Oh Sehun

I Will Crack You, Oh Sehun!

Sehun was only seven years old when his mother died. He grew up with a single mom, so he never knew his dad. Since he had no other relatives, a social worker took him away to an orphanage.


Sehun was ten years old when he was brought to the Xi household. They told him that the master of the household was his biological father. He was excited and nervous to finally meet the dad he had always dreamt of, but upon meeting his dad, he also met his wife along with their son, Luhan. His father couldn’t care less about him. He was always on business trip. Meanwhile, his stepmother made his days miserable. She made him do errands around the mansion like a servant boy. The only comfort he had in that horrid place was his half brother, Luhan.


Sehun was fifteen years old when he ran away from home. His father died in a car crush and left his will stating that he had inherited the company along with other assets. The stepmom was outraged by this. Although she came from an already well off family, she still wanted the wealth from her husband. That very night she tried to kill Sehun by sending an assassin into his room. Sehun managed to escape and he had been running from his stepmom ever since then.


Sehun could clearly remember the day he met Hana. He had been on the run like usual going all over the country. It was a rainy day in october. He curled up next to a wall near a playground. He was half asleep when a girl with long brown hair approached him.


“Are you okay?” The girl asked. Her big chocolate brown eyes blinking at him in curiosity. He had to admit she was very pretty. He hated being stared at, so he hid his face in his jacket.


“Are you hurt anywhere?” She asked again. He shook his head. She was about to ask him something again. but a voice from a far cut her off.


“Hana-ah! We gotta go!” Her friend yelled at her.


“I have to go now, but you might need this.” she said and shoved her red umbrella to Sehun and ran over to her friend.


“Hana.” He whispered her name as if trying to memorize it.


As if Hana was his lucky charm, that very day Sehun met Suho, who took him in and offered him a job after hearing his story.

Suho insisted that Sehun need to continue his education. So Sehun changed his surname into Oh which was his mother’s maiden name. Sehun also changed his appearance. He dyed his dark brown hair into platinum blonde. For enrollment, Suho acted as his guardian, so he was able to attend school.


His first day of school was a pleasant surprise for him. He was introduced to his classmates and students in his class murmured in excitement because they never had a transfer student in the middle of the school year. He was taking notes when a familiar looking girl with a long brown hair barged into the class with shortage of breath.


“KIM HANA.” The teacher gritted her teeth as she called out the said girl’s name. After catching her breath, Hana sheepishly smiled to the teacher and said, “Ahnyeonghaseyo, Songsaengnim.”


“Yah you little twerp! This is the fifth time you are late in a month. Come to class on time next time or else.” The teacher said. Hana gave her a bow and went to her desk. Sehun had been watching her the entire time with amusement.


At lunch time, a lot of girls and guys came up to Sehun and asked him a bunch of questions.


“Hi, Sehun right? What school did you go to?” One girl asked.


“Do you have a girlfriend?” Another one asked.


“Hey man, wanna hang out with us after school?” one of the guys from his class asked.


To all the questions, Sehun didn’t answer any of them and left after giving them a slight bow. He had made up his mind that the less people he knew, the better because he didn’t want bother anyone. From then on, the legend of the Ice Prince Oh Sehun was born.


One day at school, Sehun had the opportunity to be Hana’s Chemistry lab partner. He was a bit nervous because he thought she might recognize him.


“Hi, I’m Hana. What’s your name again? sorry, I was late that day when you introduced to our class.” She said while smiling at him. Although his heart was beating loudly, Sehun managed to keep his poker face.


“Oh Sehun.” he said.

“cool. I hope you know chemistry because I absolutely have no idea what we are doing right now.” Hana laughed and then she stopped after realizing Sehun wasn’t laughing along with her.


“You don’t talk much do you?” she said and shrugged when Sehun didn’t reply.


Since then, Hana was the only one who kept on talking to him even if other classmates avoided him.


“Morning, Oh Sehun!” She would greet him whenever she sees him in the morning. To which Sehun would just ignore her. Even though he would always smile at her actions when she wasn’t looking.


That was the Sophmore year. When Junior year of High School came, Sehun and Hana rarely saw each other because they were placed in different classes. Sehun would hear random rumors about Hana and her suitors. He would secretly watch Hana turned down every single guy that ever approached her.


Sehun didn’t know when he had became obsessed with Kim Hana. He would sometimes walk in the hallway during lessons just to catch glimpses of Hana who was in the other class.


Finally, Senior year helped Sehun meet Hana again. He was super excited when he saw his name under the same class with Hana on the school announcement board.


Unlike the sophmore year when Hana was very open and friendly with Sehun, he noticed that Hana became very shy around him. She wasn’t as bold as she was two years ago.


He knew she liked him. Hana wasn’t very good at keeping her feelings secret. When she started working with him at Bubble Paradise, he knew he couldn’t contain his feelings any longer.


A visit from Luhan was like waken up by a splash of cold water in the face. Sehun was mortified when he saw Luhan in girl clothing.




“Sehun-ah, I’ve missed you so much!” said Luhan and threw his arms around Sehun.


“Lu Hyung? Why are you dressed like a girl?” Sehun asked.


“Do you like it? I disguised myself so that mom won’t suspect anything.”


At the mention of his stepmother, Sehun stiffened. Luhan sighed.


“Sehun-ah, you are turning 18 in a month. Mom can’t do anything to you when you finally get the inheritance. And I have no objection against you taking father’s inheritance either. You deserve it better than I do, Sehun-ah. You can take over the company without difficulty with your smart intellect.”


“b-but Lu, I can’t just leave my life here.” Sehun said.


“Oh god, it’s a girl isn’t it?” Luhan asked.


When Sehun turned the other way, Luhan continued, “Sehun-ah, you’ve been waiting for this moment to take over father’s company. Remember all those people who looked down on you? Now you can show them what you are made of. Don’t tell me you want to throw it all away because of a girl?”


“I’m not saying I will throw it all away. I need some time Lu.” Sehun said down and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.


“okay, I understand, but think of the big picture Sehun-ah.” Luhan patted Sehun’s back like he always did when Sehun was feeling down.


“By the way, how long are you gonna be here?”


“Til you turn 18, then I’m taking you to our family lawyer for your inheritance.”


“Thanks, Luhan Hyung.” Sehun hugged Luhan.


“uhhhh..this is a bit awkward..you look so much like a girl.” Sehun said after he pulled back to look at Luhan’s girl face.


Luhan flipped his realistic looking wig hair and said in his girl voice, “Thank you, Sehun Oppa.”


“Ewww Hyung. Please don’t ever do that again.”


dear readers, 

I edited the the first paragraph in Chapter 2. At first I wrote the only interaction Hana had with Sehun was bumping into each other. Now I changed it to her becoming lab partners with Sehun in 10th grade. 


For those of you who are not familiar with the grades. 

High School years

9th grade- Freshman year

10th grade- Sophmore year

11th grade- Junior year

12th grade- Senior year ( the last year of High School) 


THank you guys for reading! (: 

Your comments made my day. 

P.S. to those of you who guessed Lucy was Luhan, congrats guys you got it right! :D




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A fluffy chapter for y'all~ I hope it had enough fluff. LOL I love you my lovely readers and subscribers and commentors!


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11xoxoxo #1
Chapter 37: Aigoo~ this is the cutest thing ever! >.<
ThehunIsMine #2
Chapter 14: What? Hyung? Lucy is a boy?
Chapter 37: Hello author-nim :)
I'm a new reader and I have done with this story.
I do love this story. First how Sehun's behaviour since I love how his poker face exist and yes I love the his Ice Prince characters.
I do love how Hana, Kris, Kai and Zinni too.. And also other characters :*
How compleceted their parents realitionship, and also how they're happy ending :)
Love it :)
Chapter 36: aumm .! daebak ! this story was v
great . i love it .
Daebak authornim!!
Chapter 37: Omo, I love your fanfic! It makes my heart flutter! But poor Kris but I love him too! Hehe, sorry for this sudden comment. I'm just so happy to read this fanfic! X)♥
Chapter 35: Such a plot twist, good job!!! I love it so much!
Chapter 35: ing ?! The hell?! It was awful!! I hate this fic! Why?! Such a bad storyline making me feel like a crazy maniac cuz i cant contain my feels u know?! I hate you! My sehun feels are just-! Aish .. thank u for making me a bish... i truly loved it.
Giggles02 #9
Chapter 8: Omg the fluffflynesssss
Awesome!!! I love it