Appa's Story

Be My Sunday

After a long day at school and getting hit on by Chunji at the flower stop EunMi headed home and collasped on the couch, deeply sighing.

Her dad chuckled “Another hard day?”

EunMi nodded “Chunji is just a pig! And he doesn't know how to give up”

That's what I like about him” He smiled

EunMi glared at him “You're offically on his side”

That's not it honey. I just could relate to Chunji is all” Her dad explained

She gasped “Relate to him?! How?!”

Her dad headed towards the couch as EunMin sat up, beinging more interested in the story that he was about to tell her. When he sat done he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

You see dear, I was just like him when I was in high school” Hr dad told her

EunMi's jaw dropped

From this reaction he panicked “Don't be quick to jugde! I changed clearly!”

But umma said you were a sweetheart!” She pointed out

I was. . .after I met her” He cleared his throat “Anyway, I use to do anything I want and didn't care about the concequences. I was like that even towards your umma. You remind me of her when I was trying to impress her”

But appa, I thought that you would be a nerd in your years” EunMi bluntly thought aloud

Her appa glared at her than continued the story “I would get her many gifts, brag about things I can do and ask her out a million times. She was annoyed but eventually she gave up and went on a single date with me. I was the happiest person alive. She than found out about the real me and set me straight. We got married and had you”

She smiled “That's sweet”

Now I'm asking you to do the same as your umma” Her appa clearly said

EunMi paused “You want me to get married and have a kid?”

Well. . .eventually but I meant give him a chance. He can be the one, like I was your umma's” He smiled

EunMi thought about it and how happy her parents were. She also thought that about it Chunji turns out to be like her dad that it would be a better change for everyone. On the other hand he could still be a pig and never learn his lesson. EunMi rubbed her chin in deep thoughts while her dad had a hopeful face on. She looked at him and shook her head.

Mianhae appa but I just can't do it” EunMi told him “I just don't see it happening to him”

Her appa frowned “I see. I'm not gonna force you do it. You'll just have to wait and see what kind of man Chunji can be”

She nodded “Thanks for the story though. I miss talking about umma”

I miss her too” He said as he patted her head

The moment ended when EunMi hugged her dad than headed up the stairs to go to bed. Her dad was place there to think about the great moments that were shared in the pass with his beloved wife.

Flash Back

The rain was falling head over the town of Seoul. School was just let out and HyeSu was walking home with an umbrella over her head. With the cars driving by she was unable to hear the pitter patter of the rain falling onto the ground. There was also running that can be hear.

HyeSu!” Someone called from afar

She turned around, almost seeming gracefully from everyone near her. There, stood a guy soaked by the rain and panting from the running. It was TaeHyun, from her class and the last person she wanted to see. He slowly walked up to her and reached for her confused face.

He had tender eyes “HyeSu, please give me a chance.”

She shook her head “You had your hands wrapped around another girl. You're not serious for me”

That's because I was scared” He tried to explain

She smirked “Scared of what?”

He looked at the ground “Of seeing you with another guy, being too attached, falling for you or even worst, losing you”

TaeHyun slowly lifted his head and stared at her eyes but there was a new look in his eyes. The tenderness turned into determined eyes, which made HyeSu's heart pounded for a bit.

But the key word is WAS. I'm giving up everything for you. I want you. I love you” TaeHyun boldly stated

A single tear rolled down HyeSu's cheek as TaeHyun took her hand and held it tightly. His stare was causing HyeSu's heart to skip a beat and turn a bit pink.. A smile formed onto TaeHyun's face.

What do you say HyeSu? Give me a chance?” He asked

She eagerly nodded as more tears rolled down her cheeks. He whipped them away and placed a kiss were one of her tears sat. He was just about to hug her but than he noticed that he was soaked. TaeHyun stepped back and rubbed the back of his neck while laughing awkwardly.

I guess I should head home. I don't want you to catch a cold or get wet in this weater. Get some rest when you're home” He told her with a wide grin than started to walked away

TaeHyun!” HyeSu called out

As he turned he saw that HyeSu has dropped the umbrella and ran up to him. She was on the tip of her toes as she hugged him tightly. He stared foward was a shocked expression and wide eyes. He slowly hugged her back with compassion.

I love you too” HyeSu whispered to him

End of flash back

As the memories flew back to him a tear escaped from his eye. A smile then appeared as he whipped it away and looked over to the picture of her that sits on the table next to the couch everyday. The picture of EunMi's mom or HyeSu.

I never got to tell you how cute you were that day” he said to himself “One of the fears I named that day has come true. I lost you.”

He continued to think about everything that day and the day that he had lost her. The day where she was involved in a robbery and was shot in the process of them escape. The lost of her changed the family quite a bit. They started in Daejeon, where they stayed after EunMi was born, until they were fully healed and moved to Seoul. Thinking about that made his mind go back to Chunji

*You better take care of my daughter. I trust you to be like me and be more to her. Protect her. Love her.* He thught as he gathered his together than head to bed.


Another chapter is posted! Yay! *Cheers* Feel so accomplished haha two chapters in two days. Improvment haha But anyway I hope some of my subscribers are still reading and should leave a comment for me to know ;P haha 

I hope this chapter was enjoyable and the next one will be up soon!. . .I hope. . .

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha