
The Road To Me

"Good morning."

Jongdae turns his attention from the pan on the stove to the kitchen entrance and sees Yifan walking in, heading straight to the table. He smiles, wanting to greet the older back but a screeching sound made by a chair being pushed back against the marbled floor stopped him from doing so.

"I'll be going."

"Hyung!" Jongdae can only watch as Joonmyeon already turned his back on him, his head hanging low as he passes Yifan, exiting the kitchen. He sighs when Joonmyeon is no longer in sight and looks down at the plate of fried rice that is on the table. The breakfast is still more than half left and he closes his eyes in defeat. Today too.

"I'm sorry."

Jongdae snaps his eyes open to see Yifan staring at him, lips press into a thin line. "Hyung..."

Yifan pulls out the chair next to the one Joonmyeon sat down earlier and takes a seat. He eyes the leftover fried rice before bringing his hand over the table and pulls the dish toward himself, picking up the spoon and starts eating.

"Hyung..." Jongdae inhales as Yifan takes another spoonful of the fried rice and turns back to his front, flipping the omelette that is inside the pan before turning off the stove. He takes the empty plate on the counter and slides the omelette carefully into it, before turning around to put the dish in front of Yifan.

Yifan looks up from his breakfast as Jongdae takes a seat right across him. His eyes follow the younger's movement as he pours some mango juice into a glass and places it on his left side. He takes another spoonful of the fried rice and a faint sigh reaches his ears.


Yifan pushes aside the now empty plate and reaches for the mango juice on his left, sipping it a little before putting the drink in front of him, cupping the glass with both hands.

"I know it's not your fault so please tell me what happened." Jongdae fixes his eyes at the older. It was three days ago when he asked Yifan to deliver Joonmyeon's files even though he just finished cleaning the house and could do it himself. Yifan had a day off that day and he swears he heard fingers snapping inside his mind when he bumped into the Chinese male after exiting Joonmyeon's study room.

Yifan looks up from his glass inside his hands and meets with Jongdae's gaze. To be honest, he himself doesn't really know what had happened. The lunch was great and Joonmyeon enjoyed it very much. They were heading back to the office when Joonmyeon asked him to stop at a nearby cafe and before he realized it, Joonmyeon had left him with Chanyeol and his friend and went back to the office by himself.

"Joonmyeon hyung sounded happy when he answered my call and scolded me." Jongdae remembers how he practically could hear his young master's smile over the phone, as Joonmyeon told him that he is eating, that he had to answer the call in the restroom because Yifan shouldn't hear the words that are going to come out from his mouth. "What happened after that?" He sees Yifan turning the glass of mango juice slowly.

"We went to a cafe and his friend was there."

"Friend?" Jongdae tilts his head. "Do you know him?" He earns a nod from the Chinese male. "Who?"


Jongdae blinks once. Chanyeol? He is back? "Chanyeol, you say?"

Yifan nods slightly before finishing his mango juice in one gulp. He watches as Jongdae leans back against his chair, eyes staring straight at him.

"How do you know Chanyeol, hyung?"

"We met at the award ceremony a few weeks ago."

Jongdae shifts in his seat. That long? But Joonmyeon didn't told him anything or even mention Chanyeol's name to him. He scans the Chinese male in front of him. This is not good. Chanyeol has met with Yifan and even thought the last time he saw Chanyeol was three years ago, he still remember how determined the male's eyes were when Chanyeol told him about what he thinks of Joonmyeon. He fixes his gaze at the older. "Then, what happened? Did Chanyeol said something to Joonmyeon hyung that made him acting like this?"

Yifan tries to remember their conversation that day and he shakes his head as an answer to Jongdae's question. Nothing serious came up during the time he was there with Joonmyeon and Chanyeol.

"Are you sure, hyung?"

Yifan nods. "We only talked for a few minutes." He hears a sigh from the younger as Jongdae leans back against his chair, before closing his eyes and lets out another sigh.


Yifan looks at Jongdae that is still has his eyes closed. "Hm?"

"Don't give up." Jongdae straightens himself, eyes already opened and locked at the Chinese male across him. The marriage between Yifan and Joonmyeon is just a business, he is well-aware of that, but living with Yifan for the past months, he has come to like the Chinese male. From the first time they met at the cafe, he could tell that Yifan is a reliable person, that he will put his family first before himself and the moment the older offered himself to be Yixing's replacement, he knew that his young master will be in good hands. "You are a nice person, hyung."

Yifan furrows as he doesn't understand why Jongdae suddenly complimenting him. He shakes his head when the younger pushed the plate of omelette toward him and stares back at the younger to see Jongdae is smiling at him.

Jongdae cuts the egg with his spoon and brings it to his mouth, eyes still fix at the Chinese male in front of him. He remembers the day Joonmyeon introduced Chanyeol to him. His young master doesn't always bring his friend home, let alone introduce them to him so the tall male must be someone important to Joonmyeon for the older to do that. It was when he escorted Chanyeol to the door as the male prepared to leave, Joonmyeon had left them to get something from his room, that the taller told him about how he feels toward Joonmyeon.

"I should get going."

Jongdae nods, finishing the rest of the omelette. It was three years ago and back then, Joonmyeon was busy helping the company and rarely going out so he admitted he was relieved that Chanyeol had taken interest of his young master, that Joonmyeon won't end up living alone and married to his work. Chanyeol seemed like a fine gentleman and if the taller could make Joonmyeon happy, it was enough for him.

Yifan blinks as Jongdae smiles at him. He watches the younger standing up, gathering the dirty dishes and putting them in the sink.

Jongdae washes his hand. But it was three years ago, when he didn't met Yifan yet and Joonmyeon didn't married to the Chinese male.

Yifan's eyes meet with Jongdae's when the younger turned around and he's about to leave the kitchen.

"I like you better." Jongdae smiles. "I am on your side so please don't give up."



+ + + + +



Joonmyeon stares blankly at the paper in front of him. Yifan's expression as he passed the male this morning still engrave in his mind. Was he too harsh? But he didn't mean to. It just, Chanyeol's words kept ringing in his ears and he couldn't help thinking about it. He purses his lips. Is it because the younger was right? He glances from his work to his office door as a soft knock reaches his ears. His eyes follow as Kyungsoo steps in and walks to his desk before stopping right across him.

"Here's the file you wanted."

Joonmyeon smiles as his hand receives the document from the younger but it falters when his eyes caught red marks peeking from underneath Kyungsoo's sleeves. "Wait."

Kyungsoo gasps when Joonmyeon suddenly grabbed his wrist, pulling his sleeve up, revealing black and purple marks across his arm. He catches how the older's eyes slowly widen at the sight in front of him and tugs his wrist, wanting Joonmyeon to let go of it and Joonmyeon does, but only to grab his other hand before rolling up the sleeve over his arm. "Hyu... hyung..."

Joonmyeon blinks in disbelief as his eyes examine the younger's arms. He looks up and meets with Kyungsoo's eyes. "What is all these?!" He tightens his grip when Kyungsoo tried to free his hand and walks around his desk, standing right in front of the younger. "Tell me, what is all these?!"

Kyungsoo wiggles his hand but Joonmyeon's grip keeps tighten and it starts to hurt him. "Hyung... it hurts..." He tugs again and the older finally let go of his wrist. He quickly rolls down his sleeves, covering the marks on his arms.

Joonmyeon watches as the younger slowly brings his hands to his back, hiding them from him. "Kyungsoo..."

"It's nothing."

Joonmyeon's eyes widen. How can it be nothing? Those cuts and bruises he just saw, it can't be nothing. "Kyungsoo, tell me. What happened?" He reaches out to the younger but Kyungsoo takes a step back, hands still behind his back. "Kyung..."

"Nothing happened. I'm fine." Kyungsoo takes another step back when Joonmyeon tried to reach him again. He shakes his head when the older called him name and offers him his hand. "I... I will go..."

Joonmyeon manages to grab a hold on Kyungsoo's arm as the younger tries to exit his office and turns him around, making Kyungsoo faces him. He ducks to meet with the younger's eyes but Kyungsoo has his gaze fix on the carpeted floor, refusing to look at him. He sighs and slowly pushes one of Kyungsoo's sleeves up, revealing the the same scars and marks he saw earlier. There are cuts that started to heal and bruises that the colors has faded away, leaving just a faint mark. "Kyungsoo, look at me." He sighs when the younger closed his eyes, still doesn't want to look at him.

"Hyung... please... let go..."

"No! Not until you tell me what happened, how did you get all these bruises."

Kyungsoo flutters his eyes open and sees Joonmyeon rubbing circle around an old bruise near his elbow. He tries to pull his hand slowly but the older pulls it back toward him.

"This... is from last time... isn't it?" Joonmyeon tilts his head to get a better look and he's right. It is the same bruise he saw nearly a month ago and it should have been healed. But why he still can see red and faint purple around it? "Didn't Jongin take you to a doctor?" He looks up to see Kyungsoo's answer but the younger doesn't response. He scans the arm and a thought comes to him. A scary one.

"Hyung... please..." Kyungsoo pulls his hand again and blinks when Joonmyeon did let go. He faces the older to see Joonmyeon is looking at him with an unreadable expression. He brushes it off and glances around the office, stopping when he spotted the clock he was looking for.

Joonmyeon turns toward Kyungsoo's line of sight and his wall clock shows that it is almost lunch time, which only mean one thing. He bites his lips as he watches the younger walking toward the door. He has to ask because he needs to get rid of the horrible thought he has on his own cousin. "Did Jongin did that?" The younger's steps halt but he doesn't turn around. "Kyungsoo..."

"I... I need to go... Jongin... will come..."

"I know he will so tell me, did he hurt you because I..." Joonmyeon pauses. Because he knows Jongin isn't that kind of a person. His little cousin is a bit spontaneous and tends to do things his way but not like this. Jongin would never hurt anybody even if they hurt him. The younger isn't like that and he knows it. He bites his lips as realization dawns upon him. It was back then, when he and Jongin were so close that even Jongdae felt like he was a third wheel whenever they hung out. He sighs. He can't really say that now because he barely knew Jongin anymore.

Kyungsoo purses his lips and heads toward the door. Jongin will come soon and he cannot know about this. He promised Jongin that what had happened last ime won't happened again but Joonmyeon saw his bruises again. He stops at the door when Joonmyeon called his name again.

"You have me."

Kyungsoo stiffens. He has heard those words before and knows what Joonmyeon going to say next. "Don't, hyung..." He inhales. Don't promise something you won't keep.

"I can help. I'm sorry you got caught in our messed up family but you don't have to put up with it. I... I can help..."

"Soo! Ready to..."

Joonmyeon blinks as he stares at Jongin that suddenly burst into his office. He watches as his cousin scanning Kyungsoo from top to bottom and even from his distance, he notices Jongin's eyes widen at the sight in front of him.

"How many times..."

Kyungsoo notices how Jongin's eyes fix at his arm and quickly rolls down his sleeves, covering his bare arms. "Jongin... I..."

Jongin grits his teeth, fingers buttoning Kyungsoo's sleeves. "He knows?" He gets a headshake and huffs. He looks over Kyungsoo's shoulder to see Joonmyeon is staring at them. Why does his cousin needs to know about everything? He pulls Kyungsoo to stand behind him and stares straight at Joonmyeon. "He is going home." He turns and squeezes Kyungsoo's hand. "Wait for me in the car."

"Jongin..." Kyungsoo meets with Jongin's eyes. "I didn't..."

"I know you didn't..."

"Joonmyeon hyung..."

Jongin brushes the hair strands that rested on Kyungsoo's forehead. "I just want to make sure that this won't happen again."

Kyungsoo holds his breath as Jongin kisses his forehead before meeting their eyes again. He purses his lips. He worries Jongin again. After all Jongin had done for him, he got into trouble and made Jongin takes the blame for it. He really should stop doing it. "Jongin, I..."

Jongin shakes his head. "Go." He lets go of Kyungsoo's hand and opens the office door, leading him outside the room and he stands by the door, eyes sending Kyungsoo away until he is no longer in sight. He takes a deep breath and steps back inside Joonmyeon's office, closing his eyes before turning around.


"You." Jongin cuts the older's word. He walks toward Joonmyeon and stops just a few steps from him, eyes glaring at his cousin. "Stop trying to know about everything. Kyungsoo doesn't need you to meddle in his life."

"Let Kyungsoo go."

Jongin blinks. "What?"

Joonmyeon inhales deeply and lets his breath out slowly. He fixes his gaze at his little cousin. "Let Kyungsoo go. He doesn't deserve any of that." He sees the younger furrows. "Those cuts and bruises..." He pauses as Jongin laughs at his words. "It isn't funny! What you did to him..."

"Kyungsoo said that?"

Joonmyeon purses his lips.

"Did Kyungsoo tell you I did all of that to him?" Jongin smirks as Joonmyeon seems to be caught of guard at his question. "You don't know anything about Kyungsoo so don't try to act 'almighty' and pretend that you know everything." He exhales. Because Joonmyeon doesn't. The older doesn't know why he married Kyungsoo and he doesn't know why Kyungsoo's wounds never heal. So Joonmyeon doesn't have the right to tell him to let Kyungsoo go.

"Then tell me. Tell me everything so I could help..."

Jongin scoffs. The older sounds so pathetic right now. "Why? Because then you can control Kyungsoo's life and brainwash him so he would hate me and beg me to let him go?"

Joonmyeon's eyes widen at the accusation. He never thought anything like that. He just want to help them. "You've changed..."

Jongin smirks. "I am. Did you just notice it now?" He notices Joonmyeon's gaze soften as the older keeps staring at him. "I am not that little cousin of yours anymore, the one that who used to follow you around and hide behind you when I broke dad's favorite plate."

Joonmyeon inhales. He tries really hard convincing himself that Jongin's behaviour is just a phase, that if he waits long enough, the gentle little fluff ball he used hug whenever he feel sad will come back to him and everything will back to the way it was, like it never happened.

"I am capable taking care of myself and Kyungsoo so we really don't need you to interfere in our life."

Joonmyeon watches as the younger turns away from him, heading toward the door. "Jongin..."


Joonmyeon blinks as Jongin stops at the door, hand already on the doorknob, turning his upper body to face him.

"Maybe I will let Kyungsoo go..." Jongin deliberately pauses, wanting to see Joonmyeon's reaction. He smirks when the older just kept staring at him with no expression on his face. The thought came suddenly and he knows Joonmyeon will never do it because the look he saw on the older's face a few days ago was his true feeling. "Yifan hyung..."

Joonmyeon furrows. Why is Jongin suddenly bringing up Yifan in this?

"I will let go of Kyungsoo, when you let Yifan hyung go."




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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2457 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2457 streak #5
2457 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2457 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2457 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2457 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2457 streak #10