


Picture not mine. Credits to owner.

"Angel, you're back."

Taehyung's head rose when he saw her outside his window.

She was smiling and nodding at her friends when he noticed she lost weight.

Although she was skinny in general, it seemed as if she lost more weight than she should.

"Where were you?" 

"I was out sick, sorry guys. I needed a lot of rest." She said, scratching the back of her head.

"We couldn't do anything because you were gone." 

She slowly frowned, "What? You guys couldn't do anything?"

"We waited for you. We couldn't possibly do anything without you." 

"Yeah, but if you guys did something, then it would give me less work to do." She whispered.

"Don't worry, you're angel, you can do everything in one go, right?" They chimed.

She rolled her hair behind her ear, "Uh, sure. I guess--"

Taehyung pushed the boy that talked to her on the floor. Everyone gasped as they saw Taehyung was stepping on the boy's uniform.

"Why can't you guys be mature and do things while the president is gone? Do you guys always have to depend on her? What if she never came back, what's going to happen?" Taehyung hissed.

She grabbed his arm, "Taehyung, get off of him."

The boy shrugged, "Then we'll never finish it. But don't worry, Angel will never leave. She is obligated to stay here and do the work, right?" 

She put her head down, as she gently released Taehyung's arms, "Yeah." 

Taehyung glanced back at her. Her eyes were facing down the floor when her hair covered her face.

Taehyung's eyes softened looking at her, then harded when he looked back at the boy.

Warning: B & F Word coming. 

"You little ." 

As Taehyung grabbed the boy back up with his collar, Taehyung punched him on the face.

The boy stumbled back, feeling his jaw, "What was that for? I am the vice President, you can't do that."

"Well, you don't make up those stupid rules." Taehyung growled, "You as a vice president should be the next role model after the president. An immature, childish, and self-centered guy like you is the vice president? Ha. You wish. You don't do around this school. I always see the president running around and what do I see you do?"

He wiped his mouth, "I run around too."

"Yeah, with little es around your arm." Taehyung hissed.

The vice president strutted over Taehyung with a rolled up fist when Taehyung dodged it.

Taehyung grabbed his fist and turned it around his back as he pushed him towards the wall.

"You need to shut the up and do what I say, okay?" Taehyung whispered in his ear, "You do what the president tells you to do. If I ever see you not doing anything and see her doing everything, I'm going to rip your little dangly arms off, do you hear me?"

The vice president grunted as he screamed when Taehyung tightened his strength on the twisted arm, "Answer me when I talk to you." He pushed it harder, "Do I hear a yes or a no?"

The vice president nodded, "Okay, okay. I'll do it, I'll help Angel! Just let me go!" 

As Taehyung released him, the vice president ran away without looking back.

Taehyung breathed heavily as he took a glance back at her. She was standing the same position she was earlier. Her hair covering her face. 

Taehyung looked over at the crowd around him, "What the hell are you guys all looking at? Go to your class. Scram before I beat all of you guys up."

The crowd ran away as Taehyung was now alone with her.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, walking towards her when she took a step back.

"I can do this myself." She muttered, "I don't need your help."

"You don't need my help? You can't even stand up for yourself yet." Taehyung said, "You need me."

"I don't need anyone, especially you!" She yelled, looking up at him.

Her face was red and tears were streaming down her face.


She wiped them off, "I don't need you in life. Just go away from me. Don't even look at me, don't even talk to me, I don't want you near me again. Go away!" She yelled as she ran down the halls.

Taehyung stood there strucked and hurt. 

Did she mean that? 


Taehyung saw her in the classroom, holding heavy boxes around. 

As she was sweating, Taehyung glared at the vice president, who hurridly helped her.

She smiled and said thanks while she did other things. 

Taehyung could've smiled when he saw her smile, but he was still upset.

Did she really mean everything she had said? 

He didn't want it to be true. Although it sounded like a lie, it also sounded like a truth, as well. 

"What are you doing here?"

Rap Monster leaned next to him, staring at her through the windows as well.

"I'm just seeing if she's okay." Taehyung whispered.

"What about you?" 

Taehyung sighed, "I would be, if she's okay." 

Rap Monster patted his back, "Girl needs time. I'm sure she'll be okay after some time."

Taehyung nodded, "Hopefully. I can't bear to see her like this." 

"What do you want to do?" 

"I want to see her smile at me again. I want her to be herself again. I want to be with her." 

Rap Monster looked over at her. She was smiling and helping the other committee members with their personal belongings.

"She'll be okay." 

"She will be." Taehyung said, as he looked over at Rap Monster, "But would I?"

Taehyung looked back at the window after hearing no response from Rap Monster.

He sighed and tried to focus on other things when his eyes kept roaming around her. 

Did she really want him out of her life? 

Should he really get out of her life? 

With a sigh, Taehyung, put his hands in his pockets as he left.





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Chapter 27: Read this story years ago, and re-read it
Still love this story so much♥
Chapter 2: This story is super cute so far. A bit cliche with the good girl bad boy theme, but your style of writing is incredibly captivating. I look forward to reading further. Thank you for writing!
Kurosawa_Shizuka #3
Chapter 27: Honestly this story was soooo good. I really liked the way it was written and the way you led on about what actually happened between Jonghyun and Taehyung throughout the story drove me crazy >~< I really love the way you portrayed every character including the oc because she's not the so cliché badass perfect character, she has her own problems too :) The story wasn't rushed at all and it was an absolute joy to read this <3 Loving your writing, hwaiting and saranghae~ ^-^
rikominiko #4
Chapter 27: Too Badd~~ But it too sweet~ It to sweet x2
Chapter 27: AHHH Cuteness overload!!! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end
Chapter 27: Daebak! Author-nim... Very cute, fluffy, lovely, beautiful and what so ever you call it! It's so well writtened. Chukha hae for that. ^`^
decaseys #7
Chapter 27: Whoa this story is so great. Thank you authornim! :)
enefeydee #8
Chapter 27: ohmygahd just finished reading this at 5:37 in the morning... def one of my fave tae x oc fanfics!! this is beautiful, authornim :)
Chapter 27: Just finished reading. The question is: HOW TO MOVE ON FROM THIS STORY? It's beautiful. Angst,romance and fluff all in one. It's like 2:22 am here in my country. and I'm drowning in a sea of feels bcos of your story. Great job!!! :)
Re-reading this in 2016 and the feels are still as strong as ever.