The Finale

I Will Crack You, Oh Sehun!

*Sehun’s POV*


“Jae-soo o-oppa?”


She halted in her actions and looked at the figure behind me. I turned around to see Hana’s father standing not too far away from me.


“Mina..Hong Mina, you haven’t changed, have you?” He said. My stepmother immediately went to Hana’s dad and reached out her hand to touch his face.


“I’ve missed you.” she said with so much love and longing that I never saw in her.


“Mina, please. Let Sehun go. He’s my son.” he said and shocked everyone in the room including me.


“What are you talking about, Jae Soo? Who’s your son? Our child is dead remember? We lost the baby when I fell down the stairs.” my step mother rambled on while I confusingly stared at Hana’s dad who was claiming to be my father.


“You’re wrong, Mina. The child survived.” he said and my stepmother paused to look at him with disbelief and looked at me with hatred.


“But, it can’t be. Sehun can’t be our son, Jae Soo. I refuse to believe it.” she said while shaking her head with both of her hands in her hair.


“Mina, stop. Look at me. Do you think I’m lying to you?” he grabbed onto her and made her look into his eyes.


“no, please. Tell me this is all a lie.”


“Sehun-ah.” he called my name and beckoned me to come closer.


“I-is this t-true?” I said with a shaky voice. I wanted to know what is going on because I was so confused.


*Flash Back 18 years Ago at Seoul hospital*


*Jae Soo’s POV*


I got a call from Xi Cheng saying Mina fell down the stairs and that she was in the hospital. I rushed out of the house and drove to the hospital. On my way to the hospital, I got a call from Sun Mi saying she is in labor and she needed to go to the hospital. She had called Xi Cheng several times, but he didn’t pick up. So, I decided to pick up Sun Mi along the way.


“Oppa, Thank you.” Sun Mi thanked me and she got taken away by doctors and nurses.


I ran around the hospital looking for Mina and Xi Cheng and finally I found Xi Cheng in front of a hospital room.




He looked up with a tired expression and gave me a small smile.


“It’s a boy.” he said. Although he knew the baby wasn’t his, he tried to be happy for me.


“The baby was saved?” I was overjoyed. I’m a father now.


“Yes, hyung. Congrats.”


“how about Mina? Is she okay?” I asked.


“She’s still unconscious. The doctor said she will be fine after she has rested.”


“Oh, thank god. I almost had a heart attack when you called me. By the way Cheng-ah, Sun Mi is at the hospital.” I told him.


“Sun Mi’s at the hospital?!”


“yes, she’s giving birth to your child right now.”


“What?! I gotta go hyung. Thanks for taking her to here. I owe you one.” he said and sprinted down the hall.


I went into the hospital room and saw Mina sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. Even if she was pale, you could tell from a glance that she was a beauty. I gently tucked some loose hair behind her ear. I remembered the night before her wedding when she came to me and asked me to elope with her. I rejected her offer because I knew how much she would suffer if she stays with a poor man like me. As much as I love her, Cheng is my best friend. I shouldn’t have started the affair, but we were both hopelessly in love.


“HYUNG!” Xi Cheng burst into the room.


“what’s wrong?” I asked him as he panted to catch his breath.


“Sun Mi is gone. So is Mina’s baby.”




He dragged me out of the room and took me to the baby’s room where there were tiny babies in the little cribs. We looked for my baby, but couldn’t find him. We went to Sun Mi’s room and found no traces of her either.


“Hyung, what should we do? Mina is going to kill me.” he said.


“Mina can’t know about this. She will surely hate you more than she already does.”


“What will we say to her, hyung?”


“We will have to lie to her and tell her she lost the baby.”


“You need to help me, hyung. She will most likely be okay if you stay with her.”


“I have to get out of your lives, Cheng. What you need is to fix your marriage. It was bad enough that both of you guys were having affairs. Now that Sun Mi is gone, you should devote your time to Mina only. I promise to stay out of your lives if you give me your promise.”


“You don’t have to do this, Jae Soo Hyung. I broke you guys apart. It was my own fault that Mina hates me.”


“No, we have to end this before it gets too complicated. Let me fix this for you, Cheng-ah. I owe it to you and your familiy. You father saved my life and treated me as his own son.”

*end of flash back*


“and that was the last time I saw any of you.”


“But I don’t understand. Why would he give me his fortune if I’m not his real son?” Sehun asked.


“I’m not exactly sure. Maybe because he felt guilty for taking Mina from me. Who knows?”


“I do.” said the lawyer who was sitting on the chair beside Luhan.


“He wanted you to reunite with your family, Jae Soo-shi. The will was a fake one. He intentionally stated Sehun as his heir so that you would come rescue Sehun from Mina.”


“Wait, the will was fake?” Sehun asked. He felt a bit dissapointed, but he knew Luhan deserves the company, so he was contented with that.


“yes, Sehun. Luhan here is the true heir.” the lawyer patted Luhan’s shoulder. Luhan was shocked with all these information thrown at him. But, he heartily accepted the will.


Later, Luhan did the paper work required to claim the company as his and said goodbye to the lawyer.


Sehun was sitting at the back of the car in between Mina and Jae Soo. Mina was crying while saying sorry a thousand times to Sehun.


“Sehun-ah, I’m so sorry….I didn’t know. I thought you were my enemy. Please forgive me?”


Sehun looked at her who was crying and begging him to forgive and accept her as his mother. He looked up to Jae Soo who was his biological father. Jae Soo gave him an encouraging smile.


“I-i forgive you.” Sehun said carefully. “but, that doesn’t mean I would readily accept you as my mother.”


Mina nodded sadly and said, “I understand. I’m sorry.” and got off the car when she reached her house. It was now just Sehun and Jae Soo.


“Um, a-appa?” Sehun called Jae Soo. He felt wierd calling him that.




“What about Hana?” Sehun asked him. He wanted to kill himself for falling in love with his own sister.


“She’s my adopted daughter, so she will be your sister, but not blood related of course.”


“Does that mean I can’t date her?”


“silly boy. I didn’t mean that. Maybe she can become my future daughter in law soon?” Jae Soo teased Sehun who was beet red.


“Maybe.” Sehun said inaudibly with his head down, but Jae Soo heard him and smiled.


When they both reached your house, you greeted them with a bright smile.


“Sehun!” you jumped up from the couch and hugged him.


“yah, you don’t even greet your own dad?” Jae Soo teased you. You rolled your eyes, but nevertheless, you went and hugged him.


“Hana, I have something to tell you.” Sehun while fidgeting on the spot.


“Why so nervous?” you chuckled.


“Hana, Jae Soo is my biological father.”




“It’s a long story.” Your dad sighed and told you the whole story.


“So, you’re like my brother? ewww. that’s freaking !”


“you are not my blood related sister. So, no it is not .” Sehun said.


“Even if you happen to be my real sister, I would still marry you.” he continued. You froze in your seat. Did you hear him correctly? He just said he would STILL marry you. Does that mean…he is intending to marry you?


“Did you just propose to me?” you asked and Sehun blinked his eyes rapidly and backed away from you slowly.




“yah! Oh Sehun, answer me!” You chased after him as he ran away from you. Sehun turned around and stuck his tongue out at you.


“I’m not telling~” he sang.


“You little brat! I will crack you, Oh Sehun!” You continued to chase after him.


~The END~


Thank you for reading this far. 

and thank you all for the support and love. 

I really enjoyed reading all your comments. 

It gave me joy and motivation to complete this story. 

I love you guys. keke <3

Take care and see you in my next new story! ^^

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A fluffy chapter for y'all~ I hope it had enough fluff. LOL I love you my lovely readers and subscribers and commentors!


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11xoxoxo #1
Chapter 37: Aigoo~ this is the cutest thing ever! >.<
ThehunIsMine #2
Chapter 14: What? Hyung? Lucy is a boy?
Chapter 37: Hello author-nim :)
I'm a new reader and I have done with this story.
I do love this story. First how Sehun's behaviour since I love how his poker face exist and yes I love the his Ice Prince characters.
I do love how Hana, Kris, Kai and Zinni too.. And also other characters :*
How compleceted their parents realitionship, and also how they're happy ending :)
Love it :)
Chapter 36: aumm .! daebak ! this story was v
great . i love it .
Daebak authornim!!
Chapter 37: Omo, I love your fanfic! It makes my heart flutter! But poor Kris but I love him too! Hehe, sorry for this sudden comment. I'm just so happy to read this fanfic! X)♥
Chapter 35: Such a plot twist, good job!!! I love it so much!
Chapter 35: ing ?! The hell?! It was awful!! I hate this fic! Why?! Such a bad storyline making me feel like a crazy maniac cuz i cant contain my feels u know?! I hate you! My sehun feels are just-! Aish .. thank u for making me a bish... i truly loved it.
Giggles02 #9
Chapter 8: Omg the fluffflynesssss
Awesome!!! I love it