


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"Yeah, he got hit hard."

"Don't you think that's a little too extreme?" She questioned, holding onto her books.

He grabbed the books from her hand and put it between his right hand and his hip, "Yeah, but he deserved it."

"Have you thought about world peace?" She asked, thanking him for holding her books.

"Yeah, I thought about it." Taehyung grinned, "I mean I don't like violence, but sometimes, it's kind of easier like that." 

She shrugged, "I guess so."

He stopped and gave her back her books, "Am I taking you home later?" 

"Uh, I don't know." She scratched her head, "I have to go meet a friend for a project."

"Oh, for what class?" 

She sighed, "It's for Women Studies. I'm meeting him later in the library, but we'll see where we go after." 

Taehyung's eyes widened when she waved goodbye and entered her class. His jaw dropped and he stared at her. Did she just say him? 


"This is not my style."

"Why are we even doing this?"

"I have better things to do with life."

"My mom is going to be so pissed that I'm late." 

Taehyung shushed all of his friends and he leaned on Suga's head for support.

"This isn't going to do anything. She's just doing a project, what's so bad about that?" Jimin asked, pushing Jin away from him.

"Stop pushing. I'm having a hard time in the corner here, too." Jin argued.

Jimin and Jin started to argue when J-Hope scratched his forehead, "Who is this punk anyways?"

"Who knows?" Rap Monster questioned, "I bet you he isn't that cute."

JungGuk eyed Rap Monster for a while, "Yeah." 

Jimin's mouth dropped when he saw the mysterious figure sit in front of her in the library. She was reading her textbook when the random boy sat down and started their conversation.

"Who is that?" Suga hissed when Taehyung shushed them.

JungGuk pointed at the boy, "Isn't that Jung Daehyun?" 

Taehyun glared at them, "Who the hell is that?"

"That's the biggest casanova on planet!" JungGuk finished Jimin's sentence, "Is he going to woo the angel?"

Rap Monster slapped a hand over JungGuk's mouth and glanced at Taehyung, "He's not that bad. I mean, I'm sure she won't really care."

As Rap Monster said that, Daehyun grabbed her arm and led her outside.

"The cake is leaving!" Jin yelled, pulling Jimin up and the others, "We have to go."

Taehyung sighed, "I know you guys are trying to help and honestly, I'm really jealous too, but it's her privacy, I think I should leave."

"What if Daehyun goes for the lips?" 

Taehyung stopped, "He wouldn't."

"Oh, honey, he so would." Suga said as he pulled him up, "Come on, let's go before they see us." 


Daehyun wiped the frosting off the corner of her lips with his fingers and he laughed.

Taehyung glared at both of them across the table as he sneered. 

"Would you like to order?"

Suga shooed away the waitress, "Can't you see we're busy?"

J-Hope nodded, "But get me some chocolate cake while you're at it."

The waitress left and Taehyung kicked the floor, "He looks like a little weasle." 

Jin scratched his chin, "I don't know, Taehyung. He sort of looks like you."

Rap Monster chuckled then stopped, "No, Jin. Our Taehyung is way more good looking. Look at his carrot hair." 

Taehyung flashed them a glare as they looked away.

Taehyung wondered if this Daehyun guy would really try to get at her. It was true no one really noticed angel, but he couldn't deny the fact that she was pretty cute. Pretty. Nice. Sweet. Cool. 

He felt a snap in front of his eyes as he tracked off from his thoughts.

"So what should we do on the project?" 

She looked up at Daehyun and shrugged, "Oh, I don't know. I was thinking about handing out roses, I mean, it is Valentines day."

"Wow, that sounds cute. Wouldn't it be a little cliche though? I mean, who would do that these days?" Daehyun questioned.

"That is quite true."

"I would give them to you, though."

She blushed as Taehyung grabbed the utensils and hit the table. 

J-Hope ate the chocolate cake and mumbled, "He's a great swooner." 

"And maybe candy grahms? That sounds good, right?" 

Daehyun nodded, "What are your favorite chocolates?" 

"Me? I like everything, but hershey - regular milk chocolate is the best for me." She smiled.

"Maybe I'll get you that." Daehyun winked.

"That's it!" Taehyung yelled when Suga and JungGuk grabbed him down.

"Shut up, she'll hear!" 

As Taehyung caused a rucus, Daehyun stood up and smiled, "I'll have to go now. I'll talk to you at school."

She nodded, "Alright, just hit me up when you have more ideas." 

As they waved at each other, she looked back and gave them all a glare.

"Mayday Mayday!" Jin yelled as he grabbed Jimin.

"What are you guys doing?" She yelled as she strutted over.

Rap Monster pushed Taehyung as he scratched his head and looked out the door, "Who was that?"

"Jung Daehyun." She crossed her arms, "What are you guys doing here?"

"J-Hope said Daehyun's the biggest casanova." 

"I didn't!" J-Hope yelled, "It was JungGuk and Jimmin!" 

She tapped her foot, "And you guys came here to see if I would cheat on you? Do you really not trust me?"

Taehyung looked down, "It's not that, it's just that--" 

She giggled, "You're really cute, Taehyung."

Taehyung looked up, "What? You're not mad?" 

She nodded, "I am mad. It makes me a little angry you don't trust me, but I don't care. I'm a little relieved you get jealous too." She pinched his cheeks, "You're cute, but don't do that. Trust me a little, yeah?" 

Taehyung nodded when he gave her a soft smile.

As Taehyung leaned in to kiss her, he heard giggles behind him.

Shotting them a glare, he slapped Jimin's head with a menu-board letting him fall on Jin's lap.

"Man down, man down!" 

She giggled and kissed his cheek, "Ready to take me home?"

He nodded and lend out a hand, "Let's go, Angel." 


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Chapter 27: Read this story years ago, and re-read it
Still love this story so much♥
Chapter 2: This story is super cute so far. A bit cliche with the good girl bad boy theme, but your style of writing is incredibly captivating. I look forward to reading further. Thank you for writing!
Kurosawa_Shizuka #3
Chapter 27: Honestly this story was soooo good. I really liked the way it was written and the way you led on about what actually happened between Jonghyun and Taehyung throughout the story drove me crazy >~< I really love the way you portrayed every character including the oc because she's not the so cliché badass perfect character, she has her own problems too :) The story wasn't rushed at all and it was an absolute joy to read this <3 Loving your writing, hwaiting and saranghae~ ^-^
rikominiko #4
Chapter 27: Too Badd~~ But it too sweet~ It to sweet x2
Chapter 27: AHHH Cuteness overload!!! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end
Chapter 27: Daebak! Author-nim... Very cute, fluffy, lovely, beautiful and what so ever you call it! It's so well writtened. Chukha hae for that. ^`^
decaseys #7
Chapter 27: Whoa this story is so great. Thank you authornim! :)
enefeydee #8
Chapter 27: ohmygahd just finished reading this at 5:37 in the morning... def one of my fave tae x oc fanfics!! this is beautiful, authornim :)
Chapter 27: Just finished reading. The question is: HOW TO MOVE ON FROM THIS STORY? It's beautiful. Angst,romance and fluff all in one. It's like 2:22 am here in my country. and I'm drowning in a sea of feels bcos of your story. Great job!!! :)
Re-reading this in 2016 and the feels are still as strong as ever.