
The Road To Me

"Sehun, let's take a break."

Sehun turns at the voice as he chops the last slice of the tomato in his hand and nods, cleaning his station and rinsing his hands. He takes off his apron and hangs it by the door to the kitchen before following Baekhyun that already taking out his things from his locker.

"You know you have been working awful lot lately." Baekhyun closes the the metal door and turns to face the younger. "Working double shifts, filling for others after that double shifts. Do you really need money that bad? How much did you make last month?"

Sehun chuckles as he shuts is own locker. "Hyung, I've been doing that since I worked here. Did you just noticed it now?" He opens the small fridge inside the break room and pulls out two paper bags, handing one of it to the older as they walk to the table next to the water dispenser.

"Of course I know that!" Baekhyun pouts as he sits across Sehun, taking out the leftover taco from last night and chomps on it. He glares at the younger that has his mouth full with the same food. "And I also know that you told the manager to call you first if anyone need filling since last month." He puts down the taco in his hand. "Is everything alright?"

"Of course it is. It is just, I'm still young, you know. Better make as much money as I can."

Baekhyun eyes the younger suspiciously. He is not buying this one bit.

"Stop looking at me like that, hyung. I told you, nothing is happening."

"You are planning to move out, isn't it?"

Sehun stares blanky at the older. Living under one roof with Baekhyun for several months now has made him immune to other people's antics as he is facing it every single day.

"Don't you love me anymore?"

Sehun sighs.

"That is it, isn't it? You don't love me anymore and you are saving money because you are going to leave me! I just know it!"


Baekhyun cups his ears, mouth singing random tunes as he tries so block Sehun's words. "I can't hear you. Lalalalala." He stops making noises when a half eaten taco being pushed towards his direction and he looks up, facing Sehun that is wiping his mouth.

Sehun smiles when Baekhyun holds up the taco he was given, eyes blinking rapidly as the older stares at him. "See. I still love you, okay. I'm not going anywhere." At least for now.

Baekhyun nods as he takes a bite of Sehun's taco, leaving his more-than-half of his own. He watches the younger heading for the pantry, taking out two mugs and two packets of instant cocoa drink. "I want mine cold!" He sees Sehun nods with the younger's back still facing him and he finishes the taco in his hands, eyes following Sehun as he sits back in his chair.

Sehun slides the colder mug towards Baekhyun and he leans back, sipping slowly his hot cocoa, eyes watching the older finishing his lunch. Having Baekhyun as his housemate is really fun. The older doesn't seem to have bad days even when the day was actually bad. Baekhyun was scolded once for something he didn't do and the rest of the day was so awkward between the other workers but the smile on his face never disappear. And a few days later when the truth was out, Baekhyun's smile on that day was blinding everybody.

Baekhyun frowns as he crumples the paperbag that held his lunch earlier, eyes staring at Sehun. "Why are you looking at me like that? Are you mad at me for eating your lunch? You were the one who gave it to me." He throws the trash away as Sehun chuckles at him.

"No." Sehun puts down his mug, propping his elbows on the table, his palms cradling his chin. "It just, I envy your parents, having a fun son like you."

Baekhyun takes a sip of his drink, eyes still fixed on the younger across him. Occasionally, Sehun would say something like that and he would reply with the widest smile he has but lately, it has become more often. He noticed it a few weeks ago when the younger said the same thing but that time, he had offered Sehun to become his family too, that he would like him to be his little brother and the younger's expression changed. There smile he would get in return wasn't there. "Sehun."

"Yes, hyung?"

"I'm planning to visit my hometown on my next day off." Baekhyun doesn't miss the small twitch in the younger's eyes as Sehun takes another sip of his drink before fixing his posture. "Do you want to come..."

"Sehun, the manager is looking for you."

Baekhyun turns, following Sehun that is looking at their co-worker standing by the door of the break room and a screeching sound sound fills the room.

"Be right back, hyung."

Baekhyun nods slightly, eyes sending Sehun away with their co-worker until he is all alone in the room. He faces back to his front and Sehun's mug catches his eyes. Even though they were interupted before he even finished his question, he already know what the answer will be. He and Sehun are practically together all the time, with living in the same house and working at the same place but every time he mentioned anything about a family, Sehun managed to find a way to not answer it. And because of that, until now, he knows nothing about Sehun's life before they met.

"Baekhyun hyung."

Baekhyun looks up and turns his head, noticing the same co-worker standing by the door again and he gets on his feet, walking towards the male. "What is it? Is the manager looking for me too?"

"No, it is just, someone is here to see Sehun..."

Baekhyun stares at the younger male and he gets a headshake, silently telling him that Sehun is still with their manager. He steps outside, eyes following the finger that is pointing at one of the customers and he purses his lips. He thinks he saw the male that is sitting alone at the corner before but he can't remember where. He keeps his gaze at the male as he heads towards him, his mind trying to come up with some sort of explanation. "Excuse me. Are you here to see Sehun?"

"Ah... yes... I... can I..."

"I'm sorry." Baekhyun pulls out a chair, noticing the slight jolt the male is making as he sits across him. "Sehun is with our manager right now. May I know who you are?"

"Ah... I... my name... Kyungsoo..."

Baekhyun nods, holding out his hand. "I'm Baekhyun, Sehun's house..."

"I know." Kyungsoo stares at the hand hovering over the table before looking up at the male across him. He knows about Baekhyun, about him living with Sehun, and he never stop wishing it was him instead of some stranger living together with Sehun. But, his wish will come true today. He can't wait to see the smile on Sehun's face when he tells him the news.

"Are you a friend of Sehun?" Baekhyun waits but he gets no answer from the male. He takes a quick scan at Kyungsoo. Sehun never talk about his private life but he can sense that the person in front of him is very important to the younger. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

Kyungsoo shakes his head. He has all the time in the world but he just need to see Sehun as soon as possible. He cranes his neck, looking around the shop. Why isn't Sehun here yet?

"Have we met before?" Baekhyun backs a little as Kyungsoo snaps his head down to look at him. He can see the small tremble Kyungsoo's hands make before the male slowly lowers them from the table, hiding it from his view. Did he said anything wrong? But, he thinks he did saw Kyungsoo before today.

"No... no. You... you are mis..."

"What are you doing here?"

Baekhyun turns his head to the side and sees Sehun standing beside him, his gaze is directed towards Kyungsoo. "Se..."


Baekhyun watches as Kyungsoo walks towards the younger and Sehun takes a step back, making Kyungsoo stop his trek. He raises from his seat and looks up at Sehun to see an expression that he never seen before on the younger's face. Sehun's eyes are widen in disbelief and he can see how red his lower lip has become as his teeth keep biting on it. He shifts his focus to Kyungsoo and the male has a small smile on his face, looking so relieved as his hands keep playing with the hem of his shirt. What is going on here? "Sehun."

Sehun glances down and notices Baekhyun is looking at him with eyes asking for an explanation. He turns slightly to his front and purses his lips. Baekhyun has met Kyungsoo. Before the promised time. What will 'he' say?


"I'm sorry, hyung." Sehun grabs Kyungsoo's arm and heads towards the front door, glancing over his shoulder as he passes people that are walking along the sidewalk and pulls Kyungsoo into a small alley. He lets go of the arm and stares down at Kyungsoo. "You are not supposed to be here." He is trying so hard not to yell every words but Kyungsoo really isn't supposed to be here. It is not the time yet.

"I miss you."

Sehun parts his lips but he manages to close them back, stopping himself from saying the same thing. Because he does, he misses him so much but he can't do anything about it. He inhales deeply, holding his breath with his eyes closed, before breathing out and fixes his gaze at the male standing across him. "Didn't I tell you not to do this anymore? What if he finds out? You..."

"He... he won't care." Kyungsoo steps closer, fingers reaching down for that hand that used to pat him when he did a good job. "I... I left the house." He looks up at Sehun that is frowning at him. Why? Why isn't he smiling? He did a great job.

"What are you talking about? You left the house?" Sehun earns a nod and a smile. He watches Kyungsoo grab his hand and bring it over his head.

"We can live together now. Didn't I did good?"

Sehun's eyes widen at the words and retracts his hand back. He glares down at Kyungsoo. "You..." He shakes his head, moving backward when Kyungsoo tries to touch him. Jongin didn't tell him anything about this and that can only mean one thing. "Let send you back home."




+ + + + +




"Long time no see, Jongdae. How have you been?"

Yifan stares down at the younger as he gives no response to Yixing's greeting. He takes a seat across Jongdae, the corner of his eyes watching Yixing pull out a chair before settling down beside him. He was surprised when Jongdae told him that he's in town and would like them to meet. He locks his gaze with Jongdae, leaving Yixing with their order as the waiter stops at their table. "Jongdae."

Yixing turns to his front after sending the waiter away, looking at Jongdae that has this unreadable expression on his face.

"Why are you here? Is something happen to Joonmyeon?" Yifan waits for an aswer but the younger just stares at him. It was only two days ago since he left the house to visit Yixing and he planned to go back tonight but then Jongdae's call came.

Jongdae exhales softly, the hand on his lap and reaches for the brown envelope on the chair next to him with the other. He places the envelope on the table and slides it over to Yifan, eyes fix at the older's face. He still can't believe he is doing this but he had no choice. He is only a servant, following the order that was given to him.

Yixing spares a glance at Jongdae before he turns to his older brother, watching Yifan pulling out a stack of papers, a document of some sort, from the large brown envelope. "What is it, ge?" He studies Yifan's face, waiting for the older to say something as he turns one page after another in silence. He faces the younger when Yifan does the same, both his hands atop of the papers.

"Is this all?"

Jongdae purses his lips, meeting his eyes with Yifan's. Fight for it. Please. "Yes."

Yixing frowns when he notices Jongdae's crestfallen look and he turns to Yifan. "Ge, what is..." His gaze falls at the document and he reaches for it, eyes taking in the words written on the white sheet and he snaps his head to look at Jongdae, barely reaching half a page. "What is this?!"

Jongdae turns his head slightly, facing Yixing that is gripping the document tightly in his hand. The older's voice came out strained, and he knows Yixing was trying to hold himself from shouting at him when he asked that question. He glances at Yifan. He had expected that same reaction coming from Yifan as it involves him too, he will be affected the most, and yet, he didn't waver one bit when he put down the papers to look at him. Fight for him. Please.

"Jongdae!" Yixing grits his teeth when the younger just staring blankly at him before turning back to face Yifan. "Jong..."

"I was told to give you as much time as you want. You are free to check everything again. If there any part in the contract you disagree with, I will inform my employer and we will get back to you as soon as possible. But I assure you that everything is the same. Just like what we promise in the first place."

Yifan nods and he turns to his little brother, ignoring the younger's protest and peels Yixing's hand off the document, flipping through it one by one. True to Jongdae's words, everything is the same just like the verbal contract they made several months ago. Yixing's education will be supported until he graduate without the need to pay anything back. That is all that ever matter to him.

Yixing stuns in his seat, eyes fixed at Jongdae as his ears listen to the younger talking to Yifan. So cold. Every words that being uttered. He hadn't see Jongdae for some time but he never forgets how the younger would talk and act. When Jongdae came to him before, he could feel the worry and sadness surrounding the younger even before he being told anything. He would always speak in the highest manner and his feeling was conveyed through his words. But now, as he stares into his eyes, he knows Jongdae isn't being himself. "Ge."

Yifan turns to his little brother.

"May I speak to Jongdae for a moment?"

Jongdae lifts his chin, watching Yixing rise from his seat and he faces Yifan that is still looking at his little brother before a curt nod is given. He takes it as a cue and he pushes back his chair, following Yixing to a corner by the big glass window. He inhales deeply, preparing himself for anything that is coming as he locks his gaze at the older's back.

"What... why..."

Jongdae looks up slightly when Yixing finally turns to face him and his heart tightens. The older looks so lost, fingers massaging his temples and he just wants to tell everything to him.

"I... don't understand." Yixing shuts his eyes, trying to make sense of everything that he just read but he couldn't come up with anything. "Their feeling was mutual..." He looks at the younger. "...did I misread it?"

Jongdae shakes slightly. Of all people, Yixing would never miss the differences, even the smallest ones, in Yifan's behaviours as the older is his own flesh and blood.

"Then, why..."

"I don't know."

Yixing can feel how heartbroken Jongdae is in his soft voice.

"Yesterday, Joonmyeon hyung was out for half a day and when he came back, he told me to give Yifan hyung that envelope as soon as possible. I know it wasn't right for me, it wasn't my place to do that but..." Jongdae purses his lips. He had opened the envelope, still standing in front of Joonmyeon's desk in the study room and he could feel his surrounding slowly fall apart as the words written caught his eyes.

"Termination of contract." Yixing sees the younger's hand curl tightly on the hem of his shirt, trembling. He had only managed to read half of the first page and he couldn't continue amymore as every word felt like tiny needles prickling all over his body. "Does that mean..."

"The fake marriage is no longer needed." Jongdae looks down. His hands are still trembling and he doesn't know how to stop it. Just like he doesn't know what was the cause of the sudden decision his young master had made. "I asked why..."

Yixing purses his lips at Jongdae's headshake. Joonmyeon didn't say a word, he didn't tell Jongdae the reason why he had to let Yifan go.

"Hyung, please." Jongdae looks up, staring right into Yixing's eyes. He didn't even have the chance to stop Joonmyeon but maybe it isn't too late with Yifan. "Don't let Yifan hyung sign it. I... I..." He reaches for the older's hand with shaking fingers. If only Yixing knew that he had stood in front of the fireplace with the brown envelope in his hand, watching the fire dancing and burning, before he being reminded of who he was and left the place with the envelope pressed tightly against his chest.

Yixing blinks at the mention of his older brother, remembering Yifan's reaction of what just happened. Yifan isn't the type to get angry and start shouting and yelling but after he himself knew what was the content of the document is all about, he had expected to see the same rage he has in Yifan's expression but he saw nothing. The older didn't even flinch when Jongdae started talking formally with him, as if they were strangers. He knows the reason Jongdae acted that way is the same reason as Yifan didn't show any reaction towards the whole situation. They were just doing business. But unlike Jongdae, Yifan is in love with Joonmyeon, and that changes everything.


Yixing frowns when the younger tugs his sleeve. He turns around when Jongdae walks away and he sees no one sitting at their table. His gaze falls on the table as he stops beside Jongdae. There are two mugs left untouched and one that is almost empty, and there is a pen rest on top of neatly stacked papers, with Yifan nowhere to be found.

Jongdae drops in his seat, trembled hand flipping page after page as his heart sinks deeper and deeper each time a signature that wasn't there before catches his eyes. It's all over.




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2457 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2457 streak #5
2457 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2457 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2457 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2457 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2457 streak #10