Chapter 4

Sway Sway Baby

I'm on crack aren't I? Chanyeol didn't actually ask me to be his girlfriend did he? Yeah, I'm on crack. 

"Jun-ah. WAKE UP!" Yingjie screamed in my ear. "What the actual ?" I screamed. I feel bad for Yingjie now. I came here to do our Drama and English project and I'm just thinking about Chanyeol. "Mian Jie-ah." I pouted. He laughed and said "It's alright baby girl."

"Hey you guys. As much as I love your interaction and intimacy, Junhee is Chanyeol's girlfriend now." Tao came in and told us. So I'm not on crack? "Kai is coming and out of us two, I love you two together. Meaning he'll report this to Chanyeol and he can be a jelly baby!" Jelly baby WTF?

The doorbell rang and then the door opened. "Zitao! I'm here!" Tao turned around. "Coming hyung!" Then he turned to us again. "Don't be too lovey dovey okay little bubbies?" "Yah hyung!" Kai called. "I'm coming! Jesus! Can't you wait?" Tao grumbled.

I giggled at Tao oppa's cuteness. I'm glad that Zitao oppa and Yingjie get along. They are very similar but some things are different about them. Tao has a cute image while Yingjie has this flirty image. Zitao does martial arts and Yingjie does soccer AND music. But they are extremely close and I feel good be someone like their sister.

"Come on, let's do work!" I said to Yingjie who nodded. "What do we have to do again?" I asked. Yingjie groaned. "This is why you wanted to be partnered with me huh?" He asked and I smiled innocently. "We have to make a film trailer about someone's struggles which can include disability, pressure etc. And we have to film it in English." Yingjie explained. "Ah! Kim Seonsaengnim said that we can make bigger groups than our pairs if your script requires more people." He added. "How many weeks do we have?" I asked, taking note. "We have a month." Yay. We have time. 

"HAY GUISEEE! Come here! It's too sunny and romantic outside!" Tao shouted. "Yah hyung! You made me lose my train of thought!" Yingjie complained. I gathered our stuff and we moved to the study where Tao and Kai was. "What work are you guys doing?" Kai asked me. "Drama and English Collaboration Project." I replied as I smiled at him. "HEY! We are too! Why don't we join groups?" Tao suggested.

"Have you guys done your script already because we haven't." Kai said. "No. Why don't we write it together?" I asked him. "Hey hey HEY! We are here too!" Tao complained. "You never do the work anyway! And Junhee always gets the best presentations!" Kai said with disbelief.

"But we won't be here for long anymore." Yingjie announced. "Who me? Or what?" I asked. "Tao and I need to pick up Taeyeon noona's wedding cake and the groom's suit. Then we'll get our filming equipment such as green screen and camera you know. While we're gone,work on the script then after that we'll all get lunch and get props or go on a filming destinations hunt."

"It seems like Yingjie hyun is older than Tao hyung!" Kai grinned. "Ani! It's just that Yingjie doesn't know who to do aegyo!" then Tao started doing aegyo. "Yah hyung, hurry! We need to get the cake!" Yingjie nagged. "Alright! See you guys! Don't cheat on Chan but don't bash eachother!" Tao smirked.

When they left I turned to Kai. "Is Kai your real name?" I asked. "You don't know?" Kai's eyes widened. "Ah, aniyo... It's becuase I odn't know you well and I'm not a big fan." I muttered. "You make us sound like idols!" He laughed. "Aniyo, Kai isn't my real name. It's Kim Jongin." He smiled. "Kim Jongin? Ah! Kim Jongin! Kkamjong!" I recognised. "Kkamjong? Yah, my skin isn't dark! It's bronze! Y BRONZE! People risk having cancer to get this!" He complained and I laughed. "That's not it! I only said Kkamjong because one of your fans was talking to me and told me about you but she called you Kkamjong. Tao said only EXO calls you that. I guess everyone wants to be with you!" 

"Tch whatever, I forgive you." He said as I gave a disapproving look. "Let's get to work!" The whole time we were discussing which scenarios would be better in the trailer and what the story should be about.

Afterwards we decided that it was about a girl that was from a quite well off family. Then her mum divorced her dad and took half the money with her. Her dad is addicted to gambling so their money is all but gone. But her dad treats her like a doll rather than a daughter. He always dresses her up, buys her things, lets her do things and if the girl doesn't want to do it, he forces her. But her dad never has time for her because he is sad about the girl's mother leaving. Due to this her dad's health goes bad because he's neglecting food and rest so the girl has nothing in her life. It's pretty sad that I didn't want to do it. 

"Okay obviously you'll play the daughter. Yingjie can be the dad because he's fatherly toward you! We'll sort out who Tao and I can be." Kai suggested. "You guys can be the boys that help her get through the problem." I said sleepily. "Are you sleepy Junhee?" He poked my cheek. "No, no I'm not! I can stay up for hours!" I yawned.


"Stay up for hours my ." I looked at her sleeping. Her head was on the table which might have been uncomfortable so I got her on the couch. "Hmmm, I do have a nice though..." I said as I looked at my thorugh the mirror. The doorbell rang. Probably Tao and Yingjie. They must be tired so Tao can't be bothered looking through his new Gucci bag for his keys. Tch, lazy Tao. The doorbell rang again.

"I'm coming!" I shouted and made my way there. I opened the door expecting to the twins but it turned out to be someone else.

"Chanyeol hyung! What are you doing here?" I asked. "I got bored! The other members are doing boring things so I'm going to persuade you to stop what you'e doing and come with me. But, why are you in Tao's house?" He asked. "We were doing our group project." I replied. "Oh, but they're not here so come with me!" He pulled my arm.

"But my other group member is sleeping right now! Tao will scold me!" I pulled back. "Sleeping? Who's sleeping?" Chanyeol asked and tried to look inside the house, which was easy for him because of his height. He let himself in the house and finally caught sight of the sleeping figure on the couch.



"Kai, why is my girlfriend here? With you? Alone?" 

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WOOTSTERS! Actually managed to get to 25 chapters. That was unpredictable seeing as I'm a procrastinator


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ewanlen #1
Chapter 29: Crappiest ending ever.....
_KpopLuver_ #2
Chapter 29: Baekhyun was dating Taeyeon ??!! .. How come I didn't know bout it ... Please give me more information bout it .. Btw , nice story  .. Keep it up author-nim^^
Chapter 26: Suho spoiling Minki already, huh? Well, anyway I can't believe that the story is coming to an end. Well, the ending of the story is not cliché. The male lead will not always win the girl. *starts clapping*
Amazing story! Np, your story was so hard not to comment on lol.
Chapter 25: omg this was sooo cute >.<
mianhae yeol~
Update when you can
Chapter 24: Oh okay, so they're friends again. I wish they would be best friends again but then again Yingjie was a real jerk in the last chapter.
Chapter 23: Yingjie, what are you? Darn, I thought you would be friends with her still. Aww, sorry yeol. And haha np, your story is amazing.
Chapter 25: OMG its too cute!! Update soon!
CheondoongieLuva #8
Chapter 23: Update soon~~~i love your work! Poor channie:(
Chapter 22: AAAHH poor Yeollie T.T ugh I still don't know who to root for TT.TT But this is sooooo good!! Keep it up Author-nim! Fighting!!!