
The Road To Me

"We were supposed to go the movie together."

Yifan turns slightly, fixing his focus at Joonmyeon.

"We promised to meet at the cinema but I never came." Joonmyeon purses his lips, the memories of that day flooding back to him. It was a couple of months after the passing and the rumors about him being the sole heir to their fathers' company had spread like wild fire and Jongin shut him off because of that. He was so happy when the younger finally agreed to go out with him and he could clear everything about those rumors.


Joonmyeon looks up and sees a man pass by him before he feels a hand on his back pulling him closer to the arm.

"Be careful." Yifan earns a small smile as Joonmyeon moves closer to him, shoulders touching together. He continues to walk, feeling Joonmyeon's hand brushing against his as they walk side by side along the pathway of the park and focuses his attention back to Joonmyeon when a chuckled sigh reaches his ear and sees a small smile on the lips.

"I guess I did changed first." Joonmyeon kicks the pebble that was in front of him and watches it roll away until he lost sight of it. "Father said that morning he has an important event he need attend in the evening, the first after uncle's passing, and that he is going to bring me along. I don't know why I was so excited about it that I completely forgot about Jongin and our promise. I attended those events before." He chuckles at the realization that hit him. "The power of being the sole heir."

Yifan sees a slow headshake and he stop, following Joonmyeon that just keep still, gaze fix on his feet. This is the first time Joonmyeon ever told him about him and Jongin. To say he doesn't feel the tension between the two cousins is a lie but Jongin always acted friendly whenever he was around and he rarely saw the scene like the one at the shop earlier. What exactly had happened when he went to changed?

"Maybe I should start acting like one. At least when Jongin says those things to me, he isn't lying."

"Joonmyeon, I..."

"Cotton candy, sir?"

Joonmyeon lifts his chin and a variety colors of cotton candies fills his view. He tilts his head a little and meets with a soft smile of the person behind the sweets. He smiles back and takes out his wallet, choosing a red one and thanking the seller as he hands the money, watching the male as he walks away and stops at another passerby. He turns to the treat in his hand and smiles weakly. "It is Jongin's favorite."

Yifan watches as Joonmyeon tears a small piece and putting it in his mouth, lips press together, as he starts walking again. He follows from behind as they walking along the park. He was hesitant at first but somehow he felt Joonmyeon doesn't want to go back just yet so he stopped at this park, hoping Joonmyeon could clear his mind before they go home.


Yifan blinks as Joonmyeon turns to face him, smiling as he brings his hand closer and he notices the small piece of cotton candy that Joonmyeon is holding. He looks into Joonmyeon's eyes, the small smile becomes wider and he darts his gaze at the cotton candy for a moment, before opening his mouth slightly, feeling the softness of the sweets on his lips as Joonmyeon feeds him the treat.

Joonmyeon watches as Yifan his lips, the cotton candy already melted inside his mouth, and he tears a bigger piece, cannot hold his smile when Yifan willingly leans down, eating the whole piece off his hand. "Delicious, right?" He earns a small nod and he walks again, taking a bite of the cotton candy right off the stick. He really doesn't remember the last time he went to a place like this, let alone eating a cotton candy. He was so out of it and just got out from the car when Yifan stopped, thinking they already reached home but bright lights and voices awakened him from his thought and his sight was filled with people and trees and street vendors.

Yifan steps closer when Joonmyeon stops in front of a cart that sells drink and fishes out his wallet, paying the vendor for Joonmyeon's order, handing the drink to him as Joonmyeon smiles in return, thanking him. He continues to walk, following Joonmyeon from the back and pauses whenever Joonmyeon stops from one cart to another along the pathway, smile never left his face. He lets Joonmyeon feed him the last piece of the cotton candy and he takes the empty stick, leaving Joonmyeon to throw away the rubbish in the trash can not far from them. Joonmyeon seems really happy and he is glad he made the decision to stop by the park.

"Here." Joonmyeon holds out the vanilla ice-cream that he bought to Yifan, noticing the confuse look on the chiseled face but decides to ignore it. "I don't know what you like but everyone loves vanilla, right?" He smiles when Yifan starts eating the ice-cream and he reaches down to take Yifan's free hand, checking around and pulls Yifan to the empty bench he spotted earlier. "The fireworks are going to start soon."

Yifan furrows. Fireworks? He sits down beside Joonmyeon and casts his sight to the front and sees people have gathered around the riverbank. He spots a few people wearing the same T-shirt near the edge of the river with small rockets and fireworks on the ground. He doesn't realized they came to the park Jongin mentioned earlier. He turns to his side and all he can see is Joonmyeon's face that glow in happiness, eyes widen in anticipation and lips full with smile.

Joonmyeon takes another at his strawberry ice-cream and chomps the top off, eyes shut tightly as brain freeze hits him. He can feel Yifan's eyes on him, probably judging him because a twenty-something is eating ice-cream like a little kid, but he is too happy to care right now. Eating ice-cream and watching fireworks, it really feels like he is back to being a little kid again. Jongin would somehow knew about this sort of thing and they would begged their fathers to bring them there. And they would sat on the grass, trapping Jongdae between them as they waited for the show to start. And when it did, their eyes were glued to the sky, watching the fireworks doing its magic while their mouths busy chewing on the many food they bought at the street vendors.

Yifan looks up when the first fireworks being released with a loud boom and from the corner of his eyes, he can see Joonmyeon smiling, chin lift up, gaze fix at the night sky. He finishes his ice-cream, fishing out his hankerchief from his back pocket and wipes his hands, even though he knows he need to go the the toilet to wash it properly as he still can feel the stickyness of the ice-cream. He turns around, wanting to offer Joonmyeon the cloth, and sees the ice-cream already melting inside his hand. "Joonmyeon."

"Hm?" Joonmyeon shifts slightly toward Yifan to see Yifan is looking at him weirdly. He follows Yifan's line of sight and the cold of the melted ice-cream finally hits his senses, making him drop the treat on the stone pathway. He pouts at the loss, he only got to eat a quarter of it.

"Let's go to the toilet."

Joonmyeon sees Yifan already standing up, waiting for him to do the same, and when he does, his sticky hands are covered by a dark brown hankerchief. He looks up to meet with Yifan's eyes when something warm touches his upper lip. He stares at Yifan as Yifan wipes the ice-cream on the corner of his mouth with the pad of his thumb, and he catches Yifan's wrist as he about to pull away.

"Joonmyeon?" Yifan tugs his hand softly only for Joonmyeon to tighten his grip, feet inching closer to him, before Joonmyeon's forehead is against his chest. He parts his lips to speak but a choked sob reaches his ears and the small fingers around his wrist slowly loosen.

Joonmyeon purses his lips, trying to hold in his tear because it is stupid to cry over something as insignificant as that. That Jongin, despite being the youngest among the three of them, would cover his mouth with the back of his palm, cleaning off the crumbs around it before doing the same to Jongdae. And he just did the same thing that day, as they walked to the front door, coming back from school, when his father greeted them, hugging Jongin tightly as he broke the news about his uncle. And he knows he should stop crying at such trivial memory but he couldn't, as a pair of warm hands cupping his cheeks, thumbs caressing his tears away and puffs of breath ghosting on his forehead.

"I'm here."




+ + + + +




Jongdae steps into the bedroom to see a rear sticking out from the closet but he just proceeds to the small table beside the bed and puts the tray in his hands down. "Hyung, here's the ice you asked." He receives no answer and walks closer to Joonmyeon, standing behind the closet door. "Hyung, what are you doing?"

Joonmyeon emerges from the pile of clothes and looks up at Jongdae that is furrowing at him. "Oh? When did you get here?"

"Just now."

"Where's the ice?"

"On the table over there." Jongdae watches as Joonmyeon follows his line of sight and nods, before the older disappears into the closet again. "Hyung." He sees a small pile of shirts and pants near Joonmyeon's feet and picks them up, folding it and puts it to the side. "Are you looking for something?" He hears a hum as he folds the last pair of jeans. "What is it?"

Joonmyeon sighs as he pulls himself out, ploping on the carpeted floor, with Jongdae looking down at him. He was sure he had that bag in his room, but why can't he find it? "Jongdae."


"Have you seen a blue paper bag? Anywhere? In the house? I... did I lost it? Is it in the car? But..."

Jongdae sighs, shaking his head at the older that is holding his head, looking so lost. Although he has some question about what had happened, he should solve this one first. "I saw the same bag in the study room." He can see Joonmyeon's beaming at him and notices the towel around the older's neck as Joonmyeon stands up.


Jongdae nods, reaching over his young master to take the towel off the neck and puts it over the slightly wet hair. "I'll get it for you..." He dries off the dark locks and lower his gaze at Joonmyeon's face, stopping at the puffed eyes. It was the first thing he saw when he opened the door earlier, with Yifan standing behind Joonmyeon, hands holding up the small shoulders. "The ice is going to melt."

Joonmyeon's eyes fix at the younger's back until Jongdae is out from the room, bringing the damp towel with him, and he turns on his heels, heading towards his bed. Jongdae didn't say anything but he knows from the younger's tone that he is worried about him. He sits on the edge of the bed, taking a few cubes of ice and wraps it in a small cloth, pressing it against his eyes. The thing is cold on his face but it is the quickest way he knows to reduce the puffed eyes he has right now. He didn't realized he had cried that much that he shocked himself when he saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror. And he really doesn't want to know how was Yifan's reaction to that.


Joonmyeon put down the cloth and his eyes widen at the blue paper bag in Jongdae's hand as the younger steps closer to him. Why did he left it in the study room?

Jongdae notices the smile that slowly appear on his young master's face as he opens the bag. He doesn't know what is inside but it seems important to Joonmyeon. "Hyung."


"Did you and Yifan hyung fight again?"

Joonmyeon lifts his chin instantly, staring at the younger that is towering him. "What?! No!"

"Then, why were you crying?" Jongdae sees the older pursing his lips. "You guys went out shopping but came home empty-handed. Plus your eyes were so red and Yifan hyung hasn't say a word about it." He takes the ice-wrapped cloth and presses it against Joonmyeon's eyes gently. To be honest, he is getting tired of the two people's charade. One day they were so sweet to each other and the next, both acting like they never met.

"It is not like that." Joonmyeon inhales, bearing the coldness on his eyes. "It just..." He hears a sigh coming from Jongdae. The younger is well aware of what is happening between him and Jongin but truthfully, they never talk much about it. Jongdae's behaviors toward Jongin changed and he knows it was because of him. He doesn't want to make thing worst by ranting about it.

Jongdae pulls away and examines Joonmyeon's eyes. The swollen is still visible but only just a little. "So, you and Yifan hyung are fine?" He sees a nod and sighs. "Good. You shouldn't fight so much with someone you love." He notices the small jolt Joonmyeon has at his last word as patches of pink spreading all over the older's cheeks, eyes blinking rapidly at him.

"Wha... I'm not.... wha... what are you talk... talking about... I... I don't..."

Jongdae rolls his eyes, hands busy cleaning the cloth and ice on the side table. Of course Joonmyeon doesn't love Yifan. The older also isn't his young master and he is the king of the world. Does Joonmyeon thinks he is blind, not seeing the subtle touches he and Yifan exchanged every time they were near each other? He is happy for the two people, he really is, but Yifan and Joonmyeon should stop beating around the bush and just kiss already, so that he can finally shut Baekhyun up that never fail to text him about that and asking for proof.


Jongdae straightens himself as he holds the tray in his hands, eyes fix at the older that is looking down at the blue paper bag on his lap.

"Do you..." Joonmyeon purses his lips, fingers gripping the bag a little tightly. He bought it out of impulse so what if Yifan didn't like it? And he accepted it out of pity?

"Yifan hyung isn't that kind of a person. Just give it to him."

Joonmyeon lifts his chin to see Jongdae already at the door, with his back facing him before he disappears from his sight. The younger's words linger in his mind as he gets on his feet. Either he said it out loud or Jongdae is a mind reader, the younger is right. He exits his bedroom and stops at the door across his own, knocking on it softly. If Yifan doesn't like it, he can always change it. Or buy other thing that Yifan do likes.


Joonmyeon stuns, feeling the heat that is slowly rising to his face at the sight in front of him and he swallows, hard. "I... did... did I disturb you? I... I..." He knows he shouldn't but his eyes aren't listening to him and they keep roaming on Yifan's upper body and he turns fully around after noticing the questional look Yifan gave him. "I will come later!"

Yifan doesn't know what is going on but he manages to grab Joonmyeon's hand, holding onto the small fingers, making Joonmyeon turns to face him. "It's fine. I wasn't doing anything." He looks into Joonmyeon's eyes and sees a small nod. He releases Joonmyeon's hand and proceeds to the bed, picking up the white T-shirt he took out earlier and puts it on.

Jonnmyeon bites his lower lips, eyes haven't moved from Yifan's back even though it is clothed now. The sight he saw earlier is still so vivid and he tries to blink it away but it doesn't work. He still can see the faint lines of Yifan's abs in front of his eyes. How can he talk to Yifan like this? It is better if he leaves. "Yifan, I..."


"I think I..." Joonmyeon notices how Yifan's expression changed at his unfinished words and he shakes his head. Yifan said it's fine and he doesn't want to hurt Yifan's feeling. He just need to give Yifan the present and gets out of the room before he starts imagining other things and creeping Yifan out.

Yifan's eyes follow until Joonmyeon is in front of him and he stares at him, waiting for Joonmyeon to speak. He catches how Joonmyeon keeps pursing his lips, gnawing at the bottom before pursing it again, causing it to become redder and a bit swollen.

"I... I want to apologize for earlier."

Yifan furrows.

"I suddenly cried like that and you..." Joonmyeon fixes his gaze to the carpeted floor as he being reminded what happened at the park. Crying in front of Yifan at a public place, how Yifan must be so embarrased being near him and he should have pull away, but Yifan was so warm and the tears kept falling.


Joonmyeon jolts a little when the same warmth is pressed against his cheek and he looks up, to see Yifan is cupping his cheek, his thumb rubbing at the corner of his eyes.

"The red is almost gone." Yifan retracts his hand and meets with Joonmyeon's slightly puffed eyes. He was hesitant to leave after sending Joonmyeon to his room but he thought Joonmyeon needed some space so he left, planning to check on him after shower but Joonmyeon had showed up first, and he was glad for that. He has a clue what was behind the tears but he will wait until Joonmyeon is willing to tell him himself.

"Ah... hm... Jong... Jongdae put ice on it..." Joonmyeon sees Yifan nod a little and his grip on the blue paper bag that he hides behind his back tightens. "Yifan, I..." He brings the bag upfront, a few inches between Yifan's chest and doesn't miss how Yifan's eyes slightly widen as he looks at the gift. "Thank you for tonight. The park, the fireworks. You."

Yifan blinks, receiving Joonmyeon's gift with both hands as he watches the pink lips bloom into a smile. And his heart stutters.

"I hope you like it." Joonmyeon watches, lips couldn't stop smiling as Yifan reaches inside, taking out a medium size velvet box. He takes the paper bag off Yifan's hand and puts it on the floor before facing back to Yifan as he opens the box.

Yifan finds a silver bracelet resting neatly on the satin linen. The bracelet is simple but from the satin and the velvet, he knows it is expensive and he couldn't accept such gift. "Joonmyeon, I..." He couldn't continue when Joonmyeon steps closer, taking out the bracelet from its case.

"Let me put it on."

Yifan lets Joonmyeon bring his left hand up and watches as the bracelet slides around his wrist before his gaze falls on Joonmyeon's hand that is holding his own, staring at the lithe fingers that look so small against his hand but somehow it feels so warm, and he doesn't understand. He looks up when the contact is gone and Joonmyeon's glisten eyes are gazing at him.

"It fit perfectly." Joonmyeon smiles up at Yifan before pursing his lips when he notices he is standing too close to Yifan as he can feel Yifan's breath fanning against his face. "Sorry!" He takes a few steps back, hiding his hands that started to tremble behind his back and wishing Yifan wouldn't notice the warmth that is slowly rising to his face. He doesn't know what is happening to him because how could someone shivers from heat, and he takes another step back. "It... it's getting late... I... I should go back."

"Thank you, Joonmyeon."

Joonmyeon stuns in his spot, breath hitches as his surrounding goes silent. Yifan's husky voice, was it always sound so soothing? He glances over his shoulder before bringing his fisted hands to his front. The trembling has stopped and he can feel the cool air-con air on his cheeks. He lifts his chin to look at Yifan and Jongdae's words ringing in his ears. He smiles.

Yifan watches as Joonmyeon walks to him, stopping just inches away with a soft smile on his lips.

"Thank you to you too. I'm sorry about Jongin and what happened at the park but..." Joonmyeon moves to Yifan's side. "...I had fun." He tiptoes. "Thank you."

Yifan blinks as he feels soft lips pressed firmly against his cheek before Joonmyeon's beautiful smile catches his eyes.

"Good night." Joonmyeon turns around, heading toward Yifan's bedroom door with a hand clutching his chest. This new feeling he just learnt makes his heart swell so much that he thinks he could burst at any moment. He pulls the hand away and reaches for the doorhandle, stopping on it when he feels his other wrist being caught. He turns his head and sees Yifan is staring at him. "Hm? Yifan. What is it?"

Yifan just stares as his gaze falls from Joonmyeon's round eyes down to his rosy tinted cheeks. The beauty mark above the mouth looks so small and he never seen such red lips before. He breathes in, bringing his legs together as he moves his grip from the tiny wrist to hold the lithe fingers in his hand. He doesn't know why he took such a long time to realize his own feeling when everything is right in front of his eyes all these times. And to know he isn't the only one feeling like this is enough for him to give his heart away.



Joonmyeon meets Yifan's assuring eyes and slowly, he lets the doorhandle go.




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2457 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2457 streak #5
2457 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2457 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2457 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2457 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2457 streak #10