Visiting with Memories

Be My Sunday

                It was very early Saturday morning when EunMi got off of the busy while taking in a deep breath. She approached the big building in search of someone, hoping not to get lost. She constantly looked down at a small piece of paper while following signs that hung on the walls. Finally reaching her destination, she lightly knocked on the door. A stranger opened the door.

He smirked “What’s a cutie like you doing here?”

“I’m looking for JinYoung” EunMi informed

“EunMi?” a familiar voice asked from behind the door

                The door widens a little to expose the room to EunMi, while exposing what was in the hallway to the people in the room. On the couch were JinYoung and three other guys and the one that opened the door. They all stared at her with a confused look while JinYoung got up to greet her with a hug. He turned by the everyone

“This is my girlfriend, EunMi” JinYoung introduced with a smile

The one that was at the door chuckled “I knew a cute girl wouldn’t come here unless it was a girlfriend”

“Yah! What is that supposed to mean?!” one of the guys yelled from the couch

“That you’re no cute enough to be getting girls in here” the one at the door explained, jokingly

                As the two of them continued to bicker JinYoung walked EunMi into the hallway, closing the door behind them. He looked at her with soft eyes and patted her head.

“You know that you didn’t have to come down here” JinYoung said

EunMi pursed her lips “I wanted to see you though”

JinYoung smiled “You’re too cute”

                He chuckled as she slightly blushed. JinYoung opened the door once again to see that the two that were bickering are now holding each other in a head lock. When they noticed that the two had reenter the room they let go with a nervous smile and laugh. JinYoung signal everyone to sit down on the couch while bringing EunMi in front of them.

“These are my friends” JinYoung informed

“Hello!” All of them shouted

EunMi giggled

The one of the end started to introduce himself “I’m Gongchan!”

“You can call me CNU” the next one said

“Sandeul is the name” he smiled

“And you know me as Baro” the last one winked

Sandeul slap the back of Baro’s head “Don’t be such a flirt to hyung’s girlfriend”

Baro frowned “It’s not my fault that she’s cute”

                All of them started to have a contest on who could embarrass the other person the most in front of EunMi as she laughed at how weird they were. As time went on the four of them started to join an alliance to embarrass JinYoung about how nerdy he could be or how clumsy he is around the campus. JinYoung would try to defend himself to their attacks, but EunMi giggled at how JinYoung started to turn red.

After all of the laugher they shared, they decided to head to a nearby chain restaurant. After placing all of their orders and waited for their food, they started another conversation.

“So JinYoung here has told us that you’ve known him for a while now” CNU informed

EunMi nodded “Since we were kids”

Baro chuckled “I don’t get why you two are just now starting to date. I would have made a move a long time ago~”

“Well I guess he didn’t want to ruin our relationship” EunMi guessed

JinYoung blushed “I wasn’t clear about her feelings either”

“Or maybe you’re just clueless” Gongchan chuckled

“Sounds right” EunMi giggled


                Two little ones, the boy being ten while the girl was eight, were roaming around the beautiful flowery field that was being kissed by the sunset.  Although the two were having fun the girl frowned.

“I don’t want this to end oppa!” she yelled

He smiled “It won’t, I promise”

She pouted “But what if we have to move away and never see each other again?”

“I won’t let that happen!” he stomped his foot

“I don’t think that you can stop it” she told him

                She sat on the ground with a small frown of her face as he stood there, not knowing what to do. His hands tightened into fist as he grew angry even thinking about the idea. He faced over at the blank orangey sky with his eyes closed tight.

“You better not take EunMi away from me! We have to be together forever! If you let her stay by my side I promise to protect her from anything and become a real man for her!” he shouted

She blushed “Jinny, I don’t think that would really help . . . but it’s really nice to hear that”

JinYoung frowned “I hope that it does help. I don’t know what I would do without you”

                EunMi smiled up to him as he smiled down at her. From a distance they heard their names being called by their parents. JinYoung helped her up and made their way to their parents, handing hands the whole way. Once their parents saw their kids’ action they aw-ed.

“Isn’t that just the sweetest thing?” his umma asked

Her umma nodded in agreement “What are you two planning on doing?”

JinYoung grinned “I’m gonna protect her from the bad guys out there!”

“Like brother and sister?” her appa raised an eyebrow

JinYoung nodded

EunMi frowned *I thought that I could be a princess while you’re my knight*


                After hearing the story JinYoung’s group of friends face palmed themselves. JinYoung blushed to the embarrassing story as EunMi giggled.

“How could you make such a huge statement then say that you’re gonna be her brother?!” CNU yelled

JinYoung nervously rubbed the back of his head

Sandeul patted EunMi’s back “We understand your struggle”

“B-but it wasn’t always like that!” JinYoung tried to explain

Flash back

                A nervous 16 year old JinYoung stood in front of EunMi’s house. He lightly nodded on the door, being opened by her appa. Seeing the redness of JinYoung’s face he chuckled.

“She’s up in her room” her appa informed him

JinYoung bowed “T-thank you”

                JinYoung picked up his head and made his way up the steps to the front of EunMi’s door. He took a big gulp before entering the room, but he heard a couple of thumps from inside. He knocked on the door, opening up to an angry and teary EunMi. She pulled him into the room and threw him onto the bed.

“W-what’s the matter?” JinYoung asked, fearing for his life

“WooHyun cheated on me! I can’t believe that I even liked him! I knew he was no good, but I decided to date him anyway! HOW STUPID AM I?!” EunMi ranted

JinYoung hesitated to answer

EunMi continued “I should have just left him when I saw him drooling over every girl he sees! Why can’t I like any good guys?!”

“T-then how about me?” JinYoung asked

EunMi raised an eyebrow “What?”

JinYoung tried his best to repeat himself “How about me? I’m a good guy”

                EunMi gave him a puzzled look as JinYoung’s face turned scarlet red. She then giggled at him, now confusing him.

“Of course you’re a good guy. Are you scared about being a jerk?” EunMi asked

JinYoung shook his head “N-no I meant could you be interested in me”

EunMi smiled “Of course, I would be interest in someone like you”

“T-then maybe we could become more then friends” JinYoung shyly suggested

“We are” EunMi raised an eye brow “We’re best friends”


“Woah there! That’s just harsh!” Gongchan blurted

Baro nodded “Total friend zoned”

EunMi puffed her cheeks “I didn’t think it’s concerned friend zone. Every girl wants to date their best friends!”

“But I still think that Jinny is at fault” Sandeul pointed out

“Don’t call me that!” JinYoung yelled with pink cheeks

                The group started to bicker back and forward about the matter, but JinYoung finally put his foot down, ending the conversation. Everyone pursed their lips wanting to continue the talk but didn’t disobey him.

                When they finished eating they headed back to the dorms, but JinYoung took EunMi to himself and walked her to the bus stop.

“Sorry for bringing up our business” EunMi apologized

JinYoung shook his head “It’s okay. I shared a couple of things with them before you did anyway. . .just not about Jinny

EunMi giggled

“I’m happy that you came to visit” JinYoung said as he stared up at the sky “They would have tagged along when I headed back so I’m glad that you met them this way”

“I’m glad I’ve met them too. So many stories today that I’ve never heard” EunMi smiled

JinYoung blushed “I wanted to sound cool in front of you. They didn’t help”

                They continued to share a few more laughs until they reached the bus stop, where the bus appeared shortly after they did. After hugging each over, EunMi hopped in the bus, where JinYoung watched her until the bus pulled away. He started to think and a determined look slowly started to form on his face.

“I couldn’t protect you from WooHyun, but Chunji surely won’t you. Not as long as I could help it” JinYoung thought aloud then headed back to his dorm.


Surprise! Thought I stopped writting huh? haha but in reality I was just waiting for more comments, which never came TT^TT that's what i get for not writing as often as I should have. Anyway, i hope this chapter was okay and long enough. I wanted to add a little more of JinYoung in there for you all~ Comment down below on what you think of it! Remember to vote up this story and to subsrcibe if you haven't!

PS. I would have uploaded before today but i was so into fangirling about Teen Top and 100%. ChungBum is too hot!!! *^* and did anyone else watch Teen Top rising 100%? Because in an episode Chunji says Sunday instead of Saturday and caused me to think about you all haha. I'm lame, I know :P

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha