
The Road To Me


Minseok looks up from his laptop and turns his head to the living room entrance, frowning when he sees his little brother is wrestling with his tie as the younger walks closer to him.


Minseok smiles, pulling his legs out from under the coffee table and shifts to the side, crossing his legs as he faces Chanyeol that is kneeling before him. He chuckles when he notices one of Chanyeol's fingers is tangled inside the knot. "How did this happened?"

Chanyeol pouts, eyes watching Minseok's lithe fingers trying to untie the knot. "I don't know. It just happened." He holds his breath as the pressure around the stuck finger slowly disappearing and he quickly pulls out the finger, his gaze is still on the tangled tie. "It's Lu's tie and the material is weird."

Minseok glances up momentarily at Chanyeol's statement before focusing back to the tie in hand. Luhan and Chanyeol's preferance in clothes isn't that different compared to him but his little brother always stating that he is the best dresser among the three of them and he is right, in a way. Chanyeol's tall stature and his sharp features really make anything he wear looks good on him. Except Luhan's accessories, like this tie.

"Oh! You almost got it!"

Minseok pulls the tie out slowly and smiles at the younger's cheer as the tie's ends fall on each side of his neck. He watches in amusement as Chanyeol works his fingers around the necktie before peeling the large hands off and takes over. "What is the occasion? You even borrowed Luhan's tie." He glances up, waiting for an answer because Chanyeol hardly borrows Luhan's stuff. One, because Luhan's clothes are too small for him. Two, why would the best dresser borrows someone else's. And three, he doesn't want to admit that Luhan does have a great wardrobe.

"I'm going to dinner later."

"With Luhan?"

Chanyeol jerks his head back in shock, only to be pulled forward by Minseok that is still working on the tie around his neck and managed to land his palms on the carpeted floor on either side of the older, preventing him from knocking Minseok's nose with his forehead.

"Stay still, will you?"

Chanyeol does as he told, lifting his chin up for his older brother to have better access to the necktie. "Why would I borrow his tie to have dinner with him?" He rolls his eyes when the older chuckles at his words. He lets his eyes wander around, feeling his older brother is almost finish with the tie in hand and his gaze drops at the opened laptop on the coffee table, his mind slowly sunking in the words being shown on the lit screen. "Hyung, are you..."

"Wait..." Minseok slots the bigger end of the tie between the knot and pulls it out gently all the way down, smiling as he pushes up the knot closer to Chanyeol's neck. Although it wasn't as often, Chanyeol and Luhan would sometimes ask him to do this small thing for them. And he would gladly pamper the two, letting his matured self take over as being the oldest between the three of them. "Done." He moves slightly backwards to examine his work when he notices Chanyeol's line of sight is being directed to somewhere else instead of him. "What are you..."

Chanyeol tears his gaze away for a moment, glancing down at the source of the voice before following Minseok and looks back at the laptop screen. "You were going to tell me about it, right?"

"Of course. I need you guys to drop me at the aiport."

"You already booked the ticket?"


"Where to this time?"

"I heard they finally let people ride inside the kangaroo's pouch. So..." Minseok chuckles at his little brother's scoff, knowing he was talking nonsense. He loves to travel and it has been a few months since he got back from the last one. The urge wanting to travel again suddenly resurfaced a few days ago and he wasted no time checking the place he hasn't been gone to.

Chanyeol watches as the older navigates through different websites pages and lets out a small sigh, placing himself beside his older brother. He knows Minseok is going away again sooner or later. He knows he can't do anything to stop the older. He knows he can go and visit his older brother anytime anywhere in the world but it still doesn't make it less sadder. Coming home to the sound of television never failed to make him smile, except when Minseok isn't around and Luhan decided to work from home.

Minseok smiles, glancing to his side when he feels sharp chin rest on his shoulder. He pats the younger's cheek as a huff escapes Chanyeol's lips. "Do you want to come with?"


"Me too."

Chanyeol jerks his body straight and whips his head to the living room entracnce, pouting at the wet-haired Luhan that is making his way around the sofa before planting himself down beside Minseok on the other side. "Why would you come with?"

Luhan turns his head from Minseok's laptop to the younger across him. "Why? Because I can."

"Then just go alone."

"But I don't want to."

Minseok shakes his head at the little bicker that is happening right by his ears. He has stop dealing with this back in high school and only interfere when they start using their hands. "Chanyeol."


"Didn't you say you have dinner to got to?"

Luhan wiggles his eyebrows, his gaze fixed at the tie rested against the younger's chest as Chanyeol straigtened his body. "You look so handsome with that. I have cufflinks that shaped like a cat. Want to borrow that too?" He chuckles when Chanyeol glares at him. For the younger to borrow his things is like once in a blue moon and he is not going to miss the chance of teasing him whenever he can.

"Shut up."

Minseok smiles when a pair of lips kisses his cheek and he watches as his little brother sticking out his tongue at Luhan before disappears behind the walls. He turns to his best friend and meets with a face full with grin and hair wet with water droplets. "And you."

Luhan hums a response, eyes wide as he stares at Minseok.

"Why aren't you dry your hair properly?"

"Because I want to catch a cold?" Luhan grins even wider as he earns a sigh at his words. He fixes his posture and leans his back against the foot of the sofa, stretching his legs underneath the coffee table. He stares at the laptop screen. "Anyway, did he tell you who is he going to dinner with?"

"No." Minseok frowns when his friend's expression turns serious. "What's wrong? Do you know..."

Luhan shakes his head. It was the first thing he asked when he let Chanyeol borrow his necktie earlier today but the younger just smiled at him, didn't say a word as he exited the room. He turns to Minseok, his head is full with the younger. "The only time I saw him this happy was when..."

Minseok purses his lips, he can see clearly the concern in his friend's eyes. The sentence was trailed off but he knows exactly what Luhan was going to say. Chanyeol was quiet along the way home from the wedding but he was back to himself the next morning. "He didn't mention 'him' anymore after that night."

"I know but..."


Luhan cranes his neck to look over Minseok's head and watches as Chanyeol stops a few steps away from him and Minseok, his hands fixing his suit.

"How do I look?"

"Handsome as always." Minseok shifts to face Luhan and sees a small smile on his lips, but not on his eyes. He turns back to his little brother when a ringing sound echoes throughout the living room and notices how Chanyeol's entire expression lit up as he answers the call he received. 'He' is the one calling him now?

Luhan nods a little when Chanyeol's free hand waving at him and Minseok before he makes his way out from the living room. He listens intently to the sound of footsteps fading away, of the one-sided conversation that is getting cheerier by the second, and of the front door being opened and closed. He looks down at his best friend when the house is fill with the sound of the television once again.

Minseok stares into Luhan's eye as they are telling him everything what the owner is thinking about and he takes a deep breath. They both know who was calling the younger just now and with whom Chanyeol is going to dinner with and just like Luhan, he too doesn't know why would 'he' call the younger when 'he' looked so happy the last time they met.


Minseok breathes out, well aware of the worry in Luhan's tone of voice and he shifts to the blaring screen of his laptop. Maybe he shouldn't go just yet.




+ + + + +




"Here is the rest from the laundry room."

Yifan pulls himself out from the closet and turns around, finding the younger standing by the bed where a stack of clothes being placed on it. "Thank you."

"Is there anything else you need?"

Yifan closes the door, walking away from the closet to the duffle bag on the floor that is almost full. He knows this small bag won't fit all of his clothes but he still brought it along. He kneels down, zipping the bag shut before looking up at the younger. "Thank you, Jongdae."

Jongdae purses his lips, slowly moving his clenched fist behind his back, eyes watching Yifan moving around the bedroom. "Is that all?" His eyes follow as the older slowly gets up to his feet before their eyes meet. He stares deeply into the dark orbs and clenches his fist tighter. Stop looking like that.



Yifan inhales softly as his sight travels down to the younger's arm, the trembling on it didn't go unnoticed. He only came back to get some of his stuff but looks like Jongdae won't let him leave just like that.

"How could you do that?" Jongdae grits his teeth, boring his eyes at the older. The moment Yifan's face entered his sight when he opened the door earlier made a feeling that he never had towards the older bubbled up inside him. And it was something new to him, because even when Jongin was being rude to Joonmyeon, the thought of hurting the younger never crossed his mind. But the way this person acting just like nothing happened as he casually made his way into the house sent anger throughout his veins. "How..."


"How could you leave just like that..."

Yifan locks his gaze at the younger, letting a small sigh. "It was the deal." He catches the small twitch on the younger's eyes. "We both know it would happen sooner or later."

Jongdae's fingers uncurled by itself, the anger inside of him dissipated as he watches Yifan turning away from him, heading to the bathroom at the corner of the room. Does Yifan never stop thinking about that? That his marriage with Joonmyeon is just some sort of business that will end when the time comes? Because he himself had forgotten about it until the contract reminded him that night. "You..."

Yifan closes the bathroom door and walks towards the bed, putting his toiletries inside the waterproof pouch before looking at the younger.

"You know where Joonmyeon hyung is?"

Yifan waits.

"He is having dinner with Chanyeol as we speak." Jongdae examines Yifan's face, hoping to see a small rage, a hint of disappointment, anything, anything at all because that was the sole reason he told the older about Joonmyeon. But Yifan just stares at him blankly, as if the words that came out were just some white noises. What is going on? How did it all come to this? "I thought you loved him."


Jongdae blinks.

"I love him. It never changed."

"Then why didn't you say anything?!"

Yifan breathes in deeply, eyes locked at the younger that is trying to hold himself from screaming out his words at him again. "What could I have said..."

"What you just said to me! That you love him! That the contract is absurd! That..."

Yifan watches as Jongdae bites his lips, his ragged breath slowly comes down as their eyes meet.

"Why didn't... you fight for him..."


"You love him, hyung. That was why I brought 'it' to you, despite knowing what was written inside. Because, even though I couldn't do anything about it, I know you wouldn't just sit there and accept everything. But..." Jongdae purses his lips, staring straight at Yifan. Yifan didn't come home that night like he was supposed to, three days was what he had told Joonmyeon, and after what happened earlier that evening, he had expected Yifan would do that. Still, there was a small part of him hoping that Yifan would be there when he arrives home, talking with Joonmyeon, asking him about the sudden decision but even his young master wasn't there at home that night.

"I wasn't needed anymore."

Jongdae's breath hitches.

Yifan inhales as the scene that day plays in his mind. He couldn't breathe the moment his eyes caught the words written on those papers as he being reminded what exactly his relationship with Joonmyeon was. Jongdae's words, all of them were true. He would have fought, he would have said all those things to Joonmyeon if Joonmyeon did this because he had wronged him, but it wasn't like that. The marriage happened because Joonmyeon needed someone to save his company and with the company is now safe, why would he be here anymore?

"Hyung..." Jongdae watches as the older picks up his bag on the floor, slinging it over his shoulder and he reaches forwards to grab Yifan's wrist, stopping the older from turning away from him and looks up to meet their eyes. "Don't do this, please. Just... just alk to him. Ask him why he did this and... and maybe..." His heart tightens when Yifan shakes his head before he feels himself being lifted up by the shoulder, looking down to see his knees bending outward.

Yifan peels Jongdae's grip friom his wrist when the younger is back on his feet. "I need to go. I will take the rest at another time."

Jongdae looks around the bedroom. The place looks the same as it was months ago before Yifan moved in. He spots several items that belonged to Yifan and notices how it barely changed the room as Yifan didn't bring much of his stuff here even though he and Joonmyeon had told Yifan to make himself at home. He turns back to look at the older. Is that why he didn't bring much of his things here? Because he this isn't his home and he has to leave soon?

Yifan gives Jongdae a small nod before leaving the younger and exits the room. He climbs down the stairs, gripping the bag strap tightly as he makes his way to the front door. He shouldn't have come, his heart had told him this countless times, ignoring his reason to retrieve his things back, because his heart knows he was lying. His heart knows he wanted to see Joonmyeon for one last time and that it was a bad idea, because his heart knew he would be like this, that he would be standing in front of the door, refusing to leave when he has to.


Yifan jerks his head towards door where the voice was coming from and he steps forwards, opening the door and shocks when a lifeless body falls against his chest as the door creaks open. He quickly wraps his arms around the male's small frame, preventing him from slipping down and his brows furrow as his eyes catch the battered arms in his hold. "What..."






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Chapter 35: Amazing!❤️im happy for krisho and specially jongin!
2452 streak #2
Chapter 35: such a beautiful ending sis!
love conquered all! that's what you do Jun, when you love someone, you at least fight for it!
tho, Yifan was lucky everyone was on his side... but why wouldn't they? he's been nothing but patient and understanding to Jun, since this whole situation happened, it was always Jun who chose to run away without saying anything

but no more running! since Jun was cornered! HAHAHAHA really admire Yifan for coming up with this plan to finally convince Jun that running away from what they really feel wasn't the answer... Yifan's reason for throwing the necklace tho! HUHUHUHU

reading this again now made me realize that i should've read this again from time to time, so beautiful! thank you so much for this wonderful story sis!

ps. need the hidden chapter sis! please HAHAHAHA
2452 streak #3
Chapter 34: Yifan taking actions into his own hands coz Jun is too busy running away from him! HUHUHU go get your man! nice to see the pieces falling together in the end, it just needed a bit of action from even one of them

honestly tho, if i were Jun, i won't be able to forgive Soo immediately, but the Jun from this au is such a kind person, i should strive to be like him
2452 streak #4
Chapter 33: Jun, who only wanted to help Soo, was unfairly seen as the bad guy by everyone, even those by his side coz why would he do that to Yifan? why did he assume it was Jongin hurting Soo? why did he easily let go of Yifan? a lot of whys tbh and that's just really unfair but if they're not really annulled, then there's a chance to make it right! don't miss it Jun!
2452 streak #5
2452 streak #6
Chapter 31: Yifan loves Jun so much, he was fine being deemed not needed anymore by the person he loves and was also okay with being let go probably coz he didn't want to be a "burden" to Jun... HUHUHUHU

why did Jun have dinner with Yeol tho, it's too early for that :(

and oh Kyungsoo!!!
2452 streak #7
Chapter 30: all of this wouldn't have happened if only the two cousins talked things out from the very start! HUHUHU this whole mess has gotten out of hand!

and yes, ofc Soo and Sehun were brothers! coz Jongin actually loves and cares for Soo! UGHHHHHHHHH
2452 streak #8
Chapter 29: why??? i can't even recall why this is happening and i still don't know if Sehun and Kyungsoo are siblings or best friends!
2452 streak #9
Chapter 28: it could've been a better version of the previous meet the family they did... but aigoo Jun! missed opportunity!
2452 streak #10