
Be My Sunday

                As a whole week went on no one saw or knew where Chunji was. All of the girls were whining and crying as if their world has crashed before their eyes. Many rumors started up to fill in the curiosity everyone had about the matter.  EunMi didn’t pay any attention to it since it was not her concern, but all of his friends approached her hoping if she knew something.

“Have you seen Chunji at all?” Ricky questioned

EunMi shook her head

CAP grew even more curious “Not even at work”

“His mother told me that he quit” EunMi answered

“I hope that he’s not in danger or anything” Niel said

EunMi just brushed it off “He’s probably just skipping to hang out with his girls”

Changjo raised an eyebrow “You didn’t know that he dropped them?”

                Everyone started at him in surprise since he was the only one that knew that information. SoYoung joined the group shortly before Changjo started to explain that MiKyong came up to him to ask where Chunji was. From that conversation he figured out that SunHee and MiKyong were no longer in the picture.

EunMi shrugged “That’s not my problem though”

Changjo frowned “But he’s our friend”

“No mine he isn’t, not anymore” EunMi’s eyes stared sadly at the ground

                Since no one knew where Chunji was the group, minus EunMi, was forced to go to the house to see if he was just hiding out there. As L.Joe knocked on the door everyone was hoping that Chunji would be the one answering, but became crushed when the maid opened it.

“Hello. How may I help you?” She questioned

L.Joe nodded “Yeah, we were wondering where Chunji went”

“Young Master Lee has no returned home in days” She informed them

“DAYS?!” everyone shouted

The maid nodded

“I will talk to them about this” Mrs. Lee informed while walking down the long beauty stair case

“Yes ma’am” the maid bowed and left

                She invited everyone into the house and walked them over to the soft and luxurious couch that sat in the middle of the huge living room. A few butlers came to give them drinks and left the room like Mrs. Lee ordered them too. After everyone was situated CAP cleared his throat.

“Are you unaware of your son’s location as well?” he questioned

Mrs. Lee nodded “I was hoping that he would be staying with one of you, but as you arrived here I grew fearful”

Niel rubbed his chin with thumb and index finger “If he is using his credit card, can’t we track him down that way?”

“Sadly, we can’t. He took a bunch of cash out of the bank a couple of days ago” Mrs. Lee frowned

“He shouldn’t be that far then” SoYoung

Ricky nodded “I know for a fact that he wouldn’t leave town”

                Everyone crowded together and thought about a plan in order to find or narrow down where Chunji is. They all were going to split up and look around the city until they have a hint of where he was. Once they do they would text each other the location.

                As they scatter around EunMi secretly joined the search for him as well, unable to stop worrying about him. They looked at all of the places he would hang out at and stores that he would go into. CAP looked at the clubs downtown as Ricky searched the park. L.Joe roamed around the whole school while Niel asked a couple of girls from different schools. SoYoung went to a couple of self-defense classes as Changjo looked through a couple of restaurants. EunMi was left looking through the smaller shops of the town.

                A couple of hours have passed and still no sign of Chunji. As EunMi was just about to give up hope she saw a blonde guy walking towards his motorcycle. She raised an eyebrow since she thought that he looked familiar. Sensing that someone was looked at him he turned to see a confused EunMi. Her eyes widen to Chunji’s new look, causing him to smirk. He gave her a wink and hopped on his motorcycle to drive off without a word.

*I didn’t know that he rode a motorcycle . . . and I swore he had brown hair* EunMi thought as she tapped her chin

“EunMi?” a familiar voice called

                She turned around to see SoYoung staring at her along with Changjo and Ricky. They raised an eyebrow to her, not knowing what she was doing out at that time. EunMi nervously giggled as they waited for an explanation, but Changjo went and asked anyway.

“Why are you out so late??” He questioned

“Well about that. . . .” EunMi started as she drifted off

SoYoung had a wide grin “You were worried, weren’t you?”

“NO! I have things to do!”

                EunMi ran off without anyone else saying a word. Ricky pouted due to the back that he didn’t even get to ask if saw Chunji. They all shrugged it off and continued their way back home, giving up for the day.

                When EunMi reached home she noticed that the same motorcycle was in the front of her house with a rest lean p against it. Chunji have been waiting for her there. She didn’t want to approach him, but he noticed her before she was able to turn and walk away. He gestured her to come over and she gave in with a sigh. While walking over there she because nervous and sweatier with each step. Finally, she was right in front of him and gulped hard.

“Stop being so nervous” Chunji demanded

EunMi frowned “Who said I was nervous??”

Chunji raised an eyebrow “It’s written on your face”

“What did you want?” EunMi asked

“I’m here to tell you that I’m finally giving up on you. My friends are tip toeing around every subject. They also want to hang out with you, but scared that we won’t approve” Chunji explained

                She bit her lip to think about what he said, causing him to stare. He was about to comment something, but held back and looked away from her. Chunji cleared his throat to catch her attention and bringing her eyes onto him.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to try anything” Chunji informer her

She nodded “I know, but I don’t think that I can do that”

He frowned a bit “Your oppa doesn’t have to worry about anything”

“That’s not it” EunMi lied

“Sure it’s not. I don’t care what you do, but don’t mistreat my friends” Chunji warned

                Chunji hopped onto his motorcycle as she stared at him. He looked over at her and gave his famous fake smile. Feeling the emotions that he was holding back EunMi slightly frowned. He was about to throw on his helmet, but he remembered to say something.

“Oh yeah, tell my mom and friends that I’m fine. Don’t want to worry anyone.” He gave her a wink and left

                EunMi did as she said and called everyone, telling them the news without knowing when he said that he was willing to return. All we relieved, but worries still remain in them.


Another update to show everyone how sorry I truly am for that 10 month hiatus. I re-read some of the moments that you, the readers, left me since day one and it made me cry. I became sad that I wasn't able to keep everyone happy due to all of my hiatus.

If I still have any readers (silent and new ones too) left please continue to comment, subscribe and up vote this story to show your support. The more support, the more likely that I would be working on this story more often. I don't know what I would be without you all! Thank you~

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha