Snow Day

Be My Sunday

As the rays from the sun rose and entered EunMi's room her eyes fluttered opened, telling her that it was another day for school and worst, Chunji. She got ready like normal but there was something different that morning, she noticed that her mom's picture was missing. EunMi was just about to search for it but from afar she noticed that it was laying along side with her dad. It softened her heart and brought a smile to her face, showing it'll be a good day.

She headed to school and saw that Chunji was waiting for her just outside of the school's gate. EunMi was going to try her best to avoid him but that was the only way to enter the school. She took in a deep breath and walked pass him as he followed her.

Good morning EunMi~” Chunji sang

Morning” EunMi greeted back

Chunji smiled “Isn't it kind of cold today? I heard it was going to snow today”

EunMi pointed to the sky “There's a gray cloud over there so it probably will”

EunMi tried to be as cold as possible to him but wouldn't leave her. He stuck to her like glue was his skin. They continued the conversation until the school's bell finally pushed him away. She was finally able to relax.

On her way to class she head a few girls talking about what was in the class room. She than walked a little faster to see a bunch of ballons where her seat is. There was a twich that came to her eye, telling everyone how angry she was. She stormed off to Chunji's classroom and slammed her hands on his desks. He looked up looking pissed but softened to see her standing there.

He smiled “You missed me?”

What are you doing bringing balloons into my class room?! What are you doing giving me things?!” EunMi yelled

Showing you how much I am really interested in you” Chunji winked

EunMi grunted “YOU MAKE ME SO ANGRY!”

She stomped out of the classroom and went back to her own as the guys crowded around Chunji. They were all asking him questions and adding little comments about the situation.

I can't believe she acutally did that. It took guts” one said

Another nodded “She must be angry! Are you gonna stop?”

My boy won't ever stop until he gets what he wants” L.Joe wrapped his arm around Chunji's neck and noogied him

Meanwhile EunMi grabbed all of the balloons and through it out of the windows and everyone watched, seeing how pretty it looked in the air. Then she walked over to her desked and tried to calm down as class began.

When school was over everyone saw the white snow that started to fall onto the ground. EunMi stood and looked at the sky for a bit but continued to walked home, due to the fact she doesn''t work today. As she walked away she heard the cheers of a snowy Sunday. It was snowing harder and made it harder to walk. A car than pulled up to EunMi. As the window rolled down she saw a head pop out.

Need a ride?” Chunji asked

She shook her head “I would rather die”

Chunji pouted “That's a little harsh”

Doesn't bother me” EunMi said as she continued to walk

But my little Sunday can't get sick” Chunji whined

Well I don't want a pig driving me home” EunMi commented

Chunji than got serious “Come on. You'll worry your appa”

She thought about it than sighed “Fine, but only for my appa!”

Chunji smiled to his victory as tried to walked to the back door but it was locked. She looked at Chunji and he was pointing to the passenger's seat. She deeply sighed and walked over there. Once she was in the car he drove her home and parked in her drive way.

EunMi gave him a look “What are you doing?”

I wanna come in” Chunji smiled

NO!” She bluntly said

EunMi got out of the car and walked to the door, opening it and entering. Chunji followed her but the door slammed before he was about to enter. He wiggled the door knob to find it locked.

He pouted “Why can't I come in?”

I don't want you in here” EunMi said

Fine, I'll wait all night for you to let me in” Chunji threathened

EunMi shrugged “Go for it. My appa won't be home until tomorrow anyway. He has a meeting”

Chunji than walked onto the lawn and sat down, letting the snow slowly covering him. EunMi peaked out the window and shrugged thinking that he was going to leave soon.

An hour has passed and EunMi took a look out the window again to see that Chunji was still there. She opened the window and felt how cold it was.

She frowned and yelled “Leave already! It's too cold to be out!”

Chunji shook his head “Not til you either go out with me or let me in. . . Actually, just the going out thing”

Well that's never going to happen” EunM told him

Then I'll stay out here forever!” Chunji crossed his arms

EunMi sighed and closed the window. She shook her head, thinking that there was something wrong with him. After another hour she cooked some dinner and looked outside again to see that Chunji was almost covered in snow and lips were turning blue. Her eyes widen in shock. EunMi ran to the door and ran out to him.

G-g-go back i-in side. I-i-it's to-o cold f-for you” Chunji warned her

EunMi shook her head “You have to come in”

He was shivering badly which ripped her heart apart, knowing that she caused this. EunMi tried pulling him up and bring him inside but he refused. She pouted and tried again, leading to another fail.

I-I'm serious a-a-bout what I s-said” Chunji said

I'll get yourself killed” EunMi informed him

He nodded “I-i-i-if that's w-what it takes!”

She sighed then nodded her head “I'll go out with you! Just come in!”

Y-y-y-you have t-t-to mean it! P-pr-promise me!” Chunji stuck out his pinky

EunMi laced her pinky with his and brought him inside. She placed him on the couch and ran around the house, finding the warmest blankets. EunMi wrapped him in it and brought over some hot chocolate that was suppose to be her own. He took a sip and she sighed in relief.

You're gonna catch a cold from this” EunMi told him

B-but it's w-wo-worth it. You're g-g-oing out with me” He lightly smiled

She shook her head *Why must he do this to himself? I treat him so coldly but he still does this?*

After awhile Chunji was finally warmed up so EunMi brought over some dinner for him. He looked up at her, confuesed when he saw the plate in his face. She placed it on his lap and he began to eat as she sat next to him. When he was done with the food he looked over to her, seeing that she has fallen asleep. He smiled and left.

*She's so cute when she sleeps. I'll make tomorrow the best date ever!* Chunji nodded to himself


Another chapter~ I hope that you guys are enjoying the story! Please remember to leave a comment, telling me what to fix or what you think :)

Thanks to all of my subscribers and commenters! Without you I would have dropped this story by now haha Love you all~

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha