
The Road To Me

Yifan blinks when he saw the person that is sitting at the table. What is he doing here? "Did you asked for me?"

Jongin nods, smiling at Yifan that has a surprised look on his face. Of course. He himself never thought he would pay a visit to his cousin-in-law at his workplace. He would have the same expression if he was Yifan. "Have a seat, hyung."

Yifan's eyes follow Jongin's hand that is gesturing to the chair across him before looking back at the younger. "Sorry, but I'm still working..."

"It's lunch time, hyung." Jongin cuts and glance at his wrist watch. "Well, after lunch time, I guess." He looks at Yifan. "I asked and your... friend?" He tilts his head before nodding, assuring himself. "...friend and he said you still hasn't taking your break." He pats the table. "How about eating with me?"

Yifan stares at the younger. What is he trying to do? He looks at the wall clock of the cafe when he heard it chimed. 3 o'clock sharp and just like Jongin said, he still hasn't taking his lunch break. Today's a little busy and he lost track of the time but still, eating with Jongin will be so awkward. He sees the younger smiling and was about to decline his offer when a hand taps his shoulder.

"Are you eating now, hyung?"

Yifan watches as his co-worker placing a tray that is full with food on the table. He furrows when the male smiles at him.

"I thought you never going to stop working. Take your time, hyung. We can handle it."

"Your friend is right, hyung." Jongin pushes the tray toward the empty seat across him. "Take your time. I even ordered for you."

Yifan stares at his co-worker and the male smiles at him, pulling the empty chair out before leaving him and Jongin. His eyes follow the male until he disappears behind the kitchen door. He throws his gaze around the cafe. There are only a few customers left and he can hear his stomach grumbling. He sighs as he takes a seat, praying that it won't be too awkward. He pulls the plate of pasta closer to him, before looking at Jongin. The younger only has a glass of Americano in front of him. He looks up, meeting with the younger's eyes. "Aren't you eating?"

Jongin chuckles, shaking his head. "It's already past lunch time, hyung. I already ate with my Soo." He stirs his drink. "You go ahead and eat. Don't mind me."

Yifan inhales before looking at the bunch food in front of him. If Jongin wasn't going to eat, why did he ordered such amount of food? He cannot finish it all by himself. He looks at the younger that is staring at him. He sighs.

Jongin smiles as he watches Yifan takes a bite of the carbonara pasta he ordered. He sips his drink before sitting straight, facing the Chinese male. "I thought you didn't come to work today."

Yifan pauses, biting off the strands of pasta before lifting his chin, looking up at the younger in front of him. What's that supposed to mean?

Jongin notices the furrowed eyebrows. "Well, Joonmyeon hyung didn't come to work today. I thought you were with him."

Yifan stares straight at Jongin. Joonmyeon didn't? But he was getting ready to go to work when he saw him at breakfast this morning.

Jongin shakes his head. He knows Joonmyeon isn't the type of person that like sharing his problems with others but still, Yifan is his family now. The Chinese male has the right to know what is happening in the family. He takes another sip of his drink, eyes fixed at the older. Should he tell him?

Yifan wipes his mouth and straighten his back. The way Jongin looks at him as if the younger has something to tell him, probably the same thing that brought him to the cafe. "Why did you come to see me?"

"Hm..." Jongin taps his chin. "Indeed, why did I come to see you?" He notices Yifan's eyes boring at him. He huckles. "Don't be like that, hyung. We are family now. Can't a family visits another family at his workplace?" He stares straight at the Chinese male. "You can visit my Soo at his office too but I wouldn't recommend it."

Yifan rolls his eyes at the statement. He didn't even visit Joonmyeon, why would he want to visit Kyungsoo? He lifts the glass of watermelon juice and sip a little. He tried not to be awkward but Jongin make it so difficult.

Jongin stirs his drink. Yifan seems nice even though the stoic expression comes out once in a while. And he has to admit that it scares him a little when the older put on that face. "My uncle, your father-in-law, is dying."

Yifan furrows. Jongdae already told him about Joonmyeon's father and his condition. He only has seen him once when Joonmyeon introduced him to his father after the marriage as he doesn't think he has the right to visit the older often. "I know."

"But, the fact that you are here working means that you didn't know his condition is getting worst." Jongin notices Yifan's eyes widen at his words. "Jongdae hyung called and told me about uncle's condition even though I don't know what the use of telling me about it." He stares straight at Yifan. "I am more curious to why he didn't tell you about it."

Yifan stares at Jongin. Should he believes the words that came out from the younger's mouth? But lying to him about something like that doesn't bring anything to the younger. He fishes out his phone and unlock it. He didn't silent it and there is no new messages or missed calls. He looks back at Jongin.

"Maybe it's nothing, hyung." Jongin sips his drink. Yifan looks so worried that he feels sorry for the older. His cousin shouldn't treat Yifan like that. He himself could never treat Kyungsoo like that. "Maybe that's why Jongdae hyung didn't tell you." He looks down at the plate in front of Yifan. "You should eat, hyung. Your break will be over soon."

Yifan looks down at the half-eaten plate of pasta. He has lost his appetite after hearing the new information. He stares at his phone, touching it everytime the screen goes black. Should he call Joonmyeon and get a comfirmation about the news Jongin just told him? Maybe Jongdae can shed some light at the matter.

"Maybe uncle is fine already." Jongin puts down his Americano. He grabs one of the shrimp tempuras as he stares at the Chinese male in front of him. Yifan still has his head down, eyes fixed on the device in his hand. "Are you happy with Joonmyeon hyung?"

Yifan snaps his head and look straight at the Korean male. Why the sudden change of topic?

"I don't like gloomy things." Jongin smiles. "But if you aren't happy, don't tell me about it." He sips his drink. "Oh! Let me tell you. Me and Soo went on a date last weekend and it was so fun! We watched the new comedy movie. I wanted to watch the horror one but Soo said he can't watch it and suggest the comedy one. You know I can't say no to my Soo so comedy it was."

Yifan listens as Jongin keeps telling him about he and Kyungsoo and what they did. As far as he knows, Kyungsoo is like him. They both got married because of the will and no feelings were invovled but as Jongin's stories go on, he notices the change of tone in the younger's voice every time Kyungsoo's name being said. He stares straight at the younger. Maybe he was wrong. Jongin has a look on his face and a person couldn't fake that kind of look. The look a person has when they think about the person they really care about.

"And we even bought couple necklaces!"

Yifan watches as Jongin slides his hand inside his shirt, pulling the necklace he is wearing. There is a small pendant shaped like a lock hanging on it.

"Soo has the key." Jongin smiles as he stares at his necklace. "Because only my Soo can open my heart." He slides back the necklace into his shirt and pat his chest. He looks up and meet with Yifan's eyes. "How about you, hyung? Don't you and Joonmyeon hyung have couple stuff?

Yifan stares blanky at the younger before looking down at his own hand. The only couple thing he and Joonmyeon have is their wedding ring and they weren't even the one who bought it. Jongdae visited him at the cafe one day and measured his finger. He inhales as he stretches his fingers, staring straight at the silver circle on his ring finger. They don't need others anyway.

Jongin sighs. Yifan and his cousin are so boring. He knows that their marriage doesn't have love involve but still, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the married life. Kyungsoo doesn't love him too but he was the one that suggested they buy the necklaces.

"Jongin, your phone."

Jongin stares at Yifan that has his finger pointing at his phone that is on the table. The screen is lit up but there is no sound coming from it. When did he silent it? He tilts his head in wonder as he unlock his phone, reading the text message that just arrived.

Yifan notices the changed expression on Jongin's face as the younger stares at the device in his hand. Their eyes meet when Jongin looked up and his mouth parts a little as if he has something to tell him but the younger closes it back when a ringing sound was heard.

Jongin waits as Yifan fishes his phone from his pants pocket and answer the call he received. He exhales when the older's eyes widen slowly while his eyes fixed on him. Only now Joonmyeon tells Yifan. He leans back to his chair when the Chinese male ended his conversation. "I guess we got the same news, huh, hyung?"



+ + + + +



Yifan bows as the last guest bids him farewell. He closes the front door and and turn. The house has always been quiet but after what happened tonight, the silence is deafening. He sees Jongdae walking toward him with worried on his face.

"Hyung, have you seen Joonmyeon hyung?"

Yifan blinks. "Isn't he with Tao?" He is sure he saw the younger escorted Joonmyeon to his room earlier.

Jongdae shakes his head. "Tao fall asleep and Joonmyeon hyung isn't in the bedroom." He glances at his wrist watch. It is nearly three in the morning and after what had happened in the evening, he is really worry about his young master.

Yifan notices Jongdae keeps blinking, trying to stay awake. He knows the younger is the most tired person tonight as he was very busy attending the guests that came to convey their condolences to Joonmyeon about his lost. He catches Jongdae trying to hold back his yawn and smile. "You should rest. I will look for him."

Jongdae swallows, shaking his head. "I'm fine, hyung. I will help you." He looks around. "I think I haven't check the guest bedroom. I will..."


Jongdae looks down at his arm and see Yifan's hand is holding him, preventing him from walking away. He looks up and meet his the older's eyes.

"You have done enough for tonight and I haven't done anything." Yifan releases his grip on Jongdae's wrist. "Let me do this. You should sleep. There are things to do in the morning, right?"

Jongdae blinks quickly. The Chinese male is right. There are still many things he need to do tomorrow and he really couldn't keep his eyes open wide enough to search for his young master. He stares at Yifan that is looking at him with a small smile on his face. Guilty wraps around him as he keeps staring at the Chinese male. He nods. "Please take care of him, hyung."

"I will." Yifan watches as Jongdae walks toward his bedroom and sigh when the younger can no longer be seen. He throws his sight over the stairs, trying to remember the way and where the guest bedroom is. Two weeks is long enough for someone to get familiar with the house but he being himself chose to not be like a cat even though the curiosity won't kill him if he explores the entire house. He turns to his left after reaching at the top of the stairs and stare at the empty hallway. His bedroom is on the right side so the guest bedroom most likely to be on the left side of the stairs. He opens the first door he sees and bite his lips. Joonmyeon isn't here either. He looks around the bedroom and notice the balcony door is opened. He smiles. Jongdae really didn't check this room. He walks toward to balcony, wanting to close the door when his eyes caught a figure sitting on the bench at the small garden below. "Joonmyeon!"

Joonmyeon looks up to see Yifan is looking at him with worried on his face. His eyes follow Yifan as he climbs down the balcony stairs and smile when the Chinese male is standing right in front of him. Yifan is so tall. He wonders how small he would look like if they stand next to each other.


Joonmyeon smiles weakly, eyes still fixed on the Chinese male. Yifan has a nice voice. He never though his name would sound so soothingly. He looks down on the ground when Yifan is no longer in front of him and take a deep breath when he felt a warm presence beside him.

"Jongdae already went to bed. You should too."

Joonmyeon inhales. Jongdae. If he doesn't have the younger by his side tonight, he would be so helpless and lost. He should thank the younger properly tomorrow. Maybe giving him a raise or something.

Yifan notices the faint sighs that keep coming from the small figure beside him. He only could watch as he doesn't know how to comfort people. It was always Yixing that know just what to say. His little brother has his way with words. "Tao will start searching for you when he wakes up."

Joonmyeon sits straight, head tilting up, eyes staring at the night sky. Zitao always pinch his cheeks every time he compares the younger with starless night. The Chinese younger would say that his face isn't that dark but that is not he meant. He feels secure even when the night sky doesn't have its stars just like when he is with him but Zitao won't buy his explanation. He slowly lean back until his back touches the bench with eyes still locked at the sky.

Yifan watches as Joonmyeon slowly close his eyes. He knows the Korean male isn't sleeping as the small hands keep opening and closing and he leans back too. He couldn't offer his words and waiting is the only thing he could do. He closes his eyes, feeling the cold night wind on his face but snap it back open when he felt weight on his shoulder. He glances over to his side and see Joonmyeon is leaning against his arm.

"I'm sorry."

Yifan furrows. What does he meant by that?

"Jongdae wanted to tell you too but I stopped him. I didn't know Jongin was with you. I'm sorry."

Yifan exhales. He turns his head and his nose grazes with soft, black locks.

"The doctor already told me that he couldn't be saved but I was stubborn. Instead of let him go, I brought him home, hoping for a miracle to happen but all I did was torturing him." 

Yifan swallows. "There is nothing wrong with hoping for the better."

Joonmyeon could feel Yifan's lips on his hair and warm breath on his forehead. He chuckles. "I did that to you too."

Yifan watches as Joonmyeon pulls away from him and sit straight, eyes fixed on the ground. He blinks whe he heard another small chuckle coming from beside him. "Joonmyeon?"

"I guess it's my habit then." Joonmyeon turns and meet with Yifan's eyes that is staring at him. He smiles. Yifan has beautiful eyes. He doesn't know how could he do such a thing to a person that has that kind of honest and sincere in their eyes. He should stop now. "Yifan."

Yifan blinks. Joonmyeon's voice calling his name sounded so weak.

"I should let you go."

Yifan furrows. The way Joonmyeon looks at him as if he had done something terrible to him.

"But I need to save the company." Joonmyeon stares straight at Yifan. "And I have to have you to do it."

Yifan nods. He knows that as it is the main reason why they got married. He inhales as he notices Joonmyeon still has something to say.

"Then I will let you go." Joonmyeon bites his lips, realizing what he just said before chuckles at his own words. He sounded so selfish right now but he has to do this. He has been delaying the talk about his relationship with Yifan and he can't keep doing that anymore. Yifan has the right to know where their relationship going to be.

"Joonmyeon..." Yifan locks his eyes at Joonmyeon. He can guess where this talk is heading but couldn't understand why it has to be now. He notices Joonmyeon keeps blinking, as if forcing himself to stay awake. "Let's go inside. You should rest."

"You don't have to worry about Yixing. I will still support him even after we separated. You have my word."

Yifan sighs. Joonmyeon couldn't, no, he refuses to listen to him right now. He watches as Joonmyeon slowly get up from the bench and staring down at him. He notices the shaking lips as the small mouth parts a little.

"Or, you need a written contract?" Joonmyeon looks around the small garden that he is in and notice the balcony light still lit up. He turns back at Yifan and nod. "Of course we should do that. How can you trust a person you barely know, right?" He shakes his head, couldn't believe at himself. Why didn't he thought of that from the beginning? He knows Yifan is a good guy but even good guy shouldn't trust a stranger blindly. Even more if the stranger is just using you for his own sake.

Yifan quickly get on his feet when Joonmyeon turned and walk away, heading toward the balcony stairs. "Joonmyeon!"

Joonmyeon grabs the railing and turn to face Yifan that is slowly walking toward him. "I will write the basic stuff. Then in the morning, we can get it finalize." He smiles at Yifan that is now standing beside him. "Or, we can write it together."

Yifan manages to catch Joonmyeon's wrist before he could climb up the stairs. He shakes his head when Joonmyeon turned to look at him. "It's fine." He hears a chuckle coming from the small mouth.

"What are you saying? Of course it is not..." Joonmyeon pauses as Yifan gives him a headshake with eyes locked at him. He follows when Yifan pulled his hand until he is standing right in front of him.

Yifan stares down at the pale male in front of him. What happened tonight made Joonmyeon looks even paler and he purses his lips, stepping closer to Joonmyeon before wrapping his arms around the small shoulders. "It's fine." He caresses the soft locks. "It's fine."




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10