pointed out

'If I stay quiet he'll go away' EunMi repeated in her mind

He pouted since she didn't reply to his question. Chunji started to do hand motions in her face until she would say something but she didn't say a single word. When they reached EunMi's house her dad was waiting there for her. He jumped in joy when he saw the door open.

EunMi! You're home!” her dad smiled

Chunji waved “Hello. I hope you don't mind me coming i-”

The door was slammed on his face, stopping him from finishing his sentence. EunMi smiled while her dad was upset. She walked to her room as her dad opened the door to Chunji rubbing his nose.

Ouch, I didn't think she would do that” Chunji pouted

He smiled “Keep at it son, she'll like you eventually”

Chunji's face lite up “Thanks for your support. I'll try my very best”

That's good. Now head home and start new tomorrow” He told him

Chunji bowed respectful “Yes sir. Thank you”

Chunji walked off as EunMi's dad waved him goodbye. He was happy to see such a determine person to be after his daughter. He closed the door and wished him luck for the next day.

When EunMi arrived at school there was a lot of chating but she didn't know about what, nor does SoYoung. They started to walk to class and they were shocked to see a pile of flowers at EunMi's desk.

Who can be so romantic to do that?!” A girl whined

SoYoung smiled “Maybe it's JinYoung?”

What?! A boyfriend?!” Another girl asked

Oh does she wish” SoYoung giggled

EunMi grinned a little “That would be sweet”

SoYoung rushed to the flowers and saw a card. She opened in and she dropped her jaw, which caused all of the girls to wonder who it was from. SoYoung than began to smile.

Who is it from?!” The girls asked

Our very own prince, Chunji~” SoYoung sang

EunMi frowned “You've got to be kidding me”

All of the girls screamed as Miss Choi entered the room

Settle down girls. Class is starting” Miss Choi warned until she noticed the flowers “Um. . .EunMi. . .why are there flowers at your seat?”

Chunji” EunMi bluntly said

Miss Choi cleared “Please try to take care of it. Til than you may leave them in the back”

EunMi started to move the flowers to the back while SoYoung joined in to help. The whole class was filled with the lovely smell of them. Most of the girls were unable to focus since they were daydreaming of Chunji while EunMi sat in class, boiling in anger.

When lunch came around EunMi cooled down and began to eat with a few classmates. Soon a boy came over to their table.

Are you EunMi?” He asked formally

She nodded “Yes, that's me”

He than looked over and gesturing to someone else. This confused everyone but it became a surprise when boxes of chocolates came over to them.

These are for you. It's from Chunji” He informed her

EunMi began to twitch her eye “You've got to be kidding me”

Omo! He's really trying” SoYoung gladly said

EunMi hit her head against the table as all of the girls at the table where looking at the chocolates and telling her how lucky she was. She than had an idea and lifted up her head with a smile.

How about you guys take some and some flowers too?” EunMi suggested

The girls looked her “Really?”

EunMi nodded “Please. Go for it”

The girls gladly took them as EunMi sat back and smiled since she didn't have to deal with it anymore. Meanwhlie Chunji was telling the other's about his plans and they were happy for him until Ricky noticed something.

Is that the plan too?” Ricky pointed to EunMi's table

Chunji's eyes widened

I guess every girl wants Chunji's chocolate hearts” Niel joked which earned a glare from him

Maybe it's too much for her?” Changjo thought

L.Joe chuckled “But that's our Chunji! She's gonna have to deal with it til he quits”

Chunji smirked “That's how it's gonna be. She'll give in soon”


I finally updated haha Took time but it happened. Hopefully I'll continue to update but idk yet. Depends I guess. I hope you enjoyed this chapter~

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha