You're Everywhere!

Be My Sunday

EunMi had finally gotten a job at ddeokbokki shop as a waitress. She would work there everyday after school until it reached 8pm. EunMi smiled at the fact that she'll be making money and SoYoung noticed that smiled.

"What's with the smile?" SoYoung nudged her

EunMi smiled "I got a job~"

SoYoung raised an eyebrow "You've been here for a few days and you already got a job?"

"Yes ma'am. I can't wait to start working" EunMi jumped happily

When school was over EunMi rushed right over to the ddeokbokki shop and dressed into her uniform. She began work with a smile on her face, which made many customers smile themselves. Everytime business was a bit slow she would do a bit of homework then continue her job.

Though she was having fun doing her job, all happy moments had to come to an end. Chunji came into the shop with the rest of his friends. EunMi ducked under the counter, which made the other worker, ChoHee, walk over to her.

"Is there something wrong, babe?" ChoHee asked

EunMi pointed to Chunji's table and whispered "Him! That's what's wrong!"

ChoHee giggled "Do you like him or something? Embarrassed for him to see you here?"

"No! I see him enough in school! I don't want to see him anymore! That pabo pig!" EunMi whipsered harshly

"Calm down girl, I'll handle it" ChoHee smiled

EunMi smiled back "Thanks unnie. You're a life savior!"

ChoHee walked over to Chunji's table while EunMi waited other tables. Chunji really didn't noticed her much and EunMi stopped stressing about him.

"What would you like?" ChoHee asked

Everyone ordered ddeokbokki and she wrote it down

ChoHee looked at them with a smiled "Anything else?"

Suddenly EunMi caught Chunji's eyes once again and a smirk came onto his lips. Chunji then pointed over to EunMi and smiled at ChoHee.

"How about her? I want her as a waitress" Chunji said

ChoHee smiled "Sorry babe but she doesn't like serving pigs"

ChoHee walked away from the table while everyone laughed at the burn that Chunji was left with. Since everything was settling down again EunMi walked over to the counter and resumed her homework. Suddenly she felt someone standing in front of her. She looked up with a smiled.

"I hope that you enjoyed your-" Her smiled disappeared "What do you want?"

Chunji smirked "That's not how you talk to a customer"

"Go away" EunMi said and went back to her homework

"Why do you refuse to talk to me?" Chunji asked

EunMi looked up "You're annoying, a pig, and you don't know when to give up"

"But I'm also hot, cute, popular-" Chunji started

"And full of yourself. What every girl wants" EunMi rolled her eyes

"Exactly" Chunji said with a smiled

EunMi slapped the counter "You're getting really annoying. You're everywhere I go. Leave. Me. Alone!"

Chunji smiled "I'm everywhere you go because we're meant to be together"

She narrowed her eyes "Over my dead body"

"Come on give me a chanc-" Chunji began

ChoHee started to pull on his ear and brought him back to his table while EunMi sighed in relief, going back to her homework. Chunji was whining the whole time until she finally left go. When he sat down she smiled at him.

"Sorry honey but I can't let you bother my dongsaeng while she's studying. Please enjoy your meals" ChoHee smiled then walked off

He pouted to the situation but he was too scared to go back over there, not knowing what ChoHee could do to him next. All of his friends then started to laugh at him.

"Not funny!" Chunji said

Niel shook his head "No, it was VERY funny"

Chunji pouted "I have to talk to her one day!"

"Hyung, I don't think that's going to happen soon" Changjo pointed out

"But I'll make it happen one day!" Chunji said with determination

L.Joe mumbled "The day after never"

"Yah!" Chunji yelled whiched caused everyone to laugh


Finally updated~ keke But I'm only going to update from now on if I get at least THREE comments per chapter cuz I'm weird like that. So remember to comment ;P

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha