SoYoung's friend day. . . Kinda

Be My Sunday

                The night before EunMi and JinYoung had fallen asleep on the couch since they were having the movie night. There was a blanket placed over them by EunMi’s dad. EunMi was snuggled up JinYoung’s chest as his arm was wrapped around her. Suddenly something disturbed their peacefulness.

“Rise and shine sweetheart! I don’t have all day!” SoYoung yelled as she dragged EunMi off the couch

EunMi whined, displeased “I’m tired”

“Too bad, I deserve my day with my bestie and no GUY is taking you away from me!” SoYoung barked

                SoYoung continued to drag her until they reached the restroom and she threw her in, turning on the water and everything. EunMi yelped in shock to the cold water as SoYoung closed the door. JinYoung hopped off the couch in surprised to the noise.

“What’s going on?!” JinYoung questioned

“Chill your horses, pretty boy. EunMi is just showering” SoYoung explained as she made her way to the kitchen for coffee

“Could have at least the hot water!” EunMi exclaimed

                Hearing such loud noises EunMi’s dad rushed out to the living room with a bat in hand and locked his sights on JinYoung.

“What did you do to my daughter?!” He barked

SoYoung giggled “I’m sorry. I was waking up EunMi for a day of fun

He sighed in relief “Good, well night”

“Aren’t you worried?!” JinYoung asked

He shook his head as he left the room “Have fun”

                SoYoung gave JinYoung an evil smirked as he gave her a defended look. He went back to the couch and waited for EunMi to come back out. When the shower was turned off he heard a name being called out and SoYoung made her way to the door. She opened it and had a small chat with EunMi.

*Girls are so opened about their bodies to each other* JinYoung thought as he turned pink

                The door closed as SoYoung went to EunMi’s room to pick out the outfit of the day. Once she have done what she was sent for she returned to the door and handed off the clothing. They both waited for EunMi’s return in the living room. When she came out she was wearing tights with shorts over them, a sweater like shirt, a gray and white beanie with a bow on the side and high top converses.

SoYoung grinned like a child “I got to spent time with you now~”

                Without another word EunMi was dragged out of the house mouthing the words ‘Help me’ to JinYoung before completely leaving. JinYoung stood there dumbfounded not realizing what happened until it was too late.

                EunMi and SoYoung stood there amazed by the sights they had set their eyes on. They were completely mesmerized by everything.

“You should be happy I took you here” SoYoung told EunMi

                There they stood in front of an amusement park and ready to unleash their wild child side on it. EunMi gladly grabbed SoYoung’s hand and ran in and went on every ride possible. Every kiddy ride, was rode, the joy that flowed to the bumper cars and the wacky arcade games, leaving them with only the rollercoasters. Just before they got on the ride they took a short break for water and junk.

“This is amazingly fun” EunMi smiled

“I know right?! No guys, no problems, nothing but fun” SoYoung cheered “I’m happy I get my friend back”

“I’m just as glad” EunMi grinned

                They both caught up in their gossip and continued to the coasters of fun. They alternated from front to back on each ride until they decided which they liked more When they were finally on their last ride, the largest one of them all, they ran to the front and sat in the seats, waiting anxiously for the ride to begin. As everyone took their seats the ride began to move towards the hill. As the coaster when down the hill and sped around the tracks EunMi the hat was slipping from her head. Before she was able to do anything about it it flew away from her grasp.

                At the end of the ride she noticed that she didn’t see it and frowned. They both started to walk away from the ride when someone grabbed EunMi by the waist, causing her to come back. SoYoung looked back to see that it was Chunji and his group of guys.

“Missing something Sunday” Chunji smirked as he held up her beanie

EunMi blushed and snatched it back “Thanks but it’s a bummer that you’re here now”

“We were just about to leave anyway” SoYoung pointed out

Ricky gasped cutely “Us too! How about you join us?”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun” Niel agreed

“Depends, can we get a ride home too?” SoYoung asked

Chunji nodded “I’ll drive you guys home in my car”

“I’d rather ride the bus again” EunMi said as she walked away

“But we want noona to join us!” Changjo whined

EunMi frowned “Was this a part of your luring plan, to cutely ask me to join?”

“Depends~ is it working?” Changjo batted his eyelashes at her

                EunMi sighed in defeat as Changjo cheered and hugged her in joy. Chunji twitched his eye a bit in jealousy but remained silent, though clearly showing it.

“I call noona as a seat buddy!” Changjo yelled

“I want noona to be my buddy” Ricky held SoYoung’s hand

Chunji rejected, pulling EunMi out of the cute devil’s arms “No! EunMi’s mine!”

“But you’re driver” Changjo pointed out and pulled EunMi back and stuck his tongue out

“It’s settled than. EunMi, Changjo and L.Joe rides with Chunji while the rest are with me” CAP declared

SoYoung frowned “But I wanted to sit with EunMi-ah”

“But then it’ll be uneven noona” Ricky pouted

SoYoung sighed

“Where are we going anyway?” EunMi asked

“ICE CREAM” they all yelled child like

                As Chunji drove the car L.Joe sat in the passenger’s seat while EunMi and Changjo sat in the back. Changjo was pointing so many places as they passed while EunMi giggled at his cuteness.

“I’m sorry for his childness” Chunji inputted

“Yah!” Changjo yelled then pouted

EunMi giggled “It’s okay. I find it so adorable!”

“See that hyung, chicks dig the cute look” Changjo smirked

“I can be cute too” Chunji said than mumble “You won’t be that cute if I punch you first”

“Noona! Hyung is threating me!” Changjo whined

EunMi frowned “Yah! Don’t mistreat your dongsaeng!”

L.Joe laughed “Looks like Changjo is getting to her easier than you are”

                Chunji glared at the rear view mirror as he saw that Changjo was snuggled up to EunMi’s arm and she wasn’t rejecting it. L.Joe smirked at his best friend getting jealous over the little things.

                When they finish arrived at the ice cream shop they all ordered their favorites, half of them getting cones and the other eating out of a cup. Once they have obtain their ice creams they headed to a near by park and ate there. They sat on the grass and looked up at the darkening sky.

“I think I see a star!” exclaimed Ricky

SoYoung smiled “I see it too”

                The two of them started to hit it off and began to talk while the others ate their ice cream. EunMi her choco chocolate fudge ice cream cone and noticed that L.Joe was looking at it.

“How can you eat so much sugar?” He asked curiously

EunMi smiled “It’s too good not too, you give it a try”

                EunMi gestured him to taking a and he fell for it. The sugary taste flowed through his tongue and gave him a shiver down his spine. Once he got over it he gave it a small approve and offered her some of his. She rejected but he insisted that it’s a ‘you give me some, I give you some back’ kind of offer. She caved in and took it, giving him a smile as a thank you.

“I wanted to share my ice cream with her” Chunji mumbled

“Mumbling isn’t good for you” Niel teased earning him a glare

“I think that hyung isn’t feeling good~” Niel said

EunMi turned her head immediately “Does he need to lay down?”

“I won’t lay in grass” Chunji bluntly said

“Lay in noona’s lap” Ricky suggested to EunMi

Changjo declined it right away “NO WAY! She’s my noona and I get her lap!”

“But he’s not feeling well” EunMi pouted

                Changjo frowned disapproving but still let him have it. Chunji was shocked that Changjo was the only one rejecting it but laid his head down in her lap anyways. She looked down at him and rubbed his head, trying to make him feel better.

“Stupid hyung: Changjo muttered

                Everyone continued their conversation and ate their ice cream as the time went by. EunMi stared at the stars silently until something surprised her by touching her face. When she downed it was Chunji’s arm reaching up to her face.

“You’re so beautiful” Chunji whispered softly

“What? EunMi asked, unable to hear him

Chunji smiled “I said thanks.”

“No problem” EunMi smiled at him

*Why can’t you just be mine?* Chunji wanted to ask

“We should head by now. It’s getting super dark” SoYoung pointed out

Ricky pouted “But we’re having fun together! Can’t we stay here forever”

SoYoung smiled at his innocence “I wish”

“She’s right though. Come on, I’ll take you home” CAP said

                They started to get up one by one. When EunMi got up she received a surprising hug from Changjo but she hugged back. The guys got into CAP’s car while the two girls got into Chunji’s car. They parted their ways and started their journey back home.


Another chapter! I just feel so bad for not updating so please forgive me *bows* I'll work on the next chapter now. Please just bear with me and I'll finish the story! I need support *^* haha well I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading and subscribing! Remember to comment! >w<

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha