Pet names

Be My Sunday

The next day at school Chunji walked up to EunMi and SoYoung, who were talking in the hallway in front of their classroom. SoYoung smiled when he walked up to them but EunMi had a very displeased frown on her face.

"What brings you here Chunji?" SoYoung asked

"Yeah, should you be with your Wendesday?" EunMi added

"Yeah but SunHee could wait. I want to talk to you for now" Chunji said then looked at SoYoung "If you don't mind"

SoYoung smiled "Of course not"

SoYoung smiled at EunMi, which meant good luck, then walked away from them. Chunji looked down at EunMi and smiled while she gave him a dirty look.

"Can't you be happy to see me for once?" Chunji asked

"Let me think about" EunMi placed her index finger on her chin "Hmm. . . NO!"

"Come on. You don't even know me. Try talking to me" Chunji said

"No. I don't want to talk to a pig" EunMi started to walk away

Chunji followed her with a smile "Are we using pet names now?"

EunMi grew disgested "Go away"

"Come on. Talk to me!" Chunji said

"No" EunMi bluntly answered

"Why not?" Chunji asked

Suddenly the bell rang and EunMi smiled "Because of that"

EunMi then walked to class, knowing that he won't be there since he has to go to class himself. When he got there SunHee was sitting in the desk next to him. He walked over to her and placed an arm around her.

"Where have you been? I was waiting for you" SunHee pouted

Chunji smiled at her "I had to do something"

SunHee then rested her head on his shoulder "Okay but don't take too much time. I have to wait a whole week before I could do this again"

"I know" Chunji smiply said

The day tend to pass by really quicky for many people but not Chunji. He wanted to use that whole day trying to talk to EunMi but she avoids him no matter what the coast was. During lunch she would sit in the libary hoping that he wouldn't be there and she was right. When she walks down the hall and hear that Chunji was looking for her she hides behind people.

When the day was finished she sighed in relief and walked to work but then she felt that someone was following her. She turned around to see that Chunji was right behind her with a smiled. There was only a few centimeters between them.

Chunji smiled "I like being this close to you"

EunMi rolled her eyes and walked away from him "Leave me alone"

He follows her again "You know you like being with me"

"In your dreams" she said

"So you want to be in my dreams now huh?" Chunji

She pushes him "You're such a pig"

"The pet names again" Chunji pointed out "I'll be your piggy and you can be in my week"

"No!" EunMi said in disguested

Chunji raised his eyebrow "Come on~ You can be my Monday"

"No thanks"




"Not happening"



"Okay Friday"

"Not interested"

"Saturday then"

"Go away"

Chunji and EunMi were talking about it the whole way to the ddeokbokki shop. He even messed with her while she was working but she ignored him the whole time. Finally ChoHee had to step in. She grabbed Chunji by the ear and dragged him out of the shop.

"Please stay around from EunMi. She's not interested in you babe" ChoHee said then walked into shop again

He pouted then walked away from the shop. When ChoHee saw that he was finally gone she smiled at EunMi, who mouthed 'Thank you' to her. Though Chunji never entered the shop again that day but he did return to the shop every hour, seeing when EunMi will be getting off of work. No one noticed him coming back besides ChoHee but she said nothing about it.

Finally it was 8pm and EunMi walked out of the shop and headed to the bus stop. When she got on and took her seat someone had covered her eyes from behind. She pinched the hands that blocked her view, which made them pull away in pain. She turned around to see that it was Chunji again.

EunMi faced forward again "Don't you ever give up?"

"Don't you ever give in?" Chunji moved to the seat next to her

"Nope, never" EunMi said looking outside the window.

Chunji smirked "Well neither will I"

"I suggest that you leave me alone before I call the police on you again" EunMi said

When Chunji spotted her phone in her hand he snatches it out of her hands and puts it in his back pocket. EunMi was shocked by the situation while Chunji smirked.

"Get it" He told her

"You're such a pig!" EunMi said in anger

"But I'm your pig~" Chunji sang

She pushes him out of the seat "You're nothing to me"

Chunji pouts "That's not very nice to say"

EunMi shrugges "It's the turth"

He continues to pout


Hey there. I decided to stay with the updating rule of 3 comments and 5 subscribers. The next chapter only need to more subscribers so why not right? So remember to comment and subscribe if you haven't ;3

Thanks for reading you guys! If you get bored or anything you can also read my other story 'The Nerdy Gangster' with L.Joe keke (You got that right! I'm promoting my stories XD)

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha