Sweet Chunji?

Be My Sunday

School was like any other day but Chunji didn't mess with EunMi so she saw it as another great day. She happily arrived at the flower shop to see that Chunji was standing that holding a balloon and a small box that was wrapped.

"What are you doing?" EunMi asked, confused

"Anything to make you forgive me" Chunji answered

EunMi gave him a look "I did forgive you. . ."

"But you never texted me back!" Chunji pouted

"That's because I dislike you" EunMi bluntly said

Chunji smiled "There's my old Sunday!"

He ran up to her and hugged her but she pushed him off right away and frowned.

"I knew that I shoudn't have just told you that I didn't forgive you" EunMi said

"Why not~? You know you missed me!" Chunji smiled

EunMi gave him a look "An annoying play pig like you? I think not"

"Ouch. . . that was kind of hurtful" Chunji pouted and rubbed his chest where his heart was

EunMi rolled her eyes, telling him that she didn't care but suddenly her sights landed on the box and she pointed to it.

She looked up to him "What's that?"

Chunji quickly hid it behind him "Nothing, now that I know you forgive me"

"But I still want to know what it is" EunMi said trying to look behind him

"It's nothing~" Chunji kept it out of her sights

EunMi then pouted "I wanna know"

Chunji lightly tapped her nose "Well you'll get it when you agree to go on a date with me"

She frowned to the deal and continued trying to get it but Chunji kept moving it around him. Soon he raised it up in the air over his head while sticking his tongue out, knowing that she couldn't reach it but she still tired. EunMi went onto the tips of her toes and place one hand on his chest for balance and other was reaching for the box.

"What are my employees doing?" Mrs Lee asked, coming from the back

EunMi didn't stop trying "Trying to get a box"

"But sadly she's too short to get it~" Chunji teased

"Yah!" EunMi pouted

"AIGOO! So cute!" Chunji said reaching for her cheek

Before he was able to reach her cheek she slapped his hand away and walked to the counter, starting her job for the day while Chunji pouted. As the day slowly went on EunMi served a few customers while Chunji stared at her. When the customers left she finally noticed.

"Would you stop staring and actually work?" EunMi asked, annoyed

Chunji shook his head "Can't"

EunMi raised an eyebrow "Why not?"

"I'm expecting Yun to be here soon" Chunji explained

EunMi gave him a disgusted look but soon he moved closer to her, resting his elbows on the counter and his head being supported by his arms.

"Unless you want me to stay" Chunji winked at her

She was even more disgusted "Why in the world would I EVER want you to stay?!"

Chunji's face dropped "Do you enjoy hurting me?!"

"I actually do. it brings joy to my day" EunMi said

"So I bring joy to your day? Am I growing on you?" Chunji nudged her

EunMi then pushed him away "No, now go on meet up with Yun so I can enjoy my day a lot more without you"

Chunji was pushed until he reached the door and frowned when he was outside the shop while EunMi walked back to the counter. Mrs Lee then made her way next to EunMi as Chunji walked off, meeting up with Yun.

"I see that you and my son are getting closer" Mrs. Lee pointed out

"I guess so" EunMi said then sighed "But this is the closest we're getting"

Mrs Lee giggled "And why is that?"

"No offence but your son is a huge pain in my neck. He makes me angry and he's so. . .pig like" EunMi said

Mrs Lee smiled "Offence not taken dear. And I think that you'll grow to at least enjoy his company soon. He may be 'pig like' now but he's actually very sweet once you get to that point"

Mrs Lee then made her way but to the back while thinking about what she had said. Chunji being sweet? May be hard to believe but his action yesterday and when she arrived did prove that Mrs Lee could be right about that. EunMi smiled at that

"That boy still bugs me" EunMi said, then went back to work

As the day when on a few more people came into the shop and the day ended which meant that EunMi could finally go home. She said her byes to Mrs Lee then headed home. When she got there her dad was waiting for her in the living room.

"EunMi! You're finally home!" Her dad hugged her

"Yeah, but why are you home so early today?" EunMi asked curiously

He smiled "Because today was my day off silly"

EunMi oh-ed "That explain why you didn't leave this morning"

Her dad chuckled at the comment but stopped soon after then pointed to the flowers and the teddy bear that was sitting on the table in the living room that she recived yesterday.

"Who are those from anyways?" He asked

"Chunji" She easily answered

A smile grew onto his face


FML! I sick again! But this time it's worst. I actually lost my voice TT^TT But it's whatever keke. Remember at least SEVEN comments before the next chapter ;P

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha