


Picture not mine. Credits to owner. *nosebleed.

"This is so absurb." J-Hope whinned as he turned the page of his manga.

Jin and Jimin on a lollipop as they played card games while JungGuk was drawing on the desk.

Suga was looking at his phone and leaning on his table when he heard the door open.

As they all looked up to the thud that was made in front of them, they noticed Taehyung's backpack on the table.

Trailing their eyes to see Taehyung, they all gasped.

"Your hair." JungGuk pointed out with his pencil when J-Hope threw the manga on the floor and stared.

"Taehyung, what happened to your carrot hair?"

Taehyung shrugged, pulling out the chair and sitting, "I was tired of it. I wanted some change. Is it bad?" 

Suga shook his head, "No man, it looks good on you. Dark colors suit you the best." 

Jimin nodded, "That is excellent, my friend."

Taehyung lauhged a little as he took out his belongings. He heard the whispering of girls next to him as he glanced at them. The girls all giddly smiled and laughed as they let out a small whine when Taehyung smiled.

Taehyung looked down when his friends gathered over him.

"Since when do you smile at random girls?" Jin asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, your hair is different, your attitude is different, everything is different man." Jimin pointed out.

"I wanted to change myself. You know, become a better me." Taehyung smiled.

The others took a step back when they laughed, patting him, "That's great to hear. Our Taehyung is finally growing up."

Taehyung smiled at them when on the inside, he was dying.

He wanted to change his outer appearance to show his friends and others around him that he was okay. He didn't want to worry them.

"Should we go eat out tonight to celebrate?" J-Hope asked as he formed a cup with his hand and sipped it.

"You guys can go, I have to go see Rap Monster." Taehyung said, "I haven't seen him in a while and I want to go alone."

Jin nodded, "Yeah, that sounds good."

Suga put an arm around the others, "I guess it's just us again."

The others rolled their eyes as they walked back to their seats. 

Taehyung wondered how Rap Monster was doing. Because of him, he got hurt. He wanted to check if he was doing okay. But on the other hand, he wanted to see if Rap Monster could see through him.

Because right now, he was wearing a mask and no one knew about it.


She held onto her books tightly as she tried to brush past the people that were asking her questions.

She didn't mind having to answer them, but she was tired. She wanted to sit down and catch her breath. Drink some water and just relax. She had enough of people at the moment.

As she was about to enter her classroom, she stopped her tracks to see him leaning on the wall and talking to girls. It was the first time she saw him with any girls.

Taehyung laughed and covered his mouth whenever he did it. She wasn't used to him covering his mouth as he always laughed with a wide mouth.

His hair was black and she wondered if he was changing for the better.

Seeing him happy, she smiled a bit when she stopped. She noticed he was laughing, but his eyes were not changing. They were the same. They were dropped down and whenever girls laughed, he would look down until they looked at him again when he would start to laugh again.


She saw a classmate waving at her behind Taehyung. Taehyung glanced up and saw her in front of her classroom. As she was about to wave and say hello, Taehyung looked down.

Taehyung didn't even acknowledge her there. He began to talk to girls more and this time, his eyes were getting happier.

She looked down, feeling he disappointment and betray as she walked past him to meet her classmate.

As she walked by, Taehyung didn't look at her.

He tried his hardest not to face her or even see her when the bell rang.

"I'll see you next time, Taehyung." The girls cooed as Taehyung smiled and waved off.

As he sighed, he stood there for a while. Feeling his legs move, he shook his head.

Looking up, he cussed under his breath. *warning: F Bomb. 


Taehyung turned his head to see her walking away with the classmate.

Her hair was flowing in the wind as usual, she was holding onto many books while the guy next to her didn't even offer to help.

He watched her as she turned the corner and disappeared.

"I wasn't going to look back." He kicked the floor, "."

With that in mind, he went back to his classroom.


Taehyung opened the door of the hospital to see Rap Monster on the bed.

Rap Monster recently woken up yesterday and Taehyung couldn't see him that day.

As he looked at him, Rap Monster smiled, "Wassup boy?"

Taehyung gave him a sorry look, "Are you okay? I'm sorry."

Rap Monster chuckled, "It's not your fault. Honestly, I wasn't surprised when I woke up to bandaids on my ribs. I was actually surprised to see Suga sleeping next to me on the bed. That was surprising." 

Taehyung let out a small laugh, "I'm glad you're doing better."

"Wish I could say the same to you."

Taehyung looked down, sitting on the chair in front of the bed, "I brought you your manga and your favorite orange juice. The one that only sells in the market by your house."

Rap Monster smiled, "Thanks. I was in need of some Vitamin C." As he grabbed the belongings from Taehyung, he sighed.

"I heard about what happened between you and Angel."

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah. It's okay, I'm over it though. Nothing big."

"Are you sure about that?"

Taehyung nodded, "Of course."

"You can try fooling yourself, but you can't fool me." He pointed at his hair, "Your hair changed. Looks better on you." 

Taehyung smiled, "Yeah, it is quite true."

"Guess I can't call you carrot head anymore." 

"You can still call me that." Taehyung trailed off.

Rap Monster cleared his throat, "Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"Acting like everything is okay when it's not. It's obvious you're going through a hard time. Your hair changed, your attitude changed, I heard you've been smiling a lot. You know you can't fool people with your 'V' smile. Taehyung smile is way better." 

Taehyung laughed.

"Atta boy, that's the real one I'm looking for." Rap Monster chuckled.

"I actually saw her before I came here. I didn't get a chance to talkt o her or even wave at her. It was pathetic." Taehyung sulked.

"You need time." Rap Monster continued, "I'm sure she knows you're in a rough patch.  She should be too."

Taehyung nodded, "Like hell she'd know I'm in a rough patch. I've been smiling a lot so people think I'm okay."

"But you're not."

Taehyung bitterly smiled, "Yeah."

Rap Monster sat up a little bit better on the bed, "You should talk to her. I can't guarantee that something would come out of it like last time, but you should talk to her. I'm sure she misses you too."

"You think so?" He shook his head, "She's a busy girl. She's always on the go. She wouldn't even have time to miss me."

Rap Monster stared, "You never know, Taehyung."

Taehyung looked down, "I'll think about it. But no guarantees."

Rap Monster nodded, "Alright." 

Taehyung looked at Rap Monster. 

He was his best friend and he always looked at Rap Monster with such high authority.

They were very close and he awlays seen him as a role model a leader.

He knew everything Taehyung was going through.

All his masked expressions, his feelings, his thoughts, everything.

A smile crept on his lips when Taehyung knew at least someone noticed something about him.

But then he began to frown when he thought about her.

Deep inside, he had a selfish wish that he had as he talked to Rap Monster.

He wished that she would see him and notice he was having a hard time.

Because to Taehyung, honestly speaking, he knew she was having a hard time.

And as time began to pass, they both knew they were both wearing masks. 




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Chapter 27: Read this story years ago, and re-read it
Still love this story so much♥
Chapter 2: This story is super cute so far. A bit cliche with the good girl bad boy theme, but your style of writing is incredibly captivating. I look forward to reading further. Thank you for writing!
Kurosawa_Shizuka #3
Chapter 27: Honestly this story was soooo good. I really liked the way it was written and the way you led on about what actually happened between Jonghyun and Taehyung throughout the story drove me crazy >~< I really love the way you portrayed every character including the oc because she's not the so cliché badass perfect character, she has her own problems too :) The story wasn't rushed at all and it was an absolute joy to read this <3 Loving your writing, hwaiting and saranghae~ ^-^
rikominiko #4
Chapter 27: Too Badd~~ But it too sweet~ It to sweet x2
Chapter 27: AHHH Cuteness overload!!! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end
Chapter 27: Daebak! Author-nim... Very cute, fluffy, lovely, beautiful and what so ever you call it! It's so well writtened. Chukha hae for that. ^`^
decaseys #7
Chapter 27: Whoa this story is so great. Thank you authornim! :)
enefeydee #8
Chapter 27: ohmygahd just finished reading this at 5:37 in the morning... def one of my fave tae x oc fanfics!! this is beautiful, authornim :)
Chapter 27: Just finished reading. The question is: HOW TO MOVE ON FROM THIS STORY? It's beautiful. Angst,romance and fluff all in one. It's like 2:22 am here in my country. and I'm drowning in a sea of feels bcos of your story. Great job!!! :)
Re-reading this in 2016 and the feels are still as strong as ever.