
The Road To Me

"So, I will pick you up at eight?"

Luhan catches the small smile before it disappears back into the conversation.

"It's a date then!"

Luhan exhales as the call ends and Chanyeol is beaming at him, eyebrows raising up and down.

"You promised, remember?"

Luhan nods weakly and watches the younger dashing out from the living room, bumping with Minseok that just coming down from the stairs. He smiles when Minseok looked at him with confuse plastered on his face.

"What is going on?" Minseok takes a seat beside his best friend on the sofa. He grabs the remote control on the coffee table, flipping the channel as the afternoon news finished and stops at a channel that is showing an animation.

"He is going on a date tonight."

Minseok's eyebrows rise in surprise and turns his focus from the television to Luhan. He stares at his best friend for a moment, studying the male's face and sighs when Luhan's expression didn't change. "With who?"


Minseok blinks. He hasn't heard that name since the first time Luhan brought it up. He looks over at the stairs and remembers how happy his little brother looked when they passed each other earlier. Chanyeol must really like this 'Myeonie'.

"The guy is really something else."

Minseok turns back to Luhan that has his eyes glued to the television. He smiles as the Chinese male seems to be able to read his mind. "You have met him?"

Luhan nods. It was only that one time but he couldn't forget how 'Myeonie' looked or the grin that plastered on Chanyeol's face on the way back home. And how he had to become 'the distraction' while the younger was busy impressing his friend.

Minseok hums in agreement, focusing his attention back on the animation that being shown on the screen.

"Maybe he has his picture."

Minseok watches with the corner of his eyes as Luhan takes Chanyeol's phone that the younger had left on the coffee table and shamelessly going through the device. There is no secret between three of them and if there is, there must be a reason why Luhan or Chanyeol doesn't tell him. He waits patiently as curiosty of knowing who this 'Myeonie' is slowly growing inside him.

"Found it!" Luhan smirks as he stares at the picture displayed on the small screen. He knows at the first glance that the picture was taken a few years ago because the shirt Chanyeol was wearing in it can no longer fit the younger. He already surpassing him and Minseok yet he is still growing. "Here." He hands Minseok the device, expecting an 'admiring' look from his best friend when he sees Chanyeol's love interest, but the Korean male furrows at him instead.


"Oh? You know him?"

Minseok stares at his childhood friend. "Are you sure this is 'Myeonie'?" He gets a nod from male and purses his lips. 'Myeonie' is Joonmyeon. Of course. Why it didn't occur to him sooner? The last time he saw his little brother that happy was three years ago, when Chanyeol introduced Joonmyeon to him.

Luhan blinks, looking at Minseok that seems to have lost in his thought. "Minseok, what's wrong?"

"You said Chanyeol has a date with him."

Luhan nods, brows knit together as he doesn't know where the conversation is going. "Why? What's wrong?"

"He is married." Minseok notices Luhan's frown getting deeper before the male blinks repeatedly, as if trying to digest what he just heard.

"It can't..."

Minseok sighs as he leans deeper into the couch. He turns slightly when Luhan tugged the end of his sleeve.

"But, he was so eager... Does he knows about it?"

"He was the one who told me."

Luhan deadpans as realization floods his mind, pieces of meeting and weird signs he had recieved from the younger start to coming together. He stares at Minseok as his mind remembers the tall Chinese male that sat beside him at the cafe. "Do you know who is his..."

Minseok shakes his head. His mind plays back the day when Chanyeol told him about Joonmyeon. It was a couple months ago that he recieved a surprise visit from his brother at the hotel he was staying during his travel. He has given up figuring how the younger knows where he was staying as the only thing he ever revealed to Chanyeol was the name of the country he visited everytime he went to a new place but the younger always managed to track him and to say he wasn't happy with the visit was a lie. Chanyeol was smiling when he told him about the news but he knew it wasn't a happy one.

"Why didn't he mention this to me?"

Minseok breaths in. He is not even surprise that Chanyeol didn't tell their best friend about Joonmyeon's status, or who is Joonmyeon married to. The younger knows that the marriage was just a business and it happens a lot in their world, that it will end when the business is settled between the two parties. And Joonmyeon's marriage is no different as the male too will become available again. There is no use telling Luhan something like Joonmyeon's marital status that will be unsignificant in the future.

"Your brother really is something else."

Minseok hears a faint laugh and sees Luhan shaking his head, smiling as the male sags into his seat. He inhales and stands up.

"Where are you going?" Luhan pulls his best friend's hand as the Korean male's about to walk away.

"I'm going to talk to him." Minseok gestures his head toward the stairs, making Luhan releases his grip.

"Good luck, then."

Minseok dismisses the amused look on Luhan's face and exits the living room, climbing up the stairs and heads toward the master bedroom. Chanyeol probably won't listen to his words, Luhan was all aware about that, but he has to try. Joonmyeon's marriage might be an arranged one but he is still a married man. His little brother shouldn't be so selfish. He knocks on the wooden door and pushes it open when he heard Chanyeol's voice telling him to come in.

"Hyung, how about this one?"

Minseok closes the door behind his back and steps into the center of the room, eyes fix at his little brother that is holding a red-striped shirt against his body. He glances to the bed and sees pile of clothes being splayed on it before focusing back to the younger. "Chanyeol."

"Too striking, right?"

Minseok watches the shirt being tossed on the bed as Chanyeol's upper body disappear into his closet. He inhales and proceeds to take a seat beside the pile of clothes. "Chanyeol."


"I need to talk to you."

"About what?"


Chanyeol pauses, hands stop browsing the clothes that are hanging inside his closet. He exhales. Minseok is his older brother and he wasn't purposely trying to hide anything from him either. Of course the older would soon find out about Joonmyeon sooner or later.


Chanyeol spots a grey shirt that he bought not long ago and smiles, taking it out and shuts the closet door. He turns around and meets with Minseok's gaze. "Everything is fine, hyung. I'm just going to dinner with him."

Minseok watches his little brother walking toward the full-lenght mirror inside the room and standing in front of it, a grey shirt is against his body. "What about Luhan?"

"He doesn't mind." Chanyeol nods at his reflection in the mirror, liking the way the grey shirt looks on him. He just hope Joonmyeon will like it too. Now that his clothes is settled, he needs to finish his work fast. He really doesn't want any call from the office or Luhan about work while he is having dinner later. He turns around and finds Minseok already on his toes, standing a few steps from him. He doesn't miss the way the older's eyes looking at him with such concern. "Hyung."

"Don't do this."

Chanyeol inhales deeply. "Hyung, it will be fine."

Minseok silently stares at his younger brother. A small smile is gracing Chanyeol's lips and although he would do anything to keep seeing that smile, he can't let Chanyeol go on with his plan. "I don't want you to get hurt." He sees a frown appearing on the younger's forehead. "He is married."



Chanyeol breaks his gaze away from his older brother and walks toward the bed, laying his grey shirt on it, before turning around to face his older brother again. "Hyung, I will be fine." He steps closer to Minseok and wraps his arms around the older's shoulders. He is lucky to have someone like Minseok as his older brother and he couldn't wish for more but he has to do this. He misses his chance three years ago and he needs to make it up now. Yifan will leave and he is going to be by Joonmyeon's side when that happen. "I promise I will be fine. Stop worrying too much, okay?"

Minseok sighs as the arms around his body loosen and Chanyeol kisses the top of his head, before pulling away completely. He looks up and meets with the younger's eyes. He gets a small nod from the younger and watches as Chanyeol disappears behind he bathroom door. "I really hope you do."



+ + + + +



"Please come again."

Yifan nods slightly when his eyes met with the shop staff behind the cashier counter. He turns around and follows the male in front of him, heading toward the door.


Yifan glances to his side.

"Thank you again for accompany me. I thought I would never get Minseok his perfect gift."

Yifan looks at the shopping bag that being lifted by Luhan. "It's fine."

Luhan shakes his head, eyes looking up at the tall male that is walking side by side with him. "No. You really help me a lot. I almost gave up but then you were there and I just... sorry."

Yifan notices the small shrug Luhan gave him. He really doesn't mind. Luhan greeted him as he was preparing to close the cafe and he felt a bit guilty when the male had to introduce himself again as Chanyeol's friend when he didn't reply and just stared at him. Sure he was surprised when Luhan asked if he could go shopping with him after he his shift but he couldn't say no. The fact that he has something to ask Luhan about and his co-workers let him took off early was really an opportunity he couldn't let pass by.

Luhan brings his hand up, looking at his wrist watch. 12.02. 'They' should be on their way by now and that means he should too. He smiles when Yifan took the shopping bag from him as they reach his car at the parking lot, allowing him to take his car key from his back pocket. "Let's get my savior home."

Yifan loads the shopping bag into the back seat and ducks down into the passenger seat as the car engine starts roaring. He exhales when Luhan finally reached the main road and takes the corner that leads to Joonmyeon's house. He needs to ask now before it is too late. "Luhan."


"May I ask you something?"

Luhan takes a quick glance at Yifan before focusing back to the road in front of him. "Sure. Ask away."

"That day at the cafe, did something happened between Joonmyeon and Chanyeol?" Yifan turns fully to Luhan and notices the male is looking at him with the corner of his eyes, brows knit together.

"What do you mean?"

Yifan sags into his seat. He barely knows Luhan as today only the second time they met each other but the male is the only other person that was with them at the time. Although he knows better than telling a stranger about Joonmyeon's life, he doesn't have anyone else to turn to. It has been almost a week and Joonmyeon still avoiding him whenever they run into each other. It just like that time after the award ceremony and if he felt hurt that time, this time it is much more worse. He couldn't even tell Jongdae how betrayed he feels as Joonmyeon doesn't trust him as a friend that he can share his problems with. Maybe it is really just him thinking they are friends.

Luhan tries to concentrate on his driving but Yifan that left his question unanswered prevents him to do so. He notices the deep breath the taller takes and the long exhales Yifan does. Is what happened between Joonmyeon and Chanyeol bothered him that much? "Yi..."

"How long do they know each other?"

Luhan steps on the break as the traffic light turns red. The road is practically empty but he doesn't want to risk getting caught by the police for breaking the rule. He shifts slightly in his seat and look at Yifan. The male has his eyes fix at the empty road but his expression shows that he has a lot of things going on inside his mind. He recalls back Yifan's question. How should he answer it? "I... I'm not sure. Chanyeol just came back here after three years but he and Joonmyeon seem closed so... I guess that long?"

Yifan turns a little and gestures Luhan to start moving as the traffic light already turning green. He keeps staring at the male as Luhan takes another corner. Three years. Compare to him that Joonmyeon only knows for barely three months, of course Joonmyeon would listen to Chanyeol more. Whatever Chanyeol said to Joonmyeon that night clearly had affected Joonmyeon and seeing Joonmyeon has been avoiding him, the talk must be about him.

"Why do you ask?"

Yifan doesn't move his sight from the male that is driving him home. He wants to know why Joonmyeon is refusing to talk to him but it didn't answer anything with the fact that Joonmyeon and Chanyeol have known each other for three years. "Nothing."

Luhan notices with the corner of his eyes how Yifan seems to staring intently at his lap, both hands have turned into fists. After he knows Joonmyeon is a married man, he did wondered why Chanyeol is still chasing the male as Joonmyeon has already taken but then he remembered how Joonmyeon is one of them. Minseok had told him about Joonmyeon's family and he immediately knew. Both Joonmyeon and him, along with Minseok and Chanyeol, were born in a world that being married to your loved one is a luxury. Business and mergers between two parties are much more important than your feeling. Love won't help feed your family. He takes a quick glance at the male beside him. But Yifan isn't one of them and the urge to know what is the reason behind Joonmyeon and Yifan's marriage suddenly growing.


Luhan turns to his front at the name and notices they are approaching their destination, with Joonmyeon in sight, standing in front of the front gate. He slows down and exhales in resignation when the car finally stopped and his eyes meet with the other person that is talking with Joonmyeon. 'He' must be happy since everything is going according to his plan.

Yifan closes the car door, eyes fix at the two people in front of him. What is Chanyeol doing with Joonmyeon?

"Hey! You just got back too? What a coincidence, huh? And you with Luhan?"

Yifan turns and sees Luhan already out from his car, standing by the door. He turns back to Chanyeol. "And you with Joonmyeon."

Chanyeol nods as he pulls Joonmyeon to walk with him, moving closer to Yifan and Luhan. "We went to a movie and a dinner after that. And there was this park on our way home showing fireworks and we just had to stop and watch it."

"Sounds like a date." Yifan notices how Joonmyeon flinches at his words.

Chanyeol smirks. "It does sound like a date, doesn't it?" He turns to his side. "But apparently, Myeonie said we are just two friends doing stuff together and definitely not a date. Because a date with me meaning Myeonie is cheating on you, Yifan."

Yifan stares at Joonmyeon that has his eyes fix at the asphalt, not looking at him and meeting his eyes. What else is new?

"But you can't blame him if it is true. You cheated too with Luhan so... all are fine, right?"

Luhan exhales as Chanyeol chuckles at his own words before flashing a playful smile toward him and Yifan. He wants to deny it but that isn't part of the plan. He could only watch as Chanyeol 'acts' because he already fulfill his promise to the younger. All had to do was bring Yifan home around midnight and his job is done. And he was okay with that, that was why he had agreed, but then Minseok told him about Joonmyeon being not single and he felt really guilty when he arrived at Yifan's workplace. He is not a homewrecker, arranged marriage or not.

"I... I should get inside..."

Chanyeol shifts his gaze and meets with Joonmyeon's eyes. The happy look on the older's face when they were together earlier has been replaced with uncomfortable expression but he chooses to ignore it. "Okay. It is already late anyway." He watches as Joonmyeon opens the front gate. "I will call you tomorrow."

Luhan notices the forced smile Joonmyeon show to Chanyeol and he turns to Yifan, studying his expression. The male has his eyes on Joonmyeon, watching him until Joonmyeon disappear behind the front door and he purses his lips. That look. He knows very well about that look. Chanyeol always have them whenever they have opportunities to send Minseok away on his journeys. The younger never told him but he knows that it is Chanyeol's way of saying he will be there, no matter where, when Minseok needs him.


Luhan snaps from his thought and focuses on Yifan. "Yes?"

"Thank you for the ride." Yifan bows a little when the male smiled at him. He turns to face Chanyeol. Something bubbles inside him as he stares at the male and he isn't sure what is the reason. "Thank you for taking care of Joonmyeon."

Chanyeol beams. "Sure, not a problem. You don't have to thank me actually. I am willing to do much more than that when it's come to Myeonie."

Yifan grits his teeth and takes a deep breath, trying to surpress the bubbles inside him that suddenly rising. He stares straight at Chanyeol. "But, you don't have to." He exhales, eyes never left the younger. "Joonmyeon has me."




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10