
The Road To Me

Baekhyun snuggles deeper into the hug and let a long sigh.

"Hey, stop it." Yixing pats the small male's head that is hugging him like there is no tomorrow. "It's not like we never going to see each other again. We can visit each other anytime." He feels lips moving against his shoulder but couldn't hear the words that coming out from it. "What?"

Baekhyun pulls away, grabbing the older's shoulders with both his hands. "I said, if you forget about me, I will hunt you down!" He stares at the older's face. "Hyung."


"I love you."

Yixing rolls his eyes before flicking Baekhyun on his forehead. The younger starts talking crazy. He smiles as he watches Baekhyun rubbing the sore spot.

"What did you do that for?" Baekhyun pulls his hand and checking his palm. "Blood!" He snaps his head to look at Yixing. "You evil person! Look what you have done to me!"

Yixing slides a hand into his pocket and bring the handkerchief to Baekhyun's forehead, wiping the 'blood' off. "It's just ketchup." He shakes his head. "I don't know how you managed to get it there but it's all gone now." He hands the handkerchief to the younger. "Here."

Baekhyun stares at the piece of cloth before looking up at Yixing. "Why are you giving me this?" He takes the handkerchief off his best friend's hand and scans it.

"So you could wash it. It was your ketchup and that is my favorite handkerchief."

"What?!" Baekhyun gives the handkerchief back to its owner. "I didn't tell you to use it! You could have left the ketchup all alone! It's not my fault!"

Yixing chuckles at the annoyed Baekhyun. He hands back the piece of cloth to the younger. "Wash it and keep it." He smiles as he pats his best friend's head. "So you won't miss me too much."

Baekhyun smiles as he nods to the older. Even though they still can visit each other anytime like the older said, he really going to miss Yixing. They started working at the deli shop around the same time and they become closer even before they knew it. And not seeing Yixing more than a day will be a strange feeling to him. He looks down at the luggages around Yixing's feet. "Hyung."

Yixing hums a response. He notices Baekhyun's expression change as the younger scans his feet.

"Couldn't you go after the wedding?"

Yixing closes his eyes, shaking his head slowly. He doesn't think he could look at his brother's face that will be standing at the altar intead of him. He was stunned when Yifan told him about his decision and couldn't argue about it even without Yifan using his 'older brother' card as his brother's gaze looked so determined. "It is best for all of us if I go now." He pats Baekhyun's shoulder. "Take care of Yifan ge for me."

Baekhyun shakes his head. "Why would I do that? Yifan hyung is older than me so he definitely can take care of himself." He smiles. "Beside, he will be staying at Joonmyeon hyung's mansion after the marriage so tell him to take care of your hyung. You know how far my apartment from his mansion is?"

Yixing shrugs. "How would I know. I never been to his house."


"Oh? You have been to Joonmyeon's place?"


"Then, how do know he lives in a mansion. Maybe it's just a big bungalow or even a normal two-story house."

Baekhyun couldn't believe his ears. Did the older not see how well Joonmyeon and Zitao dressed the night he introduced them to him? Normal people that lives in normal house couldn't dressed like that. Then he remembers Yixing told him about Jongdae. "He has a butler, hyung."


"It's the same thing!"

Yixing sighs as he knows he won't win the argument. "The wedding will be held at his house, right?" He sees the younger nodding at his question. "And you will go?"

"I will and I will prove it to you that Joonmyeon hyung lives in a mansion."

Yixing just nod. He never thought the place where Joonmyeon is living is such a hot topic but then again, it is Baekhyun and the small guy likes to make small things big.

"Yifan hyung is late. Is it so hard finding a parking spot?" Baekhyun looks around to find a tall figure but he sees no one except the same-sized person that is standing in front of him.

"Why don't you live at our house?"

Baekhyun blinks as he stares at Yixing. "Hm? What are you talking about?"

"Our house will be empty. You can stay and take care of it without paying any rent." Yixing smiles as he looks at the younger and remembers something. "Besides, you don't need to find a housemate anymore."

Baekhyun shakes his head. "Already found one." He sees Yixing's eyes widen in surprise.

"You didn't tell me."

"Of course I didn't. The guy just called yesterday and we didn't see each other yesterday as you were too busy packing to go away and I was busy working to stay."

"Hey." Yixing looks at the younger with the corner of his eyes. He knows Baekhyun was joking but still, his words stabbed right into his heart.

"Anyway, the guy agreed and said he will be moving in in two or three days."

Yixing pats his best friend's arm. "Good for you. Having him, you won't be that lonely without me around. What is his name?"



Baekhyun turns to see it was Yifan that cut off his words. "You are late!" He sees the older Chinese smiling while looking at him. "Where did you parked? Are we going to walk for 10 minutes like that one time when you parked the car so far away?"

"We are not."

Yixing chuckles as he watches Baekhyun arguing about the parked car with his brother. He remembers the said time but it wasn't Yifan's fault. The anime convention was just too full with poeple that Yifan finding a spot was considered very lucky. He pulls Baekhyun away when the younger standing a little too close for comfort to his brother. He looks up to meet with Yifan's eyes. "Ge."

Yifan let go of his hand that was pinching Baekhyun's cheek and watches the younger rubbing the sore spot. He ignores the grumbles that come from the only Korean male and stares straight at his brother. "Hm?"

"I..." Yixing looks down at his feet, staring at the luggages around it. "Maybe I..."

Baekhyun notices the small stutters in Yixing's words. He turns and sees Yifan shaking his head.

"It's fine." Yifan smiles as he meets with his brother's eyes. He can see Yixing trying to hold his tears as he steps closer to him. "I want to do this. Don't worry about me. Just make me proud."

Yixing swallows and closes his eyes as his frame being engulfed in a hug. He was wrapping his arms around the giant torso when he felt another pair of arms circling his waist from behind.

"Group hug!"

Yixing smiles, liking the way of the warmth from the two people that are the most important to him spread all over his body. "Thank you."



+ + + + +



Zitao smiles as he sees a figure stepping out from the fitting room. He stands up from the sofa and starts walking, with eyes locked at the beautiful male that is standing in front of a full-lenght mirror.

"So, can we go now?"

Jongdae watches as Zitao circling around his young master, scanning the male from head to toe.

"Hm... I kinda like it." Zitao shifts his gaze to look at Jongdae that is still sitting on the same sofa he got up from. "What do you think, ge?"

Jongdae shakes his head. 

Zitao frowns. "You don't like it?"

"I don't."

Joonmyeon stares at his reflection in the mirror and sigh. If he had known picking his wedding outfit would be this complicated, he wouldn't have agree to go with Zitao. He should have just send Jongdae in his place instead of being stuck in the boutique for the past five hours. He turns when he saw Zitao standing behind him from the mirror reflection.

"I think you should try the black one again."

Jongdae watches as Zitao pulling Joonmyeon to a corner where a variety of black tuxedo are being hung. He walks toward his young master after the Chinese male left Joonmyeon alone and lost himself in the pile of clothes. "Hyung."

"Hm?" Joonmyeon turns to face Jongdae. He smiles as he lets the younger wipes his sweat.

"Do you want me to sneak you out? Tao won't notice if you go now."

Joonmyeon chuckles at the idea. It is a great one but having the Chinese male barging to his office and flip things out of rage is far more worse than being forced to try out suits for the last hours. He gives Jongdae a headshake as he ing the suit and taking it off, handing it to the younger before lying on the big, round sofa at the center of the room.

Jongdae hangs the suit jacket and walk to a small table that has refreshment on it. He pours a glass of water and picking it up, walking slowly toward Joonmyeon that is now sitting straight with a tablet in hand. "Hyung."

Joonmyeon looks up and smile, a hand receiving the glass of water. He finishes it in one gulp before turning back to the device in his hands.

"How are things with Kyungsoo?"

Joonmyeon's fingers stop typing, a smile gracing his lips as he turns to face Jongdae that is sitting next to him. "He is good, just like Jongin said."

"I still don't like him working with you, hyung."

Joonmyeon closes his tablet, letting a small sigh. Jongdae visited him two days ago at his office and Jongin was there, sitting at Kyungsoo's desk, waiting for him. "Jongin only came that one time. You don't have to worry."

Jongdae takes a deep breath. Of course it was only that one time. It only has been a few days since Kyungsoo started working. Who knows how often will Jongin come to the office and act like the company is his.

"You know he has the right too."

Jongdae sighs as he watches his young master continue doing his work. "I think you should go to the office, hyung. Leaving all the works to Kyungsoo, I'm afraid he can't handle it." He throws his gaze to a corner, where Zitao is still checking some black tuxedos. "Who knows when will that kid finish browsing."

Joonmyeon follows the younger's eyesight and shrug. A screeching sound was heard and he turns to look at Jongdae, who is looking at him with brows furrowed. "What..." He sees younger shrugs and search his body after he noticed the sound came from him.

Jongdae watches as Joonmyeon fishes out his phone that was the source of the sound and sigh, before putting it against his ears. He shakes, wondering how in the world Zitao managed to change Joonmyeon's ringtone every time and with such unique sounds. He stands, leaving his young master to his business and heading toward the Chinese male that is holding a pair of sleek, black tuxedo.

"What do you think, ge?" Zitao holds up the suit in his hand. He must admit that this one particular outfit will make his childhood friend look so handsome on his wedding day. Then again, everything Joonmyeon wear looks good in his eyes. "Let's have Joonmyeon ge wear it." He cranes his neck, looking for a certain Korean male.

"He is on the phone." Jongdae scans the piece of clothes and nod, liking the younger's taste but couldn't help thinking like there is something missing. He looks up to meet with Zitao's eyes. "Are you sure about this one?"

Zitao furrows at the question. He is sure he saw Jongdae nodding while looking at the tuxedo. "Why not?"

"Yifan hyung will be wearing black."


"It's a wedding, not a funeral."

Zitao looks down at the outfit. Yifan is indeed will be wearing a black tuxedo as he and Jongdae already helped him with his wedding clothes yesterday. He shifts his gaze and see Joonmyeon is on his feet, with his phone still against his ears.

"Joonmyeon hyung should wear white." Jongdae darts his focus to the corner where several white tuxedo being displayed. "White suits him better."

Zitao follows Jongdae that is heading toward the hung white tuxedos. He stares at it, before glancing over his shoulder to look at Joonmyeon. His childhood friend has finished talking and is checking is phone while standing near a lamp fixture. Joonmyeon has the fairest skin he ever saw and it never change since their childhood. The thought of the older wearing a white tuxedo on his wedding day made him smile unconciously.


Jongdae turns, hands holding a pair of white tuxedo, and see Joonmyeon is already behind him and Zitao.


"I need to go. Kyungsoo is waiting for me."

Zitao wriggles his index finger. "Oh, no. You are not going anywhere until we pick your suit." He takes the white suit off Jongdae's hands. "Here, go and change into this."

Joonmyeon looks down at the clothes that being shoved to him, before looking back at Zitao. "But..."



Jongdae smiles as he shrugs at his young master. He can't help Joonmyeon as he too would like to see how the older would look in those piece of clothes.

"Kim Joonmyeon, go change!" Zitao lifts his hand and point toward the fitting room that is just a few steps from where he is standing.

"Hey! Don't use that tone on me! I'm the older one!"

Zitao rolls his eyes. "That rule is so 20 years ago. Now, the taller one is the new 'older one'!" He pats Joonmyeon's head and couldn't help smiling as he hears faint grumbles coming from the Korean male in front of him. He sighs and fix the older's hair. "Fine. If you look really good in the tux, we will take it and go, okay?"

Jongdae notices how Joonmyeon's expression changed at those words. He watches as his young master disappear behind the fitting room and turn to Zitao.

"This is stupid."

Jongdae frowns, hearing a groan from Zitao as the younger taking a seat on the sofa, hands on his face.

"Why can't it be me?"

Jongdae's eyes widen before slowly soften as he fixed his gaze at Zitao. It slipped his mind on how the younger really feel about his young master as the Chinese male didn't show any of it for the past few days. He hears another groan before a creaking sound was heard.


Zitao watches as his childhood friend stepping out from the fitting room, hands fixing the white tuxedo he is wearing.

"It suits you, hyung."

Joonmyeon smiles at the compliment as he sees Jongdae is smiling at him too. He turns to look at Zitao, wondering why the younger didn't say anything about it even thought he was the one suggesting it. "What do you think? I think it looks fine and I kinda like it."

Jongdae watches as Zitao slowly approach Joonmyeon that is checking himself in the mirror and blinks when suddenly the younger pulled his young master into a hug.

Joonmyeon gasps, trying to catch his breath as Zitao's hug is getting tighter. "Tao..."

"Promise me..."

Joonmyeon takes a deep breath as the younger loosen his hug and frown. Zitao's voice is different. "What? Hey, are you okay?"

"Come back to me when all are done."




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10