Date Night

I Will Crack You, Oh Sehun!

“Omg OMg What should I wear??!” You scrunched up your hair in frustration.


There was only thirty minutes left until your date and you still haven’t found anything decent to wear.


You looked at the frilly dress in your right hand and shook your head. “ Too Girly.”


You picked up another dress that was black leather. “Nah Too much matrix.”


You threw it aside and picked up yet another dress. It was a cut out dress that shows your midriff. “hmmm...should I..or should I not?”


Finally, you decided to just wear a simple yet elegant white dress paired with a baby blue cardigan. You wore a neutral make up look with a cherry lip tint on your lips. You completed the look by letting your hair down in pretty mermaid waves.




“Coming!” You yelled and rushed down the stairs. When you opened the door, you were greeted with a very handsome Oh Sehun. He was wearing black jeans with a baby blue shirt.


“Hi.” You smiled at him. Sehun was standing there staring at you.


“Wow, you look so pretty.” He said.


You blushed hard at his compliment. “T-thank you. y-you look pretty too.”


“Pretty?” Sehun chuckled.


“I-I mean handsome.” You stuttered.


“Kyeopta.” he said and pinched your nose slightly. Your cheeks were burning from his actions. You were extremely glad that you forgot to put on some blush because it seemed like you won’t be needing it if Sehun continues to act this way.


“Where are we going?” You asked him.

“You will see.” he said and grabbed your hands and started walking.


Since Sehun doesn’t have a car, he brought a bike he borrowed from Suho.


“Sit.” He patted on the passenger seat as he got on the bike. You went and sat down behind him. You hesitantly grabbed onto his shirt when the bicycle started moving. Sehun grabbed your hands and put them around his waist.


“Hold on tight.” He said and started paddling faster. You were smiling the whole ride as you held onto Sehun. You thought to yourself that you didn’t need a car if you could ride like this with Sehun everyday.


Before you know it, Sehun had already reached the destination. It was a dock with many boats lined up.


Sehun started walking to one of the boats so you followed him with curiosity.


“Taadaaa~” He spread his arms wide at the small boat decorated with christmas lights all around it.


“Omo, Sehun-ah. It’s so pretty.” You looked at the boat in wonder as you and Sehun went inside the boat.


“You like it?” He asked even though it was obvious by your happy face.


“Iike it? I love it. How did you find this place?”


“I asked Luhan hyung for help, but I decorated this whole boat by myself.” He pounded his chest. You giggled at his adorableness.


“Are you hungry?” He asked.


“starving.” You said and patted your tummy.


Sehun chuckled, “Arraseo, I’ll make dinner for us. Wait here okay?” Sehun walked toward the mini kitchen inside the boat.


“Woah you can cook?” You asked him while sitting on the sofa.


“Of course. Is there anything I can’t do?” Sehun replied.


“Conceited.” you scoffed. Sehun laughed which made you laugh along with him.


“What are you making, Sehun-ah?”


“Steak bibimbap. Is that okay?” He asked and chopped the veggies on the board.


“Yummm! I love bibimbap.” You clapped your hands.


“I’m almost done~ Ahhh!” Sehun dropped the knife and held onto his finger.


“Omo Sehun-ah, Gwenchana?” You got from the couch and ran to him.


“I’m fine. Go sit down. I’ll finish up cooking.”


“But Sehun, you are bleeding.” You grabbed his finger that was bleeding and without thinking too much, you put it in your mouth and on it.


You didn’t realize that Sehun was staring at you intensely as you were on his finger. He noticed that you were so much prettier up close. Your long eyelashes framed your chocolate brown eyes perfectly. Your cherry lips looked inviting as you plopped his finger out with a pop.


“You should get a bandage.” You said and rinsed your mouth with water. When you turned to look at Sehun, you saw him staring at your lips.


“Wae? Do I have something on my lips?” You your bottom lip with your tongue to try to get rid of whatever you had on your lips. Your little action drove Sehun insane.


“A-ani.” He stuttered as he tried to control his urge to kiss you senseless.


“I’ll finish cooking, so you can go sit down Sehun-ah.” You said and prepared the food. While you guys were eating, you couldn’t help but notice that Sehun was acting strange. He would glance at your lips often and when you look at him, he would look away.


“Um, is something wrong?”


“N-no. Why?” Sehun fidgeted in his seat.

“Well you keep looking at my lips.” You chuckled when you saw Sehun gulped like he was in trouble or something.


“I wasn’t looking at your l-lips.” He coughed and tried to act normal.


You smirked, “Why? You don’t want to admitt you want to kiss me or something?” You laughed when you saw Sehun’s red face. You were having fun teasing him but you immediately shut up when Sehun got up from his seat and leaned across the dining table.


“Kim Hana, you are driving me insane.” He said and grabbed onto your neck and leaned closer to you. You closed your eyes waiting for him to kiss you, but it was interrupted when the boat rocked harshly making Sehun fall on his .


“Sehun-ah, is the b-boat supposed to be moving?”


“No.” Sehun replied and both of you ran up to the nearest window.


“UH OH.” You both said when you looked out the window. You guys were in the middle of the sea and it was pitch black outside.



Hello my lovely readers, 

Would you go on a boat date with our cutie Sehun? 


btw, I passed my american gov clep exam! I'm so happy. Thank you guys for the support. (: 


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A fluffy chapter for y'all~ I hope it had enough fluff. LOL I love you my lovely readers and subscribers and commentors!


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11xoxoxo #1
Chapter 37: Aigoo~ this is the cutest thing ever! >.<
ThehunIsMine #2
Chapter 14: What? Hyung? Lucy is a boy?
Chapter 37: Hello author-nim :)
I'm a new reader and I have done with this story.
I do love this story. First how Sehun's behaviour since I love how his poker face exist and yes I love the his Ice Prince characters.
I do love how Hana, Kris, Kai and Zinni too.. And also other characters :*
How compleceted their parents realitionship, and also how they're happy ending :)
Love it :)
Chapter 36: aumm .! daebak ! this story was v
great . i love it .
Daebak authornim!!
Chapter 37: Omo, I love your fanfic! It makes my heart flutter! But poor Kris but I love him too! Hehe, sorry for this sudden comment. I'm just so happy to read this fanfic! X)♥
Chapter 35: Such a plot twist, good job!!! I love it so much!
Chapter 35: ing ?! The hell?! It was awful!! I hate this fic! Why?! Such a bad storyline making me feel like a crazy maniac cuz i cant contain my feels u know?! I hate you! My sehun feels are just-! Aish .. thank u for making me a bish... i truly loved it.
Giggles02 #9
Chapter 8: Omg the fluffflynesssss
Awesome!!! I love it