
The Road To Me

"Oh! Ge, look! It is that guy."

Joonmyeon cranes his neck, eyes trying to find the said male but he doesn't know who is Zitao refering to. The hall is full with people he doesn't know. "What guy?"

Zitao huffs, holding in the urge to lift Joonmyeon up so that he can see the male that is talking with another male in a small group near the refreshment table. He scans the wide hall. Why are all these people have to be so tall? He pulls the older closer and lowering himself down, pointing between the gap of people. "There. The guy that is wearing the blue suit. See him?"

Joonmyeon squints his eyes, trying to get a better look and nod when he saw the said male. "What about him?" He turns to Zitao and sees a pout on the younger's face.

"He is the one that I have been telling you about. The one that keep trying to buy my shop."

Joonmyeon looks back at the male in the blue suit and remembering the stories Zitao told him. Apparently someone is jealous with Zitao's little accessories shop and trying to convince the younger to sell the shop to them and not until recently that the person has stopped coming as Zitao told him that the person has found another target. He glances at his childhood friend that still has the pout on his face. He is really glad that Zitao was able to defend his small business despite being a newcomer in the industry and he couldn't be any prouder every time he visits the younger at his shop.

Zitao turns to his side, looking away from the irritating male and his eyes meet with Yifan's. He sees a small smile on the older's face and forces himself to smile. If only Yifan isn't here. Then he would have Joonmyeon all by himself without Jongdae or Jongin around. He takes out his phone, opening a game on it. He shouldn't have come and stay home like Jongin if he know he's going to be irritated all night.

Yifan throws his gaze from Zitao to the crowd in front of him. He couldn't help feeling small as he scans around the hall. He sees a few familiar faces and never thought that the frequent customers of the cafe are all successfull businessmen as the way he remembers them dressed when they were visiting the cafe. He glances to his side and see Joonmyeon looking around the hall. Joonmyeon is the same as them too. Living under one roof for almost a month now, he noticed Joonmyeon never flaunting his wealth in any way. The way the male dressed or talk, it showed that his late father-in-law did a great job raising his only son and although their relationship is complicated, he is thankful that he is married to someone like Joonmyeon.


Zitao shifts his gaze from his phone to Yifan and see the older moves closer to Joonmyeon, lowering himself as the Korean male whispers something to him. He sees a smile on his childhood friend as Joonmyeon keeps whispering and the same smile appears on Yifan's lips after he pulls away, straighten himself. He furrows. Since when the two of them become so close? "Ge."

Joonmyeon shifts his focus from the crowd to Zitao. "Hm?"

"Are we set with the movie tomorrow?"

Joonmyeon stares at his childhood friend questionally before remembering the promise he made with the younger a few days back. There this new detective movie that Zitao has been dying to see and couldn't stop talking about it and they planned to see it but it was forgotten because of his sudden lost. Not until he saw the movie's trailer yesterday that made him remember about it and he immediately called the younger to set a date. "Of course. It's your treat, right?" He sees Zitao's eyes widen in surprise.

"Wha..." Zitao blinks repeatedly, couldn't believe the words coming from the small mouth. The younger treating the older one? What kind of world is that? "Why me? You should be the one treating me. You are the older one and I have no money."

Joonmyeon exhales. "But, you are the one that wanted to see movie, not me. So, it is common sense that you treat me. Also, you said with your own mouth that 'tall ones are the new older', so..." He smiles and turns to Yifan. "Isn't that right, Yifan?"

Yifan stares at Joonmyeon that is looking at him with those big eyes of his, as if hoping him to agree with his words. "I..."

"Ah!" Joonmyeon cuts Yifan's words as realization dawns upon him as he looks at Yifan. "You are both taller and older than us so you should come to the movie tomorrow and treat us!" He turns to face Zitao and smile at the younger. "Problem solved!"

Yifan's eyes widen at the sudden suggestion and he stares straight at Joonmyeon. Ever since that night, he notices the changes in Joonmyeon towards him. The smiles Joonmyeon gave him whenever they stumbled upon each other and the light touches he felt sometimes during their meal as the male told Jongdae about his schedule or his day. And it seems he isn't the only one noticing the changes too as Jongdae told him that Joonmyeon look so happy whenever he sees them together, that his young master finally opening up to him. If that's the case, he is glad that Joonmyeon is comfortable being with him but the three of them going to see a movie together isn't something he ready to do yet. Accompany Joonmyeon to an event like tonight is a part of their deal and a movie is too personal.

"You are coming with us, right?"

Yifan parts his mouth to answer but closes it back when he saw Zitao looking at him, shaking his head slightly. He glances down at Joonmyeon that is still waiting for his answer. He knows about Joonmyeon and Zitao being childhood friends and he understands what the headshake means. He smiles, shaking slightly. "Maybe next time."

"Oh, okay."

Zitao purses his lips, holding back the smile that is trying to form as he listens to Yifan and Joonmyeon's conversation. It has really been a while since he and Joonmyeon watch a movie together, just the two of them, and he already planned what they are going to do afterwards and Yifan following them isn't in that plan. To be honest, there is still a part of him that doesn't like Yifan. He knows the older is a nice guy but when he's being reminded the fact that Yifan is married to Joonmyeon, he couldn't help dislike him. And he knows it isn't Yifan's fault that he is being married to Joonmyeon because it was his childhood friend that rejected his proposal but he can never blame Joonmyeon. He won't blame himself for having a feeling toward his childhood friend either and Yifan is the only one left so he has no choice but to dislike the older. He smiles at Yifan when their eyes met before looking at Joonmyeon. "So, tomorrow's movie is on you, hyung!"


Zitao chuckles as Joonmyeon looks away and he throws his gaze at the crowds. He sees familiar faces as he scans the big hall but couldn't help focus at a small group near the door. One of them seems oddly familiar and he squints his eyes to get a better look. He notices the male excuses himself from the group and his eyes widen in shock when he got the full view of the male's face. What is 'he' doing here? He grits his teeth in anger, eyes watching the male's every move. He really shouldn't have come. The world seems to be choosing tonight to get him irritated that could last a year.

Yifan furrows as he watches Zitao walk away, quickly disappearing among the guests. He turns to Joonmyeon that is still talking with a male that came to them earlier. Should he tell Joonmyeon about Zitao? "Joon..."

"Guess who?"

Joonmyeon gasps when his surrounding suddenly went black and he feels the hands that are covering his view. "Tao, stop playing. I was talking with..."

"Really? Tao? You just break my heart, Kim Joonmyeon."

Joonmyeon peels the hands off his eyes and turns. "Channie!


Joonmyeon purses his lips as Chanyeol corrected him. The younger doesn't like being called that and he doesn't why because that nickname is cute. "What are you doing here?"

Chanyeol clenches a fist at his left chest. "You just kill me twice, Myeonie. I didn't know you were that evil."

Joonmyeon's eyes widen as he remembers what tonight's event is all about and looks straight at Chanyeol. It has been a while since the two of them met and he forgot about Chanyeol's situation that is similar to him. The younger too is inherating the family business and he remembers reading articles about how Chanyeol successfully leading the company to be where it is today. He smiles apologetically. "I'm sorry. It just, I thought you're still overseas. When did you get back?"

"A week ago."

"You didn't call..."

Chanyeol chuckles at Joonmyeon's tone. The older sounds disappointed and if only Joonmyeon knew that he felt the same way too. Work never let him go and even after he just landed, he had to go straight to the office and took care of everything. When his assistant told him about tonight's ceremony, he knows that Joonmyeon will come too and forces himself to finish everything so that no one from the office would bother him when he is with Joonmyeon. "You know I wanted to."

Joonmyeon nods. Chanyeol is a friend he wouldn't mind being bothered by. The younger used to call him whenever he is free, asking him out to lunch or dinner, or what he's doing, or just to say hello. And sometimes really just to say hello. Chanyeol would call him, saying hello, and then hang up. It pisses him off sometimes but he can only shake his head and smile at the younger's antics. "How long will you be staying this time?"

"For a while. The old man said he is too old to be at three cities in one day so I had to be the victim." Chanyeol sees Joonmyeon chuckle at his words and couldn't help smiling himself. He really miss the older so much.

"Then we should meet and have dinner sometimes."

"Of course. We can talk about your marriage life and the reason why you didn't choose me." Chanyeol smirks.

Joonmyeon gasps and turns to Yifan that is standing beside him all this time. How can he forget about him? "Ah, I'm sorry! Yifan, this is Chanyeol, my friend." He looks at Chanyeol. "Channie, this is Yifan, my..."

"I know." Chanyeol cuts Joonmyeon's words, eyes lock at the older's hand ghostly caressing the Chinese male's arm. So, they are that close already. He smiles, holding out his right hand. "Hi, I'm Chanyeol. It's nice to finally meet you."

Yifan takes the offered hand and shakes it. "Yifan. Nice to meet you." He glances down as he feels the grip on his hand tighten and looks back at Chanyeol. The younger is smirking at him.

Chanyeol releases his hold and watches Joonmyeon tiptoeing, whispering something to Yifan. If only he wasn't away. Then it could have been him instead of some random Chinese male. He smiles when Joonmyeon turned to him.

"Do you have anything after this? Maybe we can grab a coffee and talk some more."

"Sorry, I can't. I already have plan. But I will definitely drop everything the next time you ask me out on a date, Myeonie."

Joonmyeon's eyes widen at the statement and hits Chanyeol in the arm, before glancing at Yifan. He should tell the younger to stop teasing him the next time they met, at least when Yifan is around. Chanyeol likes to make him flush in embarrassment, resulting him to use violence to stop the teasing and he doesn't want Yifan to see that. He huffs as the stares straight at the younger. "And I told you to stop call me that! I am older than you! Where are your manners, Channie?"

"They jumped out the window the moment I laid eyes on you, Myeonie. And I will stop calling you that if you stop calling me Channie."

"But why? I like it. 'Channie' is cute."

"I am not 'cute'! I am 'handsome' and 'manly'!"

Yifan listens quietly at the childish bickering of the two friends. It sounds like Joonmyeon really hasn't meet with Chanyeol for quiet some time. He was caught off-guard when Joonmyeon asked for his permission earlier, if he can go somewhere else after this. He just nodded without much thought because he really doesn't have a reason to not let Joonmyeon go. He watches as Joonmyeon hits Chanyeol again and lowers himself down. "Joonmyeon."

Joonmyeon turns and his heartbeat quicken as he notices how close Yifan's face with his. "Hm... hm?"

"I'm going to get us something to drink."

Joonmyeon nods, eyes glancing at the refreshment table not too far from them. He turns to face Chanyeol and sees the younger is smirking at him. Chanyeol must be thinking another way to again. He must send Yifan away fast so that he can beat the pulp out of the younger. "I will wait here."

Yifan straightens himself and looks at Chanyeol. "Can I get you anything?"

Chanyeol shakes his head. "I'm fine. I will wait here too and accompany our Myeonie."

Yifan notices Joonmyeon biting his lips as he walks away from the group and heads toward the refreshment table. He glances over his shoulder when he heard a faint scream and sees Chanyeol rubbing his arm. He focuses back to the varieties of drinks on the table and takes the pitcher of cola. He needs to drive home later and pours the drink into his glass but pauses when he hovered above the second glass. Does Joonmyeon like cola? He puts down the pitcher and scans the other drinks on the table. To be honest, he hardly know what Joonmyeon likes except the vanilla latte he made on their first night as a married couple. They sometimes stumbled upon each other in the kitchen in the middle of the night and Joonmyeon seemed to want something from him but the male quickly dashed out before he could ask anything. He can't make vanilla latte right now but a simple coffee milk is possible with all the stuff that are on the table. Should he make one?


Yifan turns at the voice to see Zitao standing beside him. "Tao." He sees the younger glancing around. "Joonmyeon is over there."

"I know." Zitao fixes his gaze at his childhood friend before shifting it to the drinks on the table. He reaches for a tall glass that is half-full and gulps it in one go.

Yifan furrows at Zitao's action but quickly stop the younger's hand when he was reaching for another tall glass. He stares straight at Zitao. "What are you doing?"

"Drinking. What do you think I am doing?" Zitao brushes off Yifan's hand and grabs another drink, glancing at the older as he brings the glass closer to his lips. Why is Yifan being so bossy?

"Aren't you going to the movie with Joonmyeon tomorrow?"

Zitao stops sipping, lowering the glass down and turns to Yifan. The older is right but he isn't sure anymore. He puts the glass on the table and glances toward Joonmyeon's direction. "Ge."


"I'm going home."

Yifan turns to Zitao, hand pauses from stirring the coffee milk he just finished making. "Now?" He sees the younger nodding at his question, eyes staring at the glass in front of him. But, the awards ceremony is still going on. Is it okay for Zitao to just leave? "But, Joonmyeon hasn't receive his award yet."

Zitao sighs deeply. Yifan just reminded him the only reason why he decided to come to the awards ceremony. He knows he won't get anything but Joonmyeon is going to receive an award for something related to architecture and he couldn't miss it for anything. Even after the universe tried to irritate him with the jerk in the blue suit and Yifan and Joonmyeon's closeness, he still manage to surpress himself from exploding and bare with the whole thing but then 'he' showed up. He looks over his shoulder when he heard a faint laugh and rolls his eyes at the scene. He really can't take it anymore.


"I will call Joonmyeon ge later. I just need to get out of here." Zitao's eyes scan the refreshment table. He needs something to sober himself up because the last drink was his fifth glass and he doesn't want to end up sleeping on the street. His gaze stop at the light brown drink in front of Yifan. "Can I have that?"

Yifan couldn't deny as Zitao already gulping down the coffee milk he made for Joonmyeon. He doesn't know why the younger is acting like this tonight but couldn't help worry about him. They rarely met and he is really clueless about Zitao but he can see how much Joonmyeon means to him. The younger was holding back his tears for Joonmyeon as Joonmyeon didn't shed a tear the night he lost his father and stayed by him throughout the night.

Zitao breathes out and put the empty glass on the table. The coffee milk was one of the delicious coffee milk he ever tasted, almost as good as Jongdae's, and he is very picky about his coffee. As expected for a high-class ceremony like this. He turns to Yifan and sees the older is staring at him. "I'm going now."

"But..." Yifan grabs Zitao's arm before he could walk away. He doesn't know why the younger acting like this but if Zitao won't tell, then he won't ask. "Let me call you a cab."

Zitao shakes his head. He really glad he decided to let Yifan and Joonmyeon picked him up earlier instead of driving his own car. If not, he has to stay longer and wait until he is fully sober. "I'm fine. I'm not that drunk."

"Then, you should drink more."

Zitao's eyes widen at the voice and grits his teeth as an arm slings over his shoulder. Why does he has to be so slow?

Yifan watches Chanyeol poking Zitao's cheek playfully and quickly cranes his neck to look over Chanyeol when he realized something. "Joonmyeon?"

Chanyeol stretches Zitao's cheek before softly patting it. "He went to the toilet." He pinches Zitao's nose. "Long time no see, Tao." He sees the younger rolling his eyes at the greeting.

"Not long enough."

Chanyeol smirks. "I see you still don't like me."

"I do so please get you hand off me." Zitao pushes Chanyeol's hand away but the older links his arm around his elbow instead. "Will you stop it?!"

"No, I won't." Chanyeol tightens his hold, smiling at the Chinese male. "We really should get along, you know. Our Myeonie will be so happy if he sees us like this."

Zitao bites his lips. Joonmyeon knows he doesn't like Chanyeol but not the reason why and he is not planning to tell his childhood friend anytime soon either. "Joonmyeon ge is fine with it." He turns to Chanyeol. "And it's 'Joonmyeon hyung' to you!"

Chanyeol chuckles at Zitao's chosen words and releases the younger's arm. He met Zitao for the first time after a few months befriending Joonmyeon. Joonmyeon introduced the younger as his childhood friend but he can see in Zitao's eyes that the feeling the younger has for Joonmyeon is the same as he is toward the older. He notices the way Joonmyeon treats Zitao and it reassure him that the younger's feeling won't be return and he can make his moves as soon as he back from the business trip. It was supposed to be only for a couple of weeks but one thing happened after another and he ended up flying and staying around the world for almost three years. "That is why you will never win against me."

"What?" Zitao stares at Chanyeol. What is he saying? He sees the older smiling at him.

"Nothing, nothing." Chanyeol grabs one of the empty glass and pours himself some water. He feels jealous and pity at Zitao sometimes. The younger knows Joonmyeon since they were little kids, he was nothing compare to that, but that is also the reason why Joonmyeon doesn't feel the same towards the younger. To Joonmyeon, Zitao is his little brother and he always will be. Zitao has only himself to blame for that, for meeting Joonmyeon as a kid and not a grown adult.

Zitao watches Chanyeol finishing his water and turns to Yifan. For the first time, he really glad that Joonmyeon is married to Yifan, because sooner or later, the two of them will separate and Joonmyeon will come back to him and everything will be just like before. Chanyeol will never do that. "Ge."


"Take care of Joonmyeon ge for me."

Yifan watches as Zitao walks away from him. Is this really alright?

"You can count on me!" Chanyeol waves his hand at Zitao's direction as the younger makes his way through the crowd. "Bye!" He turns to his side when Zitao is no longer in his sight. "Well, it is just the two of us now." He watches as the Chinese male pours some coffee into an empty glass. "Yifan, right?" He earns a nod for his question. "How's life with Joonmyeon hyung?"

Yifan stares at the cup of coffee in front of him. How is he suppose to answer that? "I..."

"You guys haven't done 'that' right?"

Yifan turns his head to face Chanyeol, looking at the younger blankly. There is a playfull smile on his face and he exhales. Why does everyone seems so interested in that? He is sure they all know that his marriage with Joonmyeon isn't based on love. Doesn't that made it obvious he and Joonmyeon wouldn't do 'that' sort of things? He shakes his head slightly as Chanyeol wouldn't stop staring at him unless he give his answer.

Chanyeol nods, assuring himself. Of course that didn't happen because Joonmyeon is Joonmyeon. He doesn't know a thing about the Chinese male that is standing beside him but Joonmyeon isn't the kind of person who would let anyone forces him to do something he doesn't want. "When is the contract end?"

Yifan's brows furrow. "Pardon?"

"The marriage contract between you and Joonmyeon hyung." Chanyeol notices how Yifan's eyes slowly widen at his words. It can't be, can it? He stares straight at the older. "Don't tell me you guys don't have one?"

Yifan purses his lips, mind lingering at Chanyeol's words. Since that night, Joonmyeon doesn't mention about the contract anymore. He really doesn't mind because not a second pass without he reminding himself that the life he has with Joonmyeon now is only temporary, that he did this for Yixing, that he isn't the only one getting benefit from this staged marriage, that he and Joonmyeon will separate when the time comes. That decision is in Joonmyeon's hands and he can only follow it because he believes in Joonmyeon's words, that he will still support Yixing with his school even after they go their own ways and that is all he ever want.

Chanyeol catches the slight shrug Yifan gave him and he sighs. Joonmyeon is being careless. Yifan seems like a nice guy but the fact that they knew each other just days before the marriage doesn't make Yifan a friend and Yifan being married to Joonmyeon doesn't make him a family. Joonmyeon shouldn't trust the Chinese male blindly and got married without a written contract. He shifts his gaze at the drinks in front of him before lifting one of the half-full tall glasses and takes a sip from it. "But, you guys will separate eventually, right?"

Yifan nods, finishing the coffee milk he was making. That is inevitable.

"Then, you can go back to your true love."

Yifan smiles, sighing. "I don't have one." He turns when he heard a gasp coming from his side and sees Chanyeol is staring him with wide eyes.

"You don't?!" Chanyeol scans Yifan from head to toe. Although he doesn't want to acknowledge it, Yifan is indeed handsome, just like him. They both have the dreamy look and the perfect height. He scans Yifan again and realization dawns upon him. He doesn't have Joonmyeon. "Do you want me to introduce you to someone? Ah!"

Yifan watches as Chanyeol cranes his neck, looking around the hall.

"Actually, I am here with someone..." Chanyeol focuses back to Yifan as he couldn't find the person he was looking for. "He is my friend and I think you two would make a cute pair."


"Let me go find him!"

Yifan could only watch as Chanyeol quickly disappear among the crowds. He stares at the little gap left by the younger and has a feeling that Chanyeol won't be back until he found his friend. He turns to the refreshment table. He should get back to Joonmyeon now and takes the coffee milk. To be honest, he never really thought about having that 'special' someone in his life becauss he is fine living his life as the way it is. A small house, a stable income and Yixing. If he ever lose the other two, as long as Yixing by his side, he is sure everthing will be better. He really doesn't anything else in his life as long as he know that his little brother is happy because Yixing means the world to him.

"Don't you think so, Joonmyeon hyung?"

Yifan stops his track at the name. He looks up and sees Joonmyeon standing just a few steps away, with two other people. Joonmyeon has his side facing him and he doesn't seem to notice his presence even thought he is at a distance where he can hear clearly the conversation that is going on.

"What are you saying? You know how stubborn Jongin is."

Yifan furrows. Are they Jongin's friends?

"I know but still, he should have come here. He made Joonmyeon hyung looked like the only heir to the company. You both are the heirs, right?"

Yifan sees a small nod from Joonmyeon.

"I told you so. It doesn't matter uncle passed away first. Joonmyeon hyung's dad was nice, just like his older brother. He would never do something like change the will and make Joonmyeon hyung the sole heir of the company they both built together. It will make hyung look like a greedy bastard, like you!"

Yifan's eyes widen. What?!

"Me?! More like you. You know, hyung. This guy, he ordered a mountain of food the day Jongin told us about the inheritance and said that he can finish all of it but he surrendered after just two plates."

"It was a big plate, hyung!"

Yifan sees a small smile slowly forming on Joonmyeon's lips. Why are you smiling?!

"Anyway, hyung, I know uncle is proud of you. He knows you will take good care of the company even thought you still have a lot to learn. It has been years since uncle passed away but his buildings are still so beautiful. I know you won't be as good as him but hey, you can try, right?"

"Of course, with 'try' being the keyword here."


Joonmyeon turns to his side and sees Yifan walking toward him before stopping right in front of him, completely covering him from other's view. "Yifan?"

"Yifan? Who..."

"Ah! You are Joonmyeon hyung's..."

"I think you are done here." Yifan shoves the coffee milk in his hand to one of the two friends. "Please leave."

Joonmyeon's eyes widen at Yifan's voice as he catches the sight of Jongin's friends leaving them into the crowds. He never heard that serious tone before and the way Yifan said those words, it sounded like he was angry. "Yifan..."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Joonmyeon furrows. "About what?"

"About you. Why did you let them putting you down like that?"

Joonmyeon bites his lips. So, Yifan heard everything. "They didn't..."

"Then what do you call that disrespectful act?"

Joonmyeon stares at the clothed back. He never noticed it before but Yifan has a broad shoulder to match his tall figure, and it seems like his small body would fit right in with Yifan's frame. He chuckles inwardly. Has he been this small his entire life? To think he was so happy when Zitao pointed out that he has grown a few inches taller a couple years ago. And now, he is sure no one would ever think there is a person hiding behind Yifan.

"You should've said something."

Joonmyeon sighs. "But why?"


Joonmyeon notices Yifan's tone changed again, just like when he told Jongin's friends to leave. He purses his lips, nodding slightly. "Because... they were all true..."

Yifan's eyes widen at the answer. He turns his head, trying to face Joonmyeon but a grip on the back of his clothes made him stop halfway.

"They were all true..."

Yifan stiffens as he feels a weight on his back and the grip getting tighter. "Joonmyeon?"

"Uncle... he was the best. Dad doesn't even want me to become an architect. He said I'm too nice and couldn't handle their harsh world, that Jongin is more suitable to continue their legacy." Joonmyeon smiles. He remembers how his uncle used to support his decision and telling his father that it is better having both their sons to continue the family business but he cuts in, saying that Jongin is too young and he shouldn't be burdened with this matter. He told them that they can trust him to handle everything because he wants his little cousin to be happy. Jongin already told him and Jongdae that he plan to go on a trip after graduation and experience a little bit of everything before deciding his future. So, it is better to keep Jongin away from the beginning before he being forced to do something he doesn't want to.

Yifan hears a faint laugh.

"Ironic, isn't it?" Joonmyeon clutches tighter the fabric in his hands. After all these years, only now he realize it. "He was right." He steps closer to Yifan. All these times, he thought he did that for Jongin. "They were right." He bites his lips. But it was only an excuse to have the company all to himself. "I am a greedy bastard."

Yifan holds his breath at muffled sobs behind him. He didn't see a single tear on the night Joonmyeon's father passed away but right now, he can feel a small part on his back getting soaked slowly. He glances over his shoulder. "Joon..."


Joonmyeon's eyes widen. Chanyeol.

Yifan watches Chanyeol walking towards him before stopping right across him.

"I was looking for you guys. I want to introduce you to my friend..." Chanyeol looks around him as he notices he is only by himself. He sighs. That guy really get distracted easily. "He will be here eventually, so..." He tilts to his side. "Myeonie, what are you doing behind Yifan?"

Joonmyeon stiffens. Chanyeol can't see him like this. He closes his eyes, hands clutching tightly Yifan's clothes. Chanyeol just can't.

"I'm sorry."

Joonmyeon's eyes snaps open at Yifan's voice and notices Yifan taking a step back, making his face buried on his back.

"He's not feeling very well."

Chanyeol watches as Yifan turns slowly, wrapping his arms around Joonmyeon's shoulders. He tilts his head to get a clear view but Joonmyeon's face is hidden behind Yifan's chest.

"We have to go."

Chanyeol furrows. "Now?" He gets a nod from Yifan and notices the Chinese male's grip getting tighter.

"Kim Joonmyeon!"

Chanyeol whips his head to the stage as he hears people started clapping at the name. He looks back at the pair in front of him. "You should at least go and get your award first, Myeonie." He reaches out. "I will go with you."

Yifan stares at Chanyeol's hand and takes a step back, bringing Joonmyeon with him. "We really have to go."

Chanyeol could only stare as Yifan walks away from him, with Joonmyeon in his arms and quickly disappear among the crowds. He turns around when he felt a tap on his shoulder.


Chanyeol sighs. Only now he come. "Luhan."




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10