Complicated life much

Be My Sunday

                As the day began EunMi tried her very best to avoid Chunji. While she was sneaking around the school someone tapped on her shoulder, causing her jump. When she turned she saw that it was SoYoung and sighed in relief.

“No! Don’t sigh just yet! You better tell me what was up yesterday!” SoYoung yelled

EunMi avoided eye contact “N-nothing really. Chunji being himself I guess”

                Noticing that she was acting a bit off from how she normally was, SoYoung started to analyze what was happening than gasped.

“No! You don’t, do you?” SoYoung exclaimed

“I don’t!” EunMi answered

“B-but your face says otherwise” SoYoung pointed out seeing how red her face was

EunMi shook it off “I don’t wanna bring it up”

                EunMi started to head to class, aiming for no distraction as SoYoung followed her, trying to get all of the answers that she was looking for. Even while class has started SoYoung was still bugging EunMi about but came as a fail since she was being ignored.

She didn’t give up until the very end of the day. When school let out SoYoung followed EunMi, finally shutting up about the topic. Suddenly Chunji walked pass EunMi with his group of friends. Having both of them catch each other’s eyes he winked at her, causing her a turn a soft pink. A smile came on his face from noticing and left with his friends and SoYoung pouted.

“I’m never going to know what happen” SoYoung crossed her arms over her chest

                They parted from their ways and went home. When EunMi was walking someone had covered her eyes, casing her not to move.

*Chunji?* EunMi hoped a bit

“Guess who~” a familiar voice rang

Being surprised EunMi exclaimed “JinYoung!”

                The hands let go of her and let her turn to face them. A smile unconsciously came onto her face, causing him to smile as well. He invited her to a hug by opening his arms and she hopped into it. Her face warmly in his chest she felt stress free and worried free.

“How’s my favorite girl?” JinYoung asked

EunMi blushed a bit from hearing that “I’m great! Why are you in town?”

JinYoung pouted “You don’t want me in town?”

“No! I was just wondering” EunMi removed her face from his chest

“I was joking” JinYoung chuckled “I’m taking a break. I can’t stay away from you forever you know”

                EunMi’s heart skipped a beat to his words and smiled. Realizing this familiar feeling she fell into a deep thought as the two started to head home.

*I always felt this way with oppa but why am I feeling this way with Chunji? I know for a FACT that I love JinYoung but Chunji? I flipping hate that guy! Why do I blush!? Gah!!!* EunMi wanted to pull her hair out

“I heard from your appa that you went on a date yesterday” JinYoung brought up awkwardly “Did you have fun?”

EunMi slowly nodded “Yeah, it was fun but I don’t think he’s the guy I like.”

“That’s good” JinYoung smiled, seeming a bit relief

Noticing his reaction she was in deep thought again *Oppa doesn’t like me, does he? I can’t be sure. I have to find out! Or is this crazy talk? I have no chance with a college guy. . .do I? I’ll never find out!*

                They continued to walk in silence until they reached the neighborhood where EunMi lives. EunMi breathed in the fear and let it out calmly.

EunMi cleared “Oppa, y-you have a girlfriend back at your home?”

JinYoung was quiet for a bit and shook his head “Nope, but there is a girl that have caught my interest lately.”

“Oh, I see” EunMi was crushed a bit

                JinYoung looked down at EunMi, noticing how downed she looked. He was about to explain more to her until her phone rang, telling her she had a text. She looked down to read it and blush a bit. JinYoung had a glance at the name and saw that it was Chunji. He grew a bitter seeing her reaction but didn’t show it.

*Why is she talking to him? She said she didn’t like him.* JinYoung thought

                EunMi put away the phone and let out a sigh, bringing JinYoung’s attention back to her. He thought about a few things before asking anything

“That Chunji still trying to talk to you?” JinYoung asked

EunMi nodded “But as least he’s not as bad as he was before”

                JinYoung noticed that she softened when they started to talk about Chunji, causing his mood to be bothered. He tried his best not to show it.

“I thought that you didn’t like him” JinYoung pointed out

“I didn’t but he has his sweet moments” EunMi explained

JinYoung frown his eye brows “As your brother like figure I don’t think he’s good for you”

“You’re not jealous are you?” EunMi teased causing him to turn pink. She giggled “Nothing will happen oppa. No worries”

                EunMi flashed him a smile which caused his mood to shoot up. Their playfulness was familiar to him since they’ve been doing it for so long. All bitterness washed away for the time being and the normal feeling has fallen over them.


Sorry for the long wait. I had a writer's block and busy with school. . .for the most part. I'll try to post another chapter by next week but I can't make promises! Love you guys. . . Please don't hate me! >.<;

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha