Phone's gone again

Be My Sunday

Monday morning, EunMi fluttered her eyes opened to the sight of a room that was filled by the sun light. She sat up and let out a big yawn then started to get ready for school. After an hour she was finally done so she headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. Like always, her dad wasn't there since he had to work but he left her breakfast on the table. As she was eating she recived a text.

Morning cutie! Hope you have a great day ^_~

EunMi just threw the phone to the side and continued eating. When she was done she cleaned up, grabbed her things and headed out to school. Another text came to her phone.

If you ever need someone to walk you to school I'll happily do it~

Every text that she was getting lately was from Chunji, which made her blood boil. She continued to walk to school, hoping that she won't have to deal with Chunji. Luckily he was too busy with JinKyong so EunMi was able to walk to her class with no problems but her phone beeped.

Happy that you made it to school safely ;)

Again she didn't bother to write back, hoping that he would just leave her alone. She silent the phone and waited for class to began. As the bell rang the students sat down in their seats while the teacher began their lesson. When EunMi gotten bored of the lesson her eyes would look around the room but she suddenly noticed that her bag was glowing. She knew that it was her phone. She took it out and placed it in her lap so she doesn't get discovered.

How's class going?

EunMi rolled her eyes and ignored the text. She kept the phone in her laptop since it was too risky to put it back. Soon she noticed that her phone was glowing again.

I'm bored! Text me back already!

Again EunMi ignored the message, trying to focus on the lesson again but the phone continued to glow. Annoyed, she looked at her phone again.

I know you're reading this! Text me back!


I knew you read my messages :D

Stop texting me! You're going to get me into trouble!

But I didn't get to talk to you this morning >.<

Leave me alone! I'm trying to learn something!

I can teach you something ;)

She gave her phone a look and was going to text back but she caught red handed. Her teacher, Miss Choi, slammed her ruler onto EunMi's desk.

"Texting? In the middle of my class!?" Miss Choi yelled

EunMi jumped in her seat "Um, I was telling him to stop texting me"

"Him?" Miss Choi raised an eyebrow

"Chunji! He won't leave me alone!" EunMi tried to explain

Miss Choi shook her head "No matter. I caught you. Give me the phone"

EunMi did as told and Miss Choi walked away and continued her lesson while EunMi sat there and pouted. She did that the whole class period but Miss Choi didn't care.

*I don't get it! Chunji should get in trouble too! Aish! This school is probably Chunji biased* EunMi frowned to the thought

When class was over everyone left the class except for EunMi. She walked up to Miss Choi, hoping to talk to her. She agreed to talk to her.

"When will I be able to get my phone back?" EunMi asked

"By the end of school. Lucky for you I won't tell your father" Miss Choi said

EunMi nodded "Thank you for that but I don't understand why Chunji doesn't get in trouble"

"Simple. He's not in my class" Miss Choi "You should head to your class now"

EunMi bowed and walked off to her next class but she was angry. When she saw that Chunji was heading to his next class with JinKyong on his arm she walked up to him and punched his back.

"Ouch!" He yelled

When he turned around to yell at the person he stopped and smile in the sight of EunMi. JinKyong was about to say something but EunMi glared at her, telling her to leave them alone for now. JinKyong told Chunji that she would see him later and walked off.

"Hey there babe, you never texted me back" Chunji told her

She narrowed her eyes at him "You call me babe one more time I think I just might punch your guts out"

"Okay little Miss Grumpy" Chunji said tapping her nose with his index finger

"You got my phone taken away!" EunMi exploded

"It's not like you're not getting it back" Chunji pointed out

"I know but you still got me in trouble!" EunMi frown

"Aigoo you're so cute when you're angry! But I have to go to class now" Chunji then walked off

EunMi eyes was twitching "AISH! YOU'RE SUCH AN ANNOYING PIG!"


Finally updated! But I probably won't update till the weekend cause of school. Sorry everyone! But  I hope that you really enjoy this story~

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha