Being his?

Be My Sunday


"I don't know what to say. I didn't even give you anything for your birthday" EunMi avoided eye contact

Chunji then rested his hand on hers "It's okay. Just agree to be mine"

EunMi looked up at him with wide eyes and saw that his face had became serious.

EunMi was completly shocked in what was going on at the moment. She knew what her heart was saying but she didn't say a single word. Chunji gave her a look.

"Well? What do you say" Chunji asked

Finally her heart's answer was spoken "No"

Chunji was shocked "No?"

"No." EunMi looked at him in the eyes "I could never be yours if I don't even like being near you"

"That's a little harsh" Chunji pouted

With that EunMi stood up and walked away, leaving Chunji sitting there by himself. She left the huge house and headed home by fett. Chunji sat there and looked up at the stars chuckling at himself.

"Of course that's her answer. What a joke I am" Chunji whispered

Meanwhile EunMi was walking in the streets, dressing more formal then a regular person. She was completly spaced out when she was walking until something snapped her out of it. Someone had grabbed her arm, scaring her back into reality. She began to scream until that person faced her to them and told her to shh. Seeing a familiar face a smile grew on her face and she threw her arms around that person's neck. It was JinYoung to bring her back home.

"Are you okay?" JinYoung asked, worried

EunMi let him go and nodded with a smile "Of course! What are you doing here?"

"Your appa told me that you went to a party so I drove around town looking for a hotel to stay at then I found you. I told you that I was coming this weekend. Did you forgot?" JinYoung raised an eyebrow

"Never!" EunMi answered "I just went to someone's birthday party because my friend told me to"

JinYoung smiled "I'm happy that you didn't forget me then"

EunMi hugged him and whispered "I can never forget you"

JinYoung heard her words and softened. He began to pat her back while EunMi stood there, hoping that the moment will never end, but like everything else it had to. JinYoung pulled back and looked at her in the eyes.

"I'll drive you back home, alright?" JinYoung said

EunMi nodded

The two of them walked back into the car and JinYoung began to drive her home. When they got there JinYoung walked her to the door and was about to leave until EunMi held onto his sleeve. He looked up at her, not sure why she was holding him back.

EunMi was still starting at the ground "C-Could you stay here tonight?"

JinYoung smiled at her and patted her head "You're as cute as ever. How can I ever refuse that face?"

She looked up at him with a smile and the two of them walked into the house and they were surprise that her dad was sitting on the couch, waiting for EunMi to return. He looked up at the two of them and smiled.

"EunMi! You're finally home~ How was the party?" Her dad asked

EunMi shrugged "It was alright. I would rather stay home though"

Her dad pouted "You didn't have fun witn Chunji?"

"Chunji?" JinYoung asked "That guy from the park? I thought that you didn't like him"

"I don't! SoYoung asked me to go, so I did" EunMi explained

JinYoung chucked "I see. At least you made your friend happy"

EunMi nodded

"Well it's getting late. You should sleep now" EunMi's dad said "Are you sleeping here as well, JinYoung?"

"If you don't mind sir" JinYoung answered

EunMi's dad was unsure and thought about it until he noticed that EunMi was behind JinYoung, mouthing 'please' and begging him to let him stay. He smiled and nodded, allowing him to stay.

"Fine" Her dad said "As long as you don't keep her up too long"

"Yay!" EunMi cheered

"Thank you" JinYoung bowed to her dad

EunMi smiled at him "Thanks appa"

EunMi grabbed onto JinYoung's hand and walked with him to her room. Both of them got ready for bed and started to set blankets onto the floor.

"Are you sure that you want to sleep on the floor with me? You can sleep on the bed you know" JinYoung said

EunMi shook her head "But we use to sleep together all of the time!"

"That was when we were kids. We've grown up since then" JinYoung pointed out

EunMi pouted "I miss those days though"

JinYoung soften "I guess it wouldn't hurt if we did this again right?"

EunMi's face brightened up and she nodded

When everything was set up JinYoung laid down first, finally relaxing and EunMi joined him. They caught up with each other and told stories that happened in school. Both had great laughs and EunMi smiled at him

*Now this is the person that I will have no problem with him calling me his. This is the person that I want to be with* EunMi thought

Soon both of them felt asleep, JinYoung holding EunMi close to him. When EunMi's dad slowly opened the door to check on them a smile came onto his face.

"Like when they were kids." Her dad thought out loud "But sadly, the feelings are nothing like how it was back then"

He closed the door and walked away, resuming to his spot in the living room to watch more television.


I haven't updated in a while so I decided to do so now XD I hope that you liked this chapter and sorry for the wait! Please remember to comment and subsribe if you haven't yet~

PS. . . I REALLY WANT MY POSTER! IDK IF I'LL EVER GET IT! ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; (<------- Random but that's how I felt at the moment keke~)

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha