Eventful Day

Be My Sunday

                Throughout the week the words that SuBin said repeated in EunMi’s mind, like a broken record. Her mood has not lifted since she talked to her and everyone who sat with her at lunch noticed it.

“Noona! Why are you not happy?” Ricky questioned

EunMi jumped “Huh?”

Niel raised an eyebrow “Did something happen? You don’t seem yourself”

She shook her head with a weak smile “I guess I’m just tired”

                CAP and SoYoung both looked at her with the same idea, but didn’t want to say a word about it, at least not in front of everyone else. Changjo moved closer to EunMi’s face and stared into her eyes, causing her to jump but didn’t move.

“Are you sure? We can help you know” Changjo told her

She slowly nodded “I know”

               Changjo sat back down with a pout, knowing that EunMi still wouldn’t tell them what’s going. The feeling remained the same all day for the group. EunMi walked out into the yard of the school to see JinYoung sitting there with his guitar. She widen her eyes in shock and was about to question what he was doing until he started playing.

I only think of you even after our phone call.

I’m busy all day but I can only think about you

Chu chu chu chu chu chu chu

What do I do? What do I do?


You playing shy in front of me is so cute

Even your pouting lips are so pretty

Chu chu chu chu chu chu chu

I’m so happy, I’m so happy


My only hope it is you, hold my hand

I will love you forever, take my heart

Look at me, look at only me

Just only you look at me


When your lips call me

I become your man

Can’t you be my girl

Wiki wiki wiki wiki you’re mine

Oh baby baby, I will give you everything you want


My only hope it is you, hold my hand

I will love you forever, take my heart

I want your heart

The same heart, same words, loving you. (Lyrics from B1A4 ChuChuChu)


                All of the girls screamed and cheered as JinYoung ended his song. Chunji started to clench his teeth together and tightening his hands, but Lina stopped from becoming anymore angry. Chunji’s friends were impressed by the performances as well. EunMi stood in front of JinYoung with a completely scarlet red face.

JinYoung nervously spoke “D-did you like it?”

EunMi paused then slowly nodded

“That’s great to hear” JinYoung exhaled in relief

                The girls surround the two asking all sorts of questions, but JinYoung excused himself with EunMi as they walked away from the school grounds. Meanwhile SoYoung walked over to the group of guys.

“Wasn’t that something?” SoYoung asked

Ricky eagerly nodded “That was amazing”

Niel nodded in agreement “It was well done”

                Suddenly all of them remembered that Chunji was there as well, causing them to look over at him to see his reaction. He knew that they felt uneasy and knew that he had to smile at them and give them approval, which he did. All of them sighed in relief.

“It was quiet handsome for him to do that” Chunji smiled “Maybe he’ll be more liked then I would”

Some of the girls that over-heard shook their heads “That would never happen Chunji-ah!”

                As the girls started to compliment him JinYoung and EunMi made their way to the park, where he walked her over to the bench facing the lake that sat in the middle of the park. He sat next to her and noticed that she was still completely red from the even and chuckled.

“Don’t be so cute” JinYoung smiled

“B-But didn’t you think that it was too much?” EunMi questioned

JinYoung shook his head “Everything that I said, I meant it. Should I be ashamed of that?”

EunMi slowly shook her head

                JinYoung gave her a smile as she did the same. He got up and left the area for a few minutes, to return with a basket in his hand. He placed it in front of them as he sat back down with her.

“What’s that??” EunMi questioned

“Lunch” JinYoung smiled then pulled out food

EunMi was shocked “B-but you already did so much”

JinYoung shook his head “Nothing can ever be too much for my princess”

                EunMi blushed as JinYoung started to set up the food. They started to eat all of the little snacks that JinYoung packed, taking turns feeding each other. Finally he pulled out a box of pepero, pulling out a stick and gave it to her. She stuck it in and started to munch down on it, until JinYoung started to eat the other end. Before EunMi was able to do anything about it their lips met, causing her to pull away with a blushing face.

JinYoung smiled “You’re just too cute when you’re embarrassed”

“S-stop doing these romantic things then!” EunMi pouted

JinYoung pouted as well “You don’t like it”

EunMi blushed while staring at the ground “I-I do”

                JinYoung looked over at EunMi and smiled at how cutely she reacted. He lifted her chin and leaned in slowly for a kiss. EunMi was shocked by the sudden action, but didn’t stop it. Their lips met, causing the world to fade from their minds. Suddenly they were pulled back when they felt like someone was there with them. They looked up to see Chunji, SoYoung and the group of guys. EunMi pulled away with a blush on her face.

“Oh, what are you guys doing here?” EunMi nervously asked

SoYoung grinned “A lot less than what you two are doing”

“Didn’t expect to see you two here” Chunji commented

“Then why did you come here?” JinYoung asked

“There’s an even happening tonight~” Ricky explained

EunMi tilted her head a bit “An event”

CAP nodded “They’re lighting up flying lanterns”                                                                                                       

“Will you be joining us noona?” Changjo asked

                EunMi looked up at JinYoung for an answered, who smiled down at her telling her that it’s up to her. She nodded to the group causing them all to cheer except Chunji. He stared at JinYoung but looked away when he saw him looking. JinYoung then reached for EunMi’s hand to hold it.

                The group started to goof of around the park until the sun started to set, covering the sky in darkness. They all gather around the lake along with many other park goers, where the event was going to begin. Everyone was handed a lantern and was told to write down their names before sending them into the sky. This event was to promote the legend that says whenever you write on a flying lantern it would fly its way to finding your true love. When it lands it would show itself to the “soul mate”, binding the two so that one day they would be together forever.

                Everyone did as told, and then was passed a candle to light up their lanterns. A few at a time started to make their way to the sky, causing everyone to aw as they blanketed the sky. When the lanterns were far enough everyone cheered then music started to play, making everyone dance.

“Do you think that the legend is true?” SoYoung asked

Chunji shook his head “It’s a bunch of bull to drew everyone in”

Ricky frowned “If you didn’t believe it then why did you come, hyung?”

“Changjo begged me to come” He pointed over to Changjo who was smiling like a clown

EunMi shrugged and shyly smiled “It’s quite romantic if you think about it”

JinYoung nodded in agreement “Hopefully we’ll get to see if these things come true”

                 Everyone nodded in agreement and went along with their surroundings, dancing and having fun. They partied until the night reached to an end. The group bowed to each other as a goodbye then walked their own ways home. While Chunji was walking home he saw that a lantern was sitting on the ground in front of him. He became curious in the sad one that was left behind from the others and opened it, revealing the name to him. A smirk appeared on his face.


“This really is full of bull” Chunji thought aloud

                With the lantern still tightly in his hand he continued his way home. When he was home the maids offered to take the lantern from him, where he refused to hand it over. He took up to his room and sat it on his desk. He looked at it and became in deep thoughts, but giving up and head off to bed.


Another update. Sorry for the wait. I'm really busy with school as of right now so I'm mostly not updating for another week or two. I'm so sorry TT^TT Please try to stick around and I'll stop playing with your emotions!

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha