
The Road To Me

Joonmyeon shifts slightly, inching closer to the edge of the bed as his eyes spot a familiar piece of clothing on the floor. He reaches out but pauses when he feels something cool touching his skin before something warm splayed on his stomach. He stays still as the bedcover rustles and shivers when he feels huffs of breath ghosting on his nape.


Joonmyeon can almost see smoke coming out of him from over-blushing at the deep and husky voice, and he doesn't move, smiling at the arm that is tightening around his waist. He waits for any movement but he can only feel the breath hitting the back of his neck. He puts his hand on the long fingers, wanting to peel them off but when he lifts the longest one, the hand turns over and captures his fingers, sliding slowly as the long fingers, one after another, fit between the gap of his hand before closing them in, clutching his fingers softly.


Joonmyeon bites his lower lips, sighing in blissful defeat as he brings their intertwined hands from under the comforter to his view, smiling as he notes how his own fit perfectly inside the big hand. His smile widens when he sees the silvers on the fourth finger and wrist shining under the soft light. He slowly moves to lie on his back, keeping their hands laced together, and turns his head to his side, to be met with a calm sleeping face.

Yifan opens his eyes and his hand feels the small jolt Joonmyeon made at his action. "Hey..." He sees a small nod with lips pursed together before the bed moves slightly as Joonmyeon turns and lays on his side. He welcomes the warmth as Joonmyeon inches closer and he lets go of their hands to pull the comforter over, covering the bare shoulder.

Joonmyeon shifts closer as Yifan's palm rests on his back, caressing it slowly up and down. He has his forehead against Yifan's sturdy chest and musky scent fills his nose as he breathes in. A kiss lands among his locks and he has given up trying to hold in his smile. He is so happy that he is sure his heart did burst out some time last night and the one beating inside his chest right now isn't at all his own.

"Did you sleep well?" Yifan feels the small nod on his chest and sighs in relief. He moves his hand from the small back and stops at the soft locks, carding his fingers through it. He is glad Joonmyeon is well-rested because he, himself, had never slept so peaceful in his entire life like he did last night.

"Does it hurt?"

Yifan distances himself a little bit, looking down at Joonmyeon and sees Joonmyeon's hand on his shoulder, fingers rubbing softly at a bite mark. "No."

Joonmyeon sighs because it must have hurt, teeth mark still can be seen and he feels the tiny spaces made by it. "I'm sor..."


Joonmyeon looks up to see Yifan shaking his head, his eyes gazing at him longingly. He watches as Yifan adjusts himself until they are staring right into each other's eyes, and he is reminded of what a beautiful pair of eyes Yifan has. He feels warm hand on his cheek and a small smile graces Yifan's lips. He curls his hands loosely against the defined collarbones as he tastes Yifan's breath on his lips.

Yifan leans in, brushing Joonmyeon's soft lips lightly with his chapped ones as he traces his fingers along the jawline before pulling away, meeting with Joonmyeon's round eyes again. It feels like a dream, what happened last night. He isn't sure what is happening right now is a dream or not. Never had he imagined that Joonmyeon would be here, lying beside him, unguarded and fragile, putting his trust on him. Joonmyeon always looks so confident and he feels a strong sense of pride swell in him as he is the only one that Joonmyeon allowed to see him like this.

Joonmyeon's eyes flutter close when Yifan claims his lips again, more firmly this time, with a finger underneath his chin, and his mind recognizes that it is the same way which started everything last night. Yifan had pulled him closer, away from the door, and stared deep into his eyes. And he tried to look away, wanted to hide his blush, but Yifan just kept searching for his eyes. A thumb traced his lips and he was lost in Yifan's dark orbs. And then Yifan kissed him, firm yet gentle and the warmth that was engulfing him as Yifan wrapped him inside his embrace made him lost to the world.

Yifan pushes himself up, lips still attached to Joonmyeon's, and he hovers above him, with his elbows supporting him on the mattress. Soft moans reach his ears and he nips Joonmyeon's lower lips before pulling away, watching Joonmyeon catch his breath. He stares at the flawless face, eyes slowly darting down to the figure underneath him and his heart sutters. Joonmyeon looks so beautiful.

"Yifan..." Joonmyeon inhales deeply, still trying to regulate his breathing, and cups Yifan's face, caressing his cheek with the pad of his thumb. "I... heard Jongdae..." He earns a small headshake as Yifan nuzzles against his touch, holding his wrist as he kisses his palm repeatedly. He shivers when Yifan leaves butterfly kisses along his neck, stopping at its juncture and he whimpers at the feeling of teeth sinking into his skin. "Yi... Yifan..."

Yifan the bite mark and kisses the small shoulder, breathing in Joonmyeon's scent. His ears catch the same voice calling Joonmyeon's name from outside the room sounding a bit distant.

Joonmyeon cups Yifan's face, pulling him to view when the faint footsteps disappear into thin air. He stares deep into those beautiful eyes and he pecks Yifan's nose, smiling when a low growl reaches his ears as Yifan drops himself back on the bed. It is something he thought he would never hear coming from Yifan but what happened last night happened, so, he shouldn't be that surprised anymore. There are still so many things he doesn't know about Yifan but with what they have between them, he is sure he has the time to learn everything.

Yifan doesn't move his hand, leaving it on Joonmyeon's flat stomach and lets his fingertips brush against the smooth skin as Joonmyeon moves around, inching closer to the edge of the mattress. His eyes are fixed at the small back, watching the shoulder blade move as Joonmyeon is trying to reach something from the floor. He sees his white T-shirt in Joonmyeon's hand as Joonmyeon pulls himself up to sit before sliding the cloth over his body.

Joonmyeon takes Yifan's hand from his waist and puts the palm against his cheek, smiling. Yifan is so warm. He kisses the knuckles before turning to his side, meeting with Yifan's eyes that are looking at him. "I will wait downstairs." He sees Yifan closing his eyes and he leans down to kiss his temple. He takes a last look at Yifan and smiles, shutting the bedroom door softly.

"Jongdae ge! Joonmyeon ge isn't..."

Joonmyeon stiffens.

"Oh, ge. I was looking for you." Zitao steps into the hallway, one hand still holding the door handle of Joonmyeon's bedroom door. It has been a while since he saw his childhood friend as he was busy with his shop and he just got back from his business trip yesterday. It felt like a month even though it was only a week and he bought so many gifts for Joonmyeon and Jongdae that he came to visit first thing in the morning. "I have something to give you."

"Ta... Tao..."

Zitao's brows furrow as Joonmyeon turns to face him. There is something different about the older but he couldn't put his mind to it. "Jongdae ge said you were still sleeping but you weren't in your room. Where did you go?" He scans the older from head to toe, noticing how the T-shirt Joonmyeon is wearing seems too big for him as it almost reached his knees. He faces the older again and his eyes catch the sight of a door behind Joonmyeon. "What are you doing in front of Yifan ge's room?"

Joonmyeon almost jumps at the question and his grip on the T-shirt hem tightens, hands slowly stretching it down. "Tao. I... I can explain..."

Zitao tilts his head in confusion as he stares at the older that kept on fidgeting in his spot. What was wrong with Joonmyeon? "Ge, did you injured yourself? The bruise on your neck..." He sees Joonmyeon's hand fly to cover the spot and the door behind the older catches his attention again. And something clicks in his mind. No.

Joonmyeon can see how Zitao's eyes move from his bare legs up to the white T-shirt on his body and at the door behind him, before staring at his hand on his neck. "Tao, I..."


Joonmyeon takes a step forward but the younger shakes his head repeatedly, bringing a hand up to stop him from getting closer. "Tao, listen..."

"No!" Zitao backs away, eyes fixed at his own feet. It can't be. Joonmyeon and Yifan.


Zitao presses his palms tightly against his ears, blocking Joonmyeon's voice because he knows Joonmyeon. He knows Joonmyeon isn't the kind of person that would let people to push him around. He knows Joonmyeon wouldn't do anything that he isn't sure about himself. And because of that he knows, the decision Joonmyeon made last night was all because of him, ant that Yifan had nothing to do with it. And for Joonmyeon to make such important decision of his life, he knows he could never win against Yifan anymore.


"Don't come near me!"

Joonmyeon tumbles backward at the loud noise as Zitao slams shut the bedroom door. A click reaches his ears and he rushes to the door, yanking the door handle to get the door open but it won't budge. "Tao, open up!" He raps on the door, knocking on it and trie the door handle again. "Tao, open up! Let me explain!" He pursed his lips. Zitao can't do this to him. The younger should open the door and let him explain everything. And he still needs to change his clothes.

"Joonmyeon hyung?"

Joonmyeon turns toward the staircase and sighs in relief. "Jongdae, help me. Tao locked the door and he won't listen to me. You tell him to open up."

Jongdae binks as a series of knocks echo in the hallway. He is still trying to believe the sight he is seeing right now in front of his eyes, whether it is real or not. His young master is locked outside of his own bedroom, with, obviously, Yifan's white T-shirt hanging loosely around one of his shoulder as his bare legs keep stomping on the floor.

"Jongdae, hurry up! Tell him to open up! I need to change!"

Jongdae stops beside the older and he scans his young master again. A red spot around Joonmyeon's neck catches his eyes and he smiles. It is real.


Jongdae glances to the door before focusing back to Joonmyeon. "Why? I like what you are wearing. You look beautiful in it." He sees how the older's eyes widen at his comment as patches of pink color the pale cheeks. He notices how Joonmyeon's hands keep pulling the hem of the T-shirt when they both know it won't do anything.

"Just... just get Tao to... to open the door..." Joonmyeon steps away, hands still clutching the hem tightly as the younger proceeds to the door, knocking on it softly.

"Tao, open up. The breakfast is getting cold." Jongdae waits for response but nothing happened. He turns to Joonmyeon and shrugs.

"Then... go... go get the spare key..."

"I don't remember where I put it."

Joonmyeon purses his lips, and doesn't miss the unusual smile on Jongdae's lips. He can't walk around like this. He turns slightly to his bedroom before facing back the younger. "Lend me your clothes."

"I don't want to."


Jongdae sighs as Joonmyeon turns him around, pushing him from the back and down towards the stairs. He opens his bedroom door and watches Joonmyeon grab the first pair of shirt and jeans he sees inside his closet. "Hyung."

Joonmyeon stops his track to the bathroom and turns to the younger, hands hugging Jongdae's clothes tightly.

"I'm happy for you."

Joonmyeon blinks as the younger closes the door, leaving him alone in the room. Jongdae's words linger on his mind as his eyes land on the marks all over his body, water reaching every part of it and he smiles. He doesn't know if he is allowed to be this happy, but he will take it for now. He exits Jongdae's bedroom, with hair still wet and stops at the laundry room, breathing Yifan's scent again before putting the T-shirt into the washer. It starts to become a habit and he is afraid he couldn't do anything about it. He steps into the kitchen and he quickly spots a bunch of bags a one corner of the room. "Jongdae."


"What are those?"

Jongdae looks around and stops at the pile of gifts on the floor before he resumes cooking. "Tao brought them from his trip."

Joonmyeon purses his lips at the mention of the younger's name and notices that Zitao isn't there with Jongdae. He takes a seat beside a pulled out chair and a half-full glass of juice catches his attention. Zitao has been his friend since they were little and he loves the younger as much as he loves Jongin and Jongdae. It wasn't until a few years ago that he felt the love Zitao has for him isn't the same as he has for his childhood friend and he felt awful. He never saw the younger as more than a little brother and he knew that it will never change.

Jongdae's ears don't miss the soft sigh coming from his young master as he places the omelet in front of him. Joonmyeon is such an open book and so predictable that he already knows what is going on inside the older's head right now since he came back to the kitchen a while ago. "It is fine, hyung. He will come down when he is hungry."

Joonmyeon nods a little and spoons a small piece of the omelet into his mouth, eyes following Jongdae that is opening the fridge. His brows furrow at the sight; he just noticed when the younger turned around and closed the door with a cartoon of milk in his hand. "What's with the sunglassess?" He spoons another mouthful, gaze still locked at the younger as he waits for an answer.

"There's this blinding afterglow around the house hurting my eyes." Jongdae hears fits of coughing as he fixes the sunglasses, bringing his hand up after he felt something hitting it and finds a tiny piece of carrot that he put inside the omelet earlier at the back of his hand. He throws the carrot away and circles the table, standing beside Joonmyeon as he pours the older a glass of milk, ignoring the low grumble coming from his young master. He knows he isn't usually like this but he just couldn't help teasing Joonmyeon after what had happened.

Joonmyeon finishes the milk in one gulp and takes a deep breath, trying to find his heartbeat again. He pats his chest a few times and looks up at the younger that has his back towards him. He can feel heat pooling on his cheeks as Jongdae's words echo in his head and tears his gaze away, boring hole at the omelet in front of him. Was he really that obvious?

"Good morning, Yifan hyung."

Joonmyeon's head snap at the name and sees the chair beside him being pulled out.

"Good morning."

Jongdae watches as Yifan sits down beside Joonmyeon that has his eyes locked at the half-eaten omelet and he pours the older a glass of juice. He doesn't miss the way Yifan longingly gaze at his young master, and he knows he isn't needed here anymore. "I think I'm going to do the laundry now."

Joonmyeon's eyes widen at the statement and he catches that unusual smile on the younger's face again as Jongdae exits the kitchen, leaving him alone with Yifan. He blinks at the thought. He is alone with Yifan. What is he supposed to do now? Talk? About what? Last night? Wouldn't that be awkward?

"Last night..."

Joonmyeon stiffens. What about last night? Did he do something wrong last night? But, it was his first time. Did Yifan not like it?

Yifan smiles as he faces Joonmyeon, noticing how his eyes flutter repeatedly. He takes Joonmyeon's hand that was curled into a fist and earns a soft gasp as he brings it to his lips, kissing it softly. He ducks down to meet with Joonmyeon's gaze but Joonmyeon keeps on looking everywhere but him. "Hey..."

Joonmyeon purses his lips, eyes glacing at his own hand that Yifan had put on his lap before slowly lifting his chin, but still doesn't meet Yifan's eyes.

Yifan sighs. "Last night..." He feels the small jolt inside his hand. "...did you not like it?"

"No! I..." Joonmyeon cups his mouth as the sudden burst and sees Yifan chuckling at him. Great. He made a fool of himself in front of Yifan.

"Joonmyeon..." Yifan smiles when Joonmyeon finally look at him and he inches closer, moving the chair with him. What happened last night was still so vivid to him and he never thought he would ever feel this way towards someone. He brings his hand up, pressing his palm against Joonmyeon's rosy cheek as he caresses the pale skin with the pad of his thumb. And for someone like Joonmyeon to return his feelings, it feels like he is living a dream.

Joonmyeon knows his face is blushing red and he knows Yifan can see it but he doesn't want to do anything about it. The corners of his eyes see how the dragon pendant danging over Yifan's wrist and his heart couldn't stop swelling. Maybe everything was sudden, as he just realized his own feeling towards Yifan, but the way Yifan held him last night, how his warmth touched his body and how his little fingers fit perfectly between Yifan's hand told him that he can trust Yifan. He can trust Yifan with anything, anything at all, including his heart. "Yifan, I..."

Yifan lets their noses touch, a soft giggle reaches his ears and he kisses Joonmyeon softly, watching Joonmyeon's eyes flutter close before closing his own. His hand closed naturally when Joonmyeon linked them together and he blocked everything, even a series of clicking sound, and let himself be lost to the world.

Joonmyeon wishes the time would stop.




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10