19: Do You Love Me?

Sway Sway Baby

The sun’s light hit my eyes, causing me to wake up. I sat up and found myself on Jongin’s bed. He must have carried me here. I get off the bed and make my way downstairs and into the dining room.

“Good morning.” Chen greeted. Jongin walked in with toast in his mouth and a towel around his waist. “Arghh!” he yelped, seeing me and embarrassed that he only had a towel covering his male body parts. The toast dropped from his mouth and he ran into his room. “Whoops…” I said randomly and found Chen grinning. “Stop smiling you creep.”

I sat down and started eating the food that was laid out. There was toast, of course, pancakes with the syrup and all types of toppings laid out next to it, eggs and bacon. All this for three people? Jongin and Chen are boys so they must eat great portions. Besides, Chen dances a lot. I mean a lot, so he’ll need energy. And Jongin dances too, not as much and not as stupid.

Jongin came back down fully clothed and even with a thin bed sheet around him. “Sorry Junhee, I thought you were still asleep.” He said meekly. I smiled and waved it off. ‘Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me like the way I love you babe?’ the song rang out.

“Oh! Sorry, Chanyeol changed my ringtone.” I looked at the ground with my head down. Of all songs, he chose that one. Jongdae noticed what he said and looked at me worriedly. He then slowly answered his phone. “What is it maknae?” 

“Hyung! We’re so bored! The school is closed today, thank God! But we got nothing to do. So we’re coming over!” Sehun’s voice echoed. I looked up in alarm, what if they see me. “Wait! ‘We’? When are you coming over?” Chen asked in confusion. “We as in EXO we’re going over now so you better have food!” Sehun announced cheerfully and hung up.

We all looked at each other for a moment then realized what was going to happen. Jongin grabbed me so he could hide me while Jongdae gathered my stuff and ran upstairs. “Come on, you can hide in Chen’s room. The boys always hang out in my room.” He said frantically and pushed me inside the room. Then the doorbell rang.

--- CHANYEOL ---

After the dramatic break up that we experienced yesterday, I felt down. For the whole day. Well, for the whole morning but a bad morning indicates a bad day. As much as I hate it, I actually went to a bar again and drank, a lot. So not only feeling bad, I woke up with a hangover and Kyungsoo worrying about me and Junhee.

“Chanyeol hyung, get ready. We’re going to Jongin’s house today.” Kyungsoo walked into my room and struggled to pull me up. “I don’t want to go.” “You have to. They’ll know you actually like her.” The door opened once again. “Hyung… you like Junhee?”

My snapped to face the door. “Sehun…” “Hyung, do you like Junhee?” He repeated. I hung my head, ashamed to answer. “Ani, do you love Junhee?” Still I didn’t answer.

“Oh my god…” I know, they’ll hate me. “We made you go through that when you liked her all along. Now you broke up with her and… I’m so sorry…” My head snapped up in surprise. “What?” “Hyung, you need to tell the others!” Sehun whisper-shouted. “What? No!” “Chanyeol, it’s okay. The idiots who use me for cooking will understand.” Kyungsoo comforted. “Yeah! You need to tell!” Sehun nagged.

“You guys always made fun of Junhee. You guys find her disgusting and embarrassing.” I reasoned. “No, not me. Or Jongin, Sehun or Suho. We’re your brothers Chan. Brothers support each other.” Kyungsoo said firmly. I kept my head down and shook my head. “Okay fine! Don’t care about what we think! What matters is that you love Junhee and she’s still in love with you.” Sehun shouted. Then the tears started to fall again and I shook my head furiously.

“What is it hyung?” Sehun’s voice got softer. “I don’t think she does.” Sehun sat down next to me and motioned me to explain. “We had a fight. She found the conversation between me and Sera then we just started shouting at each other. I called her a and that it’s the only thing she’s good at. I thought that I really had to end this. Junhee would hate me now. She’s probably throwing knives at a picture of me or something to show her hatred.” I said as tears rolled down.

“Reasonable hatred comes from loving intensely. If she was over you, she wouldn’t throw knives at your picture. If she glares at you or does anything, it just shows that she still loves you. You still have hope Park Chanyeol. But first tell EXO.” Kyungsoo told me. “I will someday.”

We finally arrived at Jongin and Jongdae’s house. “Go on. Take a seat.” Chen said weirdly. He’s really jumpy today… “Oh hey guys! You came on such short notice…” Kai is also fidgety… trust me, I’m his number 1 fan #not serious.

I eyed them suspiciously and they seemed more jumpy. Throughout the morning when I made eye contact with them, they seemed nervous. What are they hiding form me? Is it about Junhee? “Let’s go into my room!” Jongin smiled. “No, your room is so boring now. Let’s go to Chen’s room!” Luhan said excitedly. That’s when I noticed that they were even more nervous. What’s in Chen’s room?

--- JUNHEE ---

"Let's go to Chen's room!" I heard Luhan sunbaenim say. ! I was just lying down on the bed, waiting for them to go. I quickly looked for a place to hide but the closet is too exposed. There isn't a corner I can hide in and it's normally where guys hide their... exercise videos. The footsteps got louder and I decided to just stay under the bed... There's like no dust here. What the hell?

The door opened and the boys' voices was loud and clear now. "Chen, why are you so nervous?" I heard Kris say. "Yeah, you keep on moving. You too Jongin." Suho said. "Oh what? It's just that I'm..." Jongdae's voice trailed off and Jongin cut in. "HE'S ON HIS PERIOD!" Laughter burst around the room and Chanyeol's low chuckles was heard.

"Chanyeol! That was the first sound you made today and it was still quiet. Normally you'd go crazy as ." Kris pointed out. "Yeah, I wan't my buddy back." Baekyun pouted. Oh my gahh, that guy pouts cuter than me and I'm a girl! Ew. I saw Chanyeol shake his head and smile. "So I heard you guys finally broke up. Congratulations!" Luhan laughed.

"Yeah... We broke up." Chanyeol said simply. "Jongin, Jongdae, you guys still hanging with her?" I heard Baekhyun say. "She's not as bad as you guys think. She's nice." Jongin said and I smiled. I saw Jongdae nod in agreement. "Let's face it guys, we all act like idiots when we're in love. When Onew hyung found a eally yummy chicken, he went crazy. Minho hyung was so embarrassed it was hilarious!" Suho... wait, they see Minho? Last night was the first time I saw him in ages and they get to so him?

"Junhee's not really an idiot. At least she wasn't desperate." Sehun said, surprisingly. "Yeah, she isn't a and she is hygienic so it's not embarrassing." D.O. said. Everyone looked at him in surprise and Luhan broke the silence. "Did umma just... say ? Umma sweared!" He grinned. Laughter was once again heard, this time with whoops. 

"She's not disgusting but it would be weird if they were just so lovey dovey. I mean Chanyeol is what the fans call a kingka and Junhee would be the poor and unimportant commoner. They just don't match." Xiumin admitted. Poor and unimportant? That's the definition they can think for me? "Guys, stop. Let's talk about something else." Chanyeol changed the subject.

"I figured out why Chen's so jumpy! He doesn't want us to find his p0rn collection!" Xiumin and Tao laughed. "Boys that's inappropriate for this atmosphere." Suho scolded. A familiar hand searched the below the bed where I was hiding. I moved myself to the edge as the hand got closer. I then realized that it was Chanyeol's hand.

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WOOTSTERS! Actually managed to get to 25 chapters. That was unpredictable seeing as I'm a procrastinator


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ewanlen #1
Chapter 29: Crappiest ending ever.....
_KpopLuver_ #2
Chapter 29: Baekhyun was dating Taeyeon ??!! .. How come I didn't know bout it ... Please give me more information bout it .. Btw , nice story  .. Keep it up author-nim^^
Chapter 26: Suho spoiling Minki already, huh? Well, anyway I can't believe that the story is coming to an end. Well, the ending of the story is not cliché. The male lead will not always win the girl. *starts clapping*
Amazing story! Np, your story was so hard not to comment on lol.
Chapter 25: omg this was sooo cute >.<
mianhae yeol~
Update when you can
Chapter 24: Oh okay, so they're friends again. I wish they would be best friends again but then again Yingjie was a real jerk in the last chapter.
Chapter 23: Yingjie, what are you? Darn, I thought you would be friends with her still. Aww, sorry yeol. And haha np, your story is amazing.
Chapter 25: OMG its too cute!! Update soon!
CheondoongieLuva #8
Chapter 23: Update soon~~~i love your work! Poor channie:(
Chapter 22: AAAHH poor Yeollie T.T ugh I still don't know who to root for TT.TT But this is sooooo good!! Keep it up Author-nim! Fighting!!!