
Be My Sunday

                When school was let out EunMi saw that JinYoung was standing in the front waiting for her. A smile came onto her face and she ran to hug him.

“Oppa! I missed you” she happily said

He smiled “Why did you think I came here to get you? I missed you too”

                EunMi looked up at him with a shine in her eyes from happiness and a soft smile as though she hasn’t looked this way in years.

*See, Chunji can never be like this . . . wait, why am I thinking about him* EunMi shook her head

“Also I’m here to take you on a date” JinYoung surprised her

EunMi jumped in joy “Really!? Yay~”

                She went back into his arms for another hug while Chunji bitterly passed by them, trying not to have any kind of contact with them.

“Stupid guy, stupid date, stupid couple” Chunji mumbled to himself

                JinYoung opened the car door for her and she sat there filled with joy. She turned to him when he entered the car, hoping that he would tell her where they were heading but he didn’t say a word. Instead he but a blindfold over her eyes and started to drive.

                When the car came to a complete stop JinYoung left the car. EunMi felt that the door on her side had opened and JinYoung lead her to the spot he wanted to show her. He gave her the ready sign and she removed the blindfold. The smile that was on her lips escape when she noticed it was the same place Chunji took her on his date.

“Isn’t it pretty? It’s still so cold that the lake is frozen” JinYoung smiled

EunMi lightly nodded “Yeah.”

                She got closer and saw that the lights were still in the tree and there was a blanket on the ground with a basket. JinYoung led her to the blanket and both of them sat down. He started to pull out food that didn’t seem familiar to the scene, causing her to smile a bit.

                When EunMi was done eating JinYoung pulled out one more thing out, a chocolate cake. She frowned and he noticed.

“You don’t like it?” JinYoung sadly asked

EunMi shook her head “It’s not that. I promise”

“Then what is it?”

“It’s just . . . I’m not feeling well” EunMi lied

“You should have said something! I’ll take you home” JinYoung jumped up

EunMi shook her head “No, I’m fine now”

JinYoung sat back down “Okay . . . but if you’re not feeling well tell me. I’ll talk you home”

EunMi nodded

                As they eat the chocolate cake EunMi started to remember everything Chunji had done. It put a small smile on her face. She set the plate on the blanket and looked over to JinYoung who was smiling at her.

“Is there something in my teeth?” EunMi asked covering

JinYoung smiled “No, silly. You just look beautiful”

“That’s what Chunji said” she mumbled

“What?” He questioned

EunMi looked up at him “I said good, that would be embarrassing.”

JinYoung giggled “You’ll be beautiful either way”

                EunMi smiled at him as he did the same to her. He started to lean in, feeling like it’s the moment to kiss her but as EunMi was leaning in she saw Chunji’s face. She stared wide eyed and pushed him away, making him confused.

“I don’t feel well” EunMi lied

                JinYoung nodded and led her to the car. He packed up everything and stated the drive back towards EunMi’s house. Once they got there she darted throws her room as she left JinYoung standing there, unable to figure out what was going on.

“What happened?” Her dad asked

“EunMi got sick” JinYoung explained

Her dad nodded, taking in the information “I’ll cook something for her to eat”

                JinYoung nodded then headed to the couch to watch some television as he headed towards the kitchen. Meanwhile EunMi was yelling into her pillow, trying to make sure that no one would be able to hear it.

“What is wrong with me?! Why does this happens to me?! I know I like JinYoung but taking me there out of all places?! WHY?!?!!?!?!” EunMi shouted in her pillow

                When she stopped yelling she just rested her head on the pillow and began to think about things. Relaxing a bit she took in a deep breathe.

“This is nothing. I’m just imagining him because it was the place he took me to. It means nothing” EunMi told herself and nodded

                Finally, she was ready to open the door to check on JinYoung. When she did she saw that he was sleeping like a baby on the couch, causing a bright smile to come on her face. Suddenly she noticed food on the table and saw a note.

‘My dear EunMi, eat well. I don’t want you to get sick. I had to head to work over night so I just left this on the table. I hope you eat well. Love, your dad’ the note read

                EunMi nodded to the note and began to eat. Once she was done she wash the dish and cuddled up to JinYoung on the couch with a soft smile.

*I’m sure of it, he’s the one I want* EunMi thought as she slept with him


I apologize for the long wait but it's finally up~ Thanks for all of the comments and it's final that the next story will be about Changjo (after receiving 49% of the votes! *claps*) Yay, and with that I'll began writing the story. Thanks for the votes and support! I'll try my very best to continue this!

PS Sorry if this chapter seems. . .one sided to CHunji but I thought that it'll bring drama later so. . .yeah. There WILL be more of JinYoung so no worries~

PSS DON'T FORGET THAT ARROW THINGY! It's like rating it and. . .I like it. . . Thanks for you who clicked it :3

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha