My fault?

Be My Sunday

The day passed by rather quickly and EunMi rushed to Miss Choi to get her phone and head off to work. Meanwhile Chunji was still with JinKyong, looking for a place to eat. JinKyong suggested the ddeokbokki shop. Chunji was going to refuse but then he thought that there could be a chance that ChoHee wouldn't be there.

They headed there and Chunji was right, ChoHee wasn't there that day. He happily walked into the shop and sat down with JinKyong. EunMi then came over to take orders.

"What would you like?" EunMi smiled

"Aigoo you're so cute when you smile too" Chunji stared at EunMi

She glared at him

JinKyong cleared her thoat "You work here?"

EunMi nodded

"Aish. If I knew that I wouldn't have came" JinKyong rolled her eyes

"You can still leave you know. I have better people to wait on" EunMi said, still smiling

JinKyong's face dropped as EunMi walked off to get other's order. JinKyong narrowed her eyes in anger and got up while Chunji hopelessly started at EunMi the whole time she was working.

Suddeny EunMi was called over by the boss. When she walked over to him she saw that JinKyong was there and she knew this wasn't going to turn out well.

"Did you call me sir?" EunMi asked

He nodded "I was told that you were insulting customers"

EunMi shook her head "I never done such a thing"

"That's a lie. She was insulting me and many more sir" JinKyong said

"I can't have workers that makes me lose customers, EunMi. You know this" he said

EunMi frowned "So you're firing me?"

He nodded

EunMi's face was emotionless whlie JinKyong had a big smirk on her face. EunMi handed in her apron and things then left without another word. Chunji saw and was completely confused while JinKyong made her way back to the table.

"We won't have to see her anymore" JinKyong said as she hugged onto his arm

He pushed her away "What do you mean by that?"

"So got fired" JinKyong smiled

Chunji frowned and got up while JinKyong was staring at him, confused. When Chunji raeched the door JinKyong stood up and yelled.

"Yah! You can't leave me like this Chunji-ah!" JinKyong yelled

Everyone was staring at them

"Please Chunji-ah. Just forget about her" JinKyong begged

Chunji smirked "I thought that you were the mature one, I was wrong. I guess I'll need a new Monday that doesn't play games"

With that Chunji left and JinKyong stood there, tears coming down her cheek. Meanwhile EunMi walked home frowning. Suddenly someone grabbed onto her wrist and turned her around. She looked up to see that it was Chunji.

"Go away!" EunMi pulled away from him

Chunji grabbed onto her wrist again and pulled her into a hug "Aigoo, you're still cute when you're sad but I think that you're beautiful when you smiled"

EunMi started to hit his chest until he finally let her go. Once she was out of his hold she walked off but Chunji still followed her.

"Why do you need that job anyways?" Chunji asked

"Because my appa doesn't make that much money so I help him" EunMi said, not looking at him

Chunji soften

Suddenly EunMi turned to face him "And it's your fault that everything happens to me!"

"What?" Chunji stared at her, confused

"If you were't there today I coud have kept my job!" EunMi pointed out

"Are you saying this is my fault?" Chunji asked

"Of course it is!" EunMi yelled


EunMi cutted him off "I hate you! Please, just stay away from me"

She started to walk away again while Chunji stood there, confused in what was going on. Chunji then started to think about it.

"My fault? That's no completely true. . .right?" Chunji thought out loud

More thinking went through his head and he completely agreed with everything that she said but he didn't frown, he smirked instead.

*It maybe my fault but I can always try to make it better* Chunji thought

He started to head home while pulling out his phone and started to text someone.


Okay. just to let you guys know I DON'T re-read these chapters so please tell me if there's an error some where and also I NEVER have a planned out plot for any stories so idk where this is heading to. . .

And sadly I had to change my bg ;~~~; but I finally updated keke Please remember to comment and subscribe! :) Seven comments and  the next chapter will be posted!

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha