Return of the Exes

Be My Sunday

                After school had let out EunMi headed towards the exit with SoYoung until they noticed that Chunji’s friends were waiting in the front. They came to a stop in front of them.

“Have you seen Chunji?” Niel worriedly asked

“He wasn’t in class all day” L.Joe sadly said

EunMi looked down to the ground

SoYoung glanced at her “Maybe he went home early”

“But he won’t answer his phone either” CAP pointed out

SoYoung shrugged “Go visit him at home”

“Can noona come too? I think he would be happy to talk to you” Changjo pouted

                EunMi wanted to reject his suggestion but he was just so cute that she couldn’t say no. As a group all of them headed towards Chunji’s house but came empty handed when they got there. They then headed to the flower shop but there was nothing there either. Both of his parents had no idea where he went and no one else did either.

*Where could he have gone?* EunMi frowned

                A steaming cup of hot chocolate waited on the night stand, untouched. MiKyong sat next to Chunji as he was lying on her bed, his back turn towards her.

“Oppa, don’t be like this” MiKyong frowned

“Don’t call me that” Chunji whispered

“But oppa” MiKyong called

He turned and snapped “Don’t call me that!”

                He lied back down, telling her that he didn’t want to be bothered with. MiKyong frowned looking at his bleeding knuckles that he wanted to leave untreated. The first aid kit was placed next to the bed and she left the room, leaving it completely dark.

                When she walked down to the living room there sat the girlfriends of his past, as worried as she was. Yun was the first to run up to her.

“How is he?” she worriedly asked

MiKyong shook her head “He doesn’t want to talk to any. He’s in major depressed mode”

HyunAe balled her hand into a fist “That stupid girl! He throws us all away for her and she doesn’t even care for him”

“I hope that he’ll at least take care of himself in the next few days” SunHee worried

“I am totally going to ruin her life now” JinKyong smirked

MiKyong shook her head “No one is ruining anyone’s life. Leave it be”

“Says the girl that wasn’t dumped yet” JinAe snarled

“If you weren’t so clingy then you could have stayed with him” MiKyong shrugged then walked back upstairs

                JinAe glared at her as she went to check on Chunji for the fifth time in the hour. As she opened the door to see that Chunji was standing at the window, staring outside at the people passing by. MiKyong walked behind him and hugged him.

“Thanks for caring” Chunji said semi-emotionless

MiKyong shook her head “That’s what I’m here for”

“Can you treat my knuckles now? They hurt” Chunji slowly came by to his usual self

                MiKyong smiled a bit and nodded. She led him to her bed and sat him down and opened the first aid kit. As she disinfected his knuckles he winced to the  pain and pulled back. She looked up to him and saw him pouting.

“Never mind, it hurts too much” Chunji continued to pout

MiKyong smiled “It’s only going to hurt for a part, oppa”

Chunji’s mood shot down “I still don’t like that word. Don’t use it”

                MiKyong nodded and continued to the treating. When she was down Chunji lied down and took a nap. She left the room silently and walked to the living room, seeing that everyone was still there.

“How is he now?” SunHee asked

“He’s better, but bitter to the word oppa for some reason” MiKyong informed

Yun frowned “That b**** probably called someone else oppa instead of him”

“Watch that language. He might be able to hear you” MiKyong said

“I don’t care and neither should he! I’ll destroy her for this” Yun growled

SunHee shook her head in disapproval “We should just leave her alone. She’s out of his life and he’s out of hers”

“She won’t get off without some kind of pay back” JinKyong joined in

“She’ll regret ever meeting Chunji” JinAe smirked and high fived HyunAe in approval

MiKyong sighed “There’s no stopping you, is there?”

Yun, JinKyong, JinAe and HyunAe shook their heads

“Okay but if Chunji hates you, not my fault” MiKyong said

“He won’t hate us. He’ll be excited and want us back” HyunAe smiled innocently

SunHee shrugged “As long as you keep us out, we’ll be fine”

                With that the four of the girls started their evil planning without any attention of the other two that were useless to them at the moment.


Hey there~ Don't think that I gave up or went on break again! Because I did ;P Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to vote. It'll be open until like. . .maybe next week?


Doesn't this story feel like it's getting to long? I feel it. Tell me what you think and maybe I'll drop some of the things I wanted to add or something. Thanks for reading and subscibing too! Enjoy the story

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha