
The Road To Me

"Hah! You wish!"

Zitao stiffens at the familiar sound of the voice. It has been a while since he last heard the voice and he thought he would never heard it again but he was wrong. He taps his finger on the counter, looking anxiously at the barista that is preparing his order, wishing the male to quickly give him his coffee so that he can leave and not meet with the owner of the voice he heard earlier.

"Oh, they have new menu! Can I?"

"Why are you asking for my permission when you never follow it anyway?"

Zitao hears a giggle and holds in his breath. The conversation between the familiar voice and the other one he doesn't recognize is getting clearer and he knows that it is the sign for him to get out now before it is too late. He sighs in relief when the barista finally handed him his drink and he gives the male a small nod before turning around, only to meet with a wide grin.

"Hi!" Chanyeol grins even wider as he sees Zitao closing his eyes in defeat, a faint huff escapes his lips. His eyes notice the cup in the younger's hand and he grins again. "You just have to come and sit with us!" He turns to his side, his left hand fishes out his wallet from his back pocket jeans. "Here. Buy anything you want and the usual for me."

Luhan receives the wallet with a confused face as he watches Chanyeol keep putting his arm around the stranger only to be pushed away. He shifts his gaze to look at the Chinese male that is clearly annoyed as Chanyeol has moved to poke his cheek instead. He knows basically almost all Chanyeol's friend but this is the first time he sees the tall stranger.

"Will you let go?!"

"Of course I won't." Chanyeol throws a look at Luhan, his arm is hooked around Zitao's elbow. "I'll go find us a seat." He flashes a smile to his best friend before looking a round the small cafe. He grins as he spots an emtpy table at a corner of the shop and drags the Chinese younger by his arm, ignoring the grumble coming from the male.

Zitao sighs loudly as he being forced to sit on the wooden chair, placing his cup of coffee carefully on the table. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Maybe if he hold his breath long enough, he can die and not dealing with the annoying giant in front of him.

"You are not with our Myeonie I see."

Zitao cracks his eyes open at the mentioned of the nickname and sees Chanyeol smiling at him, not grinning. It is a rare sight. "Can't I?"

Chanyeol shakes his head. "Of course you can. I just think it is such a waste, you not spending your time with him. You probably won't be able to do that in the future." He sees Zitao's brows furrow at his statement.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you know I often need to go around the world for my job..."

Zitao rolls his eyes at that. Chanyeol should just stay wherever that is not here and never come back.

" of course Myeonie has to come with me. And maybe you could only see him after a few years."

Zitao stares at the older. "What are you saying? Why would Joonmyeon ge follow you? Your job has nothing to do with Joonmyeon ge's."

"Of course it doesn't but as a married couple, he has too. I can't leave Myeonie all alone. He will be lonely and I need him."


Chanyeol lifts his chin to look at the Chinese male that abruptly stand up and making the table wobble a little. He quickly reaches for the cup across him, saving it from spilling out.

"You better watch your mouth..." Zitao glares down at Chanyeol that is sipping his coffee. Chanyeol will never marry Joonmyeon. "Joonmyeon ge is married."

"Of course he is." Chanyeol places the cup on the table, wetting his lips. The younger's taste for coffee is totally different from him. He leans back on the chair, eyes piercing straight at Zitao. "But not for long." He sees the younger biting his lower lips. "You know that too."

Zitao inhales. Of course he knows. He is well aware that Joonmyeon will eventually let Yifan go because their marriage is just a matter of convenience. It is just a business because his childhood friend isn't the only one that gain benefits from their union and he is sure just like him, Yifan couldn't wait for that day to come.

"And we both know how he feels about you."

Zitao watches Chanyeol's mouth moving as the older continues his talk but he hears nothing. He knows. He knows that Joonmyeon will never see him other than 'a little brother'. A part of him already accepted the fact that the title will never change but if fate has other plan for him and Joonmyeon, who is he to deny it.

"So the only one left is me." Chanyeol catches how Zitao's eyes become slightly bigger than before at his words. He wasn't teasing the younger, he's just stating the fact that Zitao sometimes doesn't want to admit. "Although I..." He cranes his neck, fixing his gaze at the small figure that is standing at the counter. "...has something to do before that..."


Chanyeol faces back to his front and sees Zitao staring blankly at him. "Sorry?" He sees the younger shaking his head slightly.

"Maybe he won't be with me but I will never let him be with you."

Chanyeol blinks as Zitao passes by him and heads toward the exit. He sighs as he stares at the door, the younger has completely gone from his sight. Zitao should stop torturing himself like that. He should be grateful that he is one of a few important people in Joonmyeon's life, unlike him that the older treats just like a regular friend. He leans deeper into his chair. But, he wants more.

"Oh? Where is your friend?"

Chanyeol snaps from his thought and smiles as Luhan takes a seat on Zitao's chair earlier. He shakes his head when his eyes caught the variety of food splayed in front of him. When will he learn that Luhan asking him if they can go for some coffee after lunch meaning dessert, dessert and more dessert? He grabs a piece of French toast that is covered with caramel sauce and puts it in his mouth. "He is not my friend."

Luhan stares at Chanyeol that is the caramel sauce off his fingers. "He is not?" He sees the younger shaking slightly, mouth busy chewing his food. "But, you looked so close. I thought you guys..."

Chanyeol shrugs. "A mutual friend introduced us."

Luhan sips his frappucino, eyes still fixed at the younger. So that Chinese male isn't Myeonie. Chanyeol looked so happy seeing his 'not-friend' earlier that he thought he finally meet with this mysterious 'Myeonie'. The name was forgotten for a while but he was reminded about it again last night when he was messing with Chanyeol's phone. The call history showed it was Chanyeol who called 'Myeonie' and he couldn't help smacking the younger on the forehead out of jealousy even though Chanyeol was sleeping. Two 'hearts', and he and Minseok only have one.

Chanyeol furrows as he sees Luhan has puffed his cheeks and squinting his eyes while glaring at him. It is a look indicating that he is annoyed and since the older is looking straight at him, meaning he is the cause behind the expression. "What?"


Chanyeol tilts his head in wonder as his best friend still looking at him with the face of an angry baby deer. If Luhan won't tell the first time he asked, then the only thing he can do is to wait for the older to speak himself. He scans the plates in front of him and picks up the vanilla strawberry brownie only for it to be snatched away by a small hand. "Hey!"


Chanyeol watches as the older chewing the brownie furiously with eyes still fixed at him. He sighs as he really doesn't know what he did wrong to anger his best friend but he stretches over anyway, wiping the crumbs off the corner of Luhan's mouth with the back of his hand. "Eat more civilized, please. You are the older one."

Luhan lifts his chin when Chanyeol suddenly stood up.

"I'm going to get some tissue."

Luhan nods as he watches the younger heading toward the counter. He shifts his gaze back to the variety of food in front of him and tears the honey bread into a small piece before popping it into his mouth. He notices the different in Chanyeol's voice earlier and lets out a faint sigh. He should stop acting like a spoiled kid and being blindly jealous and just ask Chanyeol the question that has been lingering on his mind. This 'Myeonie' person must be someone really special that a closed person like Chanyeol cherished him more than he and Minseok.

"Here! Sit here!"

Luhan blinks repeatedly as he watches someone being forced to sit down beside him by Chanyeol before he notices another one taking a seat right across the stranger. He turns his head as his eyes follow Chanyeol circling the table and settles himself back on his own chair.

"What a coincidence, huh? Of all the cafe in the world, we meet here."

Luhan sees the male beside Chanyeol smiles as he shifts into more comfortable position.

"But, are you sure? I really don't to disturb you and..."

Chanyeol raises an eyebrow before following the male's gaze to see Luhan blinking his eyes repeatedly. He smiles and turns back to his side. "It's fine! Luhan doesn't mind, right Lu?"

Luhan forces a small smile when his eyes met with the stranger's and kicks Chanyeol's leg under the table. He ignores short scream of pain coming from the younger and fixes his sight at the male. He really doesn't mind meeting new people but he likes to be informed first and Chanyeol is well aware about it. So why did the younger brought, not only one, but two strangers to sit with them?

"Are you sure you are alright?"

"Yeah, just a little cramp." Chanyeol rubs his sheen while sending death glare at the older. "Thank you for worrying about me, Myeonie."

Luhan's eyes widen.

"You are the only one I can count on. Unlike Lu here."

Luhan knows from the corner of his eyes that the younger is pouting at him but he couldn't care less about it now as he locks his gaze the male across to his left. So, this is the mysterious 'Myeonie' that is trying to steal Chanyeol away from him and Minseok. He scans the male up and down while he is busy talking with Chanyeol and lets out a faint breath, realizing the obvious fact. 'Myeonie' is beautiful. No wonder the younger fall for him.


Luhan startles a little and straightens himself, looking directly at the beautiful male. "Ah, yes."

"I'm sorry if we being a nuisance to you. We will go after our drinks are ready..."


"Don't!" Chanyeol hugs Joonmyeon by his arm, shaking his head. "If you think like that, then I will send Luhan away! You have to stay!"

Luhan puffs his cheeks as he couldn't believe what he just heard. They have known each since they were just little kids and Chanyeol is willing to send him away just like that for this 'Myeonie'? He deflates his cheeks as his mind reminds him why. Two 'hearts'.

"Hey, it's not nice."

Luhan rolls his eyes at Chanyeol who is pouting at the beautiful male.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

Luhan turns at the voice.

"I haven't introduce myself. I'm Joonmyeon and this is Yifan."

Luhan turns to his side, following Joonmyeon's line of sight and he is meet with a cold, chiseled face. Really, he completely forgot that there is someone besides him. "Ah, hello." He receives a small nod from Yifan and he nods back.

"You could have just told me that you have a date with Yifan, Myeonie. You didn't have to lie about being busy with reports to turn down my lunch invitation."

Joonmyeon can feel blood rushing toward his face at Chanyeol's words and he hits the younger's arm, before realizing that Luhan and Yifan are staring at him. He fists his hands under the table and tries to ignore the chuckles coming from his side. He should control his reflexes better. "It... it's not like that..." He meets with Luhan's eyes and shakes his head. It is his first time meeting with Chanyeol's friend and he is already gave Luhan a bad impression of himself. "I... I did have a report that I..."

"Is the report named 'Yifan'?"


Luhan watches the small bickering with amusement. Chanyeol being playful with someone else besides him and Minseok is a rare sight.

"Right, Yifan?"

Yifan stares at Joonmyeon before turning to Chanyeol, nodding at the younger. "We are going back to the office after this. We..." He pauses when the buzzer that the barista gave him earlier vibrates. He looks at Joonmyeon. "I will go and get the drinks."

Joonmyeon smiles as he nods, eyes sending Yifan as the male walks over to the counter.

"Lu, go buy me some ice blended."

"What? Why me? Go buy it yourself."

"Just go, will you?"

Luhan sighs as Chanyeol is making weird faces at him and he stands up, getting the signal the younger sent him. He takes the wallet that was on the table and stares down at his best friend. "I'm buying for Minseok too, okay?"

Chanyeol's eyes follow Luhan as the older is taking big steps and grins when Luhan reached the counter and taps Yifan on his shoulder. As he expected from a childhood friend. "Myeonie."


"You and Yifan have become closer since the last time I saw you guys." Chanyeol notices how Joonmyeon stiffens at his words. "He is really a nice guy, huh?"

Joonmyeon blinks, lifting his chin to look at Yifan that is talking with Luhan near the counter. They are standing behind a glass case that is showing a variety of desserts and he smiles. Yifan really is a nice guy. There were so many things had happened after the award ceremony and he is glad that Yifan is still by his side after all that. He nods. "He is."

"And Luhan. Though he is my friend, I have to admit he is a little bit immature for his age. But, that is what makes him cute, you know?"

Joonmyeon shifts his gaze to Luhan and sees the male is smiling, nodding slightly at the barista before turning around with paperbags in both hands. Today is the first time he met with Luhan but he has to agree with Chanyeol's statement. Luhan is pretty but the way he keeps smiling while looking at the paperbags makes him a lot more cuter.

"They look good together, don't you think so?"

Joonmyeon stiffens, his gaze fix at Luhan and Yifan that are walking side by side towards their table. He sees Yifan smiling as Luhan talking to him and he feels stabbing in his chest. Yifan and Luhan do look good together.

"I got our coffee. We should go." Yifan watches as Joonmyeon raises from his seat. He hands him the vanilla latte and furrows when he noticed the male keep looking at the drink in his hand. "Joonmyeon?"

"I... I just remember that I have to meet someone."

"Oh, okay. Then..."

"No." Joonmyeon looks up to face Yifan. "It... it's fine. I... I can go by myself." He takes a step away. "You... should go home."

"Joonmyeon, are you okay?"

Joonmyeon turns to Luhan that is standing right next to Yifan and Chanyeol's words echo in his ears. He bites his lower lips as he can feel it trembles at the sight in front of him. "I... I'm fine..." He takes another step back. "I should go."


Joonmyeon turns around and heads toward the exit, ignoring Yifan that keeps calling his name. Yifan has been so good to him that he forgets the male isn't his. He purses his lips. Luhan is perfect for Yifan.




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10