Winter Wonderland

Be My Sunday

As EunMi's eyes flickered opened she realized that it was Sunday. She sat up, yawned and stretched, preparing herself for the new day. Once she was out of bed and ready she waited for Chunji to text or call about the information about their date. She waited all day and night but there wasn't a word from him, leaving her in complete shock. She attempted to call him but it went straight to voicemail.

*I really hope he's not sick from the snow* EunMi worried

The next day came around and EunMi was looking for Chunji in school. Her heart was relieved when she saw a happy and healthy Chunji. When he looked at her he coldly looked away and walked on, causing her to be confused.

She pouted *He's the one that wants to date me! Why the cold stare?! What a misleading boy?!*

EunMi walked on to class and ignored the fact that Chunji wasn't talking to her. The whole day has been the same. Not a word was exchanged between EunMi and Chunji, not even at work. EunMi was a little relieved, thinking that he wouldn't bring the date up. Once the day was over EunMi went home with no troubles from anyone and she went to sleep like she did the night before.

Three days have passed with snow thickly planted on the ground and there was still no Chunji. EunMi's face had a smile on those days; to her, no Chunji than no problems. SoYoung walked with her out of school and noticed that smile on her face.

What's with that weird smile?” SoYoung raised an eyebrow

Not a word from Chunji~” EunMi sang

SoYoung frown “I wonder why he quit on you”

I don't care, I like it like this” EunMi smiled

SoYoung shrugged “I guess that's okay. So want to hang today? I haven't been with you in forever”

EunMi nodded “Sure why no-”

Suddenly, EunMi felt a hand grabbed onto her wrist and a sign in her face. She looked over to see it was Chunji. SoYoung saw her being taken away with a 'busy' sign held to her face.

YAH! The one day I ask you take her?!” SoYoung yelled

Chunji stopped and turned to her “She's mine for today”

SoYoung glared as he turned back and continued to walk EunMi away from her. SoYoung decided not to stop her since she wanted them together but still angry that her best friend was being taken away.

Chunji dragged her all the way to the car as EunMi stood there confused. Once both of them were in the car she realized what was going on and looked at him as he drove.

Why today? I thought you were going to do it Sunday” EunMi pointed out

Chunji shrugged “I might have a second date on that day”

As if” EunMi mumbled

Plus I wanted the snow to be a perfect amount. That way I can set things up” Chunji smiled to himself

The car had finally stopped when the sun was starting to set. Chunji blindfolded EunMi and guided her to the place he wanted her to be. She was fearing for her life but she had no choice but to trust Chunji. When he stopped her, she felt his face next to hers and hot air going into her ear.

I hope that you like this” Chunji whispered

Before she was able to question him he lifted the blindfold, causing her to see bright light. When her eyes adjusted to the light she saw that there were lights set up in the trees and all around the ground that had a blanket placed there. She also saw that there was a basket and a near by lake that was frozen over. She looked back to Chunji, amazed.

Chunji smiled “How you like it?”

I-It's cute. No one has ever done this for me”

Aigoo~” he pinched her cheeks “You're just so cute!”

Chunji grabbed her wrist again and lightly lead her to the lake. Right next to the lake lays two pairs of ice skates, one for him and one for her. Chunji helped get hers one and both of them headed to the ice. He had fallen a couple of times, causing her to laugh and giggle. It brought a smile to his face as she helped him up.

They skated until it was dark. He helped her off the ice and walked her over to the blanket. EunMi sat down as Chunji pulled out desserts from the small basket. She was pleased to see a chocolate cake coming out.

Chunji rubbed the back of his neck “I didn't know what you liked so I guessed this one”

That one is just fine” EunMi smiled

Chunji smiled back. They started to eat and EunMi became amazed when she saw how pretty the lights were, hanging from the trees. The only thing that amazed Chunji was the beauty he found in EunMi as she looked around at the lights.

How did you do this?” EunMi asked

Chunji shrugged “I'm me. That's how it's normally done”

I didn't think that you could be this romantic. No wonders how you get these girls” EunMi said

What are you talking about? I don't take them all on date” Chunji said, puzzled

EunMi's jaw dropped “You mean they just want to be your girlfriend just for the title?”

Chunji nodded

That's gross” EunMi said, uninterested

Chunji smiled “But that does mean that dates are only for the important ones”

When he said that EunMi looked up to him, surprised. She saw his smile and it caused a warm feeling around her body. Chunji focused into her lips and started to lean in. EunMi lost herself and leaned in as well. As he slowly closed his eyes so did she. Suddenly she stopped and pulled back, noticing what was going on. A blushed grew onto her cheeks as Chunji opened his eyes. She stuffed her face with the cake, trying to cover the grewing blush. He chuckled to himself and acted like nothing happened.

A minute late Chunji took EunMi's plate away and set it on the ground. He turned off the lights and walked her over to the lake, showing her the stars that was scattered across the sky.

It's beautiful” EunMi said, still looking at the sky

Chunji shook his head “Not as beautiful as you though”

You're so cheesy” she giggled

He smiled “I know, but it's honest”

EunMi suddenly felt a throbing in her chest but ignored it and looked back at the sky, trying not to blush. A smile developed on Chunji's face again.

Finally it was getting late so Chunji took EunMi back home. He walked her to the front door, planting a kiss on her cheek and walked away. When he reached the car he smiled at her and waved.

I'll see you tomorrow!” Chunji exclaimed and drove away

EunMi pushed opened the door and saw her dad waiting for her in the living room. He noticed a red tomato face and laughed, causing her turn a darker color of red.

I'm guessing you enjoyed the date” he said

Shut up!” she said as she stomped to her room, leaving him smiling.


Took forever to write this, thanks to school and junk haha. Thanks for the comments! It reminded me to write this chapter! I had a mini heart attack writing this too -.- Stupid laptop wants to shut down (due to lack of battery) when I didn't save it but it didn't erase! Thank goodness.

Well remember to comment and subscribe if you didn't! Thanks for supporting this story! Love you guys! :)

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha