That Feeling When

I Will Crack You, Oh Sehun!

“Omg Lucy is HOT.” Zinni said as she eyed Luhan at the Bubble tea shop.


“How can you tell? He is in girl clothes right now.” You said. You looked at Luhan and  laughed little when he got hit on by male customers.


“You people are so oblivious. How can you not tell it’s a guy?” She said.


“Hey I have an idea. Wanna bet on something?” You asked her with mischief in your eyes.


“Oooh What is it?” Zinni’s eyes lit up with the excitement.


“Ler’s call Kai and Kris over and see if they can figure out Lucy is a guy. I bet you five chocobubble tea that Kai will probably drool over Luhan.” You said with confidence.


“Make it ten my friend. I trust my bf because he has enough experience to differentiate. I doubt Kris can tell though. He’s a bit clueless. Remember that chinese transfer kid?”


“the one who looks like a panda with dark circles under his eyes?”


“yeah! and Kris thought he was a girl because he thought the kid was too ‘pretty’ to be a guy.”


“Hahahaha yeah I remember now. His name was Tao. Remember how he punched Kris when Kris asked him if he was a girl?”


“oh yeah! pfftttt his reaction was priceless. Man Kris can be such an idiot sometimes.” Zinni commented and you laughed.


You and Zinni were laughing so hard that you didn’t notice a dragon was fuming behind you both.


“What did you just say?” Kris asked you both with his ‘pissed off’ voice.


“UH OH.” You said as you turned around to see an angry dragon. Kris cracked his knuckles and lunged towards you guys.


“AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” You and Zinni yelled as you both ran away.


“Yah! you guys are dead when I catch you!” He said as he ran after you both. Zinni immediately took cover behind Kai when she saw him walked in the cafe. So Kris started chasing you only.


“Park Zinni you traitor!” You yelled as you ran past her.


Kris lunged forward and he almost caught you if it wasn’t for your fast reflex.


“Mehrong~” You childishly stuck your tongue out at him and ran away.


You were looking back at Kris as you ran so you didn’t see what was in front you and bumped into hard surface.


“Ouch!” You yelped as you fell down on your .


“You okay?” said Sehun. He had came out of the employee room just in time to see you running around like a mad monkey.


“Help.” You pouted and reached out your hands.


“Spoiled Brat.” Sehun chuckled and literally picked you up like a child.


“Hmmph, I am not.” You stomped your feet.


“Spoiled~” Sehun continued to tease you as he went past you.


“Yah! Oh Sehun, you meanie.” You scrunched up your face and folded your arms.


“Aigoo, so cute.” Luhan who came back from taking orders said and ruffled your pigtails which he made earlier when you got to work. You and Luhan got closer ever since Sehun told you the truth. Luhan sometimes act like you are his child.


“Can I take these out please? I look like a five year old.” You scowled at Luhan who was beaming at you.


“Andwe~ Nope. You look so adorable with these.” He said and continued pulling on them.


You sighed and said in a I-give-up voice, “Yes Mother.”


“Since when did Lulu become your mom?” Sehun said as he got back from the kitchen.

You just shrugged, but Luhan replied, “Since you impregnated me, Sehunnie.”


Sehun facepalmed and you burst out laughing.


“So Sehun is my dad?” You asked while you were still laughing.


“Ew, that’s like . NO. Nope not happening.” Sehun said.


“Ouch, Sehunnie. You hurt my feelings.” Luhan faked some tears which made you laugh even more.


“Can someone explain what’s going on?” Kris raised his hand as he eyed you three. You totally forgot about Kris. Oops.


“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later.” You smiled at him. Being flustered by your smile, Kris fidgeted in his spot and awkwardly went away toward Kai and Zinni. Of course, you were oblivious and did not notice it at all.


Sehun turned to you and said, “Don’t smile at him.”




“just don’t okay?”


“Ohhhhh Someone’s a little jealous~” Luhan sang as he went away to take orders.


At Luhan’s comment, Sehun’s face turned red. You giggled.


“Yah, Oh Sehun. Is that true?” you nudged him.


“What?” Sehun pretended he didn’t know what you were talking about.


“pshhh. Who’s jealous of that? there are plenty of girls who have prettier smiles.” Sehun joked.


You scoffed. “Fine! Go date those girls and I’ll go date Kris.” You said and started walking toward your friends where Kris was.


Not even after three steps, you felt strong arms around your waist.


“I don’t want those girls. I only want you.” he whispered in your ears. Your legs felt like jelly. You melted like a popsicle on a hot summer day.


“Sehun-ah, people are looking.” You said and tried to get out of his hug. You were so embarrassed and suddenly felt shy.


“Let them look so that they’ll know you are mine.”


“Since when did you become such a cheese pot?” You chuckled.


Sehun smiled. His eyes became adorable half moons that you cherished the most.


“Are you free this friday night?” He asked.


“Yeah I think so. W-Why?” You stuttered a little from nervousness. At that moment, you were thinking ‘Is he asking what I think he's asking?’


“Will you go out with me?” He asked as he reached for your hands.


You were momentarily stunned for like a minute. Never in a million year you would have guessed Sehun would make the first move. Of course for the past week ever since you found out everything, Sehun would show more affection toward you, but you didn’t think he would ask you out first. You thought somehow you would be the one to initiate it.


“Hana?” Sehun waved his hands in front of your eyes.


“oh right. Sorry. Yes, I would love to.” you said.


“Cool, I’ll pick you up around 7?” He gave you his boyish grin and you swore you would die from heart malfunction.


“y-yeah.” you bit your lips and nodded. Your heart was beating so hard that you were afriad it might jump out in front you.


And right at that moment, you realized the only boy who could make you feel this way was Oh Sehun.


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A fluffy chapter for y'all~ I hope it had enough fluff. LOL I love you my lovely readers and subscribers and commentors!


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11xoxoxo #1
Chapter 37: Aigoo~ this is the cutest thing ever! >.<
ThehunIsMine #2
Chapter 14: What? Hyung? Lucy is a boy?
Chapter 37: Hello author-nim :)
I'm a new reader and I have done with this story.
I do love this story. First how Sehun's behaviour since I love how his poker face exist and yes I love the his Ice Prince characters.
I do love how Hana, Kris, Kai and Zinni too.. And also other characters :*
How compleceted their parents realitionship, and also how they're happy ending :)
Love it :)
Chapter 36: aumm .! daebak ! this story was v
great . i love it .
Daebak authornim!!
Chapter 37: Omo, I love your fanfic! It makes my heart flutter! But poor Kris but I love him too! Hehe, sorry for this sudden comment. I'm just so happy to read this fanfic! X)♥
Chapter 35: Such a plot twist, good job!!! I love it so much!
Chapter 35: ing ?! The hell?! It was awful!! I hate this fic! Why?! Such a bad storyline making me feel like a crazy maniac cuz i cant contain my feels u know?! I hate you! My sehun feels are just-! Aish .. thank u for making me a bish... i truly loved it.
Giggles02 #9
Chapter 8: Omg the fluffflynesssss
Awesome!!! I love it