
The Road To Me

"He really said that?"

Yifan halts his steps, head slowly turning to the direction of the voice and notices one of the glass doors to the patio is opened.

"I really should come here often. This is really delicious."

Yifan inhales, legs moving on its own toward the outdoor space. That voice. It can't be. It has been a while since he hear that voice but he never forgets it.

"Can I take some with me?"

"Of course..."


Jongdae looks up to see Yifan standing at the door, eyes widen in surprise. He turns to his front when he heard a screeching sound.

"Hi, ge." Yixing stands still, hand moving the chair he was sitting on slightly to the side, making a room for him to stand properly. "Long time no see."

Yifan watches as his little brother walks toward him, before engulfing him in a warm hug. He can feel the arms around him tighten and he inhales. A familiar scent fills his nose and he breathes out. Yixing still use the same cologne.

"I miss you."

Yifan closes his eyes, bringing up his hands to circle around the small torso. Yixing is here. His little brother is here. "I miss you too." He hears a giggle as Yixing pulls away from the hug. He stares deeply into Yixing's orbs and sees the same innocent eyes his litte brother always has. His focus travels up and down, scanning the younger from head to toe. Nothing changed much about Yixing accept the new hairstyle and a thinner body. "What are you doing here?"

"Jongdae went to my school and picked me up."

"What about your classes?"

Yixing smiles as he squeezes Yifan's hand. "It's fine. I'm going back tomorrow anyway." He notices Yifan's eyes soften at his words. He wants to stay a little bit longer too but he didn't came here for a vacation. He stares at Yifan. "How about you? How is the cafe?"

Jongdae listens quietly at the conversation between the two brothers with eyes fix at Yifan. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. Two days have passed since the episode in Joonmyeon's bedroom and he doesn't know what had happened but he knows that his young master and the Chinese male didn't make up. The mood inside the house becomes thicker than before and he really couldn't stand the tension between the two people. He tried to ask Joonmyeon about what exactly happened but every time he did, the older just smile sadly at him without saying a word. He couldn't even ask Yifan as he barely saw the male these past two days. He skipped both breakfast and dinner and locked himself up in his room.

"Everyone is so nice. What are you worrying about?"

Jongdae shifts his focus to Yixing at the male's voice. It was a sudden decision when he brought Yixing to the house. He was planning to drag Yifan and Joonmyeon to a room and won't let them out until they have solve their misunderstanding when Yifan's younger brother suddenly crossed his mind. He really doesn't want the male to involve in the situation but he was left with no more choice. He was desperate to have the old Joonmyeon and Yifan back that he went to Yixing's school first thing this morning.

"You have become thinner."

"Really?" Yixing looks down at his own body. "So my diet worked!"


Yixing turns back to Yifan and smiles. His older brother always worry about him not eating enough, but he did. He knows he has lost some weight but he is fine. He never skipped a meal, just he eat lesser than before. "And you look..." He smirks as he notices Yifan's well-built body. "...not thin. Jongdae's food must have been so good." He turns to the Korean male and sees Jongdae already on his feet, standing beside the table. "Well, his cookies are very delicious."

Yifan watches Jongdae walking towards him and Yixing, stopping in front of his brother and talking about something. He locks his eyes at the Korean male. Why did Jongdae suddenly bring Yixing here? Is there something going on that he doesn't know about involving his little brother? He purses his lips at the thought. Does Joonmyeon involve in it too?

"Will you stay for dinner?"

Yixing nods eagerly. "Of course! If your cookies were that good, I just have to taste your other dishes!" He grins as Jongdae smiles at him.

"If you would excuse me..." Jongdae looks up at Yixing with a straight face. He really hope that the older could help him.

Yixing understands the expression on Jongdae's face and nods slightly, watching the younger as he enters the house, leaving him alone with Yifan. He exhales. He promised he would try so he will. "Ge."

Yifan meets with Yixing's eyes. "Yixing."


"Why are you here?"

Yixing smiles and takes Yifan's hand, leading his brother toward the patio table. He ushers the older to a seat before sitting on another chair across Yifan. He notices the worry expression on Yifan's face and exhales, eyes lock at the older. He was surprised to see Jongdae after his afternoon class and he couldn't help feeling guilty when the younger told him about what happened between Yifan and Joonmyeon. It has been a few hours since he arrived but he still hasn't meet with Joonmyeon. The male returned home shortly after he arrived but went straight to his room and Jongdae didn't have the chance to tell Joonmyeon about him. He just stared at the staircase when Jongdae told him that Joonmyeon has been acting like that for the past few days.


"A friend from the band called me the other day, saying that he got accepted into a talent company. He told me that his boss is still looking for people like him and he recommended me."

Yifan furrows. What is Yixing talking about? He hears a faint sigh coming from his little brother and their eyes meet in the straightest gaze.

"I think I'm going accept his offer. Playing in a band with old friend is fun too."

Yifan's eyes widen. Yixing isn't saying what he thinks he is saying, right? "But, your study..."

"I have to quit school, of course. I can't go back and forth."

Yifan watches his little brother playing with the leaf that landed on the table. He doesn't understand why Yixing is acting this way. Going to the music school was his dream and he even applied for a scholarship behind his back to get into it. And now, he is living his dream but he wants to quit to play with a band? This isn't like his little brother that he known. Yixing isn't the type that act recklessly no matter what situation he is in. Just a while ago the younger told him that everything is fine, that he made many new friends and they are so nice to him. He couldn't think any other reason for Yixing to suddenly decided to quit his study.

Yixing blows the leaf away, watching it falls on the ground before looking back at his older brother. "I was wrong." He notices how Yifan's brows slowly knit together at his words. "I made you sacrifice your happiness for my own. I was wrong thinking I could chase my dream without burdening others. I..."


Yixing purses his lips as Yifan stares at him.

"Why are you here?" Yifan his brother shifting in his seat. He knows wanting to quit school is not the reason why his little brother is right in front of him at the moment.

"Jongdae told me about you and Joonmyeon."

Yifan freezes. He listens as Yixing tells him the situation he already know. Is that the reason why Jongdae brought his little brother home? So that he is reminded about his side of the bargain and that he should behave himself if he wants Yixing to continue his study? He stares at his little brother. Joonmyeon did involve in this. He never thought the male is 'that' kind of a person but even though they are married and living under one roof, they are still strangers.

"You should..."

"What did Joonmyeon say?"

Yixing furrows, trying to understand the sudden question from Yifan. "What..."

"That he will cut you off if I keep acting like this?"

Yixing stares at his older brother. What is Yifan saying?

"He was the one pushing me away and now he is taking it on you?"

Yixing's eyes widen as realization dawns upon him, finally catching the real meaning behind Yifan's words. How can his older brother thinks like that? Jongdae brought him here hoping he can talk some senses to Yifan, and that is the end of it. The younger never mentioned about any threats from Joonmyeon because Joonmyeon doesn't even know he is here. He looks at Yifan that has his eyes fix at the table and a thought crosses his mind. He purses his lips. "Ge."

Yifan turns to his little brother.

"Let's stop this."

Yifan blinks. He sees a small smile forming on Yixing's lips.

"Let's go back. We don't belong here." Yixing fixes his gaze at Yifan. It has been his dream to go to the music school but he never thought he would pay the price with Yifan's happiness. It was his fault from the beginning that made Yifan and Joonmyeon acting like the way they act now. He had chances to fix and prevent it from happening but he didn't. He should have said no when Zitao explained about Joonmyeon's situation at the club that night but he didn't. He should have opposed to Yifan's decision about taking his place to marry Joonmyeon instead of him but he didn't. He blinks once, looking at his older brother and inhales. Maybe it is still not too late.

"Yixing, I..."

"I'm going to take that offer."

Yifan lets out the breath he was holding, listening to Yixing's confession as he is saying that he can't wait for them to live together again, that he really need to capture Baekhyun's expression when he tells the younger about the news and that he needs to create a new autograph for when he becomes famous in the future. He purses his lips. His little brother has a smile on his lips but his eyes say otherwise. Yixing is blaming himself for what had happened but it's not his fault.

"And maybe, I get to travel overseas." Yixing catches Yifan shifting on his seat, eyes fix at his hands on his lap. He glances at the direction of the glass door of the patio. Jongdae brought him here and asked for help and he was determined to do just that, helping Yifan and Joonmyeon patch things up again but maybe that isn't a good thing. Yifan has sacrifice so much for him and he shouldn't ask for more. The music school isn't the only place he can learn music but Yifan is the only brother he has and he is willing to let go of everything if it would make the older happy.

Yifan sees Yixing smiling at him when their eyes met and he doesn't like what he sees in the younger's eyes. He takes a deep breath. What kind of older brother crushes his little brother's dream over something so trivial? He stands up and notices Yixing's brows furrow at his action.

"Ge? Where are you going?"

Yifan stops at the door, turning to face Yixing that is already on his toes. He stares at the younger and turns back, entering the house and heads toward the stairs. He needs to fix everything back. It was his decision to marry Joonmyeon and Yixing shouldn't be bothered with what happen between the two of them. And he should have realized from the beginning that this kind of situation would happen and that he should have deal with it better instead of dragging other people into the problem. He takes a deep breath, eyes lock at the wooden door in front of him before bringing his hand up to knock on the door but pauses when the door suddenly being opened from inside.


Yifan watches as Joonmyeon takes a step back, eyes widen in surprise at his presence.

"Wha... what are you doing here?" Joonmyeon blinks repeatedly, trying to convince himself that what he is seeing right now is real.

"I... I need to talk to you."

Joonmyeon exhales. The deep voice is definitely belong to Yifan. He lifts his chin, meeting with Yifan's eyes. "You... you want to talk to me?" He earns a nod and inhales.

Yifan watches as Joonmyeon steps aside, leaning his back against the door. He meets with Joonmyeon's eyes and enters the room when the male nodded slightly at him. He follows Joonmyeon as the male walks toward a small sofa, gesturing him to take a seat.

Joonmyeon bites his lower lips as he walks to his bed and sits on it, across Yifan. He sees Yifan looking around his room and trains his eyes on his lap. Yifan wants to talk to him. He doesn't know what is the reason or about what but he is glad that Yifan still want to talk to him. After what happened two nights ago, he thought he would never hear Yifan's voice again. Yifan sounded so angry that the guilt of not telling Yifan about his injury was slowly eating him up. He could only smile when Jongdae asked him about Yifan because he doesn't know what to tell the younger.


Joonmyeon looks up, finding that Yifan is staring straight at him.

"...your leg..."

Joonmyeon looks down for a moment and looks up at Yifan again. He has been resting in his room for the past days after calling Kyungsoo that he won't come to the office. It was a decision he made so that Jongdae wouldn't worry about him and he won't meet with Yifan if he is locked inside his bedroom. He doesn't know what to say to the male if he sees him. "It... it's getting better..."

Yifan stares at the wrapped ankle. He was angry at Joonmyeon because the male didn't tell him about the injury but even though Joonmyeon was at fault, he was hurt. He should have known better than to release his temper at a sick person. "That's... good..."

Joonmyeon smiles a little, staring back down at his leg. Maybe Yifan said it out of pity but he doesn't mind. He is just really happy that Yifan still care about him after what happened. He thought staying inside his room would erase his guilt but every time he heard Yifan's bedroom door being opened and closed, he's reminded about his fault again. He takes a deep breath.

"Joonmyeon, I..."

"I'm sorry..."

Yifan blinks. Joonmyeon is apologizing to him? Why? He should be the one saying those words. "Joonmyeon, wai..."

"I was wrong keeping you in the dark when you have done nothing but being good to me."


Joonmyeon shakes his head, stopping Yifan from finishing his words. He need to do this now or he will lose all the courage he had gathered since this morning. He went out to clear his mind after realizing that Jongdae isn't home but somehow he arrived at the cafe Yifan worked at. He didn't know how but as as he kept staring at Yifan from outside the glass window, he knew that his guilty conscience brought him there. He saw Yifan smiling while talking with other employees and his heart ached. He missed Yifan's smile as they see each other in the morning. He missed Yifan's voice calling his name and tell him that dinner is ready. He bites his lips. He misses Yifan.

Yifan notices Joonmyeon's lips tremble slightly. "Joonmyeon..."

"You saw..."

Yifan furrows but keeps his lips closed, waiting for Joonmyeon to continue.

Joonmyeon swallows the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry for crying that night. I'm sorry I was weak. I'm sorry I let Jongin's friends' words got into me and I'm sorry you were forced to see my weakest state. I'm sorry for avoiding you but I don't how to face you after what happened. I'm sorry I hid my injury but I can't let you to see that horrible side of me again."

Yifan blinks repeatedly as he listens to Joonmyeon's endless apology. Is that really the reason why he being pushed away? He sighs and leans back toward the sofa. He admits that he was shocked when Joonmyeon suddenly broke down in tears but Joonmyeon doesn't have to apologize for that. Those immature friends of Jongin being disrespectful and saying things about his father and they were lucky Joonmyeon didn't take any action towards them, unlike him. He would have punched those bastards if they talked about Yixing that way and he almost did that that night but he know they were surrounded by people and he can't tarnish Joonmyeon's name by acting so barbaric.

"I'm sorry I..."


Joonmyeon looks up from his feet and sees Yifan walking towards him. Their eyes meet in the straightest gaze and purses his lips when Yifan stood in front of him. Is Yifan still mad at him?

"I'm sorry."

Joonmyeon's brows furrow. Why is Yifan saying sorry to him? He was the one acting childishly and made Yifan feels unwanted. He hides things from him and Yifan has the right to be angry at him.

"You were hurt and I... I said those things to you..."

Joonmyeon hears a faint sigh coming from Yifan as he hangs his head down, tearing from their gaze.

"I won't meddle if you won't tell..."

"Yifan, no!"

Yifan snaps his head at the voice and notices Joonmyeon is already on his feet, with one hand holding his arm for balance.

Joonmyeon smiles as he meets with Yifan's eyes. No, he won't do that anymore. Even though their marriage is just a business and there is no feeling involve in it, but just like Yifan said, that can't prevent them to become friends. He can't promise he will tell Yifan everything but he will try not make Yifan feel unwanted again. He needs Yifan. He needs his friend.

Yifan shifts his gaze to his arm as he feels Joonmyeon squeezing it softly. He turns back at Joonmyeon that is still smiling at him.

"Thank you."



+ + + + +



Yixing pats Baekhyun's arm, signaling the younger to let him go. He shakes his head when Baekhyun finally pulled away and ruffles his best friend's hair. "Yes, yes, I am happy to see you too."

Baekhyun pouts as he glares at the older. "Who said I was happy to see you? Not me! I don't miss you one bit!"

"Then the bone-crushing hug..."

"I was trying to kill you by crushing your bone, of course! Someone that never call their best friend after went away to chase their dream deserves that!"

Yixing chuckles as he takes a seat on the chair. He moves Baekhyun's chair and pulls the younger to sit down. He smiles as Baekhyun still has the pout on his face. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, okay?"

"What?! 'Sorry'?! I don't want your 'sorry'!"

Yixing purses his lips, trying to hold his laugh. Baekhyun looks so angry, huffing at every words but he is still so cute. "Then, what do you want? What can I do to make you happy again?" He notices the pout turns into a smirk and watches as Baekhyun slides the menu book towards him.

"This is the only thing that can make me happy and forget my rage toward you."

Yixing leans closer and sees Baekhyun's finger is pointing at a full course menu of seafood, with a big red lobster as its main. He glances up to the younger and shakes his head. "Fine. If that will make you happy, I don't mind my wallet suffer."

Baekhyun smiles widely, showing all his teeth as he watches Yixing waving to the waiter to come to their table. He turns to his side. "How about you, Sehun? What do you want? Yixing hyung will buy you anything!"

Sehun stares at the older. Baekhyun is wiggling his eyebrows while looking at him and he sighs at that. It has only been several weeks since they became housemate but Baekhyun's actions made him feels like he's the older one and not the other way around. He watches the waiter jotting down Baekhyun's order before shifting his gaze to the crowds.

"Sehun, right?"

Sehun turns to the voice and his eyes meet with a pair of small ones. He nods and earns a smile from the male.

"Anything you would like to eat? Just order, I'm buying tonight."

Sehun's eyes follow the menu book that being slid towards him and he looks up to see Baekhyun is grinning at him.

"Do you want me to order for you?" Baekhyun giggles and faces Yixing. "I think Sehun want the sushi set, hyung. He likes sushi."

Yixing shakes his head as he watches Baekhyun trying to stop Sehun from hitting him, obviously disagree with him. Maybe Sehun does like sushi but he knows Baekhyun loves it. He turns to the waiter and nods, telling the male to add the dish to their order before sending him away. He focuses back at the two people and sees Baekhyun rubbing his cheek, pouting at Sehun. He smiles. He misses the younger so much and really is sorry for not keeping in touch. He has to admit that he was worried that Baekhyun might feel lonely without him around but seeing the sight in front of him now, he is glad Sehun is there to keep him company. "Sehun."

Sehun turns at the voice and ignores Baekhyun that is pinching his cheek.

"Do you have little brothers?"

Sehun furrows at the question. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you handle Baekhyun perfectly fine. I've been treating him like Yifan ge treats me so he's a bit spoiled." Yixing chuckles as he notices Baekhyun is glaring at him. "But you seem like a strict older brother. Your younger siblings must be afraid of you." He sees Sehun smile at him. "Well?"

"It's no use, hyung." Baekhyun straightens himself. "He won't tell you anything. He won't even tell 'me', his housemate, the guy that accept him to be a part of his life, anything so I doubt he will tell you about it."

Yixing rolls his eyes at the overly-dramatic Baekhyun and focuses back to Sehun. "Really?" He sees the same still plastered on the younger's face. "Then, I won't ask more."

Sehun gives a slight nod to Yixing. The older is so understanding, unlike Baekhyun. His housemate always has something to he needs to know about him.


Sehun's eyes catch the familiar waiter carrying a tray full of food and follow as the male places one plate at a time. A plate of crab cakes being pushed towards him and he looks up, meeting with Yixing's eyes.

"Eat! You are too thin. I won't forgive if you have any leftovers."

Sehun smiles, his right hand accepting the fork that being handed to him. "Thank you, hyung." He picks one of the crab cakes and takes a bite. "Delicious."

"Really? Let me have one too!" Baekhyun reaches over and manages to get one. He dips it into the sauce and puts it into his mouth. "Hm! This is the best crab cake I ever tasted!"

Yixing shakes his head as Baekhyun is expressing the deliciousness of the dish with his whole body. "Baek, sit down." He sees the younger disagreeing with him as he takes another piece and dips it again.

"Ah! Hyung."

Baekhyun stops chewing and looks down at Sehun. He can see white spots on his housemate jeans. "What?"

"Your sauce is dripping all over." Yixing hands the tissue to Sehun. "I told you to sit down." He watches as Sehun tries to get rid of he stain but the tissue only made it worse. "Look what you've done."

"What?! It's not my fault!"

"Then, who is it?"

"The crab cake! You should blame it for being so delicious!"

Sehun couldn't help chuckle at Baekhyun's answer and stands up, facing Yixing. "I'm going to the toilet." He sees the older nod and turns to his housemate. "Baekhyun hyung, for your information, this is the fifth time your ruin my good jeans."

Baekhyun's eyes widen. He scans Sehun's pants. "It can't be! Isn't it only the third time?! Your a lying!"

"I am not. We are going shopping tomorrow."

"What?! No! I don't believe it!"

"Believe it!" Sehun smirks as he watches Baekhyun messing up his hair in frustration. He pushes out his chair and notices Yixing is looking at him questionally. He smiles at the older and walks toward the direction of the toilet. Baekhyun always eat so messily but the older kept denying it. Somehow his good pair of pants always get ruined by stain that Baekhyun made so he made the older promised to buy desinger label pants if his housemate ever stained five pair of his pants. He pulls the tissue and wets it a little before dabbing it at the stain spot.


Sehun looks up and his eyes widen when he saw the reflection on the bathroom mirror. What is 'he' doing here?

"Sehun, I miss you."

Sehun stands still and stares at the reflection. "You weren't suppose to be here. How did you find me?" He bites his lips. What if 'he' finds out? "Please go back."

"I want to go back with you. Let's go back, Sehun. I miss you."

Sehun inhales deeply. He misses him too but they can't go back. Not right now.

"I miss you so much. Don't you miss me? I want to be with you."

"I don't miss you and I don't want to be with you. So, go back to him." Sehun earns a headshake and purses his lips. He can't do this to him. He promised 'him' that they will never meet until 'that' day comes. He stares at the bathroom mirror. 'He' looks so much better now. It was a right decision to let 'him' take him.

"I don't want to. I want to go back to you. I need you."

Sehun sees the reflection getting closer to him. "Stop!" He closes his eyes and exhales. "No, you need him."

"No. Sehun, I... I'll be good. I... I won't do 'that' anymore. I promise. Please, I want to be with you."

Sehun stares straight at the reflection. "We can't. Look at you. I can never do what 'he' did. We both know you need him. Please, don't do this to me." He sees a hand trying to reach him and he shakes his head. "You should have never done this. What if he decides to brake his promise when he finds out about this?" He notices lips being pursed into a thin line. He knows 'he' will never do that but that is all he can think right now to make him go back to him. 

"But I..."

Sehun hears a ringing sound from behind him and notices the reflection glancing down. "He is looking for you. Please go back. I beg of you." He waits but the ringing still can be heard. He sighs. "I need to go. My friends are waiting for me."


Sehun turns, heading towards the bathroom door but pauses when the ringing had stopped.


Sehun exhales and walks away.




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2458 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2458 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2458 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2458 streak #5
2458 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2458 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2458 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2458 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2458 streak #10