
The Road To Me

Yifan claps as the band on the stage finishing their song. He waves at the bassist, letting him know that he is here cheering for him. He watches as the bassist walks toward his table and pull out a chair, taking a sit beside him.

"So?" Yixing pulls out a handkerchief from his side pocket and wipes the sweat on his face.

"It is awesome, as always." Yifan pats his little brother on the shoulder.

Yixing thanks the waiter that brought him a drink. He takes a sip while looking at his brother. "So, why are you here?"

Yifan smiles. "Can't a brother come to watch his little brother's performance?"

Yixing glances at his wrist watch. It is 2.30 in the morning. His brother shouldn't have come as he has to work in the morning. He can see the dark circle around the eyes. "No, you can't. Not on work days."

Yifan widens his eyes. "I am the older one so I can do what I want!"

Yixing rolls his eyes at the remark. Yifan always uses that statement against him.

Yifan pulls out an envelope from inside his jacket. "This arrived today." He slides the opened envelope to Yixing. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Yixing sighs as he reads the letter, telling him that his application for the scholarship has been denied.

"Yixing, look at me."

Yixing keeps looking down, reading the letter once again.

Yifan knows that his brother didn't mean to lie to him. He knows how much Yixing want to continue studying about music and playing in a band at a club is not enough. He can't do anything about it despite being the older one between them. Yixing is talented and he is so proud of him but even with the money he has saved, it is still not enough to send his little brother away to study music. Although he doesn't want to, he let Yixing work part-time at the nearby deli shop during the day while playing with the band at the club during the night.

Yixing folds the letter and puts it on the table. His brother wasn't supposed to find out about this. He applied for the scholarship behind his back. He wanted to tell Yifan about his plan if he gets the scholarship because if he doesn't, then he can act like nothing happened. But plans don't always go the way we want.


Yixing finally looks up after hearing a long sigh coming from his brother. He grabs Yifan's hand. "Ge, don't worry about it." He gives the big hand a soft squeeze. "We can save more money and I can find another school that is much cheaper, one that won't burden the two of us."

Yifan brings his free hand and takes Yixing's, putting it on the other hand. He smiles. "If you say so."



+ + + + +



"Joonmyeon hyung, you should go to sleep. It's already three in the morning."

"I will, when dad opens his eyes."

Jongdae sighs as he exits the room. He looks at the person that has been waiting outside the room. "He won't listen. He should sleep because we need to talk about the will tomorrow."

Zitao huffs as he opens the bedroom door, storming toward the guy that is sitting beside the bed. "Ge!"

Joonmyeon turns and sees his childhood friend is looking at him with anger in his eyes. He wants to say something but he was pulled out from the bedroom before he could do that. "Tao, where are we going? I have to stay with my dad."

"Uncle isn't going anywhere." Zitao leads Joonmyeon to the kitchen with Jongdae following behind them. "If you won't sleep, than let's talk about the will!" He pulls out a chair and forces Joonmyeon to sit. He widens his eyes when his friend tried to stand up and points at him. "Sit!"

Jongdae opens the fridge and takes out a carton of milk. He walks towards the stove and started warming up the drink while listening to the conversation of the two friends.

"Are you going to let Jongin takes over the company?! He doesn't know anything about architecture, or how to run a company! If he gets the company, all uncle's hardwork will be down the drain!"

Joonmyeon couldn't say anything as all the words that came out from the mouth in front of him about his cousin are true.

"I know, I have seen how hard uncle has work to make the company like what it is now and that bastard doesn't deserve the company! I don't care if his father was a partner and he has the right to it as you but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants!"


Jongdae serves the two friends a glass of warm milk each. He then exits the kitchen, leaving Joonmyeon to Zitao, hoping that the Chinese boy can knock his young master some senses.

"Ge, listen to me. If you acting like this because of the will, I am happy to marry you. I..."

Joonmyeon shakes his head as he lift the glass in front of him. He blows the steam off before taking a sip. "I can't do that to you. You are like my little brother and I can't let you involve in our family problems."

"But ge, I am not your little brother. If you had notice, I have been involved in your family problems since I was a little kid, with or without me knowing it myself."

Joonmyeon smiles at Zitao. The small Chinese boy that he met 15 years ago has grown so much and turning into a handsome young man. Zitao is really like a younger brother that he never have. They became friends after Zitao's father often bring him to his house whenever their fathers have meetings. He really cherish their friendship and because of that, he can't marry Zitao even though he can see in his friend's eyes that he is sincere with his words.

Zitao finishes his milk, looking straight at the beautiful male across him. He loves Joonmyeon with all his heart and since they were a little kids, he has been telling him that he wants to marry him when they grow up but Joonmyeon just laugh it out. He knows his best friend doesn't love him that kind of way but he can't stop his heart from loving him, and he is fine with that. The subject was stored deep inside his mind but when Jongdae told him about the will, he told himself that he can't let the opportunity go and marry Joonmyeon, even without love.

Joonmyeon pushes his half glass of milk toward Zitao, knowing the guy loves the drink. "All that you just said were right. I don't want my dad's hardwork wasted by Jongin. I will find a way to settle this."

Zitao puts down the empty glass and sighs. "I want to help, whether you like it or not!"

Joonmyeon smiles as he nods.



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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10