Dented Stem



PIcture not mine. Credits to owner.

As she ran through the doors, she dropped her belongings on the table as she leaned on it. She put her hand over her face as she tried to quiet down her sobs.

She tried to hold it in, just like a big girl, but everything was going down the drain.

She wanted to stop everything and just go back in time, or maybe have the strength to become the better person, to become the stronger person that can shield away her heart, but as much as she tried, it just didn't work.

She grasped onto the rose he gave her as she squeezed it hard. The thorns on the rose pierced through her skin but she didn't feel any pain. The only pain she felt was only in her heart and in her mind.

Hearing the door squeak open, she quickly dries her eyes with her hands as she turns to face her back towards him.

"What's wrong?"

She shook her head, "Nothing." She lied, "There was something in my eye and I was getting it out."

He walked over and grabbed her hand. It was bleeding as it dripped down to the floor. As she glanced at it, she chuckled, "I didn't know that happened."

He took the rose out of her hand and threw it against the table when she abruptly released herself from him.

"Don't do that."

He looked at her confused, "What the heck is wrong with you? The rose is piercing through your skin. Can't you see your bleeding?"

"I don't care if I'm bleeding." She continued, "Just don't throw that."

Walking towards it, she grasped it, as the cut began to rip bigger. 

"~~~~~~!" He yelled when she put her head down. She crouched down on the floor and held onto the rose. As it pierced through her skin, she finally let out a cry.

Sobbing on the floor, she tried to erase all the memories that happened tonight or the other memories they both shared together. As much as she tried however, it never worked.

Throwing the rose across the floor full of anger, she lets the blood drip down her hands.

He walks over with a damp paper towel as it holds against her skin. As he blows cold air into it to stop it from stinging, she lets out a sigh.

"Kim Taehyung."

He dropped the damp towel in her hand when he shook his head, "Wait, what did you say?"

She tiredly looked up at him, "I met Kim Taehyung." 

He abruptly stood up, "Oh, uh--"

She looked up at him, "He's the one that hurt you, didn't he?" 

Jonghyun shook his head, "It's not him. Listen, it's getting late, I have to finish a project. You can clean yourself up, right? You're old enough."

As he headed toward the room, she motionlessly nodded, "I met him and we talked about you."

Jonghyun stopped, turning to face her, "What did you say?"

"I told him you were my brother." 


She shrugged, "That was it. Nothing more anyways." She grabbed the wall as she struggled to stand up. Jonghyun ran over and helped as his sister was wobbling down the kitchen floor.

"How is Taehyung?" 


Jonghyun's eyes widened. He never heard his little sister cuss or say words that didn't seem to fit her. She was innocent and pure. When did she start saying these words?


"He feels ty." She nodded, "I don't blame him. I feel ty too."

"What is going on with you? What happened between you two?" 

"ty things happened." She shook her head, "ty ty things." 

Jonghyun stared. He was worried about her. What did they talk about? Why was she acting like this? 

"Oppa," She whispered, "Would you believe me if I told you a story?" 

Jonghyun watched her as she glanced over at the rose, "After a long time, I fell in love." She then chuckled, "Honestly, I don't even know if it's considered love. I just began to really like someone."

Jonghyun bit his lips.

"We met some weird way. We began to talk and we had different interests but same opinions in many things. He began to see the things of me that others and even myself fail to see, and I began to see things in him. He was always there when I needed help and even though he looked bad, he was a good person. He would talk to me and for the first time, I was noticed as a human being and not as an angel at school. Isn't that amazing?" 

Jonghyun quietly stared at his sister talk. 

"And I sort of felt like he was the one. Someone who understood me so well. I mean, who cares if we were different? We actually completed each other and that was what was good. I liked him and he liked me." She sighed, "But everything became ty. Everything began bad when I saw him fight. He was a fighter and he almost killed someone." 

Jonghyun's eyes widened. He looked over at his sister when she had a look of saddness and confusion.

"I found out he had a record of almost killing someone and found out who he was trying to kill." She gently looked up at him, "My mystery lover you ask? None other than Kim Taehyung."

Jonghyun gasped as he stood up abruptly. He shook his head. This wasn't true.

"Bangsuk's legend, Choi Jonghyun's almost murderer, ~~~~~'s mystery lover, Kim Taehyung." She repeated. 

When she looked over at him, a tear slowly fell down her face, "What should I do, oppa?" 

Jonghyun kept shaking his head, "Stop."

"What should I do? You tell me what I should do. Should I stop seeing him? Should I stop loving him and do my best to get rid of him? Or should I just follow my heart and betray you? What should I do? Tell me what I should do."

"Be quiet." He hissed, "Don't mention his name again. Mystery lover? No, you're just being delusional because he's been acting nice." 

"He's the first person to understand me. To see behind my mask." 

"I don't care." Jonghyun yelled, "You know what he has done."

"And you know it was an accident!" She yelled, "It's been a few years." 

"So what are you trying to say? Because it was an accident, because it was a few years ago, I should just pretend it didn't happen and forgive and forget? I almost died and you say to my face, to your brother to forgive that bastard and let you date him?" 

She nodded, "I know it's not fair and I know it's selfish of me to think about this, but what am I supposed to do? Do you know how I felt when I found out he was the guy that almost killed you? Do you know how hard it was for me to know that the only guy that understood me was someone who I should never be with?" She asked.

Jonghyun looked away, "I don't care. This isn't going to happen. You better stop."

She grabbed onto his arm, "You're fine now, You're alive." 

He shook her off, "I'm alive, but my burning passion of hate for him is still there."


"Shut up and go to your room." He said as he grabbed the rose she threw on the floor. Grabbing it, he snaps it in half, "This is nothing. Swayed by a flower?" 

"Oppa!" She screamed as she grabbed the dented stem. Jonghyun quickly ripped off the petals and threw it on the floor.

"This is how he's going to treat you. He's going to act like he cares and when he gets the chance, he'll stomp you and kill you emotionally. He knows you are my sister. He knows and now he'll come to kill me again. Don't you know that by now?" 

"No, I promise you, he changed. He became better, I promise! He's gotten so much nicer and--"

"Are you taking his side?" Jonghyun hissed.

She took a step back, pulling her hair. 

"Either you pick him or you pick me." 

With that, Jonghyun glared at her and stomped to his room, slamming his door.

She fell to the floor, feeling the dented stem and the petals beside her.

Burring her face in her hands, she sobbed the whole night.


Taehyung looked over the window when he noticed she wasn't there. He always watched her everyday but today, she was nowhere to be seen.

Standing up, he walks outside to see if she was somewhere in the corner, but as always, she wasn't.

Grabbing a committee member, he spins him around, "Hey, is ~~~~~~ here today?"

"Angel? No, she didn't come in today. I think she's sick but who knows. She's not answering her phone."

Taehyung nodded, thanking the member and releasing him. 

Kicking the floor, he wonders if he should call her, text her, visit her in some way to help her.

But he knew either way, it's going to end badly.

With one last hopeful glance near the classroom, he sighs in defeat as he walks back in the classroom.







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Chapter 27: Read this story years ago, and re-read it
Still love this story so much♥
Chapter 2: This story is super cute so far. A bit cliche with the good girl bad boy theme, but your style of writing is incredibly captivating. I look forward to reading further. Thank you for writing!
Kurosawa_Shizuka #3
Chapter 27: Honestly this story was soooo good. I really liked the way it was written and the way you led on about what actually happened between Jonghyun and Taehyung throughout the story drove me crazy >~< I really love the way you portrayed every character including the oc because she's not the so cliché badass perfect character, she has her own problems too :) The story wasn't rushed at all and it was an absolute joy to read this <3 Loving your writing, hwaiting and saranghae~ ^-^
rikominiko #4
Chapter 27: Too Badd~~ But it too sweet~ It to sweet x2
Chapter 27: AHHH Cuteness overload!!! I'm so glad everything worked out in the end
Chapter 27: Daebak! Author-nim... Very cute, fluffy, lovely, beautiful and what so ever you call it! It's so well writtened. Chukha hae for that. ^`^
decaseys #7
Chapter 27: Whoa this story is so great. Thank you authornim! :)
enefeydee #8
Chapter 27: ohmygahd just finished reading this at 5:37 in the morning... def one of my fave tae x oc fanfics!! this is beautiful, authornim :)
Chapter 27: Just finished reading. The question is: HOW TO MOVE ON FROM THIS STORY? It's beautiful. Angst,romance and fluff all in one. It's like 2:22 am here in my country. and I'm drowning in a sea of feels bcos of your story. Great job!!! :)
Re-reading this in 2016 and the feels are still as strong as ever.