18: Who Loves You The Most?

Sway Sway Baby

First of all, OMGEH (pronounced om-gerrh. not o-m-g. om-gerrh. Just a weird thing about my friends/family), I ams sorry for disappointing the people who are reading this fanfic, especially the subscribers. I just noticed that I've added a whole new thing between Yingjie and Junhee and didn't have a chapter about it. Now it's all crappy and doesn't make sense and well it was bad anyway but now for those who subscribed, you get notifications that the annoying not-make-sense-at-all story has been updated. In future stories, I will NOT do this. I swear!


The rain was pouring and the thunder clapped. The lightning struck and I was hiding under the slide. The tears just kept falling down. On the bright side, this is over. On the dark side, Chanyeol hates me, I can't do anything right, I have a fever and no energy to run home. But the is over, so it compensates.

I get my phone out as my hands tremble and shake and dialled Jongin's number. After a few rings he picked up. "Junhee! Where are you? I'm in the car right now, tell me where you are!" He yelled. "In the playground. Near the school." I trembled, the water dampening my dress and making it stick to my body. "Junhee-" Jongin's voice was cut off when the phone was knocked off my hand.

I looked up and saw a man smirking. "Hello Junhee." I tilted my head in confusion. Who is he? "Oh you probably don't recognise me. Or that you just simply don't know me. Introducing, Sejong, brother of Sera. How do you do?" He continued smirking as he bowed and reached his hand out. I didn't respond so he took my hand and held an umbrella over us. 

“What are you doing in under a slide in a storm like this?” He smirked, even more. Does this guy ever stop smirking? I kept silent, not wanting him to know of my shameful break up. He started to rub his thumb on my waist and I stiffen up.

“You’re a little aren’t you? Dating Park Chanyeol, the school’s hot topic but then pursuing Kai the best friend of Chanyeol AND the proclaimed y dancer. You even had Huang Yingjie, the ‘cute’ soccer player. All those guys are wrapped around your little finger and you still don’t object to me touching you. Sera was right. Everyone was right.” He pushed me away, disgusted.

I landed on the floor and got dirtied by the mud. A headache grew from the fever and I had no strength to pick myself up. “Men are undone by loving you. Now one by one, all will leave you; Yingjie, Chanyeol. Soon even your brother will leave you knowing that his own sister is a .” He mocked.

Sejong grinned and was about to drag me up by my hair when someone screamed my name. “Get away from her!” Jongin’s voice was loud and clear through the storm. “Your Prince Charming is here to rescue you. It’s time for you to find out who loves you the most or more importantly; who you love the most. Or better yet, stay away from people."

Sejong ran away and Jongin tried to chase after him. But when he was close to me I grabbed his hand and pulled him down with me. “Stop, you’ll get wet too.” I said worriedly. “I’m already wet Junhee. There’s no point in stopping me.” He gazed into my eyes softly. “But I don’t want you getting sick.” I replied and coughed. Jongin pulled me up and led me to his car.

I was freezing. Jongin took off his coat and jumper and slid the jumper over my head and wrapped me in his coat. “Are you warm now?” Jongin checked. I nodded and smiled. “Jongin, do you love me?” I suddenly asked. “W-wha…What?” Jongin stuttered. “Do you love me? I mean, there’s different types of love; family love, friendly love, romantic love, food love. Do you love me?” I explained. Jongin took a deep breath and said, “Yes, I love you.” 

Who loves you the most? "Chanyeol and I broke up today." I gasped. Jongin's eyebrows raised and he stiffened. "R-really?" "Why are you stuttering alot? Did you get sick already?" I put my palm onto his forehead and checked his temperature. He seemed okay so I got a tissue and wiped away the rain from his face and neck. "Don't get sick okay?" I said and he paused for a moment and looked at me then started driving.

"I'll understand if you leave me." I said. "What? Junhee, I won't leave you." Jongin glanced at me. "These days everyone is leaving me. My parents are somewhere, they don't even keep in touch with me. Minho's in university, I can't disturb his studies and he doesn't make an effort to see me when he has free time. Yingjie is off and happy with Hyomin and their little group hates my guts and now... Chanyeol's gone. That means the majority of EXO is gone too. Are you sure you won't leave me?" I continued. "You'll always have Jongdae hyung and me. You're practically our... baby sister." He looked at me quickly and smiled. "I'm glad to hear that."

We arrived at my house and I was surprised to see Minho. "Choi Junhee! Where were you? Who is this?" He bombarded me with questions. "This is Kim Jongin, a friend." Jongin nodded, intimidated by Minho. "Alright, why were you out late? Why are you wet? Junhee!" Minho shouted. "I'm sorry! I was on a double date with Chanyeol and Yingjie!" "Then why hasn't Yingjie brought you home?" Minho asked back.

"I dunno, maybe it's got to do with the fact that we don't get along anymore? You might've known that if you actually tried to contact me once in a while!" I shouted back. "You know I need to study! Umma and Appa will hear about this!" He yelled. "They won't care anyway! If they actually did then they'd actually be here looking after me like normal parents!" I souted and stormed up the stairs. I heard Jongin calling me when I laid down in my bed. 

I heard the door creak open and looked at the wet figure. "Junhee, please don't cry." Jongin pulled me up to make me sit down and hugged me tightly. "Don't cry. Don't cry." He repeatedly whispered. I wiped my tears and hugged him back. I noticed he was spacing out with a pained expression and this made me worried. "Jongin, what's wrong?" I asked and looked up at him. he sighed and shook his head. 

"I remembered something. The doctors said I had amnesia from the accident and now I remember something." he said sadly. "Isn't that a good thing? Tell me." I suddenly got interested and pushed away my problems, worrying about Jongin. "My mom and dad. They were fighting before the crash happened. they were shouting at eachother and they hurt eachother. then my mom ran up the stairs to pack her things and dragged me with her to get away from my dad. We weren't able to and I ran out the house where Chen hyung comforted me. Jongdae knew. And he didn't tell me." Jongin quietly said.

"Maybe he didn't tell you to protect you. It must've been painful. The last things your parents did together was fight, that's traumatic and I would've thought to be lucky to not remember it." I comforted. "Minho hyung is staying the night here. If you're really angry, stay over at our place." I nodded at the suggestion. "Oh! I also remembered. I was close with a girl in my kindergarten. She was very cute. I remember liking her and giving her chocolates. She was outgoing and wasn't the typical cutesy type, just like you." He smiled and I smiled seeing that he was happy again. "Ooh! Jongin has a Kinder Girlfriend. Search for her! Oooh! How romantic!" I teased. "Shut up."

After a ride that involved me teasing Jongin about his Kinder Girlfriend, now known as KG, we arrived at Kai's mansion. We were greeted by a cheerful Chen with his mouth full of rice. "Oh! Jongin, I- Hey, what's wrong?" He noticed his brother's disturbed face and got worried. "Why didn't you tell me?" "What?" Chen was shocked, scared even. 

"My parents. They were fighting just before they died. I know that you know because you were there!" Jongin shouted. I walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. "Jongin, it was for the best. Even umma and appa don't know about the fight. I did this to protect you from being hurt." Jongdae reasoned. "What were they fighting about?" Jongin questioned further. "I can't tell you that. It'll hurt you more and hurt me for telling you." Jongdae looked down, avoiding Jongin's stare.

"What. Were. They. Fighting. About?" Jongin said in deep breaths. "Jongin..." "WHAT WERE THEY FIGHTING ABOUT? HOW IS IT SO BAD THAT YOU CAN'T TELL ME?" Jongin burst. "OKAY FINE! HE MOLESTED YOU! YOUR DAD DID WHEN YOUR MOM WAS GONE FOR NEARLY A YEAR! OVER AND OVER AGAIN! You wanted to know! Fine, now you know!" Jongdae exploded and went into the next room, his sobs obvious.

Jongin stared onto the ground, shocked, scared and angry. "Jongin..." I put my hand on his shoulder again and hugged him. His breathing got heavy and he started to cry. "Shhh. Don't cry." I hugged him tighter and we moved to his room. 

He was laying down on the bed, just staring and in my arms. I his hair as he would do to me. The door opened to see Jongdae with red and puffy eyes. He approached us and kneeled next to Jongin. He grabbed his hand and started crying again. "Jongin, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to know. Please don't hate me." Chen sobbed. Jongin stood up and gave his brother a hug. "You guys are more of family to me than they are. I can't hate you." 

I smiled at the reconciliation and after talking for so long, they boys fell asleep on the floor and my head was resting against the cold hard desk in Jongin's room.


GOT DAMNNNN! Long chapter. Well, in my opinion. Sorry about the crap.

-- LalalaLove4Life

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WOOTSTERS! Actually managed to get to 25 chapters. That was unpredictable seeing as I'm a procrastinator


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ewanlen #1
Chapter 29: Crappiest ending ever.....
_KpopLuver_ #2
Chapter 29: Baekhyun was dating Taeyeon ??!! .. How come I didn't know bout it ... Please give me more information bout it .. Btw , nice story  .. Keep it up author-nim^^
Chapter 26: Suho spoiling Minki already, huh? Well, anyway I can't believe that the story is coming to an end. Well, the ending of the story is not cliché. The male lead will not always win the girl. *starts clapping*
Amazing story! Np, your story was so hard not to comment on lol.
Chapter 25: omg this was sooo cute >.<
mianhae yeol~
Update when you can
Chapter 24: Oh okay, so they're friends again. I wish they would be best friends again but then again Yingjie was a real jerk in the last chapter.
Chapter 23: Yingjie, what are you? Darn, I thought you would be friends with her still. Aww, sorry yeol. And haha np, your story is amazing.
Chapter 25: OMG its too cute!! Update soon!
CheondoongieLuva #8
Chapter 23: Update soon~~~i love your work! Poor channie:(
Chapter 22: AAAHH poor Yeollie T.T ugh I still don't know who to root for TT.TT But this is sooooo good!! Keep it up Author-nim! Fighting!!!