

Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"Get up."

Taehyung opened his eyes to see all his friends surrounding him.

"What the hell are you guys doing in my room? Get out."

"We have to go somewhere." Jin said, helping Taehyung up.

"It's a Saturday. Not to mention 8 AM. If it has to do with beating people up, I'm not interested so go away." Taehyung wrapped himself in his blanket.

Jimin took it off, "Come on. We're not doing any of those. In fact, I believe you might like it."

"Like what?" He whined.

"You won't find out till you wake up." 


"Why are we here?"

"Well, you know, I thought it'd a good opportunity to help others." Rap Monster slung his arm around Suga, "Right?"

"Yeah. I mean, we never do these things. Besides, it's for a good cause. We can be bad guys, but inside, we're good souls." Suga smiled.

"Yeah, but why are we doing the charity, here?" Taehyung questioned looking at the little kids running around with balloons.

"Maybe because this is our school?" J-Hope asked. "Or maybe because we have nowhere else to go and this was the closest to our house." 

JungGuk nodded, "It's for a good cause. I mean, we understand what you mean about bullying others. It's such a bad thing to do."

Taehyung crossed his arms, "What are you guys up to?" 

"Nothing. We would like to be good samaritans." Jimin smiled, "Here you go, number 1004." 

"What the hell is this?"

"Hey, watch your language. Can't you see we have children present?" Jin asked.

"What number is this and what number are you guys?"

"I got 1001 with Rap Monster." J-Hope said, rapping his arms around Rap Monster.

"I got 1002 with JungGuk." Suga said, "I ain't about the life with nagging Jin and know-it-all Jimin. At least JungGuk can do something."

Jimin crossed his arms, "I got 1003 with Jin." He rolled his eyes, "Better than nothing I gues." 

"What is this number for and why am I not paired with you guys?"

"It's for the charity. You get paired up with someone and you mentor a kid. Simple." Rap Monster smiled, "You should look for your partner. She's probably here somewhere."

As Rap Monster patted Taehyung's shoulder, they slowly walked off.

Taehyung sighed and messed up his hair. What the hell was he supposed to do?

As he began roaming around looking for his partner, he stopped and messed up his hair more. How was he supposed to find her? Who was she anyways? 


He froze in his tracks when he saw her. She was close to him and she had a confused look, "What are you doing here?"

He cleared his throat, "Me and the gang wanted to help with the chairy." He scratched the back of his head, "Yeah." 

She smiled, "I'm glad you guys took the time to come here. What are you looking for? What booth are you going towards?"

Taehyung shrugged, "I honestly don't know. They just gave me a number and told me to mentor a kid."

Her eyes sparkled, "That's great! I'm actually mentoring a kid right now! Her name is Hyeri and she is such a doll. What number are you?"

He sulked. It was great that she was in the same booth as him, but it'll be a miracle to end up being partners with her.

He sighed, "1004."

Her eyes widened, "Finally."


"I've been looking all over for you. I'm 1004!" She said, showing him the paper. "I've been looking for my partner for the past thirty minutes and then gave up. Wow, who would've thought you would've been my partner. Such a coincidence, isn't it?"

Taehyung blushed and thought about Rap Monster. He cursed under his breath.

"Come on, let's go."

As she led him towards a little girl, she tapped her shoulder.

The little girl who had straight bangs and black hair tied in a pony tail turned around. She had a cute pink flower dress and pink open toed shoes. 

"Hyeri, this is your other mentor. His name is Taehyung."

Her eyes widened, "Wow." 

Taehyung brushed his hair, "Hi."

"Hyeri, isn't oppa good looking?" She pointed at Taehyung as he blushed hard.

Hyeri nodded, "Very good looking. More good looking than my dad."

Taehyung sheeply smiled and nodded, thanking the little girl. 

"I'm going to get more cookies and juice for Taehyung oppa so why don't you get to know him more?" She encouraged. As she walked off, Taehyung sighed.

It was weird having her call him oppa, knowing they were the same age, but why did he like it so much? 

"Oppa, do you know ~~~~~~ unnie?" 

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah. She's a very close friend of mine."

"Is she your girlfriend?"

Taehyung coughed on his saliva, "No, no. She's just a great friend."

The little girl laughed, "Oppa is blushing."

Taehyung shook his head, "Hyeri, what do you want to play? Oppa can play with you."

She thought for a second, "Can you read me a book?" 

"Sounds easy enough." Taehyung smiled, "What book?" 

"The Little Red Riding Hood." 

Taehyung scratched his head, "That's it? Okay."

As he took the book from her hand, he cleared his throat and began to read. Hyeri grabbed the book and shook her head, "You're supposed to act it out."

"Act it out?" Taehyung looked down, "I don't think I can."

"That's what you're supposed to do. You have to act everything out." Taehyung blushed and looked down. He never read a story to a kid before, nevertheless, act it out for her.

"But there are two characters. I can't be two." 

"I'll be Red and you can be the wolf. Of course you have to narrate too." 

Taehyung eyed her for a while when he gave her a soft smile, "Okay."


"I'm back."

As she brought the cookies and the juice, she stopped when she saw Taehyung and Hyeri giggling.

Hyeri was holding onto a brown basket while Taehyung colored his nose black and wore brown ears over his head.

"Red, give me some of that food in there." Taehyung growled.

Hyeri giggled, "Never, wolf. This is for grandma."

As she giggled and laughed, Taehyung ran after her. Hyeri screamed gleefully and fell to the floor.

Taehyung grabbed her and tickled her until Hyeri screamed louder. 

"Guys having fun without me?"

Hyeri looked up and smiled, "Come join us, grandma!" 

Taehyung blushed seeing her see him. It was true he was having fun but he didn't want her to see him like this. Especially of what image he had been holding.

"Okay." She smiled, "Red, Red, where are you?"

"Grandma!" Red yelled, running towards her, "The Big Bad Wolf is trying to eat our food." She yelled.

Grandma frowned, "That is no good. Go away big bad wolf." She said, shooing Taehyung away.

Taehyung stared for a minute when his smile came back. He grabbed her from the waist and pushed her down, tickling her as well.

She squirmed under him, laughing uncontrollably when Hyeri jumped on him.

"Let go of grandma, Wolf!" She yelled as Taehyung rolled on the floor laughing.

Before they knew it, all three of them were on the floor, laughing and giggling.

"You guys must be tired, want some cookies?" She asked. As she stood up, Hyeri grabbed Taehyung and pulled his shirt. She pointed at her which made Taehyung smile.

As she grabbed the cookies, she felt an arm snake her waist. As she turned, Taehyung grabbed her down and pinned her on the floor, hoovering over her.

Hyeri giggled, "The wolf got you, Grandma!" Hyeri yelled.

She frowned, "Oh no! Red, you have to help me get away from this wolf!" 

As Hyeri giggled next to her, Taehyung looked down at her. Her eyes were shaped as two crescent moons and her cheeks were light red. Her lips were the same pink as usual and he couldn't stop staring at her.

"Wolf, go away!" 

Hyeri tried to punch Taehyung but he didn't budge. He was mesmerized and he didn't know what to do. She was only inches away.


Taehyung fell to the floor as she stood up from the ground dusting her pants, "That's what you get, Big Bad Wolf. I know martial arts." Grandma laughed.

Taehyung laid there, not knowing what to do. He saw them hug each other and he blinked a few times. Was he seeing this? Was she really glowing? 

"Hyeri, it's time to go."

He broke out of his daze when he saw an old woman walk by. She grabbed a hold of Hyeri's hand.

"Today was so fun!" Hyeri yelled as she hugged both her and Taehyung, "I will come visit again!"

She nodded, smiling. "Come visit anytime, Hyeri. Unnie and Oppa will always be here."

As they waved goodbye, Taehyung glanced at her.

She was smiling and as she turned, she faced Taehyung, "I'm glad you had fun today. It was nice of you to participate."

He swallowed, "It's fine. I mean, I had nothing to do anyways."

As she looked at him, she chuckled, "Want to hear something funny yet weird?"

"Entertain me."

"My nickname is angel, yet my number I got is angel as well. 1004." She mumbled, "Angel." 

As she smiled up at him, Taehyung froze.

"Yes you are." He blurted.

Her eyes turned into confusion when she smiled again, "You too, Taehyung." She looked around, "I have to stay back and clean up now. Go ahead first. I'll meet you next week. Thanks again for coming."

As she disappeared, he felt himself freeze.

A touch on his shoulder made him come back and to his surprise, he saw Rap Monster.

"What the hell was that for? You planned this out, didn't you?" Taehyung questioned, pushing Rap Monster away.

"Hey, don't tell me you didn't like it?" 

Taehyung huffed. He was right. He did sort of like it, he guessed.

"Why did you do this? I thought you were against it?" 

Rap Monster shrugged, "You changed after you met her. You're less violent."

"I've always been the less violent one out of you guys. Except for the bad reputation for BangSuk's legend."

Rap Monster smiled, "I know. I mean in general. You weren't always the go-with-the-flow kind of guy anymore. You take chanes. You've changed." He scratched the back of his head, "Not that I hate it or anything."

Taehyung grinned, "Stop it, you."

"I'm just saying. If you want to go for her, go." 

Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows, "I thought you said I shouldn't even try."

"Well, you know." Rap Monster nudged him, "I'm the type of guy who likes happy endings. Why don't you try to get at her until the day it's over. I mean, live while you're young, right?" 

Taehyung gawked, "What?" 

"I'm saying," Rap Monster gave him a small smile, "Just go ahead. See where she takes you. You'll regret it when it's over, but I'd rather regret it after I tried. What's the point of regretting when you didn't even try or make a move?"

Taehyung sulked a little and then nodded, "Thanks, man."

"No problem, 1004." 

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Chapter 27: Read this story years ago, and re-read it
Still love this story so much♥
Chapter 2: This story is super cute so far. A bit cliche with the good girl bad boy theme, but your style of writing is incredibly captivating. I look forward to reading further. Thank you for writing!
Kurosawa_Shizuka #3
Chapter 27: Honestly this story was soooo good. I really liked the way it was written and the way you led on about what actually happened between Jonghyun and Taehyung throughout the story drove me crazy >~< I really love the way you portrayed every character including the oc because she's not the so cliché badass perfect character, she has her own problems too :) The story wasn't rushed at all and it was an absolute joy to read this <3 Loving your writing, hwaiting and saranghae~ ^-^
rikominiko #4
Chapter 27: Too Badd~~ But it too sweet~ It to sweet x2
Chapter 27: AHHH Cuteness overload!!! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end
Chapter 27: Daebak! Author-nim... Very cute, fluffy, lovely, beautiful and what so ever you call it! It's so well writtened. Chukha hae for that. ^`^
decaseys #7
Chapter 27: Whoa this story is so great. Thank you authornim! :)
enefeydee #8
Chapter 27: ohmygahd just finished reading this at 5:37 in the morning... def one of my fave tae x oc fanfics!! this is beautiful, authornim :)
Chapter 27: Just finished reading. The question is: HOW TO MOVE ON FROM THIS STORY? It's beautiful. Angst,romance and fluff all in one. It's like 2:22 am here in my country. and I'm drowning in a sea of feels bcos of your story. Great job!!! :)
Re-reading this in 2016 and the feels are still as strong as ever.