Chapter 2

Sway Sway Baby

Sorry for the short chapters and long wait for updates. I at this stuff.


I caught Junhee staring at me again. I glanced at her and she quickly turned her head to avoid my gaze. When she wasn't looking, it was my turn to stare.

Sehun says that it's obvious when someone has a crush on another person, that must mean I don't show my feelings well. He hasn't noticed that I'm head over heels for her, neither did Kyungsoo and with Kyungsoo's eyes, he can see anything.

"Annoyed again Park Chanyeol?" A familiar feminine voice whispered in my ear. "Sera!" The girl who told me that Junhee liked me was sitting on my table.

The night I learnt of Junhee's feelings was indeed happy and filled with pleasure.I'm a hormonal boy okay? I was upset with the rumours of Yingjie and Junhee that I went drinking. Stupid right? Sera was there and she was looking mighty fine, in the eyes of a drunken teenage boy. Well then my junior twitched, let out some liquid and I was in bed. But luckily I was sober to hear about Junhee's feelings. Yay.

"Not now Sera, I'm busy." I sighed. "Wae? Class isn't even starting. What are you busy doing?" She bit her lip and pulled my face closer to hers. "Are you thinking about me? About us? About this?" She said as she rubbed my lower region. "Sera, class is starting. You're gorgeous but not now." I pushed her away and avoided her stare. 

"Whatever. See you soon babe." I heard her heels clicking on the floor. I don't think that's part of school uniform... not that I care, I break that rule all the time. The door opened and the teacher arrived. Time to catch up on some sleep.


I blocked out all life forms in this room. It was just me and Chanyeol right now. This lovely dark hair, how it falls on his eyes. How he flicks his head to the side so it doesn't itch his eyes. How his eyes twinkle. HOW CAN SOMEONE BE THIS PERFECT? I sighed in admiration. I glanced at Yingjie who just rolled his eyes and kept flirting with the girls sitting behind him. Tch, playboy. I looked back at Chanyeol but when I did, he tuned his head to face my direction. I quickly faced the other way to not get caught. 

The school's came sashaying into the room and sat on Chanyeol's table. How dare she contaminate his table with her STD filled !? Well... I don't even know if she has STD... The point is that she can't leave her dirty lying around, tiness might be contagious.

I stared at them in envy. Are they dating? What's their relationship? Suddenly I saw her groping his . ALRIGHT! That's enough, I'm gonna slap the organs outta her! but when I was ready to stand up, Chanyeol pushed her away and looked away fom her. Hell yeah Chanyeol, you push that future boyfriend thief!

"Do you think their dating?" "I think so!" "She was so trying to get in his pants!" "I reckon they've done it and are dating secretly." I heard girls gossiping behind me. "No he isn't! Look how he pushed her away! I mean it's clear that he doesn't like her!" I defended. "I still think they slept together and he regrets it now. He might think he'll get STD or get her pregnant. Don't worry oppa, you're still my favourite!" One of the girls giggled. "No! Kkamjong oppa's the best!" Another said. 

"Kkamjong?" I repeated while tilting my head to the side, clearly confused. "Ne! Kkamjong, Kim Jongin?" She smiled. "Nugu?" I repeated. "Kim Jongin! Kai! He's Chanyeol's friend! Aish, you really need to get a life!" She scowled at me. "Ani, it's just that Chanyeol's perfection blocked Kai's dancing talents." the other girl said. "Whatever! I only paid attention to Chanyeol and Tao, I get it!" I pouted and turned away. 

I noticed that I don't know much about Chanyeol... what should I do?


I heard some girls talking about me and Sera. The Junhee turned around and defended me. My heart feel light, is this Heaven? But her expression turned dark. What if she has bad thoughts about me now? What should I do?

"Chanyeol, you get annoyed by Choi Junhee right?" I faced Baekhyun who had the rest of EXO behind him. Where'd the teacher go? I checked the time, turns out the class was over... WTF? I looked at Baekhyun boredly and nodded. "Then let's test you. Date her." Luhan grinned.



"Mwo!?" I shrieked.


"Date her."

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WOOTSTERS! Actually managed to get to 25 chapters. That was unpredictable seeing as I'm a procrastinator


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ewanlen #1
Chapter 29: Crappiest ending ever.....
_KpopLuver_ #2
Chapter 29: Baekhyun was dating Taeyeon ??!! .. How come I didn't know bout it ... Please give me more information bout it .. Btw , nice story  .. Keep it up author-nim^^
Chapter 26: Suho spoiling Minki already, huh? Well, anyway I can't believe that the story is coming to an end. Well, the ending of the story is not cliché. The male lead will not always win the girl. *starts clapping*
Amazing story! Np, your story was so hard not to comment on lol.
Chapter 25: omg this was sooo cute >.<
mianhae yeol~
Update when you can
Chapter 24: Oh okay, so they're friends again. I wish they would be best friends again but then again Yingjie was a real jerk in the last chapter.
Chapter 23: Yingjie, what are you? Darn, I thought you would be friends with her still. Aww, sorry yeol. And haha np, your story is amazing.
Chapter 25: OMG its too cute!! Update soon!
CheondoongieLuva #8
Chapter 23: Update soon~~~i love your work! Poor channie:(
Chapter 22: AAAHH poor Yeollie T.T ugh I still don't know who to root for TT.TT But this is sooooo good!! Keep it up Author-nim! Fighting!!!