
The Road To Me

Yifan stops his step at the clicking sound and moves his phone around, wanting to light the surrounding and pauses when he saw a figure standing near the stove. "Jongdae?" He waits for an answer but nothing reaches his ears. He walks closer, keeping the light source from his phone at the figure. Why isn't the younger answering him? "Jongdae, what..."

"It's me."

Yifan halts and lifts his hand upward, making the light to reveal voice owner's face. "Joonmyeon?" He can see the small nod Joonmyeon gives him despite the dim surrounding and he exhales. "What are you doing?"

"I... was looking for candles..." Joonmyeon squints his eyes as the light source from Yifan's phone is too bright for him. He feels Yifan's presence next to him and he curls his fingers into a fist, ignoring the stinging that is still pulsing on it. Yifan won't notice if he just keep clenching his hand like this.

Yifan lets out a breath. It had started raining an hour ago, a few minutes after he entered the house, leaving Luhan and Chanyeol by themselves. It was a drizzle at the beginning but some times later, he could see flashes of lighting outside his bedroom window before a loud thunder echoed throughout the house and the electricity went out. He looks at Joonmyeon. "Did you find any?"

Joonmyeon shakes his head. "No." He pushes the drawer that is full with utensils closed, with one hand still clenching tightly. He needs to go to the living room before Yifan notice anything.

"Where is Jongdae? Have you asked him?"

"Jongdae isn't back yet."

Yifan furrows. "He isn't?"

Joonmyeon shakes slightly. "The wedding ended late and they missed their flight."

Yifan purses his lips. He was quite surprised to see Baekhyun at breakfast this morning and it took him a bit of time to process the younger's words as Baekhyun was explaining his reason for coming with his mouth full. Baekhyun said he and Jongdae will be back before midnight and he thought the younger already went to bed, tired from the trip, as Jongdae didn't greet him like he usually does every night, no matter how late he is.

Joonmyeon notices how Yifan's eyes wandering around the dark kitchen and moves slightly to the side. The throbbing on his palm is getting stronger and he needs to find the first-aid kit fast.

Yifan turns his head as he feels Joonmyeon's shoulder brushing against his and he inhales. Even during time like this, Joonmyeon is still avoiding him. What did he do so wrong that made Joonmyeon treat him like he doesn't exist? He really can't take it anymore. "Joonmyeon, wait!" He reaches out and manages to grab one of Joonmyeon's hand.


Yifan release his grip at the cry out and he can hear small whimpers coming from Joonmyeon. He brings his phone up to light his front and sees Joonmyeon has one hand clutching over the other, both tightly pressed against his chest. "Joon..." He steps closer, brows furrow in confusion, and pulls on Joonmyeon's wrist, revealing a long cut across the palm. "What happened?"

Joonmyeon watches as Yifan examines his injured hand and he tugs at it a little, trying to free his wrist from Yifan's grip, but Yifan just moves closer to him, refusing to let him go. "Yifan..." He hears a sigh before Yifan pulled his hand toward the sink and rinses his hand under the tap water. He bites his lips, trying to endure the stinging pain.

"You should be more careful."

Joonmyeon looks up to Yifan, trying to find his eyes as Yifan wipes his hand dry with a clean cloth. He follows when Yifan pulled him to walk, exiting the kitchen and enters the living room. The living room is dark, just like the kitchen but somehow, he feels comfortable, unlike when he was in the kitchen.

"Let me see."


Yifan takes a seat beside Joonmyeon on the sofa, his phone on his lap with its screen facing up, lighting the small space between him and Joonmyeon, and he takes Joonmyeon's injured hand in his, while another hand grabbing the ointment from the emergency kit Jongdae kept in the drawer under the television set. He applies the cream across the palm, glancing slightly when he heard Joonmyeon's soft whimpers. "Just a little more."

Joonmyeon nods, pursing his lips as he feels Yifan's breath on his palm, blowing on his cut. He was in his study room when the electricity went out and with his hands stuck to the wall, he managed to arrive at the kitchen, hoping to find a torchlight or some candles. He was just feeling around inside the drawer when he heard footsteps and that was when he accidently cut himself with the knife inside the drawer.

"Why didn't you call for me?"

Joonmyeon lifts his chin, watching Yifan as he wraps his hand with the bandage cloth. He stares at Yifan's face and looks down when Yifan's eyes met with his. Yifan. It was the first thing that crossed his mind when everything went dark but when he arrived at the bottom of the stairs, his feet couldn't move to climb it. The image of Yifan standing next to Luhan flashed back inside his mind and he turned toward the kitchen. Luhan is perfect for Yifan.

"Does it always have to be like this?"

Joonmyeon glances up, looking at Yifan that has his eyes fixed at his wrapped hand.

"You had to be hurt before we could talk like this?" Yifan faces up, staring straight into Joonmyeon's eyes. Despite the dim light from his phone, he can see Joonmyeon's lips has turned into a thin line. His hand closes the emergency kit but his eyes never left the person that is sitting right across him. He can't take it anymore. He could understand the first time Joonmyeon did this to him. They weren't that close so of course Joonmyeon felt reluctant to tell him about his feeling. He really thought they have establish a trust between them after that night but now, this happened.

Joonmyeon exhales. Yifan is looking at him with such serious expression and he breaks the gaze, turning away but Yifan tugs his hand, making him faces the male again.

"Don't..." Yifan shakes his head, squeezing softly the small, wrapped hand in his hold. "Let's us talk. Tell me what I did wrong and I will fix it. Don't just shun me away and hide everyhting from me. Please, Joonmyeon..."

Joonmyeon bites his lips, trying to stop the trembling that is slowly engulfing him. Yifan's voice was so low but he could hear every word being uttered amist the sound of the rain falling outside. He knows he is being unfair, ignoring Yifan and avoiding him even though Yifan did nothing wrong but what Chanyeol said was true and he couldn't get it out of his mind. Yifan did look good with Luhan, that day at the cafe and tonight. Yifan wants him to tell him everything, the reason why he is acting so distant, but he himself doesn't know why he is behaving this way. Why the image of Yifan smiling at Luhan making his heart ache so much that avoiding Yifan was the only way he could stop it from hurting too much, even just for a moment.


Joonmyeon's ears perk up, eyes widen at the name.

"...I don't know what he said to you that day at the cafe but I know it has something to do with me and..." Yifan breathes in, eyes still hasn't left Joonmyeon. He needs to make everything right again. Maybe he was thoughtless, wronged Joonmyeon in a way he hadn't realize it and resulting Joonmyeon to ignore him, and maybe he deserved that, but it hurt him. Seeing Joonmyeon's back when he turned away from him made his chest tightened, and he doesn't know why feel like that. Why it felt like he couldn't breathe when Joonmyeon brake away their gazes. " don't have to tell me but please, don't push me away..."

Joonmyeon's breath hitches as he feels the soft squeeze around his injured hand. He looks down at his hand, to see Yifan's thumb caressing his nuckles. He shuts his eyes closed, feeling the warmth from Yifan's hand slowly spreading all over his body. Why isn't Yifan being angry at him? Yifan didn't do anything wrong but he acted like Yifan doesn't exist and hurt his feeling. Yifan should be angry and loathe him and demand him an explanation but he didn't sense any resentment in Yifan's words. Yifan even treated his wound, not only once but twice, and he is acting like a spoiled brat.


Joonmyeon flutters his eyes open and notices Yifan has moved closer to him, their knees touching each other and he glances up, searching for Yifan's eyes. Yifan deserves an explanation and he will do just that. "Yifan, I..."

Yifan waits, hands gently caressing the slender fingers in his hold, as a way of telling Joonmyeon that he is here, that he can tell him, trust him with anything and he will still be here.

"I'm sorry." Joonmyeon locks his gaze at his front, staring deeply into Yifan's orbs. "I..." He blinks before tearing his gaze away, unable to face Yifan anymore. What happened was so childish that he is sure Yifan will think weirdly of him for making such a small matter into something serious.

"It's fine. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Yifan exhales softly, eyes fix at Joonmyeon. The rain is still falling heavily outside the house but the air between him and Joonmyeon has become lighter and there is nothing more he wished for right now. If Joonmyeon can't tell him what has been bothering him, maybe it is better that he doesn't about it at all. He just want Joonmyeon to talk to him again, to smile at him when their eyes meet. He looks down at his lap when a beeping sound was heard and the room goes dark. He feels jolt from Joonmyeon's hand as a thunder echoes throughout the house and he reaches his died phone on his lap, putting it aside as he moves closer to Joonmyeon's side, pressing their shoulders together. "I'm here."

Joonmyeon finds himself looking up at Yifan and despite the darkness surrounding both of them, he knows that he is safe, because Yifan is here. He feels Yifan's hand sliding across his back before it settles and cups his other shoulder. Yifan's breath is ghosting on his forehead and something blooms inside him, something he doesn't recognize but somehow he knows, that only Yifan can make him feel like this.




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10