Who is Lucy?

I Will Crack You, Oh Sehun!

“Sehun-ah!” Lucy ran up to Sehun and grabbed his hands which were holding yours previously. You scoffed at the girl’s brazen behavior.


“We need to talk.” Sehun said to Lucy with a serious face. Lucy nodded and followed Sehun outside the shop after giving you a judging glance.


You watched Sehun and Lucy talking or more like arguing outside through the shop’s window. Sehun looked like he was desperately asking something from Lucy to which Lucy was yelling angrily back at him. After awhile, it looked like Sehun won the argument. Lucy and Sehun came back inside.


“Ahnyeong!” you greeted her because you didn’t want to be rude.


“Yah, I’m older than you brat. Show some respect.” She said.


“Ah Mianheyo, unnie.” You apologized. (Author’s note: Unnie is equivalent to a title referring to an older female and Hyung is  a title for referring to an older male.) Lucy was glaring at you and judging you from head to toe which made you very uncomfortable, so you decided to get away from her.


“I don’t think she likes me.” You said to Suho who was putting money in the cash register. Suho chuckled.


“I’m sure she will warm up to you soon.” He said.


You looked at Lucy who was still glaring at  you. “I highly doubt it.” You said.


The rest of your work day was the worst you’ve had in your history of working at Bubble Paradise. Lucy would purposely mixed up your orders and made you redo the drinks again. And if that wasn’t enough, she would constantly pester you with personal questions.


“Who are you to Sehun?”


“I dunno..” You replied awkwardly. You didn’t feel like bragging to her that not more than an hour ago Sehun declared you as an important person to him.


“Why are you so close to him?” Lucy would not stop asking about your relationship with Sehun.


“Because we go to same school? and we work together?” You said it in a DUH tone and rolled your eyes mentally. You were getting annoyed with Lucy’s nosy questions.


You tried to avoid her as much as possible. You went into the employee lounge after your shift. You saw Sehun sitting on the couch, so you slumped down next to him.


“I’m so tired..Lucy wouldn’t leave me alone.” You laid your head on the sofa and closed your eyes.


“Sorry about Lucy. She can be a bit annoying at times.” Sehun said. You were kinda jealous when he said that. It sounded like he was really familiar with Lucy.


“How do you know Lucy?” You asked in your best non-suspicious voice with your eyes still close.


“We grew up together. She’s my childhood friend.” He said. You felt the sofa dipped slightly as he moved closer to you. “Why? Are you jealous, Hana?” He asked. You opened your eyes and he was smirking at you. Oh, how you love his handsome face.


“Psshhh, I’m not jealous.” You turned your body to the other side.


“You shouldn’t be because Lucy is actually a…”


“AHem AHem! oh am I interrupting something?” Lucy asked like she didn’t know you guys were in the room.


“Sehun-ah, I’m going home now. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” You said and quickly left the room. You felt weird around Lucy. It was like you can sense there was something odd about her.


After you left, Sehun sighed as Lucy sat down on the spot where you sat previously. Lucy patted Sehun’s back and said, “You have to tell her soon, Sehun-ah. You know you can’t hide it forever, right?”


“I know, Hyung...I know.”


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A fluffy chapter for y'all~ I hope it had enough fluff. LOL I love you my lovely readers and subscribers and commentors!


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11xoxoxo #1
Chapter 37: Aigoo~ this is the cutest thing ever! >.<
ThehunIsMine #2
Chapter 14: What? Hyung? Lucy is a boy?
Chapter 37: Hello author-nim :)
I'm a new reader and I have done with this story.
I do love this story. First how Sehun's behaviour since I love how his poker face exist and yes I love the his Ice Prince characters.
I do love how Hana, Kris, Kai and Zinni too.. And also other characters :*
How compleceted their parents realitionship, and also how they're happy ending :)
Love it :)
Chapter 36: aumm .! daebak ! this story was v
great . i love it .
Daebak authornim!!
Chapter 37: Omo, I love your fanfic! It makes my heart flutter! But poor Kris but I love him too! Hehe, sorry for this sudden comment. I'm just so happy to read this fanfic! X)♥
Chapter 35: Such a plot twist, good job!!! I love it so much!
Chapter 35: ing ?! The hell?! It was awful!! I hate this fic! Why?! Such a bad storyline making me feel like a crazy maniac cuz i cant contain my feels u know?! I hate you! My sehun feels are just-! Aish .. thank u for making me a bish... i truly loved it.
Giggles02 #9
Chapter 8: Omg the fluffflynesssss
Awesome!!! I love it