13: English Textbooks in the Rain

Sway Sway Baby

Oh mah fah, I'm sorry if you reckon that the story is progressing slowly. From this chapter, it should start to progress. Drama WILL come but not too soon but SOON. I'm so sorry if it's taking too long I just need cheesy and romantic scenes with Junhee and Chanyeol first. Please forgive me for the slow update too. I'll behave!



It was Saturday again. So much free time… wasted. I’m heading to Kai’s house because I’ve left something there.

“Ah, Junhee, I knew you’d come back for me.” Chen smirked. “Um, no it’s just that I forgot my English book here on Thursday.” I smiled and Chen gestured for me to enter the house/ mansion.

“Junhee! What are you doing here?” Kai said in surprise. “I left my English book here.” Kai widened his eyes. “! I left it in my locker! I was going to give it to you yesterday but I forgot!” Kai exclaimed.

“So I’ll…” I trailed off as he had his light bulb moment. “I have a meeting in school today for an event so I can go to my locker and get it. You can come by tomorrow and pick it up.” He smiled.

“I love how you two just click. It’s so cute.” Chen sighed dreamily. “Oh well… bye.” I said and headed out.


I’m so bored. I miss Junhee. I’m hungry. I don’t know what to do. STOP! I should stop complaining and… bother Jongin. Yeah!

I made my way out of my house and walked in the direction of Jongin’s mansion. I was almost there when I saw Junhee coming out of the house. What is going on? “Junhee!” I called out to her. “Ah, Chanyeol!” She smiled sweetly. My pulse quickened and my cheeks heated up.

“Why is my BAIT blushing?” Junhee smirked. “Because you’re beautiful.” Oh my . What did I just say? “Of course.” She said sarcastically. “One thing baby, don’t call me BAIT anymore. It’s not romantic enough.” I pulled her in for a hug. 

"Come one, let's head to that cafe there. I'm bored and hungry and I miss you so much. So go on a date with me today." I squeezed her tightly. "I'm not dressed for a date though." She looked at her clothes. She wore a blue loose denim jacket over a white t shirt with the sleved rolled up, black leggings and combat boots. Damn my girlfriend is so pretty. "You look good now let's go." I dragged her to the cafe near by.

I noticed it was called chocoLATTE Cafe. That's smart. Damn. 


So Chanyeol dragged me to this cafe called chocoLATTE. That's smart. Damn. We opened the door and a sickly sweet voice greeted us. "Table for two? You and me, Chanyeol?" This girl said. I looked up and saw Sera. "Excuse me, you're working and I'm on a date with my girlfriend. off." Chanyeol said sternly. "Gladly. Just wait for my shift to end and for this to go." Oh my fahhh. "Chanyeol, why didn't you tell her the truth?" She said.

Sera turned to me and smirked. "Did you know that Chanyeol and I were together before you came? Yeah, we were ing eachother off and loving eachother and silly me, I told him that you like him! So since he thinks you're embarrassing and annoying, he's making fun of you by dating you. Wake up Junhee. You ruined a perfect relationship." She smiled 'sweetly' at me.

I'm fed up with this . I know that Chanyeol's just playing with me but to stop his relationship to just make fun of me? It's sickening. I stormed out the cafe and headed back home. I heard Chanyeol calling out my name but I didn't stop. I know he'll run after me and I have no chance of outrunning his mutant giant self so I quickly boarded the bus. 

I looked out the window and saw Chanyeol running to keep up with the vehicle. "Wait! Junhee no! Wait!" I heard him shout. I looked away and put my earphones in. I felt my phone vibrating and I answered it. "Neh, Kai-sshi." I answered.

"Aniyo, this is Chen. Kai's back and he told me to tell you that you can pick up your book now. Annyeong." Chen said and hung up. I was near Kai's house anyway and got off the bus.

I knocked on the door and Chen welcomed me. I smelled a delicious smell and I got so hungry. "Are you cooking something Chen?' I asked. "Neh, D.O. got me a cookbook so I wanted to improve my cooking skills." He smiled. "Well it smells good." I smiled. "I need a judge for the taste. I'll give you some okay?" Chen grinned.

I picked up my book and waited for Chen. I remembered that I needed to get the USB that had our filming in it from Kai. I went up the stairs and walked through the hallway. I finally found a sign on a door that said "Kim Jongin." and I knocked. I heard a quiet 'come in'.

"Kai? I need the USB for editing. Kai?" I peeked through the door and saw Kai sitting next to the window, gazing out. I came in and went up to him. "Kai-sshi, are you okay?" I touched his shoulder and he looked at my hand. "I'm fine." He muttered weakly. "It doesn't sound like it. Do you want to talk?" I sat down next to him and he suddenly started crying. 

"I'm adopted. So I don't have a family. My parents died in a car crash when I was five years old. I don't remember much but I remember them shouting at me for not sitting down. I must have distracted them so much that they crashed into a car. It's my fault they died. I look at other families, I see Chen and his family and I know I just don't belong. It's my fault and I can't do anything right." He sobbed. "Kai, you know that's not true. Your parents didn't want to leave you and they wouldn't want you to keep blaming yourself. They made you for a reason Kai. They want youto be happy and have a good life. Don't cry like this." I comforted and hugged him as his tears dropped on my shoulder.

"I miss her." "Who?"

"My umma." 

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WOOTSTERS! Actually managed to get to 25 chapters. That was unpredictable seeing as I'm a procrastinator


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ewanlen #1
Chapter 29: Crappiest ending ever.....
_KpopLuver_ #2
Chapter 29: Baekhyun was dating Taeyeon ??!! .. How come I didn't know bout it ... Please give me more information bout it .. Btw , nice story  .. Keep it up author-nim^^
Chapter 26: Suho spoiling Minki already, huh? Well, anyway I can't believe that the story is coming to an end. Well, the ending of the story is not cliché. The male lead will not always win the girl. *starts clapping*
Amazing story! Np, your story was so hard not to comment on lol.
Chapter 25: omg this was sooo cute >.<
mianhae yeol~
Update when you can
Chapter 24: Oh okay, so they're friends again. I wish they would be best friends again but then again Yingjie was a real jerk in the last chapter.
Chapter 23: Yingjie, what are you? Darn, I thought you would be friends with her still. Aww, sorry yeol. And haha np, your story is amazing.
Chapter 25: OMG its too cute!! Update soon!
CheondoongieLuva #8
Chapter 23: Update soon~~~i love your work! Poor channie:(
Chapter 22: AAAHH poor Yeollie T.T ugh I still don't know who to root for TT.TT But this is sooooo good!! Keep it up Author-nim! Fighting!!!